Civil rights victory! Biden's "Ministry of Truth" collapses

Of course it was

As someone pointed out the hunter biden laptop story was dismissed as disinformation

All they have to do is name the russians and the truth czar haws a free hand to after any American who says the story is real
I am not seeing it:

Do you mean from your political hit job site? Yeah, ok.

I bet I could find out when the next date we can expect Florida to be underwater from climate change on this site as well. No thanks.
Are you saying that a Republican led commission did not find out that Trump had actually colluded with Russia?

That is some chutzpah !!!!
Identify with Democrats, yes, vote at all? No.

But a new analysis of Pew Research Center survey data collected in the fall lead-up to the 2014 midterm elections finds that at least as striking is the degree to which those who are financially insecure opt out of the political system altogether, and how that opting out disproportionately affects Democratic support.

This pattern is not unique to 2014. Looking back at voting records from four years earlier, 69% of the most financially secure cast ballots in the 2010 midterm, while just 30% of the least financially secure did so1.

Yes, I agree they are less likely to vote. Those that do vote tend to vote Democratic. Do you see now why the Democratic Party works so hard to get these folks out to vote? It isn't because Democatic politicians want to help the poor, it is because Democratic policiticans need the port to help them. It is also why Democratic politicians are allowing an influx of poor people from other countries into the US. It is a replacement theory meant to replace more affluent Republican voters with more poort Democratic voters. God knows they don't want these poor people to actually become successful because the smart ones would realize that voting for Democrats is a losing proposition. Now if only non-poor Democrats would come to this realization before it is too late...but I won't hold my breath.
Are you saying that a Republican led commission did not find out that Trump had actually colluded with Russia?

That is some chutzpah !!!!

There was no Russian collusion. When will you ever get that through your head? If it existed, I can assure you Trump would have been impeached. It was nothing more than a witch hunt started by crooked Hillary and Sussmann who is now on trial for his lies.

Please tell me you are not one of the Jewish Democrats. A Jewish person voting for Democrats is absolutely baffling and frustrating.
It'll be back. With a new more innocuous, seemingly benign...

And the really sad part is, despite their protestations, the next Republican president will keep it. Because never in the history of the office has a president willingly given up powers bestowed upon the it by his predecessors.
Yes, I agree they are less likely to vote. Those that do vote tend to vote Democratic. Do you see now why the Democratic Party works so hard to get these folks out to vote? It isn't because Democatic politicians want to help the poor, it is because Democratic policiticans need the port to help them. It is also why Democratic politicians are allowing an influx of poor people from other countries into the US. It is a replacement theory meant to replace more affluent Republican voters with more poort Democratic voters. God knows they don't want these poor people to actually become successful because the smart ones would realize that voting for Democrats is a losing proposition. Now if only non-poor Democrats would come to this realization before it is too late...but I won't hold my breath.
Except that the Democrats DO want to help the poor, always have and will continue to do so regardless of your attempts to make them look like nothing but liars and users of the poor.
There was no Russian collusion. When will you ever get that through your head? If it existed, I can assure you Trump would have been impeached. It was nothing more than a witch hunt started by crooked Hillary and Sussmann who is now on trial for his lies.

Please tell me you are not one of the Jewish Democrats. A Jewish person voting for Democrats is absolutely baffling and frustrating.
He was Impeached twice. The Senate not convicting him is another story.

Enough said.
He was Impeached twice. The Senate not convicting him is another story.

Enough said.

The impeachments were COMPLETELY political. The House was run by Pelosi and her herd of sheep. That is enough said.
This report confirms that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 election. It confirms the worst suspicions about Trump’s relationship with Russia, filling in the holes left in the report from former special counsel Robert Mueller. As Trump excuses Russian President Vladimir Putin placing bounties on U.S. troops and Russia continues to interfere in our democracy to aid Trump’s reelection, this report makes clear that there is no such thing as a coincidence with Trump and Russia.

The report from the Republican-led panel details close political coordination among the Trump campaign, Wikileaks, and Russian intelligence and operatives in 2016. At the most pivotal moment of that campaign, when the Access Hollywood tape revealing President Trump’s confession of a lifetime of sexual assault, Trump’s confidante Roger Stone successfully requested that Russia’s illegally hacked materials be released immediately.

