CIS: High levels of LEGAL immigration will erode Republican Party


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
CIS: High levels of LEGAL immigration will erode Republican Party

It is pretty simple math. Most immigrants vote for Democrats who promise them stuff, or they come from cultures where government gives them stuff and expect it here as well. Pat Buchanan penned a whole book on the numbers, here, a few years ago.

The Center for Immigration Studies confirms in a new report that Buchanan is right—with increased legal immigration, conservative, small government voters will be simply outnumbered.

And, my personal view is that GOP RINOs can’t convert Hispanics to Republicans fast enough to save themselves without drastically reducing the numbers of LEGAL migrants entering the US. And, heck they can barely say no to illegal aliens, imagine any of the Republican leadership having the testicular fortitude to slow LEGAL immigration.
Here is a CIS press release earlier this week (emphasis is mine):

WASHINGTON, DC (April 15, 2014) — The nation’s prolonged flow of legal immigration has changed – and continues to change – the political landscape. A new Center for Immigration Studies report, “Immigration’s Impact on Republican Political Prospects, 1980 to 2012″, finds that each one percentage-point increase in the immigrant share of a large county’s population reduces the Republican share of the two-party presidential vote by an average of nearly 0.6 percentage points.

This shift is relatively uniform throughout the country, from California to Texas to Florida, regardless of the local party’s stance on immigration. It is due to immigrant communities’ lopsided support for big-government policies, which are more closely aligned with progressives than with conservatives. As a result, survey data show a two-to-one party identification with Democrats over Republicans. Increased immigration also significantly expands the low-income population [ie. refugees---ed], making voters overall more supportive of redistributive policies championed by Democrats to support disadvantaged populations.

“As the immigrant population has grown, Republican electoral prospects have dimmed, even after controlling for alternative explanations of GOP performance,” wrote James Gimpel, author of the report and a professor of government at the University of Maryland at College Park. “Republicans are right to want to attract Latino voters,” he continued. “But expanding the flow of low-skilled immigrants into an economy ill-suited to promote their upward mobility will be counterproductive.”

Over one million legal immigrants enter the United States each year. If this number were drastically increased, as called for by the Gang of Eight bill (S.744), the decline of the Republican Party would be accelerated. “The impact of immigration is easily sufficient, by itself, to decide upcoming presidential elections,” Gimpel wrote.

And, what is so maddening to me is that we taxpayers are footing the bill for the invasion!

See the report at Immigration's Impact on Republican Political Prospects, 1980 to 2012 | Center for Immigration Studies.


This is reality and the republicans would of won in a landslide last election if it was 1980.
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The GOP better get on board if they want to win elections....

Jeb had a good point as it is time to work on getting conservative Hispanics into the party. Immigration is killing the party as of this moment.

Time to grant 5-6 million tickets to amnesty to the hard working illegals. Farm workers, meat processors, etc. If they don't they can expect to lose.

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