China Committed an Act of War


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
China Committed an Act of War
30 Apr 2020 ~~ By William L. Gensert
Xi and the CCP thugs running China committed a deliberate act of war the moment they banned air travel from Wuhan to all other Chinese cities while allowing international flights to proceed unmolested to the far corners of the globe. They did this despite knowing those flights out of China comprised desperate souls escaping a homegrown pandemic and a communist regime willing to let them die to save face. It was an artificial diaspora intended to seed humanity with the Xi Plague.It has been shown that ChiVid-19 came from a "wolf" bat, a particular type of bat not sold in the Wuhan "wet" market located mere feet from China's only level 4 research lab — a lab that, coincidentally, was studying various strains of coronavirus.
Did China deliberately unleash COVID-19? I doubt it. Hanlon's Razor dictates that one should never put off to malice what can be explained more easily by incompetence. No, COVID-19 is not a deliberately created biological weapon. While the infectious nature is perfect, its kill rate is minimal, rendering it marginal as a weapon of war. The actual weapons being worked on in China's labs are likely much more deadly.
The WuFlu was a viral study gone awry — an accident that escaped the lab because although China is a first-world manufacturer, it is a third-world country with a per capita income not much greater than Botswana's. China is a nation where tens of millions of people still live in caves and half the population still does not have indoor plumbing or toilets.
To recap, Xi, and the CCP, helped make a local error into a worldwide pandemic and then kept quiet about how little danger the virus created to productive nations, knowing that people who are allowed to think would let their imaginations run wild, resulting in actions that would destroy their economies — allowing you to make a buck while becoming more powerful.
It is the often heard but rarely experienced win-win-win situation.
Xi talks often about the "great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." "Rejuvenation," to Xi, means nothing like what we who speak English mean by it. To Xi, it means control. To Xi, it means supremacy. It means that the world surrenders to China's rightful position as the premier nation here on Earth under the guiding hand of Xi's "Mandate from Heaven," over tianxia — over "everything beneath heaven."
Just as blockbuster movies have sequels, China, having succeeded with the premiere of COVID-19, is already planning COVID-20 — coming soon to a civilized nation near you.

For months now the consensus has been that China is responsible for this pandemic by the "accidental" or "deliberate release" of the Covid-19 vruus. It makes no difference, their actions after the release that were secretive and deliberate. There has been a call for reparations for China's complicity in this attack on the world.
There's no doubt that China deliberately lowered or even ignored many level 4 safety protocols at their Wuhan bio-lab. It makes it easier for them to proclaim that it was an "accidental" release and they should not be held responsible. It was their actions after the initial release that were deliberate nd blatant.
Calling for reparations would be virtually impossible, but imposing strict Trade tariffs and embargos on China by individual countries is certainly feasible. Would the UN be able to accomplish such a feat. The answer is No! China is too involved in trade throughout the world and actually controls countries in Southern Africa and Asia. In any case Russia would veto any actions within the UN....
Individual actions of countries like America, Japan and the UK would hurt China. Reducing the need of production of items, especially key materials like pharmaceuticals, steel, auto, and other strategic materials are the key to reducing the Chinese threat and power. President Trump is right and Democrats in this case are wrong.
China Committed an Act of War
30 Apr 2020 ~~ By William L. Gensert
Xi and the CCP thugs running China committed a deliberate act of war the moment they banned air travel from Wuhan to all other Chinese cities while allowing international flights to proceed unmolested to the far corners of the globe. They did this despite knowing those flights out of China comprised desperate souls escaping a homegrown pandemic and a communist regime willing to let them die to save face. It was an artificial diaspora intended to seed humanity with the Xi Plague.It has been shown that ChiVid-19 came from a "wolf" bat, a particular type of bat not sold in the Wuhan "wet" market located mere feet from China's only level 4 research lab — a lab that, coincidentally, was studying various strains of coronavirus.
Did China deliberately unleash COVID-19? I doubt it. Hanlon's Razor dictates that one should never put off to malice what can be explained more easily by incompetence. No, COVID-19 is not a deliberately created biological weapon. While the infectious nature is perfect, its kill rate is minimal, rendering it marginal as a weapon of war. The actual weapons being worked on in China's labs are likely much more deadly.
The WuFlu was a viral study gone awry — an accident that escaped the lab because although China is a first-world manufacturer, it is a third-world country with a per capita income not much greater than Botswana's. China is a nation where tens of millions of people still live in caves and half the population still does not have indoor plumbing or toilets.
To recap, Xi, and the CCP, helped make a local error into a worldwide pandemic and then kept quiet about how little danger the virus created to productive nations, knowing that people who are allowed to think would let their imaginations run wild, resulting in actions that would destroy their economies — allowing you to make a buck while becoming more powerful.
It is the often heard but rarely experienced win-win-win situation.
Xi talks often about the "great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." "Rejuvenation," to Xi, means nothing like what we who speak English mean by it. To Xi, it means control. To Xi, it means supremacy. It means that the world surrenders to China's rightful position as the premier nation here on Earth under the guiding hand of Xi's "Mandate from Heaven," over tianxia — over "everything beneath heaven."
Just as blockbuster movies have sequels, China, having succeeded with the premiere of COVID-19, is already planning COVID-20 — coming soon to a civilized nation near you.

