Catholicism & Christianity - The Shocking Difference

Catholics, Protestants, Coptics, Mormons.... they are all xtian.

Mormons are Christians? Are you sure? Book Mormon, polygamy, baptism of dead people ... such things are not compatible with the Christian religion.
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Rather than call my beliefs bigoted maybe you can just tell me which ones are not true.

I think the Mormon stuff is a bit out there but as one of my Mormon Bishop friends said while we were having a very nice cigar and some Scotch( no water, ice or ANY contaminating lollywaters): he'll leave the details to the theologians. He knew of some fundamental truths they had but admitted that some of the Book was a bit out there. Yeah: as a Catholic I thought he was nuts but no crazier than have taken a slightly more circuitous route.


For me Greg, I put a big stock in Truth. I do.

Paul did too. He said, if Jesus is not raised from the dead you are dead in your sins and we are the most pitied among men. It's not a feeling. It's not a tradition. It's not a culture. It's a TRUTH. If it's false, walk away.

"And the Word was made flesh" starts right THERE as the prophets foretold. Re the Jews: I like my old teacher's explanation They're God the Father's so he'll sort them out in due course. No way am I getting in any argument between God and His Chosen Peeps!!. As for the Mormons; on many of the basics they weren't as far off as some I've heard over the years. I can attest to the fact that there was no Rapture in somebody was out by a fair while.

So let's all start with CHARITY. That excludes the libtards around the place.


I agree. I also do not think Charity means that I shrug and say, Meh, I think Joe Smith was alright. Listen let's be honest, Greg. Mormons come to my door to openly recruit me. They are actively recruiting people into their church. It's what they do. I don't think there's anything wrong with saying, "I believe you're in a cult and I will pray for you." Which is what I say when they come.

You weren't chosen for a reason.

But you are.

Rather than call my beliefs bigoted maybe you can just tell me which ones are not true.

I think the Mormon stuff is a bit out there but as one of my Mormon Bishop friends said while we were having a very nice cigar and some Scotch( no water, ice or ANY contaminating lollywaters): he'll leave the details to the theologians. He knew of some fundamental truths they had but admitted that some of the Book was a bit out there. Yeah: as a Catholic I thought he was nuts but no crazier than have taken a slightly more circuitous route.


For me Greg, I put a big stock in Truth. I do.

Paul did too. He said, if Jesus is not raised from the dead you are dead in your sins and we are the most pitied among men. It's not a feeling. It's not a tradition. It's not a culture. It's a TRUTH. If it's false, walk away.

"And the Word was made flesh" starts right THERE as the prophets foretold. Re the Jews: I like my old teacher's explanation They're God the Father's so he'll sort them out in due course. No way am I getting in any argument between God and His Chosen Peeps!!. As for the Mormons; on many of the basics they weren't as far off as some I've heard over the years. I can attest to the fact that there was no Rapture in somebody was out by a fair while.

So let's all start with CHARITY. That excludes the libtards around the place.


I agree. I also do not think Charity means that I shrug and say, Meh, I think Joe Smith was alright. Listen let's be honest, Greg. Mormons come to my door to openly recruit me. They are actively recruiting people into their church. It's what they do. I don't think there's anything wrong with saying, "I believe you're in a cult and I will pray for you." Which is what I say when they come.

Here’s what I do. When Mormon’s come to my door, I invite them in and have them sit at a table. I tell them that I will discuss religion with them on one condition. Then I whip out a bottle of fine whiskey from my epic whiskey collection and a few glasses. I pour everyone a whiskey and then I try to convert them to Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Animism, Taoism, Confucionism, Buddhism, etc., or a new religion I’m making up with me as the deity. Of course, I don’t know anything about these other religions and just make shit up. By the fourth or fifth whiskey, the conversation has gotten really deep. They may not have touched a drop but I’m having a blast!
Saying Mormons belong to a cult is pretty rude, even if that's how truly feel. I simply say; "Thank you, but I am not interested." If that doesn't work, I ask them to wait a minute for my husband to return. :lol:

How funny that you think it's rude. I have been told I worship a zombie, and things I wouldn't even type here, because I'm an evangelical. I have prayed before on the street and been called things that almost curled my hair--and my hair is not curly. Believe me being told "I am in a cult" wouldn't even bat my eye. I mean just in THIS THREAD someone told me they "have no use for evangelicals".

