Charles Wrangle initiates Draft Legislation?


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
I just heard on the news that there are bogus emails floating around trying to scare voters that have children of draft age that are saying the Bush administration is quietly trying to institute the draft and diverting attention away from it to the election.

When in fact it is Charles Wrangle and another Democrat who are actually the ones putting this legislation foward.

Does anyone have any links on this???????
Bonnie said:
I just heard on the news that there are bogus emails floating around trying to scare voters that have children of draft age that are saying the Bush administration is quietly trying to institute the draft and diverting attention away from it to the election.

When in fact it is Charles Wrangle and another Democrat who are actually the ones putting this legislation foward.

Does anyone have any links on this???????

I went to and did a few cursory searches. No such animal in congress at the moment. There is some rumor in the public sector about a bill called HR 163, but nos such bill is under consideration.

--The bills are not being pushed. It's quite true that the two bills mentioned would require both men and women aged 18 through 25 to perform a two-year period of "national service," which incidentally could be either military or non-military service. But the bills are sponsored only by Democrats, and there's not the slightest evidence that the Bush administration is pushing for them, quietly or otherwise.

One bill is HR 163 , whose principal sponsor is Democratic Rep. Charles Rangel of New York. It has 14 co-sponsors, all of them Democrats in a Congress controlled by Republicans. The bill was dead on arrival: it sits in a House subcommittee with no hearings or votes scheduled and no action expected.

In fact, Rangel told through his spokesman Emile Milne that even he isn't pushing for passage, let alone Bush (emphasis added):
Apparently it's a type campaign ploy to scare parents and young adults to vote for Kerry.

And the best part is CBS and Dan Rather are treating it as a newsworthy story...................F@#*ing Unbeleivable!!!!!!!!!!
I think my head is going to explode again..............I need to go do some CHI breathing :bang3:
Charlie Rangel (spelling corrected) was on Real Time with Bill Maher the other night and said he would support the draft because President Bush says we are at war. The real purpose, I think, is to force people to decide whether or not they think this war is worth the lives of their young adults.

Personally, I agree with Congressman Rangel. But that won't come as any suprise to most of you who have read my posts before.

acludem said:
Charlie Rangel (spelling corrected) was on Real Time with Bill Maher the other night and said he would support the draft because President Bush says we are at war. The real purpose, I think, is to force people to decide whether or not they think this war is worth the lives of their young adults.

Personally, I agree with Congressman Rangel. But that won't come as any suprise to most of you who have read my posts before.


My problem is not so much with what Rangel is doing (It is stupid for the reasons he suggests) but rather my problem is with the hoaxers out there lying to scare voters into voting for Kerry.

Are the Democrats really that desperate?????
acludem said:
Charlie Rangel (spelling corrected) was on Real Time with Bill Maher the other night and said he would support the draft because President Bush says we are at war. The real purpose, I think, is to force people to decide whether or not they think this war is worth the lives of their young adults.

Personally, I agree with Congressman Rangel. But that won't come as any suprise to most of you who have read my posts before.


I disagree. I think the real purpose is to give the Democrat lie some substance. Never mind that the legislation was introduced by Dems, kerry will use it to scare the glassy-eyed slack-jaws who will believe anything that oozes from his mouth.
Bonnie,I saw this story too. Freakin ridiculous!!!! A lousy attempt to sway the election by Dems. Do they really want to win this way? Come on!!!!!!!!

acludem said:
Charlie Rangel (spelling corrected) was on Real Time with Bill Maher the other night and said he would support the draft because President Bush says we are at war. The real purpose, I think, is to force people to decide whether or not they think this war is worth the lives of their young adults.

Personally, I agree with Congressman Rangel. But that won't come as any suprise to most of you who have read my posts before.


No...I think the REAL purpose is to scare people into voting for Kerry and to stir up opposition to Bush and his policy on terror.

Even if Mr. Rangel got the draft reinstated, he and his fellow Democrats would be sure to attempt cutting military spending so that they can spend more money on their liberal government programs. That way, we'll have a poorly trained, poorly equipped military that won't be able to do much, except take orders from the UN. Anyone who is old enough to remember the Iranian Hostage episode from 1979 to 1980 also remembers how our Special Ops people were not able to rescue our fellow countrymen because of poor training, inadequate or poorly maintained equipment. Thanks to the Carter policy of cutting military spending. Thank goodness the American voters put Ronald Reagan into office and got our military back into fighting form.

National Security is anathema to the present day Democratic Party.

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