Chicago Police violated Iowa man 14th amendment right


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens
A lot of stuff to cover here. "Two felony counts of unlawful use of a weapon". While this can be a lawful charge I see nowhere that it's stated he used it. This seems to perhaps be a way around simply charging someone with a weapon that they could be appealed to get it to a higher court.

A rifle and a handgun is not an arsenal.

Lastly though, and I do not have any idea what the rules of the hotel are but they can indeed ban guns on their property. That would get the guy questioned and escorted off the property but I'm not sure what charges could be brought.
The guy had a sniper nest set up in a window overlooking a crowded beach. I already knew you were nuts, but trying to say he had a constitutional right to do that is even nuttier than I expected from you. Which states do you think a sniper's nest, complete with weapons and ammo, are legal in?
The guy had a sniper nest set up in a window overlooking a crowded beach. I already knew you were nuts, but trying to say he had a constitutional right to do that is even nuttier than I expected from you. Which states do you think a sniper's nest, complete with weapons and ammo, are legal in?
he has a Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear his firearm
The rest you're just doing a minority report on
That system has not been set up yet and we still have Constitutionally protected rights
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens

There are no civil rights ‘violations’ here – 14th Amendment or otherwise.

From your own linked article:

“Prosecutors said Casteel admitted owning the guns, but he does not have a Firearm Owners Identification card, which is required to legally possess a gun in Illinois.”

The requirement of a license or permit to possess a firearm is perfectly lawful and Constitutional, in no manner in ‘violation’ of the Second Amendment.

The 14th Amendment doesn’t require all state laws to be ‘equal’ or ‘the same,’ it requires the states and local jurisdictions to afford all persons residing in the states equal protection of state laws and due process of the law.

An example of a 14th Amendment violation would be if the state refused to allow someone to apply for a FOID because of his race, religion, or national origin.

But that’s not the case here – Casteel wasn’t denied a FOID because of who he is, he was lawfully arrested because he didn’t have the document at all.
A lot of stuff to cover here. "Two felony counts of unlawful use of a weapon". While this can be a lawful charge I see nowhere that it's stated he used it. This seems to perhaps be a way around simply charging someone with a weapon that they could be appealed to get it to a higher court.

A rifle and a handgun is not an arsenal.

Lastly though, and I do not have any idea what the rules of the hotel are but they can indeed ban guns on their property. That would get the guy questioned and escorted off the property but I'm not sure what charges could be brought.
taking your firearm into a place that restricts them is not a felony if you don't leave when asked it's trespassing at best.
What is legal in one state should be legal in all states when it's dealing with Constitutionally protected rights.
Gay marriage is a good example even though it's not an original Constitutionally protected right it's a granted by the government right.
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens

There are no civil rights ‘violations’ here – 14th Amendment or otherwise.

From your own linked article:

“Prosecutors said Casteel admitted owning the guns, but he does not have a Firearm Owners Identification card, which is required to legally possess a gun in Illinois.”

The requirement of a license or permit to possess a firearm is perfectly lawful and Constitutional, in no manner in ‘violation’ of the Second Amendment.

The 14th Amendment doesn’t require all state laws to be ‘equal’ or ‘the same,’ it requires the states and local jurisdictions to afford all persons residing in the states equal protection of state laws and due process of the law.

An example of a 14th Amendment violation would be if the state refused to allow someone to apply for a FOID because of his race, religion, or national origin.

But that’s not the case here – Casteel wasn’t denied a FOID because of who he is, he was lawfully arrested because he didn’t have the document at all.

Pre 14th Amendment states and cities were permitted to create official religions but the Federal government was not. After the 14th that is no longer the case. The 14th does indeed place all Constitutional restrictions placed upon the Federal government on the state also.
The guy had a sniper nest set up in a window overlooking a crowded beach. I already knew you were nuts, but trying to say he had a constitutional right to do that is even nuttier than I expected from you. Which states do you think a sniper's nest, complete with weapons and ammo, are legal in?
he has a Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear his firearm
The rest you're just doing a minority report on
That system has not been set up yet and we still have Constitutionally protected rights
Also wrong.

