Republican Babes-in-the-Woods Will Soon Meet the Democrat Realpolitik


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Republican Babes-in-the-Woods Will Soon Meet the Democrat Realpolitik​

13 Dec 2022 ~~ By Robert Merz

When they take control of the House, Republicans have said that they will investigate Joe Biden.
Democrats will not sit still for this and are already preparing to attack any investigations and any Republicans who are involved.
Republicans have made no secret of the fact that in the new Congress, they are planning to use their oversight powers to launch investigations of the Biden clan’s finances, the fiasco at the southern border, and the politicization DOJ/FBI – among other things.
They likely believe that their Democrat colleagues will sit still for this the same way that the Republicans did when they were attacked and demonized over the past six years.
And usual, they’d be wrong.
The Democrats have no intention of sitting quietly while the truth about the Bidens and their ties to China comes out. They intend to not only fight back, but to fire the first shots. As Admiral David Farragut said during the Civil War: “The best defense is a well-directed fire from your own guns.” They see this as a war and intend to fight to win. The Republicans have not yet learned this lesson.
Being early on the attack is nothing new for the Democrats.
More recently, the Biden administration tried to set up an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” that they called the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB). Leaked reports say that as early as September 2021, DHS Secretary Mayorkas had begun work on the DGB.
leaked documents indicated that from the beginning the DGB was designed to monitor (and intimidate?) the domestic free speech of American citizens on politically controversial subjects such as:
  • Election security and validity;
  • Efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines;
  • The usefulness of mask mandates;
  • The origins of the COVID-19 virus.
It’s likely that anything disadvantageous to the Democrats – would have been called “Disinformation” by the DGB. (First cousin to the KGB?)
The mainstream press is already working with/for the Democrats trying to downplay the Laptop from Hell scandal. Additionally, Wikipedia is reportedly considering removing entries on the collusion Twitter Files Elon Musk has released from their site. One reason they gave was that they were nothing new and had been ignored by the media.
Ignored by the media. There you have the Liberal media’s playbook and their most dangerous tool. First, they ignore an inconvenient story – then they say it never happened because they didn’t report it. And if you argue the point they (and all their friends) will call you extremists and racists.
As they say in advertising, if you're explaining you're losing. Democrats attack. The Republicans snivel and defend and never attack. That’s why no one pays any attention to their arguments. This must change if things have any chance of getting better.

Thanks to the GOP that died and went to dem slavery camp with the exception of a few good conservatives who still have American patriotic constitutional values. Far too few thanks to the GOP working with the Maoist Commie Democrats to keep good Americans out of elected office.
Just look at what they did in Arizona. A more blatant election fraud has never been seen, even during the 2020 election that Trump won but was stolen from him. This could not have been done without full cooperation and help from the GOP RINOs. They are no different than the Maoist Commie Democrats now. All one big happy corrupt to the core Uniparty.

Republican Babes-in-the-Woods Will Soon Meet the Democrat Realpolitik​

More recently, the Biden administration tried to set up an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” that they called the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB). Leaked reports say that as early as September 2021, DHS Secretary Mayorkas had begun work on the DGB.
leaked documents indicated that from the beginning the DGB was designed to monitor (and intimidate?) the domestic free speech of American citizens on politically controversial subjects such as:
  • Election security and validity;
  • Efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines;
  • The usefulness of mask mandates;
  • The origins of the COVID-19 virus.
And here I was hoping the Repubs were really onto something! :smoke:

This could not have been done without full cooperation and help from the GOP RINOs.
Certainly not without the help of at least one of Santa's little RINO Helpers!
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Republican Babes-in-the-Woods Will Soon Meet the Democrat Realpolitik​

