Clinton: We made a person who committed sexual assault president

What is it with Hillary? She keeps insisting on giving us ammunition to use against her. You'd think she would recuse herself from discussions about sexual predators but instead she just keeps doubling down on accusing Trump of sexual misconduct when she is the ultimate sexual predator enabler. The woman is certifiable.

I read somewhere that Bernie was out in front. Gee I hope they can find someone; Schweitzer seems a real possibility; former Gov of Montana. Should have been instead of any of the others imo.(Dem side that is).

Clinton: We made a person who committed sexual assault president
Source: MSN/The Hill
Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton discussed the culture of sexual assault following a myriad of new sexual harassment and assault allegations against Hollywood film producer and longtime Democratic donor Harvey Weinstein. In an interview with the U.K.'s Channel 4 News on Saturday, Clinton said:

"Look, we just elected someone who admitted sexual assault to the presidency. So there's a lot of other issues that are swirling around these kinds of behaviors that need to be addressed," Clinton said when asked if she had heard rumors of Weinstein's behavior before the bombshell reports.

"I think it's important that we stay focused, and shine a bright spotlight, and try to get people to understand how damaging this is," she continued.

* * *
Trump faced major backlash during the presidential campaign when he was heard bragging about groping and kissing women on a leaked "Access Hollywood" tape from 2005.

Read more: Clinton: We made a person who committed sexual assault president

Clinton is 100% right. The right is filled with scum.
She's talking about her husband.

Because he lied under oath in his sexual harassment lawsuit.
His perjury led to his disbarment.
He paid nearly $1 million to the woman he harassed to end the lawsuit.

Clinton was acquitted on Trial in the Senate

No he was not disbarred

On his last day in office in 2001, Clinton agreed to a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license in order to head off any criminal charges for lying under oath about his relationship with Lewinsky. Clinton has been eligible to seek reinstatement of his license since 2006, but as of 2013 he had not applied to do so.

Shortly after Clinton’s license was suspended in Arkansas, the U.S. Supreme Court suspended Clinton from presenting cases in front of the highest court (which he had never done) and gave him 40 days to contest his disbarment (which Clinton did not do). Instead, he resigned from the Supreme Court bar:

Bill Clinton paid $850,000 to settle the suit without admitting liability.

Says Hillary Clinton "viciously" attacked women abused by Bill Clinton.
Donald Trump on Sunday, October 9th, 2016 in the second presidential debate
Hillary covered for Weinstein and who knows how many other pedos and predators, therefore, Trump
Antony Wiener

The Democratic party's stable of potential 2020 presidential nominees is growing daily -


... Anthony Weiner is out of the picture only because he's going to jail... we're all three of the others should be going as well.

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Here is the correct quote for the record
"Look, we just elected someone who admitted sexual assault to the presidency....."

Bill Clinton did not go on a Shock Jock Radio show with Howard Stern to brag about sexual conquests . That was done by the Orange Weinstein...a man who described what he could and would do to the victim. Bill Clinton for the record has denied assaulting anyone...

“Look, we just elected someone who admitted sexual assault to the presidency.”

— Hillary Clinton, in an interview with the U.K.’s Channel 4 News, when asked about assault allegations against Hollywood film producer Harvey Weinstein.

Bill Clinton for the record has denied assaulting anyone...

Bill Clinton, under oath committed perjury.
Bill Clinton was disbarred.
Bill Clinton was impeached.
Bill Clinton paid nearly $1 million to his victim to end her lawsuit.
Bill Clinton was politically indicted ...that is called Impeachment...He went to Trial in the Senate and He prevailed ...He was acquitted
while most agreed his actions were immoral and wrong, they either did not feel the burden of proof had been met to prove a criminal offense beyond a shadow of a doubt, or believed that the offense did not injure the fabric of democracy or impede his ability to govern and was therefore not serious enough to warrant removing him.

Trump on the other hand had to pay $25 million to the Victims of his "University" scam and had to pay a one million dollar fine to the Government

again ...