He has the Second Amendment right to possess a firearm – but that right is neither ‘absolute’ nor ‘unlimited.’

Limits and restrictions can be placed on the Second Amendment right consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence – the Supreme Court has never held that a license or permit to possess a firearm is un-Constitutional; his arrest was perfectly lawful, warranted, and consistent with the Second Amendment.
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens

There are no civil rights ‘violations’ here – 14th Amendment or otherwise.

From your own linked article:

“Prosecutors said Casteel admitted owning the guns, but he does not have a Firearm Owners Identification card, which is required to legally possess a gun in Illinois.”

The requirement of a license or permit to possess a firearm is perfectly lawful and Constitutional, in no manner in ‘violation’ of the Second Amendment.

The 14th Amendment doesn’t require all state laws to be ‘equal’ or ‘the same,’ it requires the states and local jurisdictions to afford all persons residing in the states equal protection of state laws and due process of the law.

An example of a 14th Amendment violation would be if the state refused to allow someone to apply for a FOID because of his race, religion, or national origin.

But that’s not the case here – Casteel wasn’t denied a FOID because of who he is, he was lawfully arrested because he didn’t have the document at all.
You are absolutely incorrect
there is Judicial review that has used the 14th amendment that have ended jim crow gun control laws that restricted blacks from having a firearm.
Understanding how such view was incorporated into the Fourteenth Amendment, like most other constitutional analysis, requires looking to the state of the law and the evils perceived by the Framers, the remedy chosen for such evils, and other evidence of contemporaneous understanding by the Congress that framed the Amendment. See Rhode Island v. Massachusetts, 37 U.S. (12 Pet.) 657, 723 (1838) (In construing Constitution, court looks to the history of the time and examine the state of things existing when it was framed and adopted, to ascertain the old law, the mischief and the remedy).
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens

There are no civil rights ‘violations’ here – 14th Amendment or otherwise.

From your own linked article:

“Prosecutors said Casteel admitted owning the guns, but he does not have a Firearm Owners Identification card, which is required to legally possess a gun in Illinois.”

The requirement of a license or permit to possess a firearm is perfectly lawful and Constitutional, in no manner in ‘violation’ of the Second Amendment.

The 14th Amendment doesn’t require all state laws to be ‘equal’ or ‘the same,’ it requires the states and local jurisdictions to afford all persons residing in the states equal protection of state laws and due process of the law.

An example of a 14th Amendment violation would be if the state refused to allow someone to apply for a FOID because of his race, religion, or national origin.

But that’s not the case here – Casteel wasn’t denied a FOID because of who he is, he was lawfully arrested because he didn’t have the document at all.
So, it must also be perfectly legal and Constitutional to require a license to vote in Illinois. When we start requiring the licensing of a right, it becomes a privilege, not a right.
The guy had a sniper nest set up in a window overlooking a crowded beach. I already knew you were nuts, but trying to say he had a constitutional right to do that is even nuttier than I expected from you. Which states do you think a sniper's nest, complete with weapons and ammo, are legal in?
he has a Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear his firearm
The rest you're just doing a minority report on
That system has not been set up yet and we still have Constitutionally protected rights
Also wrong.

He has the Second Amendment right to possess a firearm – but that right is neither ‘absolute’ nor ‘unlimited.’

Limits and restrictions can be placed on the Second Amendment right consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence – the Supreme Court has never held that a license or permit to possess a firearm is un-Constitutional; his arrest was perfectly lawful, warranted, and consistent with the Second Amendment.
nope wrong again the 14th amendment requires all states have equal laws that all Citizens of all states enjoy
What is legal in one state should be legal in all states when it's dealing with Constitutionally protected rights.

The states have the right to enact different laws provided they comport with Constitutional case law.

For example, some states have public accommodations laws that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, other states do not.

In states without a sexual orientation provision, business owners can lawfully refuse service to gay Americans.
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens

There are no civil rights ‘violations’ here – 14th Amendment or otherwise.

From your own linked article:

“Prosecutors said Casteel admitted owning the guns, but he does not have a Firearm Owners Identification card, which is required to legally possess a gun in Illinois.”

