Christian Bigots shout down Muslim kids singing National Anthem at Texas rally

But keep pushing, and that could change someday.
And where exactly in the Christian faith does it say you could do such a thing? Oh right, it doesn't. Learn to suck it up little Christian because Jesus said if you followed him your life here might be very short indeed. Learn to take it, that is what your faith demands of you.

This person is NOT a real Christian. That much is quite apparent, I think.
I couldn't agree more. If Jesus did send people to Hell he would be at the top of the list.

Communist Christianophobes don't get to make such pious proclamations. You're hypocrite bigots
No, we are people who, unlike you, know the teachings of the one you supposedly call Lord. It is an insult to Jesus for you to call yourself a Christian as you are nothing like one.
But keep pushing, and that could change someday.
And where exactly in the Christian faith does it say you could do such a thing? Oh right, it doesn't. Learn to suck it up little Christian because Jesus said if you followed him your life here might be very short indeed. Learn to take it, that is what your faith demands of you.

This person is NOT a real Christian. That much is quite apparent, I think.
I couldn't agree more. If Jesus did send people to Hell he would be at the top of the list.

Communist Christianophobes don't get to make such pious proclamations. You're hypocrite bigots
Radical Islamists insist on everyone conforming to their own, narrow interpretation of faith and politics.

What makes you different?

So far, you and your compadres have not set forth a wave of suicide bombers to enforce your stilted views.

But you don't see any commonality between your own narrow interpretation of Christianity and you seek to demonize and purge your political opponents.

What makes you any different from any radical Islamist other than tactics?
Christians are supposed to be loving, kind and accepting and are supposed to teach and lead by example. This was a HORRIBLE example of Christianity, and all TRUE Christians would feel very embarrassed by these so-called "Christians" example.
But keep pushing, and that could change someday.
And where exactly in the Christian faith does it say you could do such a thing? Oh right, it doesn't. Learn to suck it up little Christian because Jesus said if you followed him your life here might be very short indeed. Learn to take it, that is what your faith demands of you.

Ah, you Communist Christianophobes are just little pussies in the end. You pick on those who don't retaliate. You certainly won't attack Muslims the way you attack Christians. Because you know Muslims will retaliate. Christians turn the cheek for the most part. They tolerate the abuse. But like i said, keep pushing, and that could change at some point.

So, how about you make an attempt at answering the questions instead of just retarded accusations?

1) What were the children doing wrong?
2) How do you except others to be able to be assimilated into American culture when they are treated so shabby?
3) You sound like a complete ignoramus. :D

The more you type, the more you expose yourself to be a Communist Christianophobe. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. You have an agenda. You hate Christians. It is what it is.
But keep pushing, and that could change someday.
And where exactly in the Christian faith does it say you could do such a thing? Oh right, it doesn't. Learn to suck it up little Christian because Jesus said if you followed him your life here might be very short indeed. Learn to take it, that is what your faith demands of you.

This person is NOT a real Christian. That much is quite apparent, I think.
I couldn't agree more. If Jesus did send people to Hell he would be at the top of the list.

Communist Christianophobes don't get to make such pious proclamations. You're hypocrite bigots
Radical Islamists insist on everyone conforming to their own, narrow interpretation of faith and politics.

What makes you different?

So far, you and your compadres have not set forth a wave of suicide bombers to enforce your stilted views.

But you don't see any commonality between your own narrow interpretation of Christianity and you seek to demonize and purge your political opponents.

What makes you any different from any radical Islamist other than tactics?

Well, I agree for the most part, but to be fair, you rarely hear of Christians taking violent measures. However, they are the same in that they are not accepting, loving or kind.
But keep pushing, and that could change someday.
And where exactly in the Christian faith does it say you could do such a thing? Oh right, it doesn't. Learn to suck it up little Christian because Jesus said if you followed him your life here might be very short indeed. Learn to take it, that is what your faith demands of you.

Ah, you Communist Christianophobes are just little pussies in the end. You pick on those who don't retaliate. You certainly won't attack Muslims the way you attack Christians. Because you know Muslims will retaliate. Christians turn the cheek for the most part. They tolerate the abuse. But like i said, keep pushing, and that could change at some point.

So, how about you make an attempt at answering the questions instead of just retarded accusations?

1) What were the children doing wrong?
2) How do you except others to be able to be assimilated into American culture when they are treated so shabby?
3) You sound like a complete ignoramus. :D

The more you type, the more you expose yourself to be a Communist Christianophobe. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. You have an agenda. You hate Christians. It is what it is.

