Chauvin juror: I didn't want to go thru the rioting

She thought he was guilty and would have voted that way, but she was an alternate and did not participate in the decision. The actual jurors' names have not been released.

Before the trial, she was asked if she wanted to be a juror, and said her feelings were mixed....but after she had sat through the trial she would have voted guilty anyway. So why a retrial?

Her comments on the jurors not using their real names and keeping away from discussion giving out personal information...yeah not hard to conclude people felt intimidated of being doxxed. Personally I don't think there will be an appeal, because the courts have also been intimidated. What's interesting is that intimidation of the crowd gathered around Floyd during the 9 minutes played apart in the actions of law enforcement.
That alternate juror didn't sound one bit intimidated. I wonder though if there are rightwingers out there trying to dox the jurors as we speak, like they've been trying to dox the cop that shot Ashli Babbitt.

People have the same right to know the cop who kill Babbitt they same way they had a right to know the cop who killed Floyd. As for this women she acknowledges people were intimidated as why they didn't want to disclose personal information to the other jurors. She's an idiot and I won't be surprised if she receives threats for giving an interview.
frankly, I think she is very brave for coming forward and letting people know that the dems riots, and continued threats of violence really did weight on the jurors. This really explains the very quick turn around.
Justice served. The article was about an alternate juror who didn’t get a standing and said the cop was guilty. Separately the article throws in an anonymous “quote” from “one juror” that has no context and has a broken link for citation. BULLSHIT.
Bald garbage piece. Sounds like Breitbart.
Why don't you believe in Due Process?
I do believe in sound reporting though. And clear thinking.
So why do you think it's garage that a juror was concerned about riots in response to her verdict?
It's garbage that her consideration about that BEFORE the trial somehow means it influenced her final decision, or that it means ALL the actual jurors felt that way. Of course, anyone would think of that when they were called up. But at least this particular woman was relieved to find she didn't have to worry about it because he was clearly guilty.
Justice served. The article was about an alternate juror who didn’t get a standing and said the cop was guilty. Separately the article throws in an anonymous “quote” from “one juror” that has no context and has a broken link for citation. BULLSHIT.
Bald garbage piece. Sounds like Breitbart.
Why don't you believe in Due Process?
I do believe in sound reporting though. And clear thinking.
So why do you think it's garage that a juror was concerned about riots in response to her verdict?
It's garbage that her consideration about that BEFORE the trial somehow means it influenced her final decision, or that it means ALL the actual jurors felt that way. Of course, anyone would think of that when they were called up. But at least this particular woman was relieved to find she didn't have to worry about it because he was clearly guilty.
well the consideration BEFORE the trial is the issue...bringing those concerns in into the panel of jurors is the issue.

Geez...if she wasn't aware or didn't have concerns after the job was over, then the jury wouldn't of been tainted.

One juror can and does taint the entire pool. There is no way of actually knowing how much or if any impact it had. Which, means the verdict is in question and therefore tainted.
One juror: "I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict."

Appeal on the way.

In other words this stupid cowardly shithead let the assholes get away with convicting an innocent police officer for the same reasons the Supreme Court let the Democrats get away with stealing an election.

Our country is pretty well fucked now.
Justice served. The article was about an alternate juror who didn’t get a standing and said the cop was guilty. Separately the article throws in an anonymous “quote” from “one juror” that has no context and has a broken link for citation. BULLSHIT.
Bald garbage piece. Sounds like Breitbart.
Why don't you believe in Due Process?
I do believe in sound reporting though. And clear thinking.
So why do you think it's garage that a juror was concerned about riots in response to her verdict?
It's garbage that her consideration about that BEFORE the trial somehow means it influenced her final decision, or that it means ALL the actual jurors felt that way. Of course, anyone would think of that when they were called up. But at least this particular woman was relieved to find she didn't have to worry about it because he was clearly guilty.
well the consideration BEFORE the trial is the issue....if she wasn't concerned until after her job was don
Why? I don't get it.
Justice served. The article was about an alternate juror who didn’t get a standing and said the cop was guilty. Separately the article throws in an anonymous “quote” from “one juror” that has no context and has a broken link for citation. BULLSHIT.
Bald garbage piece. Sounds like Breitbart.
Why don't you believe in Due Process?
I do believe in sound reporting though. And clear thinking.
So why do you think it's garage that a juror was concerned about riots in response to her verdict?
It's garbage that her consideration about that BEFORE the trial somehow means it influenced her final decision, or that it means ALL the actual jurors felt that way. Of course, anyone would think of that when they were called up. But at least this particular woman was relieved to find she didn't have to worry about it because he was clearly guilty.
well the consideration BEFORE the trial is the issue....if she wasn't concerned until after her job was don
Why? I don't get it.
I know...obviously you don't care about Due Process

But when a juror comes into a jury box, with bias, or prejudice, or in this case, concerns about violence if they don't deliver a certain verdict...the jury is tainted...the Defendant does not get a fair trial, which means not proper Due Process.