The requirement of a license or permit to possess a firearm is perfectly lawful and Constitutional, in no manner in ‘violation’ of the Second Amendment.

The 14th Amendment doesn’t require all state laws to be ‘equal’ or ‘the same,’ it requires the states and local jurisdictions to afford all persons residing in the states equal protection of state laws and due process of the law.

An example of a 14th Amendment violation would be if the state refused to allow someone to apply for a FOID because of his race, religion, or national origin.

But that’s not the case here – Casteel wasn’t denied a FOID because of who he is, he was lawfully arrested because he didn’t have the document at all.
So, it must also be perfectly legal and Constitutional to require a license to vote in Illinois. When we start requiring the licensing of a right, it becomes a privilege, not a right.

No, as not everyone can qualify for a license. Now if you mean an I.D.. that is already gave to you when you register.
The guy had a sniper nest set up in a window overlooking a crowded beach. I already knew you were nuts, but trying to say he had a constitutional right to do that is even nuttier than I expected from you. Which states do you think a sniper's nest, complete with weapons and ammo, are legal in?
he has a Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear his firearm
The rest you're just doing a minority report on
That system has not been set up yet and we still have Constitutionally protected rights
Your claim that he had a constitutional right to do that is too absurd to deserve more than a simple
What is legal in one state should be legal in all states when it's dealing with Constitutionally protected rights.

The states have the right to enact different laws provided they comport with Constitutional case law.

For example, some states have public accommodations laws that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, other states do not.

In states without a sexual orientation provision, business owners can lawfully refuse service to gay Americans.
the 14th amendment strictly forbids any state to create any laws that abridge and infringe on the rights citizens that all citizens have in all states.
The guy had a sniper nest set up in a window overlooking a crowded beach. I already knew you were nuts, but trying to say he had a constitutional right to do that is even nuttier than I expected from you. Which states do you think a sniper's nest, complete with weapons and ammo, are legal in?
he has a Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear his firearm
The rest you're just doing a minority report on
That system has not been set up yet and we still have Constitutionally protected rights
Your claim that he had a constitutional right to do that is too absurd to deserve more than a simple

Historical Judicial reviews states othwise
Gay marriage is a good example even though it's not an original Constitutionally protected right it's a granted by the government right.

State laws and measures that prohibited same-sex couples from marrying were invalidated by the Supreme Court because they violated the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of equal protection of the law.

Because same-sex couples were eligible to enter into the states’ marriage contracts, to deny them access simply because of their sexual orientation was un-Constitutional.
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens
Are you out of your fucking mind?
I am as conservative as it comes, and I fully support the right to own guns. I have several.
But I am am not an imbecile.
I do not support the "right" to set up a snipers nest in a hotel room above a crowded beach.
Are you on drugs? He had 5 fully loaded magazines sitting in the window sill, with the rifle set up by the window.
There is no planet where that is ok.
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens

There are no civil rights ‘violations’ here – 14th Amendment or otherwise.

From your own linked article:

“Prosecutors said Casteel admitted owning the guns, but he does not have a Firearm Owners Identification card, which is required to legally possess a gun in Illinois.”

The requirement of a license or permit to possess a firearm is perfectly lawful and Constitutional, in no manner in ‘violation’ of the Second Amendment.

The 14th Amendment doesn’t require all state laws to be ‘equal’ or ‘the same,’ it requires the states and local jurisdictions to afford all persons residing in the states equal protection of state laws and due process of the law.

An example of a 14th Amendment violation would be if the state refused to allow someone to apply for a FOID because of his race, religion, or national origin.

But that’s not the case here – Casteel wasn’t denied a FOID because of who he is, he was lawfully arrested because he didn’t have the document at all.
So, it must also be perfectly legal and Constitutional to require a license to vote in Illinois. When we start requiring the licensing of a right, it becomes a privilege, not a right.

No, as not everyone can qualify for a license. Now if you mean an I.D.. that is already gave to you when you register.
If you must apply for a specific license to own a firearm, then the same standard can be applied to voting.

Both are rights as defined by the Constitution and its Amendments.

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