And you are so full of it, you are stinking up the place. :D
On the bright side for the Communist/Progressive Christianophobes, Christians aren't beheading them in retaliation for their abuse of Christians... Yet.

These children were singing the National Anthem. Why don't you outline exactly what your issue with that is, please.

It's an obscure non-event. You Communist Christianophobes are just using it to express your own hateful bigotry towards Christians. It's hypocritical projection. But hey like i said, at least Christians aren't beheading you guys in retaliation. But keep pushing, and that could change someday.

I can agree. The amount of people who showed up to protest were few, thankfully. It was NOT a very large event. The point is that there are people on this thread who are defending the actions of those idiots.

How do you expect them to assimilate when you won't allow it? How?

How would you feel if your child was singing the anthem and some douchebag adults started screaming and shouting at him or her? Probably pretty bad, I imagine, especially if you were doing this to be as a sign of solidarity. It's just rotten to the core.

What amazes me is that these people will go back to their churches on Sunday and be praised for attacking children
But keep pushing, and that could change someday.
And where exactly in the Christian faith does it say you could do such a thing? Oh right, it doesn't. Learn to suck it up little Christian because Jesus said if you followed him your life here might be very short indeed. Learn to take it, that is what your faith demands of you.

Ah, you Communist Christianophobes are just little pussies in the end. You pick on those who don't retaliate. You certainly won't attack Muslims the way you attack Christians. Because you know Muslims will retaliate. Christians turn the cheek for the most part. They tolerate the abuse. But like i said, keep pushing, and that could change at some point.

So, how about you make an attempt at answering the questions instead of just retarded accusations?

1) What were the children doing wrong?
2) How do you except others to be able to be assimilated into American culture when they are treated so shabby?
3) You sound like a complete ignoramus. :D

The more you type, the more you expose yourself to be a Communist Christianophobe. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. You have an agenda. You hate Christians. It is what it is.
Jesus spoke of people such as you once: And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
But keep pushing, and that could change someday.
And where exactly in the Christian faith does it say you could do such a thing? Oh right, it doesn't. Learn to suck it up little Christian because Jesus said if you followed him your life here might be very short indeed. Learn to take it, that is what your faith demands of you.

This person is NOT a real Christian. That much is quite apparent, I think.
I couldn't agree more. If Jesus did send people to Hell he would be at the top of the list.

Communist Christianophobes don't get to make such pious proclamations. You're hypocrite bigots

Oh geez, you are just a pathetic excuse for a human being, I see. How about you just get lost then, since you have nothing to contribute at all.

Maybe Christians will stand up to you guys someday? I bet then you'll have some respect. At least as much as you do Muslims anyway. Muslims won't put up with your abuse. You guys are very fortunate the Christian faith teaches 'turn the cheek.' But like i said, you guys keep pushing Christians, there could be big problems at some point.
And where exactly in the Christian faith does it say you could do such a thing? Oh right, it doesn't. Learn to suck it up little Christian because Jesus said if you followed him your life here might be very short indeed. Learn to take it, that is what your faith demands of you.

This person is NOT a real Christian. That much is quite apparent, I think.
I couldn't agree more. If Jesus did send people to Hell he would be at the top of the list.

Communist Christianophobes don't get to make such pious proclamations. You're hypocrite bigots
Radical Islamists insist on everyone conforming to their own, narrow interpretation of faith and politics.

What makes you different?

So far, you and your compadres have not set forth a wave of suicide bombers to enforce your stilted views.

But you don't see any commonality between your own narrow interpretation of Christianity and you seek to demonize and purge your political opponents.

What makes you any different from any radical Islamist other than tactics?

Well, I agree for the most part, but to be fair, you rarely hear of Christians taking violent measures. However, they are the same in that they are not accepting, loving or kind.
That's why I said there is no difference but tactics.

Both sets of radicals are motivated by fear and hate, in spite of what their scripture teach. Both sets of radicals are seeking both a political purge and an ecumenical purge of those they see as unbelievers. Both sets of radicals are unwavering, zealous and angry.

The difference? One set acts with barbaric violence, the other is, so far, content to insult, berate, demonize and dismiss any opposition.
And where exactly in the Christian faith does it say you could do such a thing? Oh right, it doesn't. Learn to suck it up little Christian because Jesus said if you followed him your life here might be very short indeed. Learn to take it, that is what your faith demands of you.

This person is NOT a real Christian. That much is quite apparent, I think.
I couldn't agree more. If Jesus did send people to Hell he would be at the top of the list.