I do know you to be a very polite poster and I appreciate that. I hope not to be blatantly rude, but yes, I put Truth even over politeness. I do not seek to build bridges with someone if their soul is at stake.

Penn and Teller, atheists, said this once. They said, listen, if you REALLY believe I'm going to Hell, are you being "nice" to me if you don't tell me? Is that really kind?

If I tell Mormons they're Christians just like me so they feel lulled into that "niceness"--but I don't really believe that--what have I accomplished? well they feel good, and I feel good. But that's the worst kind of lie if you believe what I believe. It's not "that dress makes you look fat" lie. It's an "eternal soul" kind of lie.

I will sacrifice politeness for that. Especially I will if people come to me with a message. I will then give them MY message. Because I really do not want to see them perish. :-(
No you're a bigot for sure. Don't like Evangelicals don't like Jews

I don't put all jews in the same basket, but I put all Evangelicals in the same basket.

And what basket would that be Penny

As you are or not aware of , I have little use for evangelicals.

That’s ridiculous. Some of the finest people I know are Evangelicals.

I mean, just to enlighten you: she said on another thread people who homeschool their kids should be checked "for papers" to see if they vaccinate their kids and should get no public assistance whatsoever.

So. Scary.

Seems an odd thing for her to say. No link?? Why do I ask? lol

The Truth About Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Homeschoolers

I admit that I am pro-vaccination but it is NOT risk free. I would like all kids to be given allergy tests BEFORE vaccination. As a parent of a child some vaccines could have killed I can attest to the fact that it is important. As for "shaming" parents? Herd immunity is fine. The risk may be higher for the non-vaccinated but within a herd they should be fine.

Rather than call my beliefs bigoted maybe you can just tell me which ones are not true.

I think the Mormon stuff is a bit out there but as one of my Mormon Bishop friends said while we were having a very nice cigar and some Scotch( no water, ice or ANY contaminating lollywaters): he'll leave the details to the theologians. He knew of some fundamental truths they had but admitted that some of the Book was a bit out there. Yeah: as a Catholic I thought he was nuts but no crazier than have taken a slightly more circuitous route.


For me Greg, I put a big stock in Truth. I do.

Paul did too. He said, if Jesus is not raised from the dead you are dead in your sins and we are the most pitied among men. It's not a feeling. It's not a tradition. It's not a culture. It's a TRUTH. If it's false, walk away.

"And the Word was made flesh" starts right THERE as the prophets foretold. Re the Jews: I like my old teacher's explanation They're God the Father's so he'll sort them out in due course. No way am I getting in any argument between God and His Chosen Peeps!!. As for the Mormons; on many of the basics they weren't as far off as some I've heard over the years. I can attest to the fact that there was no Rapture in somebody was out by a fair while.

So let's all start with CHARITY. That excludes the libtards around the place.


I agree. I also do not think Charity means that I shrug and say, Meh, I think Joe Smith was alright. Listen let's be honest, Greg. Mormons come to my door to openly recruit me. They are actively recruiting people into their church. It's what they do. I don't think there's anything wrong with saying, "I believe you're in a cult and I will pray for you." Which is what I say when they come.

Here’s what I do. When Mormon’s come to my door, I invite them in and have them sit at a table. I tell them that I will discuss religion with them on one condition. Then I whip out a bottle of fine whiskey from my epic whiskey collection and a few glasses. I pour everyone a whiskey and then I try to convert them to Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Animism, Taoism, Confucionism, Buddhism, etc., or a new religion I’m making up with me as the deity. Of course, I don’t know anything about these other religions and just make shit up. By the fourth or fifth whiskey, the conversation has gotten really deep. They may not have touched a drop but I’m having a blast!

