China flying warplanes over Taiwan. 56 flights on Monday alone. Biden says nothing.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
You don't think Biden's cluster in Afghanistan sent a message to China and Russia about how Biden will stand behind our allies?

Think again.

Weakest President in history.

China flies record 56 warplanes toward self-ruled Taiwan

China has sent 56 fighter planes toward Taiwan in the largest show of force on record, continuing the three days of sustained military harassment against the self-ruled island

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- China flew 56 fighter planes toward Taiwan on Monday in the largest show of force on record, continuing the three days of sustained military harassment against the self-ruled island.

The first sortie of 52 planes included 34 J-16 fighter jets and 12 H-6 bombers, among other aircraft, according to Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense. Later, four more Chinese J-16s flew toward the southwestern part of Taiwan's air defense identification zone — a buffer outside a country’s airspace.

The Chinese have been doing the same all the way back to when Trump was in office and he said nothing also because there is nothing we can say or do to make it stop.
The DOD and intel agencies probably just didn't want to wake Joe and and tell him. He gets cranky when he doesn't get his nappy-poo.
The Chinese have been doing the same all the way back to when Trump was in office and he said nothing also because there is nothing we can say or do to make it stop.

Even less we can do now, with FJB napping in the WH.
The Chinese have been doing the same all the way back to when Trump was in office and he said nothing also because there is nothing we can say or do to make it stop.

Oh wait, that would require you to not lie.

Never mind.
There was never a time we could make it stop.

They did the same thing in 2016, when President Trump had a phone call with the Taiwanese President. But it was only two bombers. How many were there this time? 56?

Do you see a worsening here, or is it just me?

China flies fighter jets across Taiwan boundary during US official’s visit to Taipei​

The Taiwanese air force said its missiles tracked the planes and ‘drove them out’.​

From your link:

The United States said Azar’s trip was intended to convey a “message of strong support” to Taiwan

And what did Trump tell Taiwan about China's bullshit? What has the Vegetable In Chief told China about the record number of air incursions this week?

Trump: China ‘Knows What I’m Going to Do’ If It Invades Taiwan

President Donald Trump said on Sunday that China "knows what I'm going to do" if the Communist country tries to invade Taiwan.

"It is a very big subject. It is a very powerful subject, but I think China understands what I am going to be doing," Trump told Fox News.

Trump's comment comes amid a recent push by his administration to develop closer ties with the island country as Beijing flexes its muscles.

Earlier this month, Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar visited Taiwan, where he discussed deepening economic and security partnerships with the democratic nation. Azar is the highest-ranking U.S. official to visit the country since 1979.

Azar's visit culminated in a U.S. agreement to sell drones to Taiwan, as well as a recommitment from Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen to work on a free trade agreement with Washington.

"The relationship between Taiwan and the U.S. has never been closer," Tsai said earlier this month. "Taiwan is on the frontlines of freedom and democracy."

They did the same thing in 2016, when President Trump had a phone call with the Taiwanese President. But it was only two bombers. How many were there this time? 56?

Do you see a worsening here, or is it just me?
It's all an illusion of a giant green screen being used...The Chinese still only have two planes.
From your link:

The United States said Azar’s trip was intended to convey a “message of strong support” to Taiwan

And what did Trump tell Taiwan about China's bullshit? What has the Vegetable In Chief told China about the record number of air incursions this week?

Trump: China ‘Knows What I’m Going to Do’ If It Invades Taiwan

President Donald Trump said on Sunday that China "knows what I'm going to do" if the Communist country tries to invade Taiwan.

"It is a very big subject. It is a very powerful subject, but I think China understands what I am going to be doing," Trump told Fox News.

Trump's comment comes amid a recent push by his administration to develop closer ties with the island country as Beijing flexes its muscles.

Earlier this month, Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar visited Taiwan, where he discussed deepening economic and security partnerships with the democratic nation. Azar is the highest-ranking U.S. official to visit the country since 1979.

Azar's visit culminated in a U.S. agreement to sell drones to Taiwan, as well as a recommitment from Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen to work on a free trade agreement with Washington.

"The relationship between Taiwan and the U.S. has never been closer," Tsai said earlier this month. "Taiwan is on the frontlines of freedom and democracy."

Trump knew what he wouldn't do to stop China menacing Taiwan, Biden can do nothing and yet China will neither listen to big beautiful words like North Korea doesn't.
China is getting ready to take Taiwan back by the end of the year.

General Mi-Li gave China a phone call and have them the green light.

Biden says nothing.​

Biden says nothing.

Biden says nothing.

Our SECOND pending war crisis or conflict now and the 1st year ain't even over yet!

Long way to go.

Our enemies sniff a weakling in the WH, a SISSY, and they can count on Senile Joe doing squat about anything least someone yank his chain and rip his balls off. You can bet there will be no need to phone China in advance this time to warn them that Joe is about to take any military action. China can rest assured.

Joe was lucky to drag himself out of Afghanistan, and he only managed to do so laying face down face in dirt with his pants around his ankles.
China is getting ready to take Taiwan back by the end of the year.

General Mi-Li gave China a phone call and have them the green light.
The way I see it as of this momenrt....China will instigate some sort of limited military action....and it could be directed at Taiwan or American Forces in the S. China Sea area.

I expect China to win in this limited confrontation.....they will sink a U.S. Ship or shoot down one or more U.S. Aircraft...perhaps both or it could be Taiwan Aircraft or perhaps a limited strike on the Island of Taiwan.

It will look like all-out war is about to happen but China will skillfully maneuever America into a top level trap ---aka negotiations....supposedly in order to avoid a all out war.

China's real intent will be to put so much pressure on biden that he will cave in and agree to a deal on Taiwan similar to the one the U.K. was suckered into regarding Hong Kong.

Japan thus will go along with the U.S. and I also expect Taiwan to do the same.

Most Americans now being pacifists will celebrate....the democrats will go into the next election riding high on how they prevented a nuclear war between thr U.S. and China.

China will play the long game with nicey nice wirh them until their military is eroded and then gradually put in place a iron grip on Taiwan like they now have on Hong Kong.

I predict all this will occur shortly before Christmas.....the first part of December......maybe Dec. 7....would that be ironic or what?
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Of course we could see Taiwan "accidentally" start shooting some of the PRC jets down... like that wouldn't start an all out warfare.
Of course we could see Taiwan "accidentally" start shooting some of the PRC jets down... like that wouldn't start an all out warfare.
Taiwan is way to cautious to do that in my estimation........but I could be wrong....if China does something that really forces their hand.

Whatever happens will be something that will definitely decide the fate of Taiwan.

One thing for certain China does not want an all out war...even with biden as commander-in-chief.

The way China sees it --now is as a once in a lifetime opportunity to seize Taiwan whilst we have the weakest and dumbest President in our history.....

China is no fool....but they would have to be one to pass up this great opportunity that has now been presented to them by the installation of a cognitively challenged U.S. President.
With this much firepower being handled there is the inevitable mistake....

Just saying.
The DOD and intel agencies probably just didn't want to wake Joe and and tell him. He gets cranky when he doesn't get his nappy-poo.
Why is it you fools do not understand that the Chinese are nowhere near Taiwan's airspace?

They are not flying over Taiwan, but in international airspace, something we do to adversaries all the time for about the past 65 years.

taiwan ADIZ.png
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