Communist Christianophobes don't get to make such pious proclamations. You're hypocrite bigots

Oh geez, you are just a pathetic excuse for a human being, I see. How about you just get lost then, since you have nothing to contribute at all.

Maybe Christians will stand up to you guys someday? I bet then you'll have some respect. At least as much as you do Muslims anyway. Muslims won't put up with your abuse. You guys are very fortunate the Christian faith teaches 'turn the cheek.' But like i said, you guys keep pushing Christians, there could be big problems at some point.

God must be embarrassed by you, seriously. You are quite ignorant of your own religion. How sad.
Just some average Communist Christianophobe sluts having a nice day out desecrating the Crucifix. You can bet all are loyal Obamabots/Dem-bots.


Why would they vote for Obama?

If you look in the background it appears to be a foreign language
That is in Saint Peter's Square November 14, 2014 at the Vatican

They're you and Obama's peeps. You know you wanna praise them. So just let it out. Be honest for once.
You're nothing more than a pathetic idiot wanting attention. You aren't worth my time. Good by.
This person is NOT a real Christian. That much is quite apparent, I think.
I couldn't agree more. If Jesus did send people to Hell he would be at the top of the list.

Communist Christianophobes don't get to make such pious proclamations. You're hypocrite bigots
Radical Islamists insist on everyone conforming to their own, narrow interpretation of faith and politics.

What makes you different?

So far, you and your compadres have not set forth a wave of suicide bombers to enforce your stilted views.

But you don't see any commonality between your own narrow interpretation of Christianity and you seek to demonize and purge your political opponents.

What makes you any different from any radical Islamist other than tactics?

Well, I agree for the most part, but to be fair, you rarely hear of Christians taking violent measures. However, they are the same in that they are not accepting, loving or kind.
That's why I said there is no difference but tactics.

Both sets of radicals are motivated by fear and hate, in spite of what their scripture teach. Both sets of radicals are seeking both a political purge and an ecumenical purge of those they see as unbelievers. Both sets of radicals are unwavering, zealous and angry.

The difference? One set acts with barbaric violence, the other is, so far, content to insult, berate, demonize and dismiss any opposition.

Yes, that is exactly it. I wish I could put my thoughts into words so well. :)
And where exactly in the Christian faith does it say you could do such a thing? Oh right, it doesn't. Learn to suck it up little Christian because Jesus said if you followed him your life here might be very short indeed. Learn to take it, that is what your faith demands of you.

This person is NOT a real Christian. That much is quite apparent, I think.
I couldn't agree more. If Jesus did send people to Hell he would be at the top of the list.

Communist Christianophobes don't get to make such pious proclamations. You're hypocrite bigots

Oh geez, you are just a pathetic excuse for a human being, I see. How about you just get lost then, since you have nothing to contribute at all.

Maybe Christians will stand up to you guys someday? I bet then you'll have some respect. At least as much as you do Muslims anyway. Muslims won't put up with your abuse. You guys are very fortunate the Christian faith teaches 'turn the cheek.' But like i said, you guys keep pushing Christians, there could be big problems at some point.
Thus sayeth the American Christian Jihadist.
On the bright side for the Communist/Progressive Christianophobes, Christians aren't beheading them in retaliation for their abuse of Christians... Yet.

These children were singing the National Anthem. Why don't you outline exactly what your issue with that is, please.

It's an obscure non-event. You Communist Christianophobes are just using it to express your own hateful bigotry towards Christians. It's hypocritical projection. But hey like i said, at least Christians aren't beheading you guys in retaliation. But keep pushing, and that could change someday.

I can agree. The amount of people who showed up to protest were few, thankfully. It was NOT a very large event. The point is that there are people on this thread who are defending the actions of those idiots.

How do you expect them to assimilate when you won't allow it? How?

How would you feel if your child was singing the anthem and some douchebag adults started screaming and shouting at him or her? Probably pretty bad, I imagine, especially if you were doing this to be as a sign of solidarity. It's just rotten to the core.

What amazes me is that these people will go back to their churches on Sunday and be praised for attacking children

How would a dumb Communist Christianophobe like you know that? You go to Church often ay? Ha, i seriously doubt it. You're a very disingenuous person.
And where exactly in the Christian faith does it say you could do such a thing? Oh right, it doesn't. Learn to suck it up little Christian because Jesus said if you followed him your life here might be very short indeed. Learn to take it, that is what your faith demands of you.

This person is NOT a real Christian. That much is quite apparent, I think.
I couldn't agree more. If Jesus did send people to Hell he would be at the top of the list.

