Charlottesville Looking More And More Like A Setup


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
These made for media riots always seem to happen in places that Democrats control.

Articles: Charlottesville and Its Aftermath: What if It Was a Setup?

August 18, 2017
Charlottesville and Its Aftermath: What if It Was a Setup?
By Patricia McCarthy

The ridiculous campaign by virtually every media outlet, every Democrat and far too many squishy Republicans to label Trump some kind of racist and Nazi sympathizer is beginning to have the stink of an orchestrated smear. The conflagration in Charlottesville is beginning to feel like a set-up, perhaps weeks or months in the planning. Planned by whom? Time may tell. We know that Michael Signer, the mayor of Charlottesville, declared his city to be the "capital of the resistance" just after Trump's inauguration. We know that Gov. Terry McAuliffe is a corruptocrat, joined at the hip to the Clintons. He pardoned sixty-thousand felons in order to ensure he delivered his state to the presidential election of Hillary Clinton. We know he would like to run for president himself.

We know that Obama and his inner circle have set up a war room in his D.C. home to plan and execute resistance to the Trump administration and his legislative agenda. None of these people care about the American people, or the fact that Trump won the election because millions of people voted for him. They suggest those deranged persons who gathered in Charlottesville as members of one of several fringe groups, Unite The Right, neo-Nazi or KKK, are Trump's base -- as if there are more than a few hundred or thousand of them throughout the country. There are not enough of them to affect anything or elect anyone. Those who are actual members of these small groups are most likely mentally ill to one degree or another. Trump has disavowed them all, over and over and over again. Liz Crokin, an entertainment reporter and no fan of Trump, wrote in 2016 that she had covered Trump for over a decade and in all that time, no one had ever suggested he was racist, homophobic, or sympathetic to white supremacists. That all began after he announced his campaign. It is as fake a narrative as the "Russia collusion" meme. The left set out to defame Trump from moment one. When he won the election, their shock, dismay and intolerance for every opinion that differs from their own shifted into hysterical overdrive. They mounted their crusade to destroy his presidency on Nov. 9, 2016.

Democrats in Virginia raises Antifa flag to cheers

What if Signer and McAuliffe, in conjunction with Antifa and other Soros-funded groups like Black Lives Matter, planned and orchestrated what happened in Charlottesville and meant for events to unfold roughly as they did? If they did, it was icing on their sick, immoral cake. If this was all part of a plan, one would hope those behind it suffer for their part in and responsibility for the tragic death of a young woman, Heather Heyer. The "founder" of Unite The Right, Jason Kessler, was an activist with Occupy Wall Street and Obama supporter.


Jason Kessler at Charlottesville City Hall, August 13, 2017

He sees himself as a professional provocateur. What if he was a ringer, a phony who revels in riling up some crazy people for some political purpose? We know the left is skilled in all manner of dirty tricks. That sort of thing was Robert Creamer's job for the Hillary campaign, hiring thugs to incite violence that could then be blamed on Trump supporters. Think of Ferguson, Baltimore, Berkeley, etc. Antifa and BLM are every bit as fascist as any of the supremacist groups; they are more violent and there are more of them. Why is the left so afraid to admit this fact? Even Peter Beinart did in the Atlantic, written before last Saturday.

