CEOs earn 354 times more than average worker

What does that have to do with the salary of a CEO? The whole gist here is that if CEOs were paid less then somehow we would all magically be paid more.

Um, well wasn't that the whole gist of the myth of Trickle Down Economics? That's what the American people were told... that the wealth would eventually reach them. Didn't happen at all, did it? The top kept the profits for themselves. Isn't that also what the wealthy told us when they were begging for that tax breaK - that jobs and prosperity would come of that? Also didn't happen, did it?

This gross income inequality has EVERYTHING to do with the salary of the CEO... and all his other CEO buddies who collude on boards to give each other obscene compensation. If you can't see this, you are sorely naive.

Where in trickle down does it say that a reduction in one person's pay means an increase in another's?
What does that have to do with the salary of a CEO? The whole gist here is that if CEOs were paid less then somehow we would all magically be paid more.

Um, well wasn't that the whole gist of the myth of Trickle Down Economics? That's what the American people were told... that the wealth would eventually reach them. Didn't happen at all, did it? The top kept the profits for themselves. Isn't that also what the wealthy told us when they were begging for that tax breaK - that jobs and prosperity would come of that? Also didn't happen, did it?

This gross income inequality has EVERYTHING to do with the salary of the CEO... and all his other CEO buddies who collude on boards to give each other obscene compensation. If you can't see this, you are sorely naive.

Where in trickle down does it say that a reduction in one person's pay means an increase in another's?

It doesn't, it says that by increasing the wealth at the top, we will increase EVERYBODY'S wealth. That's not happening. In fact, while wealth at the top has increased exponentially, wealth for the poor and middle class has stagnated.
In fact, while wealth at the top has increased exponentially, wealth for the poor and middle class has stagnated.

yes thanks to liberal unions which drove 30 million jobs offshore, 20 million liberal illegals who work at minimum wage or less, and liberal budget deficits that enable Japan and China to buy our debt rather than our products!!

A liberal will lack the IQ for this subject!
In fact, while wealth at the top has increased exponentially, wealth for the poor and middle class has stagnated.

yes thanks to liberal unions which drove 30 million jobs offshore, 20 million liberal illegals who work at minimum wage or less, and liberal budget deficits that enable Japan and China to buy our debt rather than our products!!

A liberal will lack the IQ for this subject!

Um, labor unions were strong in the 40's and 50's and we weren't sending our jobs overseas. Even in the 60's labor unions were much stronger than they are today and our jobs weren't going off shore, to blame that on the unions is just plain wrong.
In fact, while wealth at the top has increased exponentially, wealth for the poor and middle class has stagnated.

yes thanks to liberal unions which drove 30 million jobs offshore, 20 million liberal illegals who work at minimum wage or less, and liberal budget deficits that enable Japan and China to buy our debt rather than our products!!

A liberal will lack the IQ for this subject!

Um, labor unions were strong in the 40's and 50's and we weren't sending our jobs overseas. Even in the 60's labor unions were much stronger than they are today and our jobs weren't going off shore, to blame that on the unions is just plain wrong.

dear, didn't I say as a liberal you would lack the IQ for this subject!!
In the 40's and 50's we had bombed all the competition or it was destroyed by war so liberal unions could be abusive! Now the world is competitive and so unions should be made illegal again before they ship everyone's job off shore!!.
yes thanks to liberal unions which drove 30 million jobs offshore, 20 million liberal illegals who work at minimum wage or less, and liberal budget deficits that enable Japan and China to buy our debt rather than our products!!

A liberal will lack the IQ for this subject!

Um, labor unions were strong in the 40's and 50's and we weren't sending our jobs overseas. Even in the 60's labor unions were much stronger than they are today and our jobs weren't going off shore, to blame that on the unions is just plain wrong.

dear, didn't I say as a liberal you would lack the IQ for this subject!!
In the 40's and 50's we had bombed all the competition or it was destroyed by war so liberal unions could be abusive! Now the world is competitive and so unions should be made illegal again before they ship everyone's job off shore!!.

#1 I'm not a liberal, they think I'm a conservative.

#2 My IQ is 140, what's yours?

#3 Jobs have been shipped overseas due to changes in corporate law in the 1970's. Try reading some time, you might be surprised what you learn.
Personally, I think all American workers should go on strike for a week. All of 'em. Leave the "executives" to run the companies. That would be a hoot.

It's not a good time to strike with 11.5 million people sitting at home because they can't find a job and have run out of benefits.

Yep, and keep the rest fearful for their jobs and they'll shut up and put out.

That's your answer? Live in "fear"? Seems sad.
Jobs have been shipped overseas due to changes in corporate law in the 1970's. Try reading some time, you might be surprised what you learn.

are you suggesting that union high wages did not cause American jobs to go to places like China??????? Do you think China is doing so well because it has higher or low wages than in America?