For months now the consensus has been that China is responsible for this pandemic by the "accidental" or "deliberate release" of the Covid-19 vruus. It makes no difference, their actions after the release that were secretive and deliberate. There has been a call for reparations for China's complicity in this attack on the world.
There's no doubt that China deliberately lowered or even ignored many level 4 safety protocols at their Wuhan bio-lab. It makes it easier for them to proclaim that it was an "accidental" release and they should not be held responsible. It was their actions after the initial release that were deliberate nd blatant.
Calling for reparations would be virtually impossible, but imposing strict Trade tariffs and embargos on China by individual countries is certainly feasible. Would the UN be able to accomplish such a feat. The answer is No! China is too involved in trade throughout the world and actually controls countries in Southern Africa and Asia. In any case Russia would veto any actions within the UN....
Individual actions of countries like America, Japan and the UK would hurt China. Reducing the need of production of items, especially key materials like pharmaceuticals, steel, auto, and other strategic materials are the key to reducing the Chinese threat and power. President Trump is right and Democrats in this case are wrong.
Fantastic post, thanks.
China Committed an Act of War
30 Apr 2020 ~~ By William L. Gensert
Xi and the CCP thugs running China committed a deliberate act of war the moment they banned air travel from Wuhan to all other Chinese cities while allowing international flights to proceed unmolested to the far corners of the globe. They did this despite knowing those flights out of China comprised desperate souls escaping a homegrown pandemic and a communist regime willing to let them die to save face. It was an artificial diaspora intended to seed humanity with the Xi Plague.It has been shown that ChiVid-19 came from a "wolf" bat, a particular type of bat not sold in the Wuhan "wet" market located mere feet from China's only level 4 research lab — a lab that, coincidentally, was studying various strains of coronavirus.
Did China deliberately unleash COVID-19? I doubt it. Hanlon's Razor dictates that one should never put off to malice what can be explained more easily by incompetence. No, COVID-19 is not a deliberately created biological weapon. While the infectious nature is perfect, its kill rate is minimal, rendering it marginal as a weapon of war. The actual weapons being worked on in China's labs are likely much more deadly.
The WuFlu was a viral study gone awry — an accident that escaped the lab because although China is a first-world manufacturer, it is a third-world country with a per capita income not much greater than Botswana's. China is a nation where tens of millions of people still live in caves and half the population still does not have indoor plumbing or toilets.
To recap, Xi, and the CCP, helped make a local error into a worldwide pandemic and then kept quiet about how little danger the virus created to productive nations, knowing that people who are allowed to think would let their imaginations run wild, resulting in actions that would destroy their economies — allowing you to make a buck while becoming more powerful.
It is the often heard but rarely experienced win-win-win situation.
Xi talks often about the "great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." "Rejuvenation," to Xi, means nothing like what we who speak English mean by it. To Xi, it means control. To Xi, it means supremacy. It means that the world surrenders to China's rightful position as the premier nation here on Earth under the guiding hand of Xi's "Mandate from Heaven," over tianxia — over "everything beneath heaven."
Just as blockbuster movies have sequels, China, having succeeded with the premiere of COVID-19, is already planning COVID-20 — coming soon to a civilized nation near you.

