Chaos and madness, rapes looting pilaging,are unleased in Central African Republic.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Chaos and madness are unleased in the Central African Republic. Along with wanton rapings and looting. These have been the reports coming out of Bangui, the capitial city of the CAR.
What will America and the U.N. do to stop this insanity.?
Chaos and madness are unleased in the Central African Republic. Along with wanton rapings and looting. These have been the reports coming out of Bangui, the capitial city of the CAR.
What will America and the U.N. do to stop this insanity.?
See an opportunity to sell weapons?
Chaos and madness are unleased in the Central African Republic. Along with wanton rapings and looting. These have been the reports coming out of Bangui, the capitial city of the CAR.
What will America and the U.N. do to stop this insanity.?

America should let China handle this one.
Chaos and madness are unleased in the Central African Republic. Along with wanton rapings and looting. These have been the reports coming out of Bangui, the capitial city of the CAR.
What will America and the U.N. do to stop this insanity.?

There was an interesting article in Foreign Policy magazine recently about a rather infamous case of mass rape in one village in the Congo.

Ah, found it.

What Happened in Luvungi? - By Laura Heaton | Foreign Policy
A tough issue to examine critically, as the article suggests.
Chaos and madness are unleased in the Central African Republic. Along with wanton rapings and looting. These have been the reports coming out of Bangui, the capitial city of the CAR.
What will America and the U.N. do to stop this insanity.?

I thought you Africans wanted the white man out of Africa? Why should we do anything???

Ask south Africa, Kenya, Botswana, Nigeria to clean up the mess.
Chaos and madness are unleased in the Central African Republic. Along with wanton rapings and looting. These have been the reports coming out of Bangui, the capitial city of the CAR.
What will America and the U.N. do to stop this insanity.?

I thought you Africans wanted the white man out of Africa? Why should we do anything???

"You Africans"? I thought your fellow racist 52nd Street was American? What are you talking about? And who is this "we" to which you refer?
Chaos and madness are unleased in the Central African Republic. Along with wanton rapings and looting. These have been the reports coming out of Bangui, the capitial city of the CAR.
What will America and the U.N. do to stop this insanity.?
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Build your own fucking continent. Truly I am done with supporting any kind of nation building.

Did somebody - anybody, ever - tell you they gave a shit what you think? No? I didn't think so. Go play with a ball of yarn or something, idiot.
Chaos and madness are unleased in the Central African Republic. Along with wanton rapings and looting. These have been the reports coming out of Bangui, the capitial city of the CAR.
What will America and the U.N. do to stop this insanity.?

Is this another Islamic ethnic cleansing the left insists on ignoring?
Chaos and madness are unleased in the Central African Republic. Along with wanton rapings and looting. These have been the reports coming out of Bangui, the capitial city of the CAR.
What will America and the U.N. do to stop this insanity.?

I thought you Africans wanted the white man out of Africa? Why should we do anything???

Ask south Africa, Kenya, Botswana, Nigeria to clean up the mess.

They did ask South Africa, but they couldn't deal with the mayhem and chaos, and pulled
Refugees Flee Unrest in Central African Republic...
UN: Thousands Fleeing Unrest in Central African Republic
August 13, 2013 > The U.N. refugee agency says nearly 63,000 people have fled the Central African Republic to neighboring countries since the start of the latest violence there late last year.
A statement from the agency Tuesday said most of the refugees have fled to the Democratic Republic of Congo, while others have gone to Chad, the Republic of Congo and Cameroon.

UNHCR spokesman Adrian Edwards said another 206,000 people have been internally displaced. He told VOA his agency is very concerned about the situation in the Central African Republic, noting there have been reports of serious human rights violations such as rapes and shootings.

The refugee agency said in recent days that two U.N. staff members were attacked in the capital, Bangui, and were seriously wounded. The husband of one of the aid workers was killed.

Fighting between government troops and Seleka rebels erupted in December. The rebels seized Bangui in March, forcing President Francois Bozize to flee the country. The transitional government has not been able to restore law and order.

UN: Thousands Fleeing Unrest in Central African Republic
Christian genocide in the CAR...
Christians Flee Marauding Muslims in Africa’s ‘Forgotten Crisis’
November 26, 2013 -- The Central African Republic (CAR) is “descending into complete chaos,” becoming a breeding ground for extremists and threatening to sink into religious and ethnic conflict that could spread through an already troubled region, the U.N. Security Council was told on Monday.
Tens of thousands of Christians who have fled violent attack by Muslim rebels are sheltering at a Catholic mission in a town called Bossangoa, about 250 miles north of the capital, Bangui. Last week, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius warned that the country was “on the verge of genocide.” CAR is a mostly Christian and animist country, a little smaller than Texas, with a long history of instability. The U.N. says virtually the entire population of 4.6 million is affected by the current crisis, which erupted almost a year ago when an Islamic rebel alliance called Seleka began launching attacks.

Last March, Seleka overthrew President Francois Bozize, a Christian former army chief who had himself toppled an elected president in 2003, the latest in a series of coups since independence from France in 1960. The rebel coalition installed its leader, Michel Djotodia – a Soviet-educated Muslim civil servant – as president. In August, a transitional period envisaging elections in 18 months formally began, but elements of the now supposedly-disbanded Seleka are continuing to carry out attacks on Christian civilians, with murders, summary executions, pillaging, sexual violence and church burnings reported. Christian vigilante groups have begun to fight back since September. The U.N. Children’s Fund said on Friday the number of children now fighting, on both sides of the conflict, has risen to an estimated 6,000. Some 400,000 people have been displaced.


Some of the estimated 37,000 people fleeing the fighting who are sheltering at a Catholic church in Bossangoa, Central African Republic

Briefing the Security Council, deputy secretary-general Jan Eliasson said the country was experiencing unprecedented Muslim-Christian violence. “Traditional harmony among communities has been replaced by polarization and widespread horror.” “The CAR is becoming a breeding ground for extremists and armed groups in a region that is already suffering from conflict and instability,” he said. “If this situation is left to fester, it may degenerate into a religious and ethnic conflict with longstanding consequences, a relentless civil war that could easily spill over into neighboring countries.” “Some call this a forgotten crisis,” Eliasson said. “The world is haunted by the horrors of crises that we watched from a distance spiral into atrocities. We must never forget.”

He laid out several options for the world body, including bilateral, multilateral or U.N. support funded through a trust fund. But he came down squarely behind one proposal – to transform a 2,500-strong African-led mission into a U.N. peacekeeping operation comprising an estimated 6,000 troops and 1,700 police personnel. Such a force, he said, would “lay the foundation for transparent, accountable and resilient institutions” and, hopefully, “enhance the international community’s ability to apply political leverage.”


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