CDC advisory committee to vote on Pfizer vaccine for children ages 5-11


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
The article: CDC advisory committee votes to recommend Pfizer vaccine for children ages 5-11

From the article:

"A committee of independent experts advising the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is set to vote Tuesday whether to recommend the Pfizer vaccine for children 5-11, checking off one of the last boxes in the authorization process.

If members of the committee vote to recommend use of the vaccine, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky is expected to then issue a recommendation as soon as Tuesday evening, the final step in the process, which would allow the first shots to be administered as soon as Wednesday morning.

But vaccinations are not expected to kick into high-gear until Nov. 8, when the White House says Pfizer’s pediatric vaccines will be more widely accessible across the nation.

About 15 million doses are expected to ship out over the next week. The majority, about 10 million, will be available at pediatrician's offices, children’s hospitals, community centers and mass vaccination sites. About 5 million doses will go to pharmacies."


Looks like it's game over for American children ages 5-11. Looks like no sane, brass-balled American plans to lift a finger to prevent it. People these days run off at the mouth about government moving "the goal posts" all while decent men and women keep moving "the hill to die on". Cowards, aren't we all? What does it take for evil to triumph? Exactly. Apparently we Americans do love our children . . . we just don't love them enough.
Deaths from the injections in infants continue to increase:

Deaths from the injections in infants continue to increase:

I don't recall precisely who it was, but someone I heard on the radio pointed out how, when families couldn't get their kids in for their regular "vaccines" because of Covid shutdowns, infant mortality went down.
CDC is following Austria’s lead: everyone, mandatory. This is in-your-face pushing the envelope for not-yet mature immune systems. An arrogant, forced roulette.
The article: CDC advisory committee votes to recommend Pfizer vaccine for children ages 5-11

From the article:

"A committee of independent experts advising the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is set to vote Tuesday whether to recommend the Pfizer vaccine for children 5-11, checking off one of the last boxes in the authorization process.

If members of the committee vote to recommend use of the vaccine, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky is expected to then issue a recommendation as soon as Tuesday evening, the final step in the process, which would allow the first shots to be administered as soon as Wednesday morning.

But vaccinations are not expected to kick into high-gear until Nov. 8, when the White House says Pfizer’s pediatric vaccines will be more widely accessible across the nation.

About 15 million doses are expected to ship out over the next week. The majority, about 10 million, will be available at pediatrician's offices, children’s hospitals, community centers and mass vaccination sites. About 5 million doses will go to pharmacies."


Looks like it's game over for American children ages 5-11. Looks like no sane, brass-balled American plans to lift a finger to prevent it. People these days run off at the mouth about government moving "the goal posts" all while decent men and women keep moving "the hill to die on". Cowards, aren't we all? What does it take for evil to triumph? Exactly. Apparently we Americans do love our children . . . we just don't love them enough.

Do McConnell, Biden and Pelosi own stock in Pfizer?

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