For months now the consensus has been that China is responsible for this pandemic by the "accidental" or "deliberate release" of the Covid-19 vruus. It makes no difference, their actions after the release that were secretive and deliberate. There has been a call for reparations for China's complicity in this attack on the world.
There's no doubt that China deliberately lowered or even ignored many level 4 safety protocols at their Wuhan bio-lab. It makes it easier for them to proclaim that it was an "accidental" release and they should not be held responsible. It was their actions after the initial release that were deliberate nd blatant.
Calling for reparations would be virtually impossible, but imposing strict Trade tariffs and embargos on China by individual countries is certainly feasible. Would the UN be able to accomplish such a feat. The answer is No! China is too involved in trade throughout the world and actually controls countries in Southern Africa and Asia. In any case Russia would veto any actions within the UN....
Individual actions of countries like America, Japan and the UK would hurt China. Reducing the need of production of items, especially key materials like pharmaceuticals, steel, auto, and other strategic materials are the key to reducing the Chinese threat and power. President Trump is right and Democrats in this case are wrong.
china commits an act of war and rw's do everything they can do to resist our country as we fight for a cure - and save other American lives


fucking traitor motherfuckers
Never attribute to malice what is adequately explained by stupidity. If lack of foresight is a malicious act then Trump has declared war on America.
China Committed an Act of War
30 Apr 2020 ~~ By William L. Gensert
Xi and the CCP thugs running China committed a deliberate act of war the moment they banned air travel from Wuhan to all other Chinese cities while allowing international flights to proceed unmolested to the far corners of the globe. They did this despite knowing those flights out of China comprised desperate souls escaping a homegrown pandemic and a communist regime willing to let them die to save face. It was an artificial diaspora intended to seed humanity with the Xi Plague.It has been shown that ChiVid-19 came from a "wolf" bat, a particular type of bat not sold in the Wuhan "wet" market located mere feet from China's only level 4 research lab — a lab that, coincidentally, was studying various strains of coronavirus.
Did China deliberately unleash COVID-19? I doubt it. Hanlon's Razor dictates that one should never put off to malice what can be explained more easily by incompetence. No, COVID-19 is not a deliberately created biological weapon. While the infectious nature is perfect, its kill rate is minimal, rendering it marginal as a weapon of war. The actual weapons being worked on in China's labs are likely much more deadly.
The WuFlu was a viral study gone awry — an accident that escaped the lab because although China is a first-world manufacturer, it is a third-world country with a per capita income not much greater than Botswana's. China is a nation where tens of millions of people still live in caves and half the population still does not have indoor plumbing or toilets.
To recap, Xi, and the CCP, helped make a local error into a worldwide pandemic and then kept quiet about how little danger the virus created to productive nations, knowing that people who are allowed to think would let their imaginations run wild, resulting in actions that would destroy their economies — allowing you to make a buck while becoming more powerful.
It is the often heard but rarely experienced win-win-win situation.
Xi talks often about the "great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." "Rejuvenation," to Xi, means nothing like what we who speak English mean by it. To Xi, it means control. To Xi, it means supremacy. It means that the world surrenders to China's rightful position as the premier nation here on Earth under the guiding hand of Xi's "Mandate from Heaven," over tianxia — over "everything beneath heaven."
Just as blockbuster movies have sequels, China, having succeeded with the premiere of COVID-19, is already planning COVID-20 — coming soon to a civilized nation near you.

For months now the consensus has been that China is responsible for this pandemic by the "accidental" or "deliberate release" of the Covid-19 vruus. It makes no difference, their actions after the release that were secretive and deliberate. There has been a call for reparations for China's complicity in this attack on the world.
There's no doubt that China deliberately lowered or even ignored many level 4 safety protocols at their Wuhan bio-lab. It makes it easier for them to proclaim that it was an "accidental" release and they should not be held responsible. It was their actions after the initial release that were deliberate nd blatant.
Calling for reparations would be virtually impossible, but imposing strict Trade tariffs and embargos on China by individual countries is certainly feasible. Would the UN be able to accomplish such a feat. The answer is No! China is too involved in trade throughout the world and actually controls countries in Southern Africa and Asia. In any case Russia would veto any actions within the UN....
Individual actions of countries like America, Japan and the UK would hurt China. Reducing the need of production of items, especially key materials like pharmaceuticals, steel, auto, and other strategic materials are the key to reducing the Chinese threat and power. President Trump is right and Democrats in this case are wrong.

