China’s Grand Plan To Take Over The World- From 2019, read how China feared Trump...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
My belief as to why Trump lost. Deep pockets with deep influence, some of them, the dumbest people in the room who only think they are smart; ensured Trump lost.

All of the political activities by some are pursued to appease their grand, poorly designed vision. A vision China WANTS them to maintain, as they effectively and successfully overturn America and all of Western societies freedoms.

This article suggests what I have suggested as well. If we want to import socks or t-shirts, that's a far more reasonable activity than moving high tech, cutting edge technology to manufacturing plants in a Communist Nation. The premier threat to the West, regardless of what the Useful Idiots say.

Pillsbury (who, by the way, advises the White House including the president himself) thinks the clash is intensifying because President Trump’s China skepticism is disrupting the Chinese plan. They see his talk of restoring America’s greatness as an affront to their own dreams.

In any case, we have reached a crossroads. What do we do about China now?
President Trump’s China skepticism is disrupting the Chinese plan. They see his talk of restoring America’s greatness as an affront to their own dreams.
That is true

I dont know how much china colluded with the democrats to help biden get elected

its possible that the dems are such good cheaters they dont need assistance from their masters in peking

But trump was a big roadblock to chinese expansion and he had to go
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Democrats are too stupid to see China owns them. They're too stupid to see that China's fear of Trump has nothing to do with how they really feel about Democrats. China is absolutely exstatic about the confused old pretender being elected President. They did everything they could to help elect what's sure to be a dependable puppet for them. Hell, they already have him and his family compromised. Nothing good will come if this Biden election stands.
My belief as to why Trump lost. Deep pockets with deep influence, some of them, the dumbest people in the room who only think they are smart; ensured Trump lost.

All of the political activities by some are pursued to appease their grand, poorly designed vision. A vision China WANTS them to maintain, as they effectively and successfully overturn America and all of Western societies freedoms.

This article suggests what I have suggested as well. If we want to import socks or t-shirts, that's a far more reasonable activity than moving high tech, cutting edge technology to manufacturing plants in a Communist Nation. The premier threat to the West, regardless of what the Useful Idiots say.

Pillsbury (who, by the way, advises the White House including the president himself) thinks the clash is intensifying because President Trump’s China skepticism is disrupting the Chinese plan. They see his talk of restoring America’s greatness as an affront to their own dreams.

In any case, we have reached a crossroads. What do we do about China now?
You should probably worry about the more immediate threat

Russia and the”president” clearly covering for it
This article suggests what I have suggested as well. If we want to import socks or t-shirts, that's a far more reasonable activity than moving high tech, cutting edge technology to manufacturing plants in a Communist Nation. The premier threat to the West, regardless of what the Useful Idiots say.
Yet, the right wing prefers a, race to the bottom for the sake of a Private profit motive. I say we charge US firms moving for merely cheap labor with a tariff so cheap labor is not the motivating factor. The minimum wage equivalent to move to China should be fifteen dollars an hour. Then, Capitalists are welcome to move to China, once the US is scheduled to the tax revenue and is compensated for the lost multiplier we would have otherwise generated.
All of the political activities by some are pursued to appease their grand, poorly designed vision. A vision China WANTS them to maintain, as they effectively and successfully overturn America and all of Western societies freedoms.
lol. A simple plan is to insist on a simple plan for a Commune of Heaven on Earth before we believe Communists.
This article suggests what I have suggested as well. If we want to import socks or t-shirts, that's a far more reasonable activity than moving high tech, cutting edge technology to manufacturing plants in a Communist Nation. The premier threat to the West, regardless of what the Useful Idiots say.
Yet, the right wing prefers a, race to the bottom for the sake of a Private profit motive. I say we charge US firms moving for merely cheap labor with a tariff so cheap labor is not the motivating factor. The minimum wage equivalent to move to China should be fifteen dollars an hour. Then, Capitalists are welcome to move to China, once the US is scheduled to the tax revenue and is compensated for the lost multiplier we would have otherwise generated.
There is some merit to the idea of a tax on US companies benefiting from China slave labor. I'm not sure how that would be implemented. A $15 minimum wage would be a death blow to small businesses that are barely hanging on. There are tens of thousands of small businesses that have already closed due to government imposed bans.
Democrats are too stupid to see China owns them. They're too stupid to see that China's fear of Trump has nothing to do with how they really feel about Democrats. China is absolutely exstatic about the confused old pretender being elected President. They did everything they could to help elect what's sure to be a dependable puppet for them. Hell, they already have him and his family compromised. Nothing good will come if this Biden election stands.
It will take more than right wing fantasy.
A $15 minimum wage would be a death blow to small businesses that are barely hanging on. There are tens of thousands of small businesses that have already closed due to government imposed bans.
A tax break to help out with that new equilibrium could help small business.

Otherwise, small business fails all the time and they need to use those market based metrics to optimize for a new equilibrium. The boom and bust of Capitalism requires constant change and reoptimization.

The fast answer for what percentage of small businesses fail, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics: about 20% fail in their first year, and about 50% of small businesses fail in their fifth year. --,fail%20in%20their%20fifth%20year.
My belief as to why Trump lost. Deep pockets with deep influence, some of them, the dumbest people in the room who only think they are smart; ensured Trump lost.

All of the political activities by some are pursued to appease their grand, poorly designed vision. A vision China WANTS them to maintain, as they effectively and successfully overturn America and all of Western societies freedoms.

This article suggests what I have suggested as well. If we want to import socks or t-shirts, that's a far more reasonable activity than moving high tech, cutting edge technology to manufacturing plants in a Communist Nation. The premier threat to the West, regardless of what the Useful Idiots say.

Pillsbury (who, by the way, advises the White House including the president himself) thinks the clash is intensifying because President Trump’s China skepticism is disrupting the Chinese plan. They see his talk of restoring America’s greatness as an affront to their own dreams.

In any case, we have reached a crossroads. What do we do about China now?
Between both these parties false accusations. I dont know whether to vote for russia or china next election.
Perhaps I should just sit back next time and let the voting machines decide.
" Built A Wall Around Their Over Populated Peoples And The West Invites Them To Proliferate More "

* Two Sides Same Mouth *

Yet, the right wing prefers a, race to the bottom for the sake of a Private profit motive. I say we charge US firms moving for merely cheap labor with a tariff so cheap labor is not the motivating factor. The minimum wage equivalent to move to China should be fifteen dollars an hour. Then, Capitalists are welcome to move to China, once the US is scheduled to the tax revenue and is compensated for the lost multiplier we would have otherwise generated.
Given those are actions pursued by trump administration and not the beijing biden administration , where does that leave you ?

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