Chelsea Clinton: “I Wish My Grandparents Had Planned Parenthood” (she said it again)

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
“It was You who created my conscience; You fashioned me in my mother’s womb.” Psalms 139:13 (The Israel Bible™)

Chelsea Clinton recently doubled-down a previous declaration that she wished her maternal grandmother had utilized the services of Planned Parenthood. Though she insisted her intention was not that her mother would have been aborted rather than born, the ugly truths of Planned Parenthood present a far uglier picture than she probably intended.

In a dialogue last week with Planned Parenthood’s newly appointed president, Dr. Leana Wen, Chelsea Clinton, the former first-daughter, referred to a rather perplexing statement she had made in a similar forum with Cecile Richards, the previous head of Planned Parenthood.

“When I was on a panel recently with Cecile [Richards], I said how much I wish that my grandmother — my mom’s mom — had been able to go to a Planned Parenthood. She had unwed teenage parents who abandoned her multiple times throughout her life. She had to start working to support herself before her 14th birthday. She was aware that there was something deeply unjust about her situation, dealing with questions of menstruation and reproductive healthcare without somewhere to go.”

The ambiguity of the statement, seeming to imply that she would have preferred her progenitor be aborted, was not entirely lost on Clinton.

“Of course, when I shared this, the anti-choice movement translated it as saying I wished my grandmother had aborted my mother. Which is, of course, not what I said and not what I meant.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


We also are sad that your parents lived through a horrible death being pulled apart by unethical and sadistic monsters....could have saved the country a lot of problems!
An uglier picture ?
Chelsea Clinton: “I Wish My Grandparents Had Planned Parenthood”

If her grandparents had planned parenthood her crooked parents had never existed. Hard to disagree with stupid Chelsea on this particular case.
“It was You who created my conscience; You fashioned me in my mother’s womb.” Psalms 139:13 (The Israel Bible™)

Chelsea Clinton recently doubled-down a previous declaration that she wished her maternal grandmother had utilized the services of Planned Parenthood. Though she insisted her intention was not that her mother would have been aborted rather than born, the ugly truths of Planned Parenthood present a far uglier picture than she probably intended.

In a dialogue last week with Planned Parenthood’s newly appointed president, Dr. Leana Wen, Chelsea Clinton, the former first-daughter, referred to a rather perplexing statement she had made in a similar forum with Cecile Richards, the previous head of Planned Parenthood.

“When I was on a panel recently with Cecile [Richards], I said how much I wish that my grandmother — my mom’s mom — had been able to go to a Planned Parenthood. She had unwed teenage parents who abandoned her multiple times throughout her life. She had to start working to support herself before her 14th birthday. She was aware that there was something deeply unjust about her situation, dealing with questions of menstruation and reproductive healthcare without somewhere to go.”

The ambiguity of the statement, seeming to imply that she would have preferred her progenitor be aborted, was not entirely lost on Clinton.

“Of course, when I shared this, the anti-choice movement translated it as saying I wished my grandmother had aborted my mother. Which is, of course, not what I said and not what I meant.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


We also are sad that your parents lived through a horrible death being pulled apart by unethical and sadistic monsters....could have saved the country a lot of problems!

Acolytes of the cult of the religious "woke" Left aren't very astute when it comes to following logic loops to their, well, most logical conclusions. Get rid of combustion engine vehicles, but still you have to attend a climate change meeting 2000 miles away. Whoops, now what are you gonna do? Kill all the unborn, but then look forward to future generations carrying the ideological torch. Whoops! No more people. Liberal radical logic.
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You should see her Twitter feed...

On second thought don’’ll regret it.
“It was You who created my conscience; You fashioned me in my mother’s womb.” Psalms 139:13 (The Israel Bible™)

Chelsea Clinton recently doubled-down a previous declaration that she wished her maternal grandmother had utilized the services of Planned Parenthood. Though she insisted her intention was not that her mother would have been aborted rather than born, the ugly truths of Planned Parenthood present a far uglier picture than she probably intended.

In a dialogue last week with Planned Parenthood’s newly appointed president, Dr. Leana Wen, Chelsea Clinton, the former first-daughter, referred to a rather perplexing statement she had made in a similar forum with Cecile Richards, the previous head of Planned Parenthood.

“When I was on a panel recently with Cecile [Richards], I said how much I wish that my grandmother — my mom’s mom — had been able to go to a Planned Parenthood. She had unwed teenage parents who abandoned her multiple times throughout her life. She had to start working to support herself before her 14th birthday. She was aware that there was something deeply unjust about her situation, dealing with questions of menstruation and reproductive healthcare without somewhere to go.”

The ambiguity of the statement, seeming to imply that she would have preferred her progenitor be aborted, was not entirely lost on Clinton.

“Of course, when I shared this, the anti-choice movement translated it as saying I wished my grandmother had aborted my mother. Which is, of course, not what I said and not what I meant.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


We also are sad that your parents lived through a horrible death being pulled apart by unethical and sadistic monsters....could have saved the country a lot of problems!

Many wish Bill had shot that load on Hillary dress than creating that disaster they call a daughter...
“It was You who created my conscience; You fashioned me in my mother’s womb.” Psalms 139:13 (The Israel Bible™)

Chelsea Clinton recently doubled-down a previous declaration that she wished her maternal grandmother had utilized the services of Planned Parenthood. Though she insisted her intention was not that her mother would have been aborted rather than born, the ugly truths of Planned Parenthood present a far uglier picture than she probably intended.

