China’s Economy Weakens Then Comes COVID, Now China’s Economy is Worse and There’s a Global Shipping Crisis, What’s Next?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

China’s Economy Weakens Then Comes COVID, Now China’s Economy is Worse and There’s a Global Shipping Crisis, What’s Next?

15 Oct 2021 ~~ By Joseph Hoft

The world is waking up to the fact that maybe being dependent upon China for its goods is not such a good idea.

In 2019 at about the same time the US was closing on the trade deals with China, COVID was released in China.
In 2019 China’s economy was also beginning to slow down. COVID didn’t help China but it didn’t help the world economy as well. We still don’t know if China released COVID on purpose or not. If it was on purpose, it would have been to bring other economies to the same spot China was at.
Now a year later, China is unable to cope with the cost of electricity. This is causing power outages across China and an estimated 40% reduction in manufacturing in the country. The country simply cannot afford the price of coal to keep its factories running at full capacity. This is leading to fewer goods being produced and shortages around the world.
People are waking up to the fact that the model of being dependent upon other countries like China for a country’s essential or nonessential goods is not a very good idea. Global supply chains need reliability.
China is not solely to blame. President Trump attempted to get companies out of China and back to the US and in other Asian countries. But the leaders of businesses like the cheap labor in China. They care more about this than their country or the workers in the US.
Now here is China with another significant downturn in its economy and the world waits for its products.
Watch this excellent video from India discussing the Shipping and supply chain crisis.

Over-dependence on any country is a bad idea and allows countries like China to weaponize their supply chains.

ALL THIS IS DELIBERATE. It did not originate in the demented mind of the idiot-in-chief, but in the minds of the Globalist Elites.
To build the NEW WORLD ORDER, they needed to destroy the US as a force capable of stopping them, create a "vaccine" that while it was supposed to be the cure to their "manufactured" virus, be the tool to depopulate the planet. They are well into their plans to destroy the US economy and its political system. The slowdown at the ports is to create deliberate shortages that will effect every aspect of our economy producing more layoffs, people going without.
All is proceeding according to plan. The danger to this plan is the collective awakening of humanity and their determination to resist.
Never underestimate the destructive power of Marxist Communism, its everything that is destructive - secretive, corrupt, deceptive, depressing, irrational, unpredictable - and its terrifying. You could not be more wrong about this. By the way, the pollution is China cannot tolerate building more coal plants or replacing hydro and nuclear plants. Again and again, Communism is a train wreck. Always was, always will be. Nobody can "fix" Marxist Communism.
There's always something next. Ever since I was born it's been one thing after another.
That's true. I'm not sure what your point is? Are you implying all of these events are of equal danger or concern or that they all can just be dismissed? It bears reminding folks that the CCP could become vulnerable if its population suddenly sees their economy tank. If the CCP gets twitchy and begins looking for a way to rally their people around the flag, Taiwan might be attacked. THAT will either result in the U.S. risking a shooting war with China OR losing all credibility with our other Asian allies. If Japan and OZ come to Taiwan's defense then how could America sit that out?
I suggest you do something to take yer mind off of the future shortages... Think of all the people who have existed on the planet just fine without products made in China and pet rocks...
Recriminations and loud sobbing.
If it's sufficient to push the CCP into a corner, those recriminations and loud sobbing will be the first act in the run-up to war in the region or possibly the whole world. Making Xi's politburo thugs too nervous won't be something casually dismissed.
I suggest you do something to take yer mind off of the future shortages... Think of all the people who have existed on the planet just fine without products made in China and pet rocks...
Uh-huh. Now, think about the situation for the CCP if a few hundred million of its citizens find themselves struggling to survive AFTER they've gotten used to a certain level of prosperity. The party bosses have done a hell of a job managing the capitalist elements there and they've used it to fund a military juggernaut. The price was empowering the dreams and ambitions of so many of their people who had never HAD that before. They cannot now just take that away without endangering their own party rule. Think - "The Lady and the Tiger"
Uh-huh. Now, think about the situation for the CCP if a few hundred million of its citizens find themselves struggling to survive AFTER they've gotten used to a certain level of prosperity. The party bosses have done a hell of a job managing the capitalist elements there and they've used it to fund a military juggernaut. The price was empowering the dreams and ambitions of so many of their people who had never HAD that before. They cannot now just take that away without endangering their own party rule. Think - "The Lady and the Tiger"
Frankly I hope they collapse along with the rest of the world trade since all the capitalist has done is exploit the workers for their own gain.

China’s Economy Weakens Then Comes COVID, Now China’s Economy is Worse and There’s a Global Shipping Crisis, What’s Next?

15 Oct 2021 ~~ By Joseph Hoft

The world is waking up to the fact that maybe being dependent upon China for its goods is not such a good idea.