Since that day, the call to remove the statues on display that honor any members of the Confederacy has become shrill and frenzied. Erasing American history benefits no one and only condemns us to repeat past mistakes. The supremacist groups had a permit; they had applied months earlier. The Antifa and Black Lives Matter groups did not have a permit. The local police at some point, on whose order we do not know, turned the pro-statue groups toward the Antifa and BLM groups, many of whom were armed with lethal weapons - soda cans filled with cement, bottles filled with urine, baseball bats and boards with screws protruding to do maximum harm, and improvised flamethrowers. These are the people who initiated the violence. How was this not a planned melee? Pit groups of demented racists -- all of them on both sides are certainly that -- against each other and violence is sure to occur. (Certainly, there were decent people among the protestors and counter-protesters who had no affiliation with the supremacist groups or Antifa or BLM. Heather Heyer was among them.)​
The whole thing sticks of an Orwellian prediction. Subversive action against the American people.
What other reason can the Left offer for the deliberate lack of Police presence? This was not a spontaneous event, it was planned and very well publicized. They knew the reactions that people dressed in KKK outfits invoke. The Governor and the Mayor need to be held accountable for deliberately creating the conflict.
What other reason can the Left offer for the deliberate lack of Police presence? This was not a spontaneous event, it was planned and very well publicized. They knew the reactions that people dressed in KKK outfits invoke. The Governor and the Mayor need to be held accountable for deliberately creating the conflict.

Someone in the slavery party being held accountable, now that is down right funny.
What other reason can the Left offer for the deliberate lack of Police presence? This was not a spontaneous event, it was planned and very well publicized. They knew the reactions that people dressed in KKK outfits invoke. The Governor and the Mayor need to be held accountable for deliberately creating the conflict.

Someone in the slavery party being held accountable, now that is down right funny.
They should have been held MORE accountable back in 1865 with some treason trials and hangings. We might not have this issue now, then.
What other reason can the Left offer for the deliberate lack of Police presence? This was not a spontaneous event, it was planned and very well publicized. They knew the reactions that people dressed in KKK outfits invoke. The Governor and the Mayor need to be held accountable for deliberately creating the conflict.

Make up your "mind". Was it the kkk that "invoked" the violence or was it the governor and mayor?

No, it was not a "spontaneous event" and yes, it was "planned and very well publicized". The fascists, nazis, kkk all said they wanted violence and they all arrived ready to rumble with their guns, knives, pepper spray, protective nazi-type helmets, shields etc.

OTOH, the counter protesters (who had TWO permits to be there), were not armed. It was lambs to the slaughter and they were lucky the alt right didn't open fire on them.

ANTIFA patriots need to be better prepared. They need to look at the history of anti-America groups, both here and in other countries. They need to look at how the US fought and conquered fascism, nazis in Europe and understand that they will have to fight them here.
August 18, 2017
All in: The left is through messing around
By Ebben Raves

"Russia, Russia, Russia" isn't working and may actually turn against the Democrats. What is next in their playbook? The usual racism page, although this time, it is for all of the marbles. With nothing to run on besides "Trump is evil," and with the Awan scandal ahead, they have no choice. Twenty-eighteen will be a bloodbath for them in a regular election, so they have to suppress turnout, if not eliminate it.

More and more, Charlottesville looks like a setup. Jason Kessler, who organized the "Unite the Right" event, seems to have a history with the left. Aside from his Occupy Wall Street past, it is convenient that he we went Alt-Right as soon as Donald Trump was elected. When the Democrat mayor of Charlottesville and governor of Virginia directed law enforcement to actually funnel together the opposing sides of paid protesters and drooling mouth-breathers, a confrontation was inevitable. Along with the tiki-torch parade (exactly what happened in Ukraine) and great photos of Nazi flags, Hollywood could not have done better. Three people dying because of this incident was not a tragedy that could have been avoided, but an event to be exploited.

Since then, we have seen Donald Trump make perfectly clear statements that there were no good actors in this play, and we have also seen the media try to brand Antifa as simply some heroic demonstrators fighting fascism. Twisting Trump's statements out of context, the media launched a parade of tears and pearl-clutching from both sides of the aisle, damning Trump for siding with the Nazi flag-holders. There was no mention of the communist flags the left held or of leftists' history of violence.

Throughout the last election season, we saw Trump supporters violently attacked at rallies, with the press calling it confrontations between "opposing groups of demonstrators." Now Trump supporters can be attacked with moral justification for being Nazis. The object will be to suppress turnout and to shame them into staying home or being silent. This tactic is the only way for the Democrats to win the next election. It did not work in 2016, and it is a long shot for them now.

