CIA Director: Donald Trump’s Nazi Germany Comments Are ‘Repugnant’

So Trump compares our intelligence organizations to Nazis,

and Brennan, by responding, is the bad guy?

The Trump cult gets cultier every day lol.

“Tell the families of those 117 CIA officers who are forever memorialized on our wall of honor that their loved ones who gave their lives were akin to Nazis.”

Outgoing CIA Director John Brennan held nothing back in his disdain for some of President-elect Donald Trump’s vitriolic Twitter rants.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal that was published Monday, Brennan referred specifically to Trump tweeting last week about an unverified intelligence dossier that accused him, among other things, of having long-standing ties with Russia:

Trump sharpened his attack on Sunday, directly slamming Brennan for being “the leaker of Fake News” after the CIA director spoke about Trump’s impulsive character during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.”

“I think it’s the right and, indeed, the responsibility of the president of the United States to challenge the conclusions of the intelligence community,” Brennan said in response.

But he made it clear that it crosses a line to accuse these agencies of leaks.

More: CIA Director: Donald Trump's Nazi Germany Comments Are 'Repugnant'

Trump is repugnant. He is a sick, pathological liar.
Did he ever find those WMD's?

I look forward to Trump draining the swamp in Foggy Bottom.

All the sane people look forward to Trump draining the swamp in Foggy Bottom

The democrats' pain will begin to ease in a few days. The new reality will begin and the Left and MSM will need to trot out the irrelevant and non-involved to state their case. Then they will whine as each new policy takes effect, and each new office is filled. I'm amazed that the IRS didn't make anyone's radar yet, wonder if the dems' political organizations will be audited and audited and audited??
I posted a fairly confident opinion the other day that Brennan is a converted-muslim....the trolls sent it to the Rubber Room but I stand by it. No Jesuit gets invited to Mecca.
The entire episode is due to the fact that the CIA included the "fake news" story into the intelligence briefing. That leaked out (on purpose) and Trump took offense. The CIA and Brennan deserve the kick in the ass, especially for playing the dead CIA agent star, political hacks don't deserve to be in that agency.
I posted a fairly confident opinion the other day that Brennan is a converted-muslim....the trolls sent it to the Rubber Room but I stand by it. No Jesuit gets invited to Mecca.
There are many sources on the web about that. It seems he converted to Islam when he was in Saudi Arabia :eusa_think:
But as far as I know he didn't confirmed :dunno:
I posted a fairly confident opinion the other day that Brennan is a converted-muslim....the trolls sent it to the Rubber Room but I stand by it. No Jesuit gets invited to Mecca.

You absolutely right. Everything he's been doing during last few years was helping ISIS and Ukrainian Nazis.

Brennan, you are FIRED!
So Trump compares our intelligence organizations to Nazis,

and Brennan, by responding, is the bad guy?

The Trump cult gets cultier every day lol.
Who in the hell is Brennan to respond? He serves the President at his leisure. Brennan acting like a spoiled child simply validates Trump was right.

Goddam you people are funny.
You talk back to your boss?
Brennan is an ass who will write a book and 7 of you will buy it.

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