Church Attendance Declining

I am relating an actual story. In fact many experiences may differ. No, it wasn't a loose chain of reasoning.

Sorry, but it is.

There's no way of knowing if the same tragic outcome would have happened with or without pre-marital sex.
Sorry, but it is.

There's no way of knowing if the same tragic outcome would have happened with or without pre-marital sex.
Pregnancy rarely happens without sex. ;) Still, I know what happened and you don't. Doesn't bother me you elect not to believe...doesn't change any facts.
Progressives have been hassling church-goers for a long time. I don't blame them for not going out publicly anymore.

Yea, you have no argument.

You have no argument. No doubt some people are going to church less partly because it isn't promoted in society as much as it used to be, while Covid shutdowns of churches have no doubt contributed,. while others simply have found it safer and easier to just stay home and worship.

BOTTOM LINE: While I'm sure you want to blame declining church roles solely on lack of interest, fact is that many more people have faith than show up in churches these days for a multitude of reasons.
Do you see anyone disputing
I see your dispute, even if it isn't about the pregnancy. ;) Look, go ahead with a belief that divorce and sex outside of marriage is normal and a happy thing for all involved. As I say, experiences differ. If you wish to turn my story into a happier version, go with that. Everyone loves a happy ending.
“U.S. church membership has fallen below 50% for the first time, according to a Gallup poll published Monday, continuing a decades-long decline in membership driven by growing numbers of Americans who express no religious affiliation.”

People who attend church has steadily declined as the number of non-religious has continued to grow.

Christians can’t be happy with this. Our country is rapidly becoming more secular.

What do Christians think about this? Why is your religion dwindling away?
True atheism is growing---so fewer believers in a god

But the lock downs for COVID are speeding up this process as people are getting out of the habit of going to churches and losing the group think reinforcement of other believers. Covid lock downs are yet another nail in the coffin of christian believers.
We call that a strawman.
Or an unwillingness to connect the dots.... Have a good rest of the day.

As I already explained, I think it's a loose chain of reasoning. There's no way of knowing if the same tragic outcome would have happened with or without pre-marital sex. This is indisputable. You can't possibly know this.

You too.
True atheism is growing---so fewer believers in a god

But the lock downs for COVID are speeding up this process as people are getting out of the habit of going to churches and losing the group think reinforcement of other believers. Covid lock downs are yet another nail in the coffin of christian believers.

Covid definitely isn't helping Christianity, I agree.
“U.S. church membership has fallen below 50% for the first time, according to a Gallup poll published Monday, continuing a decades-long decline in membership driven by growing numbers of Americans who express no religious affiliation.”

People who attend church has steadily declined as the number of non-religious has continued to grow.

Christians can’t be happy with this. Our country is rapidly becoming more secular.

What do Christians think about this? Why is your religion dwindling away?
True atheism is growing---so fewer believers in a god

But the lock downs for COVID are speeding up this process as people are getting out of the habit of going to churches and losing the group think reinforcement of other believers. Covid lock downs are yet another nail in the coffin of christian believers.

I think the problem is fundamentalism, Dispensationism and Dominionism.. You can't expect Christians to park their brains at the church door.

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