Celebrity Asteroid Mission: Fake News?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The Christian Bible states that at the End of Days a prophetic 'star from heaven' will fall to Earth and poison a third of the waters. This star is named Wormwood and seems to symbolize metaphysics waves.

Is TrumpUSA ripe for such 'humanity-unifying prophecies' (or does this all feel like 'fake news')?

What do you think?


"NASA reported that a series of asteroids will fly by Earth in February [2019], and one of these may hit the Earth with enough impact to cause an E.L.E. (extinction level event). The last asteroid of this deadly magnitude to hit the Earth caused the dinosaurs to go extinct. So how will TrumpUSA prepare for this new 'star from heaven' (which some religious scholars have suggested may be the Biblical asteroid named 'Wormwood') possibly coming close to the Earth this February? NASA has trained a crew of astronauts, including two celebrities(!), Charlize Theron and Ben Affleck, to serve on a mission to detonate this asteroid (which they've named 'Wormwood' ironically!) so it splits into pieces and flies by Earth without hitting it in any way. President Trump called this mission the 'ultimate doomsday cure'."


"The reason Charlize Theron and Ben Affleck were chosen to be part of this NASA mission to detonate Wormwood, the largest asteroid which will zoom by Earth this February, because Theron/Affleck believe saving the Earth (and 'TrumpUSA') is really a mission to save the world's sense of civilization optimism. Theron and Affleck represent America's love of patriotism, media, and general society fanfare, which is why they'll be on board the main vessel (named Messiah), while a docking mini-vessel (named Savior) will land on the asteroid Wormwood and plant deadly bombs in it. Theron suggested this was the greatest moment in the history of NASA."


"Affleck was chosen, since he, like Theron, has made iconic American/Hollywood films that capture our nation's great imagination and patriotic spirit regarding everyday life, including Good Will Hunting, The Town, and Argo. A CNN reporter asked Affleck why he thought (personally) why Wormwood had Biblical/apocalyptic proportions, to which Affleck responded, 'Wormwood signifies all kinds of civilization waves at the End of Days, and we at NASA believe that this mission must involve the kind of courage that will avert this detonated asteroid, causing it to fly right by Earth in small pieces, reminding us that human spirit is stronger than any kind of democracy-shattering doomsday!'. Meanwhile, Woody Allen, director of Celebrity (a film about Hollywood fame and depression), stated in an interview, 'If Theron/Affleck save the Earth, I'll watch my film over and over again!'."


"As the professional members of the NASA mission land on the asteroid Wormwood and plant the necessary explosives of great caliber to shatter it into tiny pieces and leaving Earth unharmed thankfully, Theron/Affleck will report to NASA using the video/radio transmitters on-board the main vessel (Messiah) and tell America about the progress of this planet-saving (if somewhat 'secret') mission. If Messiah and Savior succeed, human civilization will survive and avoid the fate of the dinosaurs. Countless teenagers will continue enjoying going to drive-in theaters this summer and watching Hollywood films such as Armageddon, American Psycho, and Annabelle."


TRUMP: I think Messiah and Savior will do just fine!
CARTER: The world will be saved, Mr. President...
TRUMP: This is just like the nuclear-test crisis involving North Korea.
CARTER: Right; that was during Labor Day weekend 2017.
TRUMP: Wow; already I've faced two extreme 'challenges.'
CARTER: Don't worry sir; NASA has prepared very well for all this!
TRUMP: I'm thrilled about the participation of Theron/Affleck.
CARTER: Americans adore media and celebrities.
TRUMP: We don't want people to think our government is apathetic.
CARTER: That's why we're investing so much in culture, sir...
TRUMP: God bless America!



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