Check this Gestapo bullshit out

Why should those rights supersede others rights to life?

Mainly because the premise that allowing people to exercise their explicitly-asserted First Amendment rights violates anyone else's right to life is a flat-out lie, and those of you telling it know damn well that you are lying.
Nope, it's not a lie. Congregating in large numbers increasing the spread of COVID-19. Not just among church-goers, but among those with whom they come in contact. That selfishly puts others lives in peril and unfortunately for some, brutally strips away their right to life.

Your pathetically weak excuse fails to justify placing the right to assemble above the right to life.
That is the legal/constitutional justification. There's no social need to ban snake handling, or even peyote use, if it's central to the exercise of religion, because no one besides the faithful are impacted. But the virus WILL WITHOUT ANY QUESTION spread outside of just the people assembling in some religious setting, because the faithful will not remain quarantined inside the locale of the religious setting.

So, if someone want to assert the regulation goes too far in banning the assembly altogether, they have to address how the exponential rise in sick people is not affected.
And in a totally selfish vein, those who continue to disregard the social distancing orders prolong this goddamned shutdown and the ever tightening stay-at-home orders that are completely fucking up our lives.

if all 50 states go into shelter in place mode, scientists are predicting that our best outcome will be 100,000 - 240,000,000 dead. that is the benchmark we hope to meet. but it's not looking like the troglodyte states are jumping on board; so the toll might be higher. i hope & pray (in my house where i know god can hear me) that scientific models have it wrong.

But what about the millions that die afterwards from the Super-Depression that ensues?

You're right. Let's open up for business now. You think the virus is going away and the economy comes screaming back? You're not going to have an economy until this is under control.

If this last for a long time, we still won't have an economy. Right now, a lot of businesses , a lot of people are really struggling. I'm not personally. But those in retail trade, in hospitality, transportation, restaurants, pimpery and prostitution, are all being ruined and reduced to utter destitution.

I get that but you can't have an economy during wildly out of control pandemic. It's just not going to happen so we have no choice but to take care of one issue to a point where it is manageable and then go after the second otherwise neither gets fixed.
Get ready to starve, dumbass. Me? I can eat whatever. You? You're in for a rude awakening.

I'm not going hungry anytime soon. I can wait this out for years if need be.
Suure, buckwheat. With what? No guns?

I live in Arizona, who said anything about no guns?
What you gonna eat in Arizona? Cactus? Snakes?
Coyote? Don't eat Ms. Coyote, pls.
Aside from the cannibalism factor, I've grown rather fond over the years. That last unwarranted ban notwithstanding.

Oh, so you don't really know much about Arizona then.

They claim they are using it to fight the pandemic.... so what exactly are they doing with the results of their spying data that has any affect

Well they might just have a tough time tracking me because I won't and don't own a so called smartphone.
I know that's an odd position for someone who helped to create the damned things in the first place but I just don't need one so why pay for something I don't really need.
I also refuse to becomes a stumbling drooling moron that can't even walk down the street or have a conversation over dinner without my eyes glued to that tiny little screen trying to tell me what to do, think and say 24/7.
Any phone that doesn't have GPS is analog and can no longer connect to a network now.

You might can yank the battery, if you can do that. Not sure if that works.

Who needs "bugs" when every cell phone and Alexa is a listening device?
Not only with a microphone, but a camera, too!
Oh taking the battery out would certinaly defeat tracking right up to when you put it back in to make or receive a call.
So don't use devices that do that. May The Force be with you.
They damn sure would have if they could have, you fucking lemming dumbass.

They used papers.

Ask yourself why is GPS mandatory in cell phones? It damn sure ain't so you can call who you want.

Oh, eat a bag of dicks, you cum-gurgling little bitch. Are you so fucking devoid of intelligence that you don't know a joke when you see one? Instead you lash out, calling people names because they have the audacity to not take every word you belch up seriously?

Fuck you, you little piss-ant fuck...
View attachment 318332

I rarely get mad and, when I do, it takes a Helluva' lot more than a little bitch clown like you to do it.

You know, this would be more enjoyable if you were smarter...
Ask me how I know your troll account is here just for me, Faggatronius Maximus?

What is it you hope to accomplish?
Trump will win in 2020.
And I doubt you get me banned from here, so you're about to have a bad time. :dunno:'
If you happen to...that's what our money is going for>?

You ain't no Canon picture shooter, you're here for ulterior motives.
Ask me how I know your troll account is here just for me, Faggatronius Maximus?

You really do have an over-inflated sense of your self worth, don't you?

What is it you hope to accomplish?

I like to discuss politics and, on occasion, crack a joke or three, which is all I was doing with your post. Instead of being smart enough to realize that, you went clean off the rails, filled your diaper, and went on some ignorant little estrogen-fueled rant about GPS...

Trump will win in 2020.

I certainly hope so. See, I voted for him in 2016 and, from the looks of the geriatric ward that the Democrats seem to be running, I full intend to vote for him in November.

See, here's the thing, you stupid little prick: I'm a conservative. If you'd take the time to learn about someone before you flip out and start calling them names, you'd have known that about me. But you're not that smart, are you?

And I doubt you get me banned from here, so you're about to have a bad time. :dunno:'

You honestly think I give enough of a fuck about you to want to waste time trying to get you banned?


Again, pinhead, get over yourself. I honestly couldn't give less of a fuck about you then I do right now. I know; I just tried. I couldn't do it.

If you happen to...that's what our money is going for>?

That's probably the single most meaningless sentence ever posted to the internet...

You ain't no Canon picture shooter, you're here for ulterior motives.

I'm actually not, but I've run into dipshits like you plenty of times and, because you have no real friends and spend the vast majority of your waking hours in your room in your Mom's basement, you try to act as though you're someone of some import.

Well, you're not. I don't give a shit about you. I'll take the ttime necessary to insult you when you insist on being ignorant and stupid (so I guess I got my work cut out for me! LOL!), but I'll give no weight to anything you have to say, simply because the first thing you chose to say to me proved that you're nothing but a whiny bitch...

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