I laughed many times out loud reading this.

Where do you live I'm coming to evangelize you and sharing that whiskey. Wait it's good whiskey right??? lol
I don't put all jews in the same basket, but I put all Evangelicals in the same basket.

And what basket would that be Penny

As you are or not aware of , I have little use for evangelicals.

That’s ridiculous. Some of the finest people I know are Evangelicals.

I mean, just to enlighten you: she said on another thread people who homeschool their kids should be checked "for papers" to see if they vaccinate their kids and should get no public assistance whatsoever.

So. Scary.

Seems an odd thing for her to say. No link?? Why do I ask? lol

The Truth About Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Homeschoolers

I admit that I am pro-vaccination but it is NOT risk free. I would like all kids to be given allergy tests BEFORE vaccination. As a parent of a child some vaccines could have killed I can attest to the fact that it is important. As for "shaming" parents? Herd immunity is fine. The risk may be higher for the non-vaccinated but within a herd they should be fine.


Count me pro-vaccine as well but I am anti-State forcing vaccines on you. Because I'm deeply American, of course. :) That said, we gave our kids all the major shots but held off on a few minors. You know, what I hope was a reasonable approach. Anyway I don't want to turn this thread into vaccine thread because EVERY thread could do there..heh
Catholics, Protestants, Coptics, Mormons.... they are all xtian.

Mormons are Christians? Are you sure?

They pray to Jesus. Is there another requirement of which I'm unaware?
Yeah; a couple. I pray to Mary too but she isn't God. I even pray to my long dead Gran sometimes when i need someone to put in a word for me..usually after I've given some lefty a good bollocking!!

I think the Mormon stuff is a bit out there but as one of my Mormon Bishop friends said while we were having a very nice cigar and some Scotch( no water, ice or ANY contaminating lollywaters): he'll leave the details to the theologians. He knew of some fundamental truths they had but admitted that some of the Book was a bit out there. Yeah: as a Catholic I thought he was nuts but no crazier than have taken a slightly more circuitous route.


For me Greg, I put a big stock in Truth. I do.

Paul did too. He said, if Jesus is not raised from the dead you are dead in your sins and we are the most pitied among men. It's not a feeling. It's not a tradition. It's not a culture. It's a TRUTH. If it's false, walk away.

"And the Word was made flesh" starts right THERE as the prophets foretold. Re the Jews: I like my old teacher's explanation They're God the Father's so he'll sort them out in due course. No way am I getting in any argument between God and His Chosen Peeps!!. As for the Mormons; on many of the basics they weren't as far off as some I've heard over the years. I can attest to the fact that there was no Rapture in somebody was out by a fair while.

So let's all start with CHARITY. That excludes the libtards around the place.


I agree. I also do not think Charity means that I shrug and say, Meh, I think Joe Smith was alright. Listen let's be honest, Greg. Mormons come to my door to openly recruit me. They are actively recruiting people into their church. It's what they do. I don't think there's anything wrong with saying, "I believe you're in a cult and I will pray for you." Which is what I say when they come.

Here’s what I do. When Mormon’s come to my door, I invite them in and have them sit at a table. I tell them that I will discuss religion with them on one condition. Then I whip out a bottle of fine whiskey from my epic whiskey collection and a few glasses. I pour everyone a whiskey and then I try to convert them to Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Animism, Taoism, Confucionism, Buddhism, etc., or a new religion I’m making up with me as the deity. Of course, I don’t know anything about these other religions and just make shit up. By the fourth or fifth whiskey, the conversation has gotten really deep. They may not have touched a drop but I’m having a blast!

I laughed many times out loud reading this.

Where do you live I'm coming to evangelize you and sharing that whiskey. Wait it's good whiskey right??? lol

Nothing but the best!
I think the Mormon stuff is a bit out there but as one of my Mormon Bishop friends said while we were having a very nice cigar and some Scotch( no water, ice or ANY contaminating lollywaters): he'll leave the details to the theologians. He knew of some fundamental truths they had but admitted that some of the Book was a bit out there. Yeah: as a Catholic I thought he was nuts but no crazier than have taken a slightly more circuitous route.


