Chargers rumor is they are now going to London.LOL


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
This is priceless watching Dean Spanos explode over this rumor here.:lmao::laughing0301:

He is pissed off over this rumor because the media is no longer keeping it a secret for him and a lid on it that the chargers are bombing in LA.:2up:

This is their new way of getting the word out the attendance problems the chargers are having in LA and how they are bombing with fan support with empty seats everywhere in Carson for the people that dont know about the chargers situation there, is why the media put the report out on London. :2up:Its making the news of mainstream sports outlets everywhere now,first sports illustrated and then local writers in LA and in SD,now this. comday gold.:iyfyus.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

Chargers owner Dean Spanos blasts London report

well i dont expect them to go to London,Spanos IS correct on that but it is so obvious he is lying his ass off saying we plan to play here for a long time.:abgg2q.jpg: well thats not totally true,they MIGHT play there in LA for a long time but the ONLY way they would do so is if they would rebrand going into the Inglewood stadium next year. HE now knows the chargers will NEVER be embraced in LA,that nobody gives a crap about them there and san diego fans wisely wont go up and support them.:2up::beer:

thats the ONLY way they would ever have any kind of chance of succeeding in LA is if they totally rebraded and spanos knows that
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How much do the Chargers have to pay in rent in the new stadium?

Spanos got a sweatheart of a deal with the league to move into Inglewood with Kroneke only having to pay a dollar rent a month to him,LOL

HOWEVER he is ALSO going to have to pay a HUGE relocation fee to the league that starts to kick in next year and that is not something he is thrilled about and since he is not making ANYWHERE near the revenue he EXPECTED to generate in LA,he is in desperate mode right now. :abgg2q.jpg::lmao::laughing0301:

He understands now that he fucked up big time by not staying in san diego but the problem is he cant go back to san diego either cause it would be the same situation there as well cause none of the fans in san diego want anything to do with the chargers as long as he is the owner. :2up:

They are not stupid like the Oakland fans who actually embraced Al Davis with open arms when he came back to Oakland after giving them the middle finger and leaving them for LA.:rolleyes:

I tip my cap off to them.:up:

check out this short 10 minute podcast,this guy is telling the truth what none of the lamestream media like ESPN is reporting that word in LA is the chargers are looking to rebrand going into the new stadium next year.

N The Zone Special - Derek King (of Derek King Sports) 10-26-19 | Free Podcasts | Podomatic"

Fred Roggin a sports announcer out in LA was saying way back in 2014 that the only way the chargers would jat LEAST have a chance succeed in LA with fan support back then is if the chargers rebranded getting rid of the name and colors since nobody in LA gives a crap about them and will always associcate them as being the SAN DIEGO chargers.

Incredible that people like roggin and everybody else like myself knew this would happen but spanos did not huh?:rolleyes::laughing0301::lmao:
I dont see spanos going to London HOWEVER something i think is much more realistic that is not being talked about which is no surprise since the media never investigates whats REALLY going on,is them going to Mexico..They would have fan support there for sure AND it is just down the street from california so players would not refuse to travel there as they would London on a regular basis.

London will never happen,at least anytime soon that is,that for sure is just rumor. HOWEVER when they start talking about Mexico,dont be so quick to listen to Dean if he says he has no intention of going to Mexico. Spanos as you can see from this article,is a proven liar that you cannot believe a word that comes out of his mouth.

Not saying the chargers will go to Mexico as I am that they wont go to London,just that if spanos says they wont move there,then its a given he will since he does not know what the word truth means.LOL

Spanos: I'm Not L.A. Dreaming - Voice of San Diego
Chargers President Dean Spanos denied a report that he’s been dreaming about moving his football team up the road to Los Angeles.

“I don’t recall ever saying anything like that,” Spanos told the U-T. “I’ve remained consistent that we want to stay in San Diego.”

Oh REALLY Dean?:lmao::laughing0301::muahaha:

Here is WHY Spanos is desperate and why he is in panic mode. I am wondering if the NFL negtwork will do the same thing with charger home games that they always did with Raider home games when they were in LA.