This revelation also explains why President Trump dangled a pardon for Roger Stone for months, why U.S. Attorney General William Barr gave Stone special treatment amidst an open rebellion from U.S. Department of Justice professionals, and why Trump went even further to commute Stone’s sentence as Stone was concealing these facts from federal investigators. Trump lied to law enforcement about his conversations with Stone and needed Stone to keep quiet about it. This raises serious criminal questions for both Trump and Stone to which the next administration should give full scrutiny.

Everything in that report has been debunked. They were simply wrong.
This report confirms that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 election. It confirms the worst suspicions about Trump’s relationship with Russia, filling in the holes left in the report from former special counsel Robert Mueller. As Trump excuses Russian President Vladimir Putin placing bounties on U.S. troops and Russia continues to interfere in our democracy to aid Trump’s reelection, this report makes clear that there is no such thing as a coincidence with Trump and Russia.

The report from the Republican-led panel details close political coordination among the Trump campaign, Wikileaks, and Russian intelligence and operatives in 2016. At the most pivotal moment of that campaign, when the Access Hollywood tape revealing President Trump’s confession of a lifetime of sexual assault, Trump’s confidante Roger Stone successfully requested that Russia’s illegally hacked materials be released immediately.

This revelation also explains why President Trump dangled a pardon for Roger Stone for months, why U.S. Attorney General William Barr gave Stone special treatment amidst an open rebellion from U.S. Department of Justice professionals, and why Trump went even further to commute Stone’s sentence as Stone was concealing these facts from federal investigators. Trump lied to law enforcement about his conversations with Stone and needed Stone to keep quiet about it. This raises serious criminal questions for both Trump and Stone to which the next administration should give full scrutiny.

Why did it take you over 100 posts to get to the only subject we know you really care about?
Are you ok with Republican voters getting welfare if they need some?

Name me one country which does not help their poor with subsidies?

Americans in need do not deserve to be helped. Let us look at the history of SNAP

Who would you want to deny any help, welfare to?


In the United States, millions of people face hunger and food insecurity each day. Unable to provide for themselves and their families, they turn to food assistance programs for both short and long term needs.

The USDA defines food insecurity as “a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food” (USDA, 2019). About 40 million Americans struggle with food insecurity each year. Anumber of factors perpetuate food insecurity in the United States. Economic recession and natural disasters drastically increase the number of people with limited access to food. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic brought about social distancing measures that disrupted the daily lives of Americans and increased unemployment as businesses closed or laid off workers. These factors seriously exacerbated food insecurity (Feeding America, 2020).

A report, published by the Northwestern Institute of Policy and Research, analyzed data from COVID-19 impact surveys and concluded that food insecurity “doubled overall and tripled among those with children” (Schanzenbach and Pitts, 2020). In particular, the rates of food insecurity among Black and Hispanic Americans during the early months of the pandemic was higher than White Americans with “approximately 2 in 5 Black and Hispanic households with children” experiencing food insecurity (Schanzenbach and Pitts, 2020). The rising rates of food insecurity placed unprecedented demand on food banks. This same survey indicated that 1 in 10 people who responded to the survey interacted with food banks in the prior week (2020, Schanzenbach and Pitts).

Food insecurity! In this country?
Stop letting your feelings control your thoughts. Everybody in America will be better off.
This report confirms that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 election. It confirms the worst suspicions about Trump’s relationship with Russia, filling in the holes left in the report from former special counsel Robert Mueller. As Trump excuses Russian President Vladimir Putin placing bounties on U.S. troops and Russia continues to interfere in our democracy to aid Trump’s reelection, this report makes clear that there is no such thing as a coincidence with Trump and Russia.

The report from the Republican-led panel details close political coordination among the Trump campaign, Wikileaks, and Russian intelligence and operatives in 2016. At the most pivotal moment of that campaign, when the Access Hollywood tape revealing President Trump’s confession of a lifetime of sexual assault, Trump’s confidante Roger Stone successfully requested that Russia’s illegally hacked materials be released immediately.

This revelation also explains why President Trump dangled a pardon for Roger Stone for months, why U.S. Attorney General William Barr gave Stone special treatment amidst an open rebellion from U.S. Department of Justice professionals, and why Trump went even further to commute Stone’s sentence as Stone was concealing these facts from federal investigators. Trump lied to law enforcement about his conversations with Stone and needed Stone to keep quiet about it. This raises serious criminal questions for both Trump and Stone to which the next administration should give full scrutiny.



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