Blog: All in: The left is through messing around
The whole thing sticks of an Orwellian prediction. Subversive action against the American people.

Nicely put.
The very doctrines that Orwell grew to reject, and warn about, have become the most dynamic in our society.

I'm feeling more and more that, just as individuals have the seeds of their own destruction within themselves, so does Western Civilization.

McCain, Romney, and Rubio Join the Republicans for Antifa Club - Breitbart
McCain and Romney used almost identical language, bending their knees to the media narrative that only two factions were present in Charlottesville during the awful events of last weekend: white supremacist Nazis and “Americans standing up to defy hate and bigotry.”

Neither of these gentlemen can claim ignorance of Antifa; the reason both of them piped up is that President Donald Trump mentioned them in his Tuesday press conference. Left-wing politicians and media personalities responded by thundering “there is only one side” for all right-thinking Americans to be on, because there was only one squad of villains on the ground in Charlottesville.

McCain and Romney obediently bent the knee to this narrative. At the very least, they’re agreeing Antifa should be invisible, accepting the incredibly stupid idea that calling out their violence somehow dilutes criticism of the Tiki Torch Terror. Mentioning Antifa is damned under the left’s new doctrine of “Whataboutism,” which originally held that history began with the inauguration of President Trump and all prior Democrat sins were absolved, but has mutated into an unlimited free pass for the #Resistance to do whatever it takes to bring down the Trump administration without a peep of protest from tame Republicans.
What other reason can the Left offer for the deliberate lack of Police presence? This was not a spontaneous event, it was planned and very well publicized. They knew the reactions that people dressed in KKK outfits invoke. The Governor and the Mayor need to be held accountable for deliberately creating the conflict.

Someone in the slavery party being held accountable, now that is down right funny.
They should have been held MORE accountable back in 1865 with some treason trials and hangings. We might not have this issue now, then.
I think Lincoln actually got it pretty much right, the country somehow healed.

But there was violence and hangings, from the democrat KKK.

McCain, Romney, and Rubio Join the Republicans for Antifa Club - Breitbart
McCain and Romney used almost identical language, bending their knees to the media narrative that only two factions were present in Charlottesville during the awful events of last weekend: white supremacist Nazis and “Americans standing up to defy hate and bigotry.”

Neither of these gentlemen can claim ignorance of Antifa; the reason both of them piped up is that President Donald Trump mentioned them in his Tuesday press conference. Left-wing politicians and media personalities responded by thundering “there is only one side” for all right-thinking Americans to be on, because there was only one squad of villains on the ground in Charlottesville.

Nicely illuminated, Muddy.

So few of us...those who stand for the America of the Founders, remain.
"Then out spoke brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate:
‘To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods,"

Horatius at the Bridge by Lord Macaulay
What other reason can the Left offer for the deliberate lack of Police presence? This was not a spontaneous event, it was planned and very well publicized. They knew the reactions that people dressed in KKK outfits invoke. The Governor and the Mayor need to be held accountable for deliberately creating the conflict.

Someone in the slavery party being held accountable, now that is down right funny.
They should have been held MORE accountable back in 1865 with some treason trials and hangings. We might not have this issue now, then.
I think Lincoln actually got it pretty much right, the country somehow healed.

But there was violence and hangings, from the democrat KKK.

. "The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly
These made for media riots always seem to happen in places that Democrats control.

Articles: Charlottesville and Its Aftermath: What if It Was a Setup?