In 2019 at about the same time the US was closing on the trade deals with China, COVID was released in China.
In 2019 China’s economy was also beginning to slow down. COVID didn’t help China but it didn’t help the world economy as well. We still don’t know if China released COVID on purpose or not. If it was on purpose, it would have been to bring other economies to the same spot China was at.
Now a year later, China is unable to cope with the cost of electricity. This is causing power outages across China and an estimated 40% reduction in manufacturing in the country. The country simply cannot afford the price of coal to keep its factories running at full capacity. This is leading to fewer goods being produced and shortages around the world.
People are waking up to the fact that the model of being dependent upon other countries like China for a country’s essential or nonessential goods is not a very good idea. Global supply chains need reliability.
China is not solely to blame. President Trump attempted to get companies out of China and back to the US and in other Asian countries. But the leaders of businesses like the cheap labor in China. They care more about this than their country or the workers in the US.
Now here is China with another significant downturn in its economy and the world waits for its products.
Watch this excellent video from India discussing the Shipping and supply chain crisis.

Over-dependence on any country is a bad idea and allows countries like China to weaponize their supply chains.

ALL THIS IS DELIBERATE. It did not originate in the demented mind of the idiot-in-chief, but in the minds of the Globalist Elites.
To build the NEW WORLD ORDER, they needed to destroy the US as a force capable of stopping them, create a "vaccine" that while it was supposed to be the cure to their "manufactured" virus, be the tool to depopulate the planet. They are well into their plans to destroy the US economy and its political system. The slowdown at the ports is to create deliberate shortages that will effect every aspect of our economy producing more layoffs, people going without.
All is proceeding according to plan. The danger to this plan is the collective awakening of humanity and their determination to resist.
Never underestimate the destructive power of Marxist Communism, its everything that is destructive - secretive, corrupt, deceptive, depressing, irrational, unpredictable - and its terrifying. You could not be more wrong about this. By the way, the pollution is China cannot tolerate building more coal plants or replacing hydro and nuclear plants. Again and again, Communism is a train wreck. Always was, always will be. Nobody can "fix" Marxist Communism.

..the US is fked for not protecting American workers and manufacturing

Trump was right and because he was, by pushing more manufacturing in America rather than depending on foreign manufacturers, Joey Xi has taken the other path and it's hurting America. WE see this in the West Coast ports jamming up while Atlantic coast ports are free to unload ships.
That's true. I'm not sure what your point is? Are you implying all of these events are of equal danger or concern or that they all can just be dismissed? It bears reminding folks that the CCP could become vulnerable if its population suddenly sees their economy tank. If the CCP gets twitchy and begins looking for a way to rally their people around the flag, Taiwan might be attacked. THAT will either result in the U.S. risking a shooting war with China OR losing all credibility with our other Asian allies. If Japan and OZ come to Taiwan's defense then how could America sit that out?
The point is that some shit is always happening, some people are always freaking out, the worst case scenario never happens and yet the alarmists never learn. .
If it's sufficient to push the CCP into a corner, those recriminations and loud sobbing will be the first act in the run-up to war in the region or possibly the whole world. Making Xi's politburo thugs too nervous won't be something casually dismissed.
Random noise is not a response to my post.

Try again.
The point is that some shit is always happening, some people are always freaking out, the worst case scenario never happens and yet the alarmists never learn. .
worst scenarios= happening ALL AT ONCE:
--thousands come in over an open border AND during a pandemic
--energy/fuel prices go up along with inflation
--the POTUS HONORS criminals!!!!!!!!!!!!! and says FU to law-order
--goods needed in the US not being unloaded--MY company has a HUGE downturn in production because we can't get supplies
--etc etc etc
Bidumb worst POTUS ever--and YOU voted for this idiot---the smart people KNEW he was an idiot
Like I've predicted, Xi Jinping doesn't want to have anything to do with these globalist's politicians after he has seen what they are capable of doing. He never trusts them but after what they have done to Pres. Trump, that was just straw that had broken the back of the camel.

And so now, the globalists are in the process of doing a regime change in China, and replacing Xi with someone who will do what they want him to do. But it is hard to do a regime change in China since Xi will not play according to their playbook.

And so if the globalist tries to infiltrate any of their agents to start a protest as a smoke screen for his assassination. That Xi will have them shot on the spot. But Putin will just arrest the globalist's agents who secretly try to overthrow his government.

But Xi doesn't waste money feeding his enemy. but instead he just executed them and sold their organs to the highest bidder.


Recriminations and loud sobbing.
And libs will be in the front row crying

The situation is serious bit it can get worse

China is on the verge on economic chaos because of corruption, fraud, and mismanagement of the real estate market that represents 30% of the Chinese economy

The impact of that will tank the world economy worse than in 2007
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And libs like you will be in the front row

The situation is serious bit it can get worse

China is on the verge on economic chaos because of corruption, fraud, and mismanagement of the real estate market that represents 30% of the Chinese economy

The impact of that will tank the world economy worse than in 2007

Their 'ghost cities' are haunting them.
Happy early Halloween!

The rent is just too goddamned high! :safetocomeoutff:
Their 'ghost cities' are haunting them.
Happy early Halloween!

The rent is just too goddamned high! :safetocomeoutff:
Worse than that for the communist dictatorship is Evergrande which owes hundreds of billions of dollars that it cant repay

There are at least a million chinese who paid on advance for houses they may never see


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