Better clear some of this bullshit...

China did bann it's citizens from leaving Whutan to other cities.

They also banned the Citizens from leaving China

Now what would it have looked like if China banned US Citizens from leaving China to go home?

After that could we have actual evidence... Not from a extreme right wing low information site...

This is not to say China is innocent but Trump is definitely trying to shift blame.
why would china turn the virus loose in their own country hoping it would get to the US when they could have sent several spies over with viles of contaminated bacteria and put them in ventilation systems around the country ?
China is a terrorist country. they need to suffer like no one has suffered before. end of discussion!
China doesn’t do well with losing face. A national immaturity. Combined with a propensity for holding grudges forever, it can add up to some unfortunate antics by their government.
This is all such ignorant bullsh*t! When flights out of Wuhan were stopped, they were ALSO STOPPED INTERNATIONALLY!

The only international fights out were from other cities in other parts of China, and day by day stricter checks were being introduced everywhere then, including at airports. Of course there were not yet tests available, the seriousness and degree of contagiousness was not yet known, etc.

In fact, as Wuhan is a central industrial city of over 11 million people, there were thousands of Americans and other Westerners trapped in the city when the sudden quarantine came down, and special flights were arranged to get these people out.
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China doesn’t do well with losing face. A national immaturity. Combined with a propensity for holding grudges forever, it can add up to some unfortunate antics by their government.
Well then stop doing things that make it happen. :)
China Committed an Act of War
30 Apr 2020 ~~ By William L. Gensert
Xi and the CCP thugs running China committed a deliberate act of war the moment they banned air travel from Wuhan to all other Chinese cities while allowing international flights to proceed unmolested to the far corners of the globe. They did this despite knowing those flights out of China comprised desperate souls escaping a homegrown pandemic and a communist regime willing to let them die to save face. It was an artificial diaspora intended to seed humanity with the Xi Plague.It has been shown that ChiVid-19 came from a "wolf" bat, a particular type of bat not sold in the Wuhan "wet" market located mere feet from China's only level 4 research lab — a lab that, coincidentally, was studying various strains of coronavirus.
Did China deliberately unleash COVID-19? I doubt it. Hanlon's Razor dictates that one should never put off to malice what can be explained more easily by incompetence. No, COVID-19 is not a deliberately created biological weapon. While the infectious nature is perfect, its kill rate is minimal, rendering it marginal as a weapon of war. The actual weapons being worked on in China's labs are likely much more deadly.
The WuFlu was a viral study gone awry — an accident that escaped the lab because although China is a first-world manufacturer, it is a third-world country with a per capita income not much greater than Botswana's. China is a nation where tens of millions of people still live in caves and half the population still does not have indoor plumbing or toilets.
To recap, Xi, and the CCP, helped make a local error into a worldwide pandemic and then kept quiet about how little danger the virus created to productive nations, knowing that people who are allowed to think would let their imaginations run wild, resulting in actions that would destroy their economies — allowing you to make a buck while becoming more powerful.
It is the often heard but rarely experienced win-win-win situation.
Xi talks often about the "great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." "Rejuvenation," to Xi, means nothing like what we who speak English mean by it. To Xi, it means control. To Xi, it means supremacy. It means that the world surrenders to China's rightful position as the premier nation here on Earth under the guiding hand of Xi's "Mandate from Heaven," over tianxia — over "everything beneath heaven."
Just as blockbuster movies have sequels, China, having succeeded with the premiere of COVID-19, is already planning COVID-20 — coming soon to a civilized nation near you.