For me Greg, I put a big stock in Truth. I do.

Paul did too. He said, if Jesus is not raised from the dead you are dead in your sins and we are the most pitied among men. It's not a feeling. It's not a tradition. It's not a culture. It's a TRUTH. If it's false, walk away.

"And the Word was made flesh" starts right THERE as the prophets foretold. Re the Jews: I like my old teacher's explanation They're God the Father's so he'll sort them out in due course. No way am I getting in any argument between God and His Chosen Peeps!!. As for the Mormons; on many of the basics they weren't as far off as some I've heard over the years. I can attest to the fact that there was no Rapture in somebody was out by a fair while.

So let's all start with CHARITY. That excludes the libtards around the place.


I agree. I also do not think Charity means that I shrug and say, Meh, I think Joe Smith was alright. Listen let's be honest, Greg. Mormons come to my door to openly recruit me. They are actively recruiting people into their church. It's what they do. I don't think there's anything wrong with saying, "I believe you're in a cult and I will pray for you." Which is what I say when they come.

Here’s what I do. When Mormon’s come to my door, I invite them in and have them sit at a table. I tell them that I will discuss religion with them on one condition. Then I whip out a bottle of fine whiskey from my epic whiskey collection and a few glasses. I pour everyone a whiskey and then I try to convert them to Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Animism, Taoism, Confucionism, Buddhism, etc., or a new religion I’m making up with me as the deity. Of course, I don’t know anything about these other religions and just make shit up. By the fourth or fifth whiskey, the conversation has gotten really deep. They may not have touched a drop but I’m having a blast!

I laughed many times out loud reading this.

Where do you live I'm coming to evangelize you and sharing that whiskey. Wait it's good whiskey right??? lol

I'll 'ave 'arf!!!

For me Greg, I put a big stock in Truth. I do.

Paul did too. He said, if Jesus is not raised from the dead you are dead in your sins and we are the most pitied among men. It's not a feeling. It's not a tradition. It's not a culture. It's a TRUTH. If it's false, walk away.

"And the Word was made flesh" starts right THERE as the prophets foretold. Re the Jews: I like my old teacher's explanation They're God the Father's so he'll sort them out in due course. No way am I getting in any argument between God and His Chosen Peeps!!. As for the Mormons; on many of the basics they weren't as far off as some I've heard over the years. I can attest to the fact that there was no Rapture in somebody was out by a fair while.

So let's all start with CHARITY. That excludes the libtards around the place.


I agree. I also do not think Charity means that I shrug and say, Meh, I think Joe Smith was alright. Listen let's be honest, Greg. Mormons come to my door to openly recruit me. They are actively recruiting people into their church. It's what they do. I don't think there's anything wrong with saying, "I believe you're in a cult and I will pray for you." Which is what I say when they come.

Here’s what I do. When Mormon’s come to my door, I invite them in and have them sit at a table. I tell them that I will discuss religion with them on one condition. Then I whip out a bottle of fine whiskey from my epic whiskey collection and a few glasses. I pour everyone a whiskey and then I try to convert them to Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Animism, Taoism, Confucionism, Buddhism, etc., or a new religion I’m making up with me as the deity. Of course, I don’t know anything about these other religions and just make shit up. By the fourth or fifth whiskey, the conversation has gotten really deep. They may not have touched a drop but I’m having a blast!

I laughed many times out loud reading this.

Where do you live I'm coming to evangelize you and sharing that whiskey. Wait it's good whiskey right??? lol

Nothing but the best!

Good. I'll be there in the Spring!!

Saying Mormons belong to a cult is pretty rude, even if that's how truly feel. I simply say; "Thank you, but I am not interested." If that doesn't work, I ask them to wait a minute for my husband to return. :lol:

How funny that you think it's rude. I have been told I worship a zombie, and things I wouldn't even type here, because I'm an evangelical. I have prayed before on the street and been called things that almost curled my hair--and my hair is not curly. Believe me being told "I am in a cult" wouldn't even bat my eye. I mean just in THIS THREAD someone told me they "have no use for evangelicals".

