Charlie Crist commits (political) suicide!


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Yup, he's asking the WH for help in defeating Rubio. Maybe Obama will work his charm like he did in NJ, VA and MA!

"2. Here first: Charlie Crist, soon to be independent Senate candidate from Florida, tried to reach White House chief of staff Emanuel through intermediates. WH refuses to take the call. Dems plan big talent/money blitz for Kendrick Meek. BTW: Obama's approval rating in FL is in high 40s, per internal Dem polling."

The Night Beat: Sorry Charlie - Politics - The Atlantic

Charlie and Barry sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g

April 19, 2010
Poll: Obama's approval rating rebounds in Florida
Posted: April 19th, 2010 09:14 AM ET

President Obama’s approval rating in Florida is up to 50 percent, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll.
(CNN) - President Obama's approval rating in Florida is on the rise, according to a new poll.

A Quinnipiac University survey released Monday indicates that 50 percent of Florida voters approve of the job that Obama is doing in the White House, up five points from January, with 45 percent saying they disapprove, down four points from the beginning of the year.

The increase might have been caused by a four percent uptick in Obama's approval rating among independent voters since January. Forty-eight percent of independents now give the president a thumb's up, with 46 percent saying they disapprove, the poll shows

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Poll: Obama’s approval rating rebounds in Florida - Blogs from
Obama's "talk to the Hand" treatment of Bibi is sure to play well with Florida's Jewish population.
Yup, he's asking the WH for help in defeating Rubio. Maybe Obama will work his charm like he did in NJ, VA and MA!

"2. Here first: Charlie Crist, soon to be independent Senate candidate from Florida, tried to reach White House chief of staff Emanuel through intermediates. WH refuses to take the call. Dems plan big talent/money blitz for Kendrick Meek. BTW: Obama's approval rating in FL is in high 40s, per internal Dem polling."

The Night Beat: Sorry Charlie - Politics - The Atlantic

Charlie and Barry sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g

Your Tea Party at work

More GOP Independents
He's also a big fat liar. I watched the debate he had with Rubio.. Crist swore on his dead dog's grave he would NEVER leave the Republican party.. QUITTER AND LIAR
Obama's "talk to the Hand" treatment of Bibi is sure to play well with Florida's Jewish population.

did you look at the poll?

you know that most of us would rather chew off our own arms than put tea party people in power, right?
What about the Tea Party has you so willing to self-mutilate? Is it their desire to adhere to the Constitution? Perhaps it's the desire to keep individual liberties? Or, maybe you just don't like fiscal responsibility and balanced budgets?
Crist the Quitter..

he didn't quit. the rightwingnuts of the repub party quit him.


Not true. Crist had all sorts of GOP support, even from such notables as John Cornyn (head of NRSC) and John McCain (earstwhile GOP presidential candidate and winner of the primary in Florida).

Crist's political position is only marginally different from Rubio's. The chiefest difference being support of the Porkulus bill last year.

What's going on here is that Charlie Crist is just throwing a big baby temper-tantrum because he got his ass handed to him by a fresher, less ORANGE, face. ;)

He's the kind of greasy, spineless politician that gives ALL politicians a bad name and that ALL voters should reject, same as Arlen Specter. Because when the chips are down, they don't stand in public service for the benefit of their constituents or their country. They stand for service to themselves.

You guy's catching that smell on the wind yet? It's the scent of anti-incumbency. :lol:

Crist thought that a Senate seat was owed to him, because afterall, he's the sitting governor and he hand-picked a place-holder for it. He's just mad because the citizens of Florida, just like the citizens of Massachusetts, seem to believe that it's THEIR seat.
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Crist the Quitter..

Actually, he's refusing to quit the race even when its clear he can't be the GOP nominee. Its the opposite of quitting. Perhaps you should check out Palin for a definition of quitting?

On a serious note: This is an interesting result. It shows the growing rift in the GOP between the moderates and centrists and the Tea Party supporters.
Crist the Quitter..

he didn't quit. the rightwingnuts of the repub party quit him.


Not true. Crist had all sorts of GOP support, even from such notables as John Cornyn (head of NRSC) and John McCain (earstwhile Gop presidential candidate and winner of the primary in Florida).

Crist's political position is only marginally different from Rubio's. The chiefest difference being support of the Porkulus bill last year.

What's going on here is that Charlie Crist is just throwing a big baby temper-tantrum because he got his ass handed to him by a fresher, less ORANGE, face.

He's the kind of greasy, spineless politician that gives ALL politicians a bad name and that ALL voters should reject, same as Arlen Specter. Because when the chips are down, they don't stand in public service for the benefit of their constituents or their country. They stand for service to themselves.

You guy's catching that smell on the wind yet? It's the scent of anti-incumbency. :lol:

Crist thought that a Senate seat was owed to him, because afterall, he's the sitting governor and he hand-picked a place-holder for it. He's just mad because the citizens of Florida, just like the citizens of Massachusetts, seem to believe that it's THEIR seat.

Yep, more Republicans gone after 2010:eek:

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