The Raiders when they were in LA,they had such horrible fan support always having half empty stadiums all the time for the most part the exceptions being division rival games and the the rams and niners,since the majority of their games were always half empty all the time at the LA coliseum, the Raiders NEVER had a monday night HOME game shown on monday night football the support there for them was so terrible.:abgg2q.jpg::lmao::laughing0301: the Rams on the other hand back in the 70's when they were in LA,they always had great support from their fans that they were ALWAYS on monday night football all the time.

well with the chargers bombing so badly in LA with fan support,spanos is in desperate mode right now cause things cant continue like this but WILL if he does not at least rebrand which MIGHT at least give them a much better chance at getting fan support there but even that is iffy.

Here is WHY spanos is up to his head in shit in LA and san diego and the LA fans both LOVE it.:D

for the spanos apologists who think that spanos is not desperate about the hopeless situation the chargers have in LA and believe the lies from him and roger goodel that things will work out,they are obviously clueless and fooling themselves:D

Los Angeles Chargers’ Revenue Could Take Hard Hit From Low PSL Sales
If the Chargers’ struggle to sell PSLs portends a trend for future ticket sales, the spread in value between the two teams will widen.

expect the value of the teams to only continue to widen with the Rams going upwards north bu the chargers going the opposite,SOUTH.:2up:
spanos has dug himself a hole he is desperate to get out of but cant.:abgg2q.jpg:
I'm not so sure London would work. Higher travel costs, division realignment would be necessary, the people of London might not embrace a team whose owner has a reputation for not caring about the fans.

Winning cures everything, so if Spanos could put a winning team on the field for 5 straight years he could win over more fans in LA.

His other relocation options are limited. It's rumored a certain owner in Texas will not let any other NFL owner relocate his team to San Antonio or Oklahoma City. Spanos has pissed off the fans in San Diego so he can't move back there. I'm not sure if taxpayers in Portland would build a new stadium for him. St. Louis fans are still waiting for Kroenke to pay back the PSL money he owes them so Spanos might not get a warm welcome in St. Louis. That leaves smaller market cities like Birmingham and Memphis.
Memphis might be a good spot for a team since Nashville has the Titans.
Jacksonville's market size is very similar to Memphis. The NFL is very anxious to get out of Jacksonville, so I don't see them putting a team in Memphis.
Memphis might be a good spot for a team since Nashville has the Titans.
Jacksonville's market size is very similar to Memphis. The NFL is very anxious to get out of Jacksonville, so I don't see them putting a team in Memphis.
Not suere about Jacksonville-- but Memphis has a huge surrounding rural area of potential fans stretching into Arkansas-- ( Little Rock is only 2 hours away), and then half of Tennessee, southern Missouri, Northerm Mississippi..... a lot of fans who otherwise don't attend games.

Google Maps
I'm not so sure London would work. Higher travel costs, division realignment would be necessary, the people of London might not embrace a team whose owner has a reputation for not caring about the fans.

Winning cures everything, so if Spanos could put a winning team on the field for 5 straight years he could win over more fans in LA.

His other relocation options are limited. It's rumored a certain owner in Texas will not let any other NFL owner relocate his team to San Antonio or Oklahoma City. Spanos has pissed off the fans in San Diego so he can't move back there. I'm not sure if taxpayers in Portland would build a new stadium for him. St. Louis fans are still waiting for Kroenke to pay back the PSL money he owes them so Spanos might not get a warm welcome in St. Louis. That leaves smaller market cities like Birmingham and Memphis.

Normally that is true in any other city that winning cures everything Lenny but that is NOT the case in LA at all,to the contrary. Read post 6 of mine how the Raiders always bombed in LA :2up: Even when they were great the Raiders STILL bombed in LA with fan support having half empty stadiums the majority of the time they were in LA.:abgg2q.jpg:

The year they went to the superbowl,it was common to have half empty stadiums for most their games that year.:biggrin: The year they won the superbowl,the next season for their home opener,the stadium was half empty as always,drawing a mere 46,000 or so for the 100,000 capacity LA coliseum.:lmao::laughing0301:

September 9, 1984 Green Bay Packers W 28–7 46,269

the Rams on the other hand,had a SELL OUT cfrowd that same year for their home opener with a crowd of 65,000 or so,keep in mind they were playing in Anaheim in a BASEBALL stadium however they always packed them in at the LA COLISEUM as well same as they have since theur return home.