Communist Christianophobes don't get to make such pious proclamations. You're hypocrite bigots

Oh geez, you are just a pathetic excuse for a human being, I see. How about you just get lost then, since you have nothing to contribute at all.

Maybe Christians will stand up to you guys someday? I bet then you'll have some respect. At least as much as you do Muslims anyway. Muslims won't put up with your abuse. You guys are very fortunate the Christian faith teaches 'turn the cheek.' But like i said, you guys keep pushing Christians, there could be big problems at some point.
You are, although you don't know it, already the same as what you hate. Same coin, different symbol of faith.
Which posters here now were praising that? Certainly not me. :rolleyes-41:

Christianophobes? That is just stupid. My aunt is a real Christian woman. Never would she treat people in the manner that the phony Christians on this site do. The insults, etc. There is NOTHING Christian about these peoples' behaviors.

Yeah, but you're a hateful Communist/Progressive Christianophobe. Therefore, you have no credibility. You're a bigot calling others bigots. It is what it is.

Why do you say that about me? You have no idea about my beliefs or anything about me for that matter. I am not a "Christianophobe." I just don't like phonies, like yourself, who are the furthest from God.

No, you are a hateful Communist/Progressive Christianophobe. Who do ya think you're foolin? It is what it is.
When we advocate that you can legally be fired for being a christian...when we advocate that you not be allowed to be legally married because you are a christian...when we advocate that you not be allowed to adopt children because you are a christian (because we know that christians have the most pedophiles)....then you can call us christianophobes.

Yeah, you're not a loony Communist Christianophobe. No way. :cuckoo:
I guess, for small minded people like label those you disagree with is easier to understand.
This person is NOT a real Christian. That much is quite apparent, I think.
I couldn't agree more. If Jesus did send people to Hell he would be at the top of the list.

Communist Christianophobes don't get to make such pious proclamations. You're hypocrite bigots

Oh geez, you are just a pathetic excuse for a human being, I see. How about you just get lost then, since you have nothing to contribute at all.

Maybe Christians will stand up to you guys someday? I bet then you'll have some respect. At least as much as you do Muslims anyway. Muslims won't put up with your abuse. You guys are very fortunate the Christian faith teaches 'turn the cheek.' But like i said, you guys keep pushing Christians, there could be big problems at some point.

God must be embarrassed by you, seriously. You are quite ignorant of your own religion. How sad.

Again, Communist Christianophobes like you don't get to make such pious proclamations. You don't have credibility.
This person is NOT a real Christian. That much is quite apparent, I think.
I couldn't agree more. If Jesus did send people to Hell he would be at the top of the list.

Communist Christianophobes don't get to make such pious proclamations. You're hypocrite bigots

Oh geez, you are just a pathetic excuse for a human being, I see. How about you just get lost then, since you have nothing to contribute at all.

Maybe Christians will stand up to you guys someday? I bet then you'll have some respect. At least as much as you do Muslims anyway. Muslims won't put up with your abuse. You guys are very fortunate the Christian faith teaches 'turn the cheek.' But like i said, you guys keep pushing Christians, there could be big problems at some point.
You are, although you don't know it, already the same as what you hate. Same coin, different symbol of faith.

Oh, you hate with the best of em. So spare me your disingenuous hypocrite bullshite. Muslims don't put up with you wankers. Christians do. But that could change someday.
On the bright side for the Communist/Progressive Christianophobes, Christians aren't beheading them in retaliation for their abuse of Christians... Yet.

These children were singing the National Anthem. Why don't you outline exactly what your issue with that is, please.

It's an obscure non-event. You Communist Christianophobes are just using it to express your own hateful bigotry towards Christians. It's hypocritical projection. But hey like i said, at least Christians aren't beheading you guys in retaliation. But keep pushing, and that could change someday.

I can agree. The amount of people who showed up to protest were few, thankfully. It was NOT a very large event. The point is that there are people on this thread who are defending the actions of those idiots.

How do you expect them to assimilate when you won't allow it? How?

How would you feel if your child was singing the anthem and some douchebag adults started screaming and shouting at him or her? Probably pretty bad, I imagine, especially if you were doing this to be as a sign of solidarity. It's just rotten to the core.

What amazes me is that these people will go back to their churches on Sunday and be praised for attacking children

How would a dumb Communist Christianophobe like you know that? You go to Church often ay? Ha, i seriously doubt it. You're a very disingenuous person.'s manditory to go to church now. That's what the Puritans did...or else they fined you, exiled you, or killed you.

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