CHAPTER II. The Pool of GOP Candidate Tears


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
There was no ‘One, two, three, and away,’ but they began by running to the cameras when they liked, and walked away when they liked, so that it was not easy to know when the race was over. Some candidates hadn’t even admitted they were running for President, and indeed worked FOR the very Media interviewing them, which was all very wink, wink, and not very legal, but the best part of that was that there was no one left who could do a single thing about it.

Occasionally while sharing their peculiar talking points candidates made errors, as if they themselves were unaware of their own platforms, but the campaign manager beasts swept into the mix and shouted about how the candidate MEANT to say the very opposite thing, and the media was more than happy to erase the mistake, or the punditocracy talked over and around this gaffe like it had never existed at all. It was most important to intimate that the current President was a bad man, without offering any real proof at all, other than what was made up on the spot offered up as proof, but they were also very firm about how it had nothing to do with him being a black man, while making very sure everyone knew he WAS a Black Man. If that didn’t work, attacking his wife seemed the right thing to do, as they pointed out how she wanted to starve children, with her silly excuse being that it would somehow make them healthier.

However, after all had been running full tilt for half an hour or so, quite tired of repeating the same buzzwords over and again, the Dodo suddenly called out ‘The Media Race is over!’ and they all crowded round it, panting, and asking, ‘But who has won?’

This question the Dodo could not answer without a great deal of thought, and it sat for a long time with one finger pressed upon its forehead, wrist jewelry halting with a clatter, while the rest waited in silence. At last the Dodo said, ‘According to the Media – EVERYBODY has won, and all must have prizes.’

I quite think I shall need to buy the book!

CHAPTER II. The Pool of GOP Candidate Tears | TBTM Media
I was just thinking you haven't started a new cut & paste thread in a few minutes...

Does your mom know you're on the puter this late? We don't want you to get grounded...
I was just thinking you haven't started a new cut & paste thread in a few minutes...

Does your mom know you're on the puter this late? We don't want you to get grounded...

Nothing good happens after midnight.

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