For months now the consensus has been that China is responsible for this pandemic by the "accidental" or "deliberate release" of the Covid-19 vruus. It makes no difference, their actions after the release that were secretive and deliberate. There has been a call for reparations for China's complicity in this attack on the world.
There's no doubt that China deliberately lowered or even ignored many level 4 safety protocols at their Wuhan bio-lab. It makes it easier for them to proclaim that it was an "accidental" release and they should not be held responsible. It was their actions after the initial release that were deliberate nd blatant.
Calling for reparations would be virtually impossible, but imposing strict Trade tariffs and embargos on China by individual countries is certainly feasible. Would the UN be able to accomplish such a feat. The answer is No! China is too involved in trade throughout the world and actually controls countries in Southern Africa and Asia. In any case Russia would veto any actions within the UN....
Individual actions of countries like America, Japan and the UK would hurt China. Reducing the need of production of items, especially key materials like pharmaceuticals, steel, auto, and other strategic materials are the key to reducing the Chinese threat and power. President Trump is right and Democrats in this case are wrong.
china commits an act of war and rw's do everything they can do to resist our country as we fight for a cure - and save other American lives


fucking traitor motherfuckers
Can you elaborate?
China Committed an Act of War
30 Apr 2020 ~~ By William L. Gensert
Xi and the CCP thugs running China committed a deliberate act of war the moment they banned air travel from Wuhan to all other Chinese cities while allowing international flights to proceed unmolested to the far corners of the globe. They did this despite knowing those flights out of China comprised desperate souls escaping a homegrown pandemic and a communist regime willing to let them die to save face. It was an artificial diaspora intended to seed humanity with the Xi Plague.It has been shown that ChiVid-19 came from a "wolf" bat, a particular type of bat not sold in the Wuhan "wet" market located mere feet from China's only level 4 research lab — a lab that, coincidentally, was studying various strains of coronavirus.
Did China deliberately unleash COVID-19? I doubt it. Hanlon's Razor dictates that one should never put off to malice what can be explained more easily by incompetence. No, COVID-19 is not a deliberately created biological weapon. While the infectious nature is perfect, its kill rate is minimal, rendering it marginal as a weapon of war. The actual weapons being worked on in China's labs are likely much more deadly.
The WuFlu was a viral study gone awry — an accident that escaped the lab because although China is a first-world manufacturer, it is a third-world country with a per capita income not much greater than Botswana's. China is a nation where tens of millions of people still live in caves and half the population still does not have indoor plumbing or toilets.
To recap, Xi, and the CCP, helped make a local error into a worldwide pandemic and then kept quiet about how little danger the virus created to productive nations, knowing that people who are allowed to think would let their imaginations run wild, resulting in actions that would destroy their economies — allowing you to make a buck while becoming more powerful.
It is the often heard but rarely experienced win-win-win situation.
Xi talks often about the "great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." "Rejuvenation," to Xi, means nothing like what we who speak English mean by it. To Xi, it means control. To Xi, it means supremacy. It means that the world surrenders to China's rightful position as the premier nation here on Earth under the guiding hand of Xi's "Mandate from Heaven," over tianxia — over "everything beneath heaven."
Just as blockbuster movies have sequels, China, having succeeded with the premiere of COVID-19, is already planning COVID-20 — coming soon to a civilized nation near you.

For months now the consensus has been that China is responsible for this pandemic by the "accidental" or "deliberate release" of the Covid-19 vruus. It makes no difference, their actions after the release that were secretive and deliberate. There has been a call for reparations for China's complicity in this attack on the world.
There's no doubt that China deliberately lowered or even ignored many level 4 safety protocols at their Wuhan bio-lab. It makes it easier for them to proclaim that it was an "accidental" release and they should not be held responsible. It was their actions after the initial release that were deliberate nd blatant.
Calling for reparations would be virtually impossible, but imposing strict Trade tariffs and embargos on China by individual countries is certainly feasible. Would the UN be able to accomplish such a feat. The answer is No! China is too involved in trade throughout the world and actually controls countries in Southern Africa and Asia. In any case Russia would veto any actions within the UN....
Individual actions of countries like America, Japan and the UK would hurt China. Reducing the need of production of items, especially key materials like pharmaceuticals, steel, auto, and other strategic materials are the key to reducing the Chinese threat and power. President Trump is right and Democrats in this case are wrong.
Wow. You tards just get dumber every day! :lol:

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