ALSO the Chargers entry into the NFL,their first year they played in LA in 1960,the then owner of the chargers back then moved the team to san diego realising his team could never compete with the Rams.He wasnt an idiot like dean spanos.HE realised they would NEVER succeed in LA competing against the Rams for attendance.:muahaha:

that year the Rams had a losing record of 4-8 "THEY ONLY PLAYED 12 GAMES BACK THEN."

but despite that,they had crowds that averaged around 77,000 in attendance.

well the chargers that same year,even though THEY made it to the playoffs that same year,THEY only averaged crowds of just 10,000 or so,no lie,those are facts.which pretty much destroys the myth that LA is a fickle sports town.:iyfyus.jpg:

oh and you are ALSO forgetting the chargers WERE winning last year but they STILL could not get any charger fans to show up to games last year or this year.:D

portland would not work cause it has mostly seahawk fans.That is true about texas that is why you can rule out san antonio or oklahoma.

st louis? that will never happen. they wont ever get another NFL team again.the NFL realise that st louis is not a football town.they had the same kind of fan support with the rams there that the chargers are having in LA,:D the very brief greatest show on turf days the exception.

seems like Mexico is really his ONLY option.
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Not suere about Jacksonville-- but Memphis has a huge surrounding rural area of potential fans stretching into Arkansas-- ( Little Rock is only 2 hours away), and then half of Tennessee, southern Missouri, Northerm Mississippi..... a lot of fans who otherwise don't attend games.
Assuming Spanos and the NFL would consider Memphis as a possibility, would the taxpayers of Memphis cough up money for a new stadium? Last time the NFL expanded, Memphis politicians said they would renovate the Liberty Bowl but would not build a new stadium.
Mexico City? NFL players would not want to live there.

By the way, the rest of the country has noticed the empty seats at Chargers and Rams games.
The bottom line is the average family is not gonna waste $1000 or more to go see a football game. Sure you could go cheap with a family of 4 and squeeze it in for under $500 if you wanta eat McDonalds and walk 3 miles.
The NFL is such a bunch of morons,they just dont get it that LA has NEVER worked as an experiment with two teams,never has,never will.

If the RAIDERS who have a MUCH larger fansbase in LA that the chargers do,if THEY only had half empty crowds at their games the year they went to the superbowl and had this kind of results the next year when they won the superbowl for their home opener,

September 9, 1984 Green Bay Packers W 28–7 46,269

WHY would the chargers ever succeed in LA eve if they were great as the raiders were?:iyfyus.jpg:

the NFL is so stupid,they just dont get it that LA is a ONE TEAM NFL city,that it is RAMS country. That it ONLY worrks if it is the Rams and the Rams ONLY.:rolleyes:
The bottom line is the average family is not gonna waste $1000 or more to go see a football game.
Especially in cities like Miami, Tampa, and LA where the beach is free on a Sunday afternoon.
That's right. Plus in Florida most of the football fans are students who go to the college games.
A lot of Gators , Seminoles and Hurricanes fans.
Mexico City? NFL players would not want to live there.

By the way, the rest of the country has noticed the empty seats at Chargers and Rams games.

WHY wouldnt NFL players want to live there,why do you say that?

oh and dude it is obvious you are too easy to fall for propaganda.That pic is from the Rams/49ers game this year.that pic was OBVIOUSLY taken just shortly after the second half began after halftime because I was AT that game a few weeks ago and there was NOT an empty seat in the house charlie.:D

ask Angelo,he remembers me talking two weeks before that game took place how i was going to travel to california to see the rams/niners game/remember angelo?:D

Dude you CLEARLY have not been watching ANY Ram games in LA because THEY do NOT have the attendance problems the chargers do.:rolleyes:

You obviously not only have not watched any Rams games in LA this year but you obviously did not watch the Rams on monday night football last year when they played against the chiefs and vikings,all you got to do to see that stadium was packed for those games and the majority of the fans were Ram fans for BOTH games,is view those games.:D:lmao::laughing0301:

the NFL is a bunch of morons,they just dont get it that two teams do not work in LA as it does in new york.:rolleyes:

In new york,it DOES work with two teams because they got nothing better to do in new york in the wintertime when it is cold. in LA though,they got the beaches and entertainment so any team other than the rams does not work in the NFL.

LA is Rams country and it has ALWAYS worked with just them and them alone. there is a REASON they have lasted 50 plus years in LA. unlike the raiders or chargers.:rolleyes:

al davis when he was out in LA,he publicly hinted he made a mistake in moving the raiders to LA saying that he missed the loud roar of the OAKLAND crowds.hense WHY he got smart and moved them back to OAKLAND.:lmao::laughing0301:

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