China will NEVER be held accountable


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

for the Wuhan virus. Between Wall Street (money) globalist RINOs and demrat party that owes the CCP for putting Thief in Chief Biden in office most likely no justice will prevail.

for the Wuhan virus. Between Wall Street (money) globalist RINOs and demrat party that owes the CCP for putting Thief in Chief Biden in office most likely no justice will prevail.
In great detail tell me what you would do if you had the power to punish China Government failure to contain the virus?
In great detail tell me what you would do if you had the power to punish China Government failure to contain the virus?
failure to contain ? is that what they did when they restricted domestic travel to and from Wuhan but allowed international travel in the early days of the outbreak ? failure to contain my ass ! why is it that leftists like you refuse to place any blame on China ?

for the Wuhan virus. Between Wall Street (money) globalist RINOs and demrat party that owes the CCP for putting Thief in Chief Biden in office most likely no justice will prevail.
tough sanctions to start ! tariffs for damages inflicted would be a couple of things to start with .
In great detail tell me what you would do if you had the power to punish China Government failure to contain the virus?
Keep a travel ban on, Seize or freeze CCP assets in the US, reduce diplomatic presence, try to bring stronger international sanctions against China. Yes some these invite retaliation by China, but I have always believed after the fall of the old Soviet Union the Cold war was only half over.
failure to contain ? is that what they did when they restricted domestic travel to and from Wuhan but allowed international travel in the early days of the outbreak ? failure to contain my ass ! why is it that leftists like you refuse to place any blame on China ?

Again, what would you do to punish China Government for their failure to contain the virus?

Nowhere did I say China was not at fault but as usual you are so fucking retarded you jump me just because you are a boring troll!

I have countless responses attacking China Government failure, so I would advise you to read them from other threads before you claim I am some leftists piece of shit!
Keep a travel ban on, Seize or freeze CCP assets in the US, reduce diplomatic presence, try to bring stronger international sanctions against China. Yes some these invite retaliation by China, but I have always believed after the fall of the old Soviet Union the Cold war was only half over.

International sanctions will never happen and allowing China to progress to the level that we have allowed on the International stage mean no one besides maybe the U.S. will stand against them and even then I doubt our politicians and citizens have the backbone to do so!
Well we know one thing for sure, American Dimocrats will NEVER hold China responsible in any fashion for this hell that has been unleashed on the world.
China will never be held accountable because--

They own the second most US debts....Japan is the first.
They own a substantial amount of US Bonds.
They continue to buy up as much US gold (the physical stuff) as they can every year.
(Fort Knox was emptied out decades ago supposedly)
They own almost 1/3 of real estate and what used to be American owned companies.
They continue to buy US real estate and US owned businesses.
They "invest heavily" in US stocks, in companies that the Democrats control or manage.

Lots of other "investments" I'm sure.

China doesn't need an army to take over the US. Greedy CEO's and the Dementocrats continue to sell them anything they want to buy.

In 20-50 years, the Chinese government will just ask for payment on all loans, and of course we will default, because the Dems continue to send our tax dollars to their evil cohorts in other countries..........the ones that want us all dead.

Jinping will just step in and take over this country, as a bank takes over a foreclosed home.
What concentration camp do YOU want to be taken to?

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