Chickens comming home to roost

Who in their right mind would pay to read the NY Slimes online?
I would pay for the content of online newspapers if they got rid of the all the ads that take up the majority of their web pages, but that would never happen. Also, I have Adblock so I am just bitching. lol
I would pay for the content of online newspapers if they got rid of the all the ads that take up the majority of their web pages, but that would never happen. Also, I have Adblock so I am just bitching. lol

I love Adblock
Who in their right mind would pay to read the NY Slimes online?
you must have gone to a catlick skool

since you cannot read

The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Financial Times have been relatively successful with paywalls because of their unique content, he said.
The only thing that will save the news papers is a return to honest news reporting.
I read a real newspaper, with all it's cheap ink that gets all over your hands, every morning while I drink my coffee. I do worry that so much online news is going to put them out of business, though. Probably in twenty years when the likes of me is in the ground, it will all be gone. That's a good thing for the environment, I guess, but if that is the case, Wifi is going to have to be universal in every remote section of the country and "free" like major 4 tv. Also, what will we wrap our dishes in when we move?
The only thing that will save the news papers is a return to honest news reporting.

The only thing that will save print newspapers is the demise of the Internet...which seems rather unlikely.

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