Live and let live.


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

but that will not happen.

but that will not happen.
However, we might well see courses titled “Queering Stalingrad” or “Queering the Killing Fields.” Revisionist scholars and LGBTQ activists may work together to launch an entirely new series of “queering” books. Look for “Queering War and Peace,” “Queering Romeo and Juliet,” “Queering the Gulag Archipelago” and “Queering Atlas Shrugged” to be available soon.

“Queer Theory and the Gettysburg Address” won’t be far behind, and “Queering the Bass Pro Catalog” will follow shortly thereafter.

I don’t want everything to be cast entirely in terms of heterosexuality, either, though without it none of us would be here. Live and let live. But must everything be made queer?

Apparently so.

How queer is that?
I'm not talking about yourself here, Eagle, but I love it when folk from the left say "live in let live" - sounds great but they shout it whilst tearing down statues they don't like, getting things renamed they don't like, getting things cancelled they don't like, putting people out of work they don't like, de-platforming others they don't like, defunding institutions they don't like - the list goes on and on.

Not really anything to do with your comments but I seen the "live and let live" and thought it was relevant somehow.
I'm not talking about yourself here, Eagle, but I love it when folk from the left say "live in let live" - sounds great but they shout it whilst tearing down statues they don't like, getting things renamed they don't like, getting things cancelled they don't like, putting people out of work they don't like, de-platforming others they don't like, defunding institutions they don't like - the list goes on and on.

Not really anything to do with your comments but I seen the "live and let live" and thought it was relevant somehow.
There is something to what you say, no doubt but I was approaching live and let live from more of a libertarian standpoint..

but that will not happen.
Everybody wants to rewrite history for their own benefit: Egyptians were Black, the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery, etc. They all eventually fail as facts become more widely known but that is not a bad thing.
I had a history teacher that was ex-military. He was on his way to becoming a General when he decided to retire because he had had enough of the lies, treachery, and bullshit.

He told our class one day.........History is written by those who won the wars or were in power at that time. They write history they way THEY want you to think how it was, not actually what really happened.

He also stated, books are opinions. Everybody's got one, and everybody's putting it in a book.

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