Jobs have been shipped overseas due to changes in corporate law in the 1970's. Try reading some time, you might be surprised what you learn.

are you suggesting that union high wages did not cause American jobs to go to places like China??????? Do you think China is doing so well because it has higher or low wages than in America?


"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
Jobs have been shipped overseas due to changes in corporate law in the 1970's. Try reading some time, you might be surprised what you learn.

are you suggesting that union high wages did not cause American jobs to go to places like China??????? Do you think China is doing so well because it has higher or low wages than in America?


"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

too stupid as usual !! ship 20 million illegals home, bring back 30 million formerely union jobs, end the liberal deficits, and there would be huge upward pressure on wages to fill the 50 million new jobs!!

over your head of course.
Jobs have been shipped overseas due to changes in corporate law in the 1970's. Try reading some time, you might be surprised what you learn.

are you suggesting that union high wages did not cause American jobs to go to places like China??????? Do you think China is doing so well because it has higher or low wages than in America?


Before the changes in the law, we weren't allowed to send our jobs to China. Of course lower wages are a part of the reason for the jobs going overseas, but if we didn't change that law, they'd still have the jobs here. There were unions in the 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's but it's now that our jobs are leaving, why do you think it is solely the unions fault???? Talk about slow....

Do honestly think that the average American worker who has to pay for a house and food and energy here should have to compete with the low wage slave labor in China????
are you suggesting that union high wages did not cause American jobs to go to places like China??????? Do you think China is doing so well because it has higher or low wages than in America?


"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

too stupid as usual !! ship 20 million illegals home, bring back 30 million formerely union jobs, end the liberal deficits, and there would be huge upward pressure on wages to fill the 50 million new jobs!!

over your head of course.

Yeah, let's start loading those 20 million illegals into buses tommorrow.

Figure a hundred per bus that's only what, 200,000 bus loads.

Good plan!
"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

too stupid as usual !! ship 20 million illegals home, bring back 30 million formerely union jobs, end the liberal deficits, and there would be huge upward pressure on wages to fill the 50 million new jobs!!

over your head of course.

Yeah, let's start loading those 20 million illegals into buses tommorrow.

Figure a hundred per bus that's only what, 200,000 bus loads.

Good plan!

Put the people who hire them in jail and they won't have any jobs, they'll leave voluntarily.
too stupid as usual !! ship 20 million illegals home, bring back 30 million formerely union jobs, end the liberal deficits, and there would be huge upward pressure on wages to fill the 50 million new jobs!!

over your head of course.

Yeah, let's start loading those 20 million illegals into buses tommorrow.

Figure a hundred per bus that's only what, 200,000 bus loads.

Good plan!

Put the people who hire them in jail and they won't have any jobs, they'll leave voluntarily.

dear, the point is that liberals complain about the loss of jobs as they import illegals to take our jobs, support unions to export our jobs off-shore, and create huge deficits for China to buy so it doesn't have to buy our products.
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too stupid as usual !! ship 20 million illegals home, bring back 30 million formerely union jobs, end the liberal deficits, and there would be huge upward pressure on wages to fill the 50 million new jobs!!

over your head of course.

Yeah, let's start loading those 20 million illegals into buses tommorrow.

Figure a hundred per bus that's only what, 200,000 bus loads.

Good plan!

Put the people who hire them in jail and they won't have any jobs, they'll leave voluntarily.

But then there won't be anyone to hire the workers to fill the 30 million jobs that come back when Special Ed outlaws labor unions.
Yeah, let's start loading those 20 million illegals into buses tommorrow.

Figure a hundred per bus that's only what, 200,000 bus loads.

Good plan!

Put the people who hire them in jail and they won't have any jobs, they'll leave voluntarily.

But then there won't be anyone to hire the workers to fill the 30 million jobs that come back when Special Ed outlaws labor unions.

Liberals are supposed to be very very sensitive to those in special education; not use them as a symbol of ignorance.
In Japan, a CEO of a company is only allowed to make 100 times what their lowest paid workers get.

They're economy is pretty good right now too, and only 70 years after they were bombed and broke.
In Japan, a CEO of a company is only allowed to make 100 times what their lowest paid workers get.

They're economy is pretty good right now too, and only 70 years after they were bombed and broke.

too stupid!! They now have had 2 lost decades with no growth!!! You may be the only person on earth not to know that!! Or, maybe it was just a libturd lie that you were quite happy to deploy in support of your idiotic argument that CEO salary determines the general condition of an economy!!

Liberals are too slow!!OMG!!, like children.
In Japan, a CEO of a company is only allowed to make 100 times what their lowest paid workers get.

They're economy is pretty good right now too, and only 70 years after they were bombed and broke.

Which country has the number 1 economy in the world?

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