I do know you to be a very polite poster and I appreciate that. I hope not to be blatantly rude, but yes, I put Truth even over politeness. I do not seek to build bridges with someone if their soul is at stake.

Penn and Teller, atheists, said this once. They said, listen, if you REALLY believe I'm going to Hell, are you being "nice" to me if you don't tell me? Is that really kind?

If I tell Mormons they're Christians just like me so they feel lulled into that "niceness"--but I don't really believe that--what have I accomplished? well they feel good, and I feel good. But that's the worst kind of lie if you believe what I believe. It's not "that dress makes you look fat" lie. It's an "eternal soul" kind of lie.

I will sacrifice politeness for that. Especially I will if people come to me with a message. I will then give them MY message. Because I really do not want to see them perish. :-(

I am not always polite around here and I can be an insufferable smartass at times. No question. lol

My view is, I am not saying you don’t adhere to this as well, but if your religion brings you peace and solace then who am I to try and take that away from you? Of course that doesn’t apply to those that would use their faith as excuse to commit barbaric or other unspeakable acts.
Christians don't belong to clubs and get "opinions" from others indoctrinated in various "clubs". We read verses, seek opinions from various translations and listen to those who seem to have certain beliefs in what is written. Then go clarify the other inconsistencies elsewhere. 1 hour on Sunday(not even the real Sabbath0 teaches you nothing. This is what got Moronism, Scientology and Babbling in tongues onto the front pages. Selective scripture as I call it.

I started in the John 1010 crowd" have life more than ubundantly" Everybody Christian should be wealthy ! I got over that in 5-6 weeks.
They skipped over the meek shall inherit and the greatest here on Earth will serve them there.
The Catholic clowns are still practicing Paganism and not reecommending any study than with the robed geniuses, smoke, candles mirrors and saints. Hail Mary.

I think if I set foot in a church to listen, the Seventh day crowd is worth a listen.
They're some of the few that live their beliefs day to day, better than most of us.

Here's an incredible example of that. God saved his ass. No question.There is no other way.
Desmond Doss - Wikipedia
Rather than call my beliefs bigoted maybe you can just tell me which ones are not true.

I think the Mormon stuff is a bit out there but as one of my Mormon Bishop friends said while we were having a very nice cigar and some Scotch( no water, ice or ANY contaminating lollywaters): he'll leave the details to the theologians. He knew of some fundamental truths they had but admitted that some of the Book was a bit out there. Yeah: as a Catholic I thought he was nuts but no crazier than have taken a slightly more circuitous route.


For me Greg, I put a big stock in Truth. I do.

Paul did too. He said, if Jesus is not raised from the dead you are dead in your sins and we are the most pitied among men. It's not a feeling. It's not a tradition. It's not a culture. It's a TRUTH. If it's false, walk away.

"And the Word was made flesh" starts right THERE as the prophets foretold. Re the Jews: I like my old teacher's explanation They're God the Father's so he'll sort them out in due course. No way am I getting in any argument between God and His Chosen Peeps!!. As for the Mormons; on many of the basics they weren't as far off as some I've heard over the years. I can attest to the fact that there was no Rapture in somebody was out by a fair while.

So let's all start with CHARITY. That excludes the libtards around the place.


I agree. I also do not think Charity means that I shrug and say, Meh, I think Joe Smith was alright. Listen let's be honest, Greg. Mormons come to my door to openly recruit me. They are actively recruiting people into their church. It's what they do. I don't think there's anything wrong with saying, "I believe you're in a cult and I will pray for you." Which is what I say when they come.