In a dialogue last week with Planned Parenthood’s newly appointed president, Dr. Leana Wen, Chelsea Clinton, the former first-daughter, referred to a rather perplexing statement she had made in a similar forum with Cecile Richards, the previous head of Planned Parenthood.

“When I was on a panel recently with Cecile [Richards], I said how much I wish that my grandmother — my mom’s mom — had been able to go to a Planned Parenthood. She had unwed teenage parents who abandoned her multiple times throughout her life. She had to start working to support herself before her 14th birthday. She was aware that there was something deeply unjust about her situation, dealing with questions of menstruation and reproductive healthcare without somewhere to go.”

The ambiguity of the statement, seeming to imply that she would have preferred her progenitor be aborted, was not entirely lost on Clinton.

“Of course, when I shared this, the anti-choice movement translated it as saying I wished my grandmother had aborted my mother. Which is, of course, not what I said and not what I meant.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


We also are sad that your parents lived through a horrible death being pulled apart by unethical and sadistic monsters....could have saved the country a lot of problems!

You posted a story that's a year old.

You also ignored the most important part of what you posted.

You russian trolls will do anything to divide the US.

Chelsea is right, her grandmother would have been better off if she had a source for honest and factual information about how her own body works. Since she didn't have a mom to tell her about it and in that time public schools didn't teach much if anything about it.

Abortion is only 3% of what Planned Parenthood does. The rest is a wide range of medical and educational services.

Last, Chelsea's grandmother never could have gotten a legal abortion when she was pregnant with Hillary. It was illegal at the time. Even if Planned Parenthood had existed at the time, her grandmother never could have gotten an abortion there.

Screen Shot 2020-02-29 at 7.16.33 PM.png
“It was You who created my conscience; You fashioned me in my mother’s womb.” Psalms 139:13 (The Israel Bible™)

Chelsea Clinton recently doubled-down a previous declaration that she wished her maternal grandmother had utilized the services of Planned Parenthood. Though she insisted her intention was not that her mother would have been aborted rather than born, the ugly truths of Planned Parenthood present a far uglier picture than she probably intended.

In a dialogue last week with Planned Parenthood’s newly appointed president, Dr. Leana Wen, Chelsea Clinton, the former first-daughter, referred to a rather perplexing statement she had made in a similar forum with Cecile Richards, the previous head of Planned Parenthood.

“When I was on a panel recently with Cecile [Richards], I said how much I wish that my grandmother — my mom’s mom — had been able to go to a Planned Parenthood. She had unwed teenage parents who abandoned her multiple times throughout her life. She had to start working to support herself before her 14th birthday. She was aware that there was something deeply unjust about her situation, dealing with questions of menstruation and reproductive healthcare without somewhere to go.”

The ambiguity of the statement, seeming to imply that she would have preferred her progenitor be aborted, was not entirely lost on Clinton.

“Of course, when I shared this, the anti-choice movement translated it as saying I wished my grandmother had aborted my mother. Which is, of course, not what I said and not what I meant.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


We also are sad that your parents lived through a horrible death being pulled apart by unethical and sadistic monsters....could have saved the country a lot of problems!

You posted a story that's a year old.

You also ignored the most important part of what you posted.

You russian trolls will do anything to divide the US.

Chelsea is right, her grandmother would have been better off if she had a source for honest and factual information about how her own body works. Since she didn't have a mom to tell her about it and in that time public schools didn't teach much if anything about it.

Abortion is only 3% of what Planned Parenthood does. The rest is a wide range of medical and educational services.

Last, Chelsea's grandmother never could have gotten a legal abortion when she was pregnant with Hillary. It was illegal at the time. Even if Planned Parenthood had existed at the time, her grandmother never could have gotten an abortion there.

View attachment 309585
“It was You who created my conscience; You fashioned me in my mother’s womb.” Psalms 139:13 (The Israel Bible™)

Chelsea Clinton recently doubled-down a previous declaration that she wished her maternal grandmother had utilized the services of Planned Parenthood. Though she insisted her intention was not that her mother would have been aborted rather than born, the ugly truths of Planned Parenthood present a far uglier picture than she probably intended.

In a dialogue last week with Planned Parenthood’s newly appointed president, Dr. Leana Wen, Chelsea Clinton, the former first-daughter, referred to a rather perplexing statement she had made in a similar forum with Cecile Richards, the previous head of Planned Parenthood.

“When I was on a panel recently with Cecile [Richards], I said how much I wish that my grandmother — my mom’s mom — had been able to go to a Planned Parenthood. She had unwed teenage parents who abandoned her multiple times throughout her life. She had to start working to support herself before her 14th birthday. She was aware that there was something deeply unjust about her situation, dealing with questions of menstruation and reproductive healthcare without somewhere to go.”

The ambiguity of the statement, seeming to imply that she would have preferred her progenitor be aborted, was not entirely lost on Clinton.

“Of course, when I shared this, the anti-choice movement translated it as saying I wished my grandmother had aborted my mother. Which is, of course, not what I said and not what I meant.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


We also are sad that your parents lived through a horrible death being pulled apart by unethical and sadistic monsters....could have saved the country a lot of problems!

I always thought it was a good insult to tell someone that their old man should have used a rubber.

But here you have someone saying that about themselves.

I'm mystified.

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