Jurors are suppose to be impartial, not concerned about things outside of the Courtroom. In this case, one of the jurors has admitted that wasn't the case.
She thought he was guilty and would have voted that way, but she was an alternate and did not participate in the decision. The actual jurors' names have not been released.

Before the trial, she was asked if she wanted to be a juror, and said her feelings were mixed....but after she had sat through the trial she would have voted guilty anyway. So why a retrial?

The problem is that the persecution was working to get people to vote guilty based on the jury's desire to avoid Rioting, not on the guilt or innocence of the defendant.

Reminds me of the trial of Jesus H. Christ, where Mr. Pilate wanted to avoid problems with the local leaders and condemned Him even though the facts of the case didn't justify it.

That's not the American system, Officer Chauvin deserves a trial by jurors who could give a shit less if the cities of America burn
She thought he was guilty and would have voted that way, but she was an alternate and did not participate in the decision. The actual jurors' names have not been released.

Before the trial, she was asked if she wanted to be a juror, and said her feelings were mixed....but after she had sat through the trial she would have voted guilty anyway. So why a retrial?
Are you afraid an actual fair trial might result in a different decision? Waters yapping to the press alone is enough.
One juror: "I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict."

Appeal on the way.

Another juror said he was found guilty because the prosecution presented a good case for guilt.
One juror: "I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict."

Appeal on the way.

Another juror said he was found guilty because the prosecution presented a good case for guilt.
I think the State did a great job too...but sadly due to the mob, backed, supported, both with money and with praise and encouragement by the Dems, their work is tainted.

There is no real way of knowing just how much the intimidation and threats of more riots and violence had on the back of the minds of each juror and contributed to potential bias.
One juror: "I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict."

Appeal on the way.

Do you think we are that dumb.

Kyle is a writer and producer for Fox News' #1 cable primetime show Hannity. He is a veteran of award-winning digital news startup Independent Journal Review. He was one of the initial hires as a freelance Content Creator and quickly became Senior Managing Editor and then Director of Viral Media.
Kyle Becker’s Biography | Muck Rack
Do we think you are dumb?

View attachment 483010


Next question.

Really, all that is needed here is blabbering Maxine Waters threatening the world along with her side kicks Biden and Obama for an appeal.

The judge also chose not to sequester the jury, so they saw all of it.

You must think we , the democrats, are stupid.
You want me to repeat myself?

Do you really think that will help you understand any better?

Here, let me sooth your angst with a Joe Biden moment that probably made you vote for him

" ... I got hairy legs that turn, that, that, that turn blonde in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach into the pool and pull and rub my leg down so it was straight, and watch the hair come back up again ... So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping up my lap. And I love kids jumping up my lap."

I voted for Joe Biden, take that you lover of tramp cult.

I knew their was atleast one person who actually voted for Biden. :auiqs.jpg:
I think his mom posts here or something.
She thought he was guilty and would have voted that way, but she was an alternate and did not participate in the decision. The actual jurors' names have not been released.

Before the trial, she was asked if she wanted to be a juror, and said her feelings were mixed....but after she had sat through the trial she would have voted guilty anyway. So why a retrial?
Are you afraid an actual fair trial might result in a different decision? Waters yapping to the press alone is enough.

The real problem here is that they should have sought a jury from a county where the population could care less if the Minneapolisites were going to burn their city or not if they didn't like the verdict..

That shouldn't be a factor on whether or not to condemn Mr. Chauvin or anyone else.

The only thing that should be considered is whether his actions added up to "murder" according to law, not the attitude of certain elements of the local populace.

. . . I haven't been following this trial AT ALL.

I just didn't care.

I only found out yesterday that the Jury wasn't sequestered. I mean, really? They had their phones and access to all that media that entire time?

This is a mistrial, and now Chauvin can appeal the decision and get the trial declared a mistrial, and it's a slam dunk.


‘I Didn’t Want to Go Through the Rioting’: Juror in Chauvin Trial Makes Stunning Admission over ‘Guilty’ Verdict

'I Didn't Want to Go Through the Rioting': Juror in Chauvin Trial Makes Stunning Admission over 'Guilty' Verdict - Becker News
Did any of them hear Mad Maxie Pads statements before verdict. That is a defiite mistrial.lolol

Thanks for such good and joyous news on this blessed day.

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