Here’s what I do. When Mormon’s come to my door, I invite them in and have them sit at a table. I tell them that I will discuss religion with them on one condition. Then I whip out a bottle of fine whiskey from my epic whiskey collection and a few glasses. I pour everyone a whiskey and then I try to convert them to Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Animism, Taoism, Confucionism, Buddhism, etc., or a new religion I’m making up with me as the deity. Of course, I don’t know anything about these other religions and just make shit up. By the fourth or fifth whiskey, the conversation has gotten really deep. They may not have touched a drop but I’m having a blast!

Nah: they came calling one day and they were very brave. We were dismantling a motor bike on the front verandah at the time and a couple of helmets were in the doorway. They were "Sisters" and gave their spiel. They seemed quite lovely. My housesharing bud invited them to prayers the next morning EARLY; we(four lads) all had jobs at the time. They came and shared with us and continued to come every couple of days. After a while they asked if they could bring a couple of their Bros; also Missionaries. They continued to come as well and it was quite relaxed but they stopped coming after a few weeks. The Sisters still called round at times but less for converting and more I think because they could notch up a visit in their books. They wouldn't come to mass though. I kept in touch and over the years got friendly with a chap that became a Bishop...young too(40s). He appreciated a good cigar and a Scotch. Top bloke. Haven't seen him in many years though.

Christians don't belong to clubs and get "opinions" from others indoctrinated in various "clubs". We read verses, seek opinions from various translations and listen to those who seem to have certain beliefs in what is written. Then go clarify the other inconsistencies elsewhere. 1 hour on Sunday(not even the real Sabbath0 teaches you nothing. This is what got Moronism, Scientology and Babbling in tongues onto the front pages. Selective scripture as I call it.

I started in the John 1010 crowd" have life more than ubundantly" Everybody Christian should be wealthy ! I got over that in 5-6 weeks.
They skipped over the meek shall inherit and the greatest here on Earth will serve them there.
The Catholic clowns are still practicing Paganism and not reecommending any study than with the robed geniuses, smoke, candles mirrors and saints. Hail Mary.

I think if I set foot in a church to listen, the Seventh day crowd is worth a listen.
They're some of the few that live their beliefs day to day, better than most of us.

Here's an incredible example of that. God saved his ass. No question.There is no other way.
Desmond Doss - Wikipedia

Hey: when do we get into the Paganism..............Beltane and all that sort of stuff running around naked in Forests at the Summer Solstice?? All that debauchery sounds like a hoot!!

Oh that's right; not allowed to even bring that stuff to mind. Darn it!!

OK: extra Hail Marys for those naughty thoughts.

Saying Mormons belong to a cult is pretty rude, even if that's how truly feel. I simply say; "Thank you, but I am not interested." If that doesn't work, I ask them to wait a minute for my husband to return. :lol:

How funny that you think it's rude. I have been told I worship a zombie, and things I wouldn't even type here, because I'm an evangelical. I have prayed before on the street and been called things that almost curled my hair--and my hair is not curly. Believe me being told "I am in a cult" wouldn't even bat my eye. I mean just in THIS THREAD someone told me they "have no use for evangelicals".

I do know you to be a very polite poster and I appreciate that. I hope not to be blatantly rude, but yes, I put Truth even over politeness. I do not seek to build bridges with someone if their soul is at stake.

Penn and Teller, atheists, said this once. They said, listen, if you REALLY believe I'm going to Hell, are you being "nice" to me if you don't tell me? Is that really kind?

If I tell Mormons they're Christians just like me so they feel lulled into that "niceness"--but I don't really believe that--what have I accomplished? well they feel good, and I feel good. But that's the worst kind of lie if you believe what I believe. It's not "that dress makes you look fat" lie. It's an "eternal soul" kind of lie.

I will sacrifice politeness for that. Especially I will if people come to me with a message. I will then give them MY message. Because I really do not want to see them perish. :-(

I am not always polite around here and I can be an insufferable smartass at times. No question. lol

My view is, I am not saying you don’t adhere to this as well, but if your religion brings you peace and solace then who am I to try and take that away from you? Of course that doesn’t apply to those that would use their faith as excuse to commit barbaric or other unspeakable acts.

You mean like liberals?? No bloody way!!!


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