China wants to take your lunch money


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I had this little gadget setting around for a few years and hadn't checked it out. It is some kinda cheap knockoff blue tooth smart watch for a smart phone deally. Well yesterday Rod came across it and asked if he could check it out. When he asks if he can check something like that out he generally wants to know what makes it work. So I told him go for it, tear it down if you want. He did. What he found was very interesting. There was a teeny tiny microphone inside of it along with a transceiver. They work in conjunction with the USB cord which was of course included with the smart watch. In that USB cord is a tricky little spyware object that most people would not know is there. It too can transmit or receive. Who'd a thunk it! Well, after learning all that, we had to look into it a little further and we found this website which provided us lotz of giggles. I wish I was techi enough to pin my location out in the middle of the ocean for any spies desiring to know my location, what I was saying, what I was doing and when I was doing it and last but not least for how long I did it.

Inside a low budget consumer hardware espionage implant
Who is really at war with the US using covert actions? I know a few of you will read this.

Did y'all know that Garlic is one of the highest tagged products being imported? I check out tariffs about ten years ago and yup Garlic was an all time high for tariffs. Think about it for a bit and it may provide some clues. China was the largest exporter of Garlic when I last checked.

Now I really want to know how in the world we got a communist in leadership in the CIA???? I'd also like to know how many peeps got in while he and Barbara along with others were selling us out to China.

What does El Paso provide that is anti-commi and what's in Ohio for these false flags.
My prototype wasn't quite as concealable...

My prototype wasn't quite as concealable...

China can be picking your brain since you have an inventive mind there. Me I'm sorta worthless to them as I have no goals or imagination for anything that would be profitable for them. Hell I wouldn't even make good body parts at this point for them.

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