CDC to take action on racism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2021
Once something is labeled a "serious public health threat that directly affects the well-being of millions of Americans", as it is in this official statement by Biden's new CDC Director - Director’s Commentary | Health Equity | CDC , look for executive actions unconstrained by the legislature that will certainly affect our liberties. Expanding even more the false guise of "science", look for this administration to continue and expand their cultural Marxism strategies designed to tear down America. I have no idea if Biden understands the consequences of his actions. He probably thinks the Frankfurt School is culinary college with a focus on hot dogs.

Even in a carefully prepared statement, they can't hide their agenda - "We will continue to study the impact of social determinants on health outcomes, expand the body of evidence on how racism affects health and propose and implement solutions to address this."

The CDC will make it a point to "expand the body of evidence on how racism affects health and implement solutions to address this.". This is how liberals look at science - find evidence to support your premise. You can't even call them hypotheses because that implies the scientific method, which they abandoned a long time ago when their global warming models kept failing. In the absence of evidence, create the appearance of consensus.

Keep an eye out for the EOs and policies that will flow from this.

I knew a Biden administration would be harmful, but I didn't think it would be happening so quickly. He's making Obama look like a piker.

The greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest causes. - Thomas Paine
Once something is labeled a "serious public health threat that directly affects the well-being of millions of Americans", as it is in this official statement by Biden's new CDC Director - Director’s Commentary | Health Equity | CDC , look for executive actions unconstrained by the legislature that will certainly affect our liberties. Expanding even more the false guise of "science", look for this administration to continue and expand their cultural Marxism strategies designed to tear down America. I have no idea if Biden understands the consequences of his actions. He probably thinks the Frankfurt School is culinary college with a focus on hot dogs.

Even in a carefully prepared statement, they can't hide their agenda - "We will continue to study the impact of social determinants on health outcomes, expand the body of evidence on how racism affects health and propose and implement solutions to address this."

The CDC will make it a point to "expand the body of evidence on how racism affects health and implement solutions to address this.". This is how liberals look at science - find evidence to support your premise. You can't even call them hypotheses because that implies the scientific method, which they abandoned a long time ago when their global warming models kept failing. In the absence of evidence, create the appearance of consensus.

Keep an eye out for the EOs and policies that will flow from this.

I knew a Biden administration would be harmful, but I didn't think it would be happening so quickly. He's making Obama look like a piker.

The greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest causes. - Thomas Paine
The poorer health outcomes for blacks are real. He'd like to get to the bottom of it and fix it. That's all.
This is how liberals look at science - find evidence to support your premise. You can't even call them hypotheses because that implies the scientific method, which they abandoned a long time ago when their global warming models kept failing. In the absence of evidence, create the appearance of consensus.

Yep, this is the new scientific method and it is widely accepted by the left. I can only imagine just how unscientific science will become as the current elementary aged kids grow into there roles. It is a scary thought. It used to be that adults would mature and educate the children. That has gone by the wayside. Liberals have gotten to the point where they are, emotionally, perpetual children and thus there are fewer actual adults left to educate them any longer.
This is so fucking stupid.

Racism is not a fucking disease. The Biden admin has radical leftists in charge. Congrats to the morons who voted for Biden.
So-called racism is now more a health threat to blacks than other blacks? The government's 'science' must not include basic math or black on black violence would be a public health problem as well.
Once something is labeled a "serious public health threat that directly affects the well-being of millions of Americans", as it is in this official statement by Biden's new CDC Director - Director’s Commentary | Health Equity | CDC , look for executive actions unconstrained by the legislature that will certainly affect our liberties. Expanding even more the false guise of "science", look for this administration to continue and expand their cultural Marxism strategies designed to tear down America. I have no idea if Biden understands the consequences of his actions. He probably thinks the Frankfurt School is culinary college with a focus on hot dogs.

Even in a carefully prepared statement, they can't hide their agenda - "We will continue to study the impact of social determinants on health outcomes, expand the body of evidence on how racism affects health and propose and implement solutions to address this."

The CDC will make it a point to "expand the body of evidence on how racism affects health and implement solutions to address this.". This is how liberals look at science - find evidence to support your premise. You can't even call them hypotheses because that implies the scientific method, which they abandoned a long time ago when their global warming models kept failing. In the absence of evidence, create the appearance of consensus.

Keep an eye out for the EOs and policies that will flow from this.

I knew a Biden administration would be harmful, but I didn't think it would be happening so quickly. He's making Obama look like a piker.

The greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest causes. - Thomas Paine
The poorer health outcomes for blacks are real. He'd like to get to the bottom of it and fix it. That's all.
What do you think happens in cities? Do you believe that white people living in the same type housing as black people are making plans everyday to keep them down? After dinner everyday drawing up documents with orders to follow?

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