Charles Hurt: Democrat Nightmare: They Went to Bed with Obama, Woke Up with Biden


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Pity the democrats .......they are stuck with a huge problem....damed if they do....damned if they dont.

Biden and Obama is the same thing.

Obama is a more polished vessel of communism, but these puppets are the same.
It doesn't matter if you are a Prog. Every election the Progressive Socialist agenda moves left in some way. Whether it is a bit quicker or slower, cuts are made on the half dead body. Some attempts to heal may happen, but somewhere at some point something intervenes and removes the antibiotic and band aid from the cut and throws something that infects it more into the wound. Radical judges near always show up. Questionable elections seem to be schmoozed over. Bills passed into laws seem to always have something hidden or deemed not important that grow into a monster. The Patriot Act was actually spewed by the AG Merrick Garland who was promoted as a Moderate by the endless lying scum Progs for the Supreme Court. The same Act that was not going to be used against us. But really is. I only say this, because we are still allowed to but it is reducing. The globalism is turning people into criminals. The people of extreme power who like to play with peoples lives for kicks are in charge and are moving fast now. As a civilization we are dying. And they are betting in their own remake into a compliant remnant of what was and survives, built to serve them and no threat ever again to their rule.
Biden and Obama is the same thing.

Yes, Joe Biden is a continuation of Obumma, except for:
  1. The lack of black skin to get racial immunity from criticism.
  2. The lack of any charm or personality.
  3. The lack of any social skills with other people.
  4. The lack of any particular agenda for the nation.
  5. The lack of any ability to communicate convincingly.
  6. The lack of any humor.
  7. The lack of any ability to adjust on the fly and look good while doing it.
Yes, Joe Biden is a continuation of Obumma, except for:
  1. The lack of black skin to get racial immunity from criticism.
  2. The lack of any charm or personality.
  3. The lack of any social skills with other people.
  4. The lack of any particular agenda for the nation.
  5. The lack of any ability to communicate convincingly.
  6. The lack of any humor.
  7. The lack of any ability to adjust on the fly and look good while doing it.

The same puppet masters are pulling the strings. The puppet is now a sock puppet and Obama was more of a marionette.
Biden and Obama is the same thing.

Obama is a more polished vessel of communism, but these puppets are the same.
Not quite. Biden will be, say, do, lie, and transform into whatever is required to stay in office and get his share of the money pot even if that means selling out America.
We now have a decent and intelligent human being in the oval office. Certainly didn't have that with trump. Looks like right wing bots on this thread are cool with having a prez who tried to illegally over turn an election on January 6th. Below a vid of America's worst scumbag of a president begging for votes come hell or high water.
Not quite. Biden will be, say, do, lie, and transform into whatever is required to stay in office and get his share of the money pot even if that means selling out America.

They both have the same puppet masters…its just different vessels to read the teleprompter.

You remember how Obama would stutter and shit himself when his teleprompter fucked up.
We now have a decent and intelligent human being in the oval office. Certainly didn't have that with trump. Looks like right wing bots on this thread are cool with having a prez who tried to illegally over turn an election on January 6th. Below a vid of America's worst scumbag of a president begging for votes come hell or high water.

We now have a corrupt puppet of the Chinese Communist Party in the Oval Office. Certainly, we didnt have that with Trump.
They both have the same puppet masters…its just different vessels to read the teleprompter.

You remember how Obama would stutter and shit himself when his teleprompter fucked up.
Okay why would the puppet masters pick a stuttering fucktard like Biden as their front man? You believe there's some master class running things. In my scarier version nobody is in charge, it's just a collection of retarded politicians all out to get their share.
We now have a corrupt puppet of the Chinese Communist Party in the Oval Office. Certainly, we didnt have that with Trump.

Trump took 11 million dollars out of his "secret bank account", in communist China and Ivanka got dozens of personal trade marks, while Junior got a $500 million loan. Right after Junior's loan, Trump lifted santctions off a big Chinese tech company.

Trump was voted out of office, so you're correct when you say the Chinese puppet is gone.
Okay why would the puppet masters pick a stuttering fucktard like Biden as their front man? You believe there's some master class running things. In my scarier version nobody is in charge, it's just a collection of retarded politicians all out to get their share.

They have an empty vessel.

Dont you recall how everyone bailed out of the primary at once and Joe was annointed the winner and the VP he “chose” called him a racist and rapist.

Joe is not unilaterally pulling this shit
Okay why would the puppet masters pick a stuttering fucktard like Biden as their front man? You believe there's some master class running things. In my scarier version nobody is in charge, it's just a collection of retarded politicians all out to get their share.
Because the one they really wanted - a radical left (check), black (check), female (check) - was kicked to the curb before the first primary contest. The next best thing was to get an incompetent, demented old guy over the finish line (required hiding him the basement while the media did the campaigning), have him drop out mid-term, and get the VP elevated - and that person would be the radical left, black female they wanted in the first place.
They have an empty vessel.

Dont you recall how everyone bailed out of the primary at once and Joe was annointed the winner and the VP he “chose” called him a racist and rapist.

Joe is not unilaterally pulling this shit
Yup. and they dropped out Monday night, hours before a multi-state primary. Who does that?
They have an empty vessel.

Dont you recall how everyone bailed out of the primary at once and Joe was annointed the winner and the VP he “chose” called him a racist and rapist.

Joe is not unilaterally pulling this shit
Yeah Dems RIGGED their primary but only because Bernie was going to win it.

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