13 Dec 2022 ~~ By Robert Merz

When they take control of the House, Republicans have said that they will investigate Joe Biden.
Democrats will not sit still for this and are already preparing to attack any investigations and any Republicans who are involved.
Republicans have made no secret of the fact that in the new Congress, they are planning to use their oversight powers to launch investigations of the Biden clan’s finances, the fiasco at the southern border, and the politicization DOJ/FBI – among other things.
They likely believe that their Democrat colleagues will sit still for this the same way that the Republicans did when they were attacked and demonized over the past six years.
And usual, they’d be wrong.
The Democrats have no intention of sitting quietly while the truth about the Bidens and their ties to China comes out. They intend to not only fight back, but to fire the first shots. As Admiral David Farragut said during the Civil War: “The best defense is a well-directed fire from your own guns.” They see this as a war and intend to fight to win. The Republicans have not yet learned this lesson.
Being early on the attack is nothing new for the Democrats.
More recently, the Biden administration tried to set up an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” that they called the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB). Leaked reports say that as early as September 2021, DHS Secretary Mayorkas had begun work on the DGB.
leaked documents indicated that from the beginning the DGB was designed to monitor (and intimidate?) the domestic free speech of American citizens on politically controversial subjects such as:
  • Election security and validity;
  • Efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines;
  • The usefulness of mask mandates;
  • The origins of the COVID-19 virus.
It’s likely that anything disadvantageous to the Democrats – would have been called “Disinformation” by the DGB. (First cousin to the KGB?)
The mainstream press is already working with/for the Democrats trying to downplay the Laptop from Hell scandal. Additionally, Wikipedia is reportedly considering removing entries on the collusion Twitter Files Elon Musk has released from their site. One reason they gave was that they were nothing new and had been ignored by the media.
Ignored by the media. There you have the Liberal media’s playbook and their most dangerous tool. First, they ignore an inconvenient story – then they say it never happened because they didn’t report it. And if you argue the point they (and all their friends) will call you extremists and racists.
As they say in advertising, if you're explaining you're losing. Democrats attack. The Republicans snivel and defend and never attack. That’s why no one pays any attention to their arguments. This must change if things have any chance of getting better.

Thanks to the GOP that died and went to dem slavery camp with the exception of a few good conservatives who still have American patriotic constitutional values. Far too few thanks to the GOP working with the Maoist Commie Democrats to keep good Americans out of elected office.
Just look at what they did in Arizona. A more blatant election fraud has never been seen, even during the 2020 election that Trump won but was stolen from him. This could not have been done without full cooperation and help from the GOP RINOs. They are no different than the Maoist Commie Democrats now. All one big happy corrupt to the core Uniparty.
The truth being exposed after being hidden will be enough. Nothing ever happens to Dim felons.
The truth being exposed after being hidden will be enough. Nothing ever happens to Dim felons.

The more of the truth that gets exposed, the higher the number will be of those on the dem side of life who will finally start to see it. I see this happening to a couple of the leftists on this board. It's interesting to watch them beginning to see.

There will be some holdouts who are incapable of seeing the truth, no matter how many times you parade it in front of their blind eyes. The ones in whom the brainwashing is too profoundly entrenched, poor souls. They're the ones who will have to be confined for the good of society.

It appears the first step in their master plan is to go after the head of homeland security with threats of impeachment if he does not resign.

I am sure he is shaking in his boots.

Why not go after the big guy. . The redubs are just trying to dig up some dirt so that they can use against the big guy. But hey maybe it will distract them from their real issues (fake elections).

MAGA - making America groan again
It appears the first step in their master plan is to go after the head of homeland security with threats of impeachment if he does not resign.

I am sure he is shaking in his boots.

Why not go after the big guy. . The redubs are just trying to dig up some dirt so that they can use against the big guy. But hey maybe it will distract them from their real issues (fake elections).

MAGA - making America groan again
Kilroy - Kooks In Liberal Revolt Ongoing Yapping