Bill Clinton for the record has denied assaulting anyone...
Clinton had to pay Paula Jones $850,000 even though she was suing for several hundred grand less than that. He lured her into a hotel room and took out his tiny little erection that was only as big as a roll of quarters and bent at the end. :lol:
Bill Clinton was impeached by the house before being saved by the Democrats in the Senate...
The Senate is the Jury in a Political trial ... You may not like it BUT CLINTON WAS ACQUITTED
Yes, the Senate protected Clinton much like Obama protected all of the criminals and his administration.

The Democrats in the Senate protecting President Clinton does not take away from the fact that he was still impeached in the House.
Translated from the wing Nut did not like the Verdict LOL
She was suing for several hundred grand less than that. He lured her into a hotel room and took out his tiny little erection that was only as big as a roll of quarters and bent at the end.
Trump was taking yellow Urine showers in Moscow while the KGB filmed
She was suing for several hundred grand less than that. He lured her into a hotel room and took out his tiny little erection that was only as big as a roll of quarters and bent at the end.
Trump was taking yellow Urine showers in Moscow while the KGB filmed
And of course you are simply lying again.
Because he lied under oath in his sexual harassment lawsuit.
His perjury led to his disbarment.
He paid nearly $1 million to the woman he harassed to end the lawsuit.

Clinton was acquitted on Trial in the Senate

No he was not disbarred

On his last day in office in 2001, Clinton agreed to a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license in order to head off any criminal charges for lying under oath about his relationship with Lewinsky. Clinton has been eligible to seek reinstatement of his license since 2006, but as of 2013 he had not applied to do so.

Shortly after Clinton’s license was suspended in Arkansas, the U.S. Supreme Court suspended Clinton from presenting cases in front of the highest court (which he had never done) and gave him 40 days to contest his disbarment (which Clinton did not do). Instead, he resigned from the Supreme Court bar:

Bill Clinton paid $850,000 to settle the suit without admitting liability.

Says Hillary Clinton "viciously" attacked women abused by Bill Clinton.
Donald Trump on Sunday, October 9th, 2016 in the second presidential debate
Funny how snowflakes are attempting to defend the first president of the United States ever to be sued and have to testify in a court of law while sitting as president, a president found guilty of contempt of court for attempting to deny a US citizen of their constitutional right to a fair trial by being deceitful.

Bill Clinton is a criminal sexual deviant sexual haraser, sexual assaulter, rapist, and pedophile who was impeached. His wife, a two-time presidential election loser, is a career corrupt Criminal and his enabler who bullied and silenced his victims.

And in the midst of the latest leftist sexual Criminal meltdown you continue two pathetically try to defend these criminals and attempt to point fingers at the Republicans.

Let us know when the clintons and the Obamas return all of that money from Weinstein...
Trump was taking yellow Urine showers in Moscow while the KGB filmed
Now you are pathetically trying to cite a fake news false report filled with Russian propaganda that Obama and Comey tried to purchase from foreign agents.

Why don't you just pull an MSNBC and cite a white supremacy website as your next legitimate news source?! :p

The stench of your desperation is coming through my computer screen...
Bill Clinton was impeached by the house before being saved by the Democrats in the Senate...
The Senate is the Jury in a Political trial ... You may not like it BUT CLINTON WAS ACQUITTED
Yes, the Senate protected Clinton much like Obama protected all of the criminals and his administration.

The Democrats in the Senate protecting President Clinton does not take away from the fact that he was still impeached in the House.
Translated from the wing Nut did not like the Verdict LOL
I didn't expect anything less from the democrats' than to protect one of their own criminal sexual deviants from full impeachment. The the vote in the Senate still does not take away the fact that Bill Clinton was impeached by the House.
Bill Clinton:
Career-long history os sexual crimes

Embarrassed himself in United States by lying to the World on TV claiming, 'I did not have sex with that woman'


First sitting president to have to testify in a lawsuit against him, one for sexual harassment, one in which he was forced to pay off his victim and in which he was found guilty of contempt of court for attempting to deny a US citizen of their right to a fair trial by engaging in deceit.

Again let me know when the Clintons and the Obamas return all that money from Weinstein...
How is it possible that lefties forgot Hillary's "bimbo eruption squad" that was organized and obviously intended to intimidate her husband's victims with government resources?
They never forgot. That is one of the many items in their 'denial closet'.

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