August 18, 2017
Charlottesville and Its Aftermath: What if It Was a Setup?
By Patricia McCarthy

The ridiculous campaign by virtually every media outlet, every Democrat and far too many squishy Republicans to label Trump some kind of racist and Nazi sympathizer is beginning to have the stink of an orchestrated smear. The conflagration in Charlottesville is beginning to feel like a set-up, perhaps weeks or months in the planning. Planned by whom? Time may tell. We know that Michael Signer, the mayor of Charlottesville, declared his city to be the "capital of the resistance" just after Trump's inauguration. We know that Gov. Terry McAuliffe is a corruptocrat, joined at the hip to the Clintons. He pardoned sixty-thousand felons in order to ensure he delivered his state to the presidential election of Hillary Clinton. We know he would like to run for president himself.

We know that Obama and his inner circle have set up a war room in his D.C. home to plan and execute resistance to the Trump administration and his legislative agenda. None of these people care about the American people, or the fact that Trump won the election because millions of people voted for him. They suggest those deranged persons who gathered in Charlottesville as members of one of several fringe groups, Unite The Right, neo-Nazi or KKK, are Trump's base -- as if there are more than a few hundred or thousand of them throughout the country. There are not enough of them to affect anything or elect anyone. Those who are actual members of these small groups are most likely mentally ill to one degree or another. Trump has disavowed them all, over and over and over again. Liz Crokin, an entertainment reporter and no fan of Trump, wrote in 2016 that she had covered Trump for over a decade and in all that time, no one had ever suggested he was racist, homophobic, or sympathetic to white supremacists. That all began after he announced his campaign. It is as fake a narrative as the "Russia collusion" meme. The left set out to defame Trump from moment one. When he won the election, their shock, dismay and intolerance for every opinion that differs from their own shifted into hysterical overdrive. They mounted their crusade to destroy his presidency on Nov. 9, 2016.

Democrats in Virginia raises Antifa flag to cheers

Academented Donnybrook Against The Donald

What intimidates you from laying the blame on the students at the University of Virginia, including the gutless "Conservative" ones who selfishly refused to intervene? If the Jurinalism graduates in the muddled media had any right to their jobs, they would have classified the whole melee as a "campus riot."
What if Signer and McAuliffe, in conjunction with Antifa and other Soros-funded groups like Black Lives Matter, planned and orchestrated what happened in Charlottesville and meant for events to unfold roughly as they did? If they did, it was icing on their sick, immoral cake. If this was all part of a plan, one would hope those behind it suffer for their part in and responsibility for the tragic death of a young woman, Heather Heyer. The "founder" of Unite The Right, Jason Kessler, was an activist with Occupy Wall Street and Obama supporter.


Jason Kessler at Charlottesville City Hall, August 13, 2017

He sees himself as a professional provocateur. What if he was a ringer, a phony who revels in riling up some crazy people for some political purpose? We know the left is skilled in all manner of dirty tricks. That sort of thing was Robert Creamer's job for the Hillary campaign, hiring thugs to incite violence that could then be blamed on Trump supporters. Think of Ferguson, Baltimore, Berkeley, etc. Antifa and BLM are every bit as fascist as any of the supremacist groups; they are more violent and there are more of them. Why is the left so afraid to admit this fact? Even Peter Beinart did in the Atlantic, written before last Saturday.

Since that day, the call to remove the statues on display that honor any members of the Confederacy has become shrill and frenzied. Erasing American history benefits no one and only condemns us to repeat past mistakes. The supremacist groups had a permit; they had applied months earlier. The Antifa and Black Lives Matter groups did not have a permit. The local police at some point, on whose order we do not know, turned the pro-statue groups toward the Antifa and BLM groups, many of whom were armed with lethal weapons - soda cans filled with cement, bottles filled with urine, baseball bats and boards with screws protruding to do maximum harm, and improvised flamethrowers. These are the people who initiated the violence. How was this not a planned melee? Pit groups of demented racists -- all of them on both sides are certainly that -- against each other and violence is sure to occur. (Certainly, there were decent people among the protestors and counter-protesters who had no affiliation with the supremacist groups or Antifa or BLM. Heather Heyer was among them.)​
Heather Heyer? The media create this fake martyr, and you follow their lead. There were no "decent people" on either side.

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