Republican Babes-in-the-Woods Will Soon Meet the Democrat Realpolitik​

13 Dec 2022 ~~ By Robert Merz

When they take control of the House, Republicans have said that they will investigate Joe Biden.
Democrats will not sit still for this and are already preparing to attack any investigations and any Republicans who are involved.
Republicans have made no secret of the fact that in the new Congress, they are planning to use their oversight powers to launch investigations of the Biden clan’s finances, the fiasco at the southern border, and the politicization DOJ/FBI – among other things.
They likely believe that their Democrat colleagues will sit still for this the same way that the Republicans did when they were attacked and demonized over the past six years.
And usual, they’d be wrong.
The Democrats have no intention of sitting quietly while the truth about the Bidens and their ties to China comes out. They intend to not only fight back, but to fire the first shots. As Admiral David Farragut said during the Civil War: “The best defense is a well-directed fire from your own guns.” They see this as a war and intend to fight to win. The Republicans have not yet learned this lesson.
Being early on the attack is nothing new for the Democrats.
More recently, the Biden administration tried to set up an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” that they called the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB). Leaked reports say that as early as September 2021, DHS Secretary Mayorkas had begun work on the DGB.
leaked documents indicated that from the beginning the DGB was designed to monitor (and intimidate?) the domestic free speech of American citizens on politically controversial subjects such as:
  • Election security and validity;
  • Efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines;
  • The usefulness of mask mandates;
  • The origins of the COVID-19 virus.
It’s likely that anything disadvantageous to the Democrats – would have been called “Disinformation” by the DGB. (First cousin to the KGB?)
The mainstream press is already working with/for the Democrats trying to downplay the Laptop from Hell scandal. Additionally, Wikipedia is reportedly considering removing entries on the collusion Twitter Files Elon Musk has released from their site. One reason they gave was that they were nothing new and had been ignored by the media.
Ignored by the media. There you have the Liberal media’s playbook and their most dangerous tool. First, they ignore an inconvenient story – then they say it never happened because they didn’t report it. And if you argue the point they (and all their friends) will call you extremists and racists.
As they say in advertising, if you're explaining you're losing. Democrats attack. The Republicans snivel and defend and never attack. That’s why no one pays any attention to their arguments. This must change if things have any chance of getting better.

Thanks to the GOP that died and went to dem slavery camp with the exception of a few good conservatives who still have American patriotic constitutional values. Far too few thanks to the GOP working with the Maoist Commie Democrats to keep good Americans out of elected office.
Just look at what they did in Arizona. A more blatant election fraud has never been seen, even during the 2020 election that Trump won but was stolen from him. This could not have been done without full cooperation and help from the GOP RINOs. They are no different than the Maoist Commie Democrats now. All one big happy corrupt to the core Uniparty.
LOL that article being found on a website called "American Thinker".

You belong in an insane asylum.
Yeah I bet you really love America and support those rioters in Jan 6 as patriots.
Yes and yes. I served 25 years in the Navy in support of both Dimmer. However, I do not support setting fire to cities, ransacking businesses, and murdering citizens as you do, commie.
Yes and yes. I served 25 years in the Navy in support of both Dimmer. However, I do not support setting fire to cities, ransacking businesses, and murdering citizens as you do, commie.

Plenty of those that rioted on the left are in jail as well, you unpatriotic piece of shit.
We're actually locking up the right wing domestic terrorists. But have fun living in your fantasy world, shithead.
You are locking up a dwindling number of western men and women who believe in freedoms. To be sure there are issues on the side you do not like. However, it is dwarfed by your side which has the media making excuses for everything done by your citizens.
You are locking up a dwindling number of western men and women who believe in freedoms. To be sure there are issues on the side you do not like. However, it is dwarfed by your side which has the media making excuses for everything done by your citizens.
LOL the Jan 6th Red Hats were domestic terrorists trying to subvert democracy. And I also think those on the left were correctly locked up for burning down buildings. Evidently you pick and choose who you believe committed crimes based on political leanings.
Yes and yes. I served 25 years in the Navy in support of both Dimmer. However, I do not support setting fire to cities, ransacking businesses, and murdering citizens as you do, commie.

So as an ex military you support the takeover of the capital.
Still claiming election fraud...even after the horrible showing in the midterms?

You guys never learn do you?
Here is another prime example of how they never learn. This is so revealing; Policies they propose that would jack up the debt. Bush and Trump created record debt, and they just don't get it. Everything they do is mindless and anti-American.
You are locking up a dwindling number of western men and women who believe in freedoms. To be sure there are issues on the side you do not like. However, it is dwarfed by your side which has the media making excuses for everything done by your citizens.
What freedoms? The Right has attacked every freedom we have.

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