Carter and Desert One.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Many people consider President Carter a weak President. Mainly over his handling of the Iran Hostage situation. But IMO that is unfair.

Almost immediately the Military began planning and training for the rescue operation. Charlie Beckworth who was one of the finest Soldiers in history led the planning and mission. He formed Delta. He made the Green Berets better than it was imagined they could be. The man was and is a legend.

So what happened? Well. Everything that could go wrong. Went wrong. Mr. Murphy stepped in and every sort of bad luck you could have joined the mission.

What did not happen? Carter did not limit the plan to a handful of Helicopters. The plan required six helicopters. The Army added one to the plan to make sure there was a spare. Carter added another one ordering two spares.

So what happened? A helicopter broke down on the way in. An emergency landing. And the crew transferred to another bird. This helicopter flew into a Haboob. A dust storm. The resulting dust created a situation where the instruments began to malfunction. So the pilots could not see and could not fly by instruments. They aborted and returned to the carrier.

Now we are at the minimum number. On the ground everything is going wrong. A nearly abandoned road is quite busy. Then the helicopters arrive. Only six. The bare minimum to pull the mission off.

One of the helicopters had a bad hydronic pump. If it was flown again it would have seized and the bird would crash. It is down. It can’t fly. The result will be certain death for the people.

Now we are below the minimum number. The mission is aborted.

Reasons for the failures? The technology didn’t exist for air crew night vision goggles. The ones they were using were the best available. But they were intended for keep drivers. Not pilots. Not training the entire force together as one unit. No familiarity with desert flying. Brownout is well known now. It wasn’t well known then.

In the end it was the best plan put forth by our Military. Including some of the most respected officers of the era. And Carter told them if it succeeded they would get the credit. If it failed he was out.

There was no other plan. No other realistic option. We could not invade Iran. We didn’t have the troops. And we would have lost tens of thousands in the attempt. Unleashing the bombers would have gotten the hostages killed for sure.

Now to the final point. In the decades since. None of the Monday Morning Quarterbacks have come up with another idea that would have worked.
Many people consider President Carter a weak President. Mainly over his handling of the Iran Hostage situation. But IMO that is unfair.

Almost immediately the Military began planning and training for the rescue operation. Charlie Beckworth who was one of the finest Soldiers in history led the planning and mission. He formed Delta. He made the Green Berets better than it was imagined they could be. The man was and is a legend.

So what happened? Well. Everything that could go wrong. Went wrong. Mr. Murphy stepped in and every sort of bad luck you could have joined the mission.

What did not happen? Carter did not limit the plan to a handful of Helicopters. The plan required six helicopters. The Army added one to the plan to make sure there was a spare. Carter added another one ordering two spares.

So what happened? A helicopter broke down on the way in. An emergency landing. And the crew transferred to another bird. This helicopter flew into a Haboob. A dust storm. The resulting dust created a situation where the instruments began to malfunction. So the pilots could not see and could not fly by instruments. They aborted and returned to the carrier.

Now we are at the minimum number. On the ground everything is going wrong. A nearly abandoned road is quite busy. Then the helicopters arrive. Only six. The bare minimum to pull the mission off.

One of the helicopters had a bad hydronic pump. If it was flown again it would have seized and the bird would crash. It is down. It can’t fly. The result will be certain death for the people.

Now we are below the minimum number. The mission is aborted.

Reasons for the failures? The technology didn’t exist for air crew night vision goggles. The ones they were using were the best available. But they were intended for keep drivers. Not pilots. Not training the entire force together as one unit. No familiarity with desert flying. Brownout is well known now. It wasn’t well known then.

In the end it was the best plan put forth by our Military. Including some of the most respected officers of the era. And Carter told them if it succeeded they would get the credit. If it failed he was out.

There was no other plan. No other realistic option. We could not invade Iran. We didn’t have the troops. And we would have lost tens of thousands in the attempt. Unleashing the bombers would have gotten the hostages killed for sure.

Now to the final point. In the decades since. None of the Monday Morning Quarterbacks have come up with another idea that would have worked.
Carter should have DEMANDED return of those hostages or Tehran gets bombed. No other option. Also he should have had the Ayatollah assassinated. But he WAS weak. Don't forget the runaway inflation and Gas lines. Besides ,Carter was the ORIGINAL planner of the Sub-Prime LENDING that almost bankrupted the USA in 2008.
Many people consider President Carter a weak President. Mainly over his handling of the Iran Hostage situation. But IMO that is unfair.

Almost immediately the Military began planning and training for the rescue operation. Charlie Beckworth who was one of the finest Soldiers in history led the planning and mission. He formed Delta. He made the Green Berets better than it was imagined they could be. The man was and is a legend.

So what happened? Well. Everything that could go wrong. Went wrong. Mr. Murphy stepped in and every sort of bad luck you could have joined the mission.

What did not happen? Carter did not limit the plan to a handful of Helicopters. The plan required six helicopters. The Army added one to the plan to make sure there was a spare. Carter added another one ordering two spares.

So what happened? A helicopter broke down on the way in. An emergency landing. And the crew transferred to another bird. This helicopter flew into a Haboob. A dust storm. The resulting dust created a situation where the instruments began to malfunction. So the pilots could not see and could not fly by instruments. They aborted and returned to the carrier.

Now we are at the minimum number. On the ground everything is going wrong. A nearly abandoned road is quite busy. Then the helicopters arrive. Only six. The bare minimum to pull the mission off.

One of the helicopters had a bad hydronic pump. If it was flown again it would have seized and the bird would crash. It is down. It can’t fly. The result will be certain death for the people.

Now we are below the minimum number. The mission is aborted.

Reasons for the failures? The technology didn’t exist for air crew night vision goggles. The ones they were using were the best available. But they were intended for keep drivers. Not pilots. Not training the entire force together as one unit. No familiarity with desert flying. Brownout is well known now. It wasn’t well known then.

In the end it was the best plan put forth by our Military. Including some of the most respected officers of the era. And Carter told them if it succeeded they would get the credit. If it failed he was out.

There was no other plan. No other realistic option. We could not invade Iran. We didn’t have the troops. And we would have lost tens of thousands in the attempt. Unleashing the bombers would have gotten the hostages killed for sure.

Now to the final point. In the decades since. None of the Monday Morning Quarterbacks have come up with another idea that would have worked.
Carter should have DEMANDED return of those hostages or Tehran gets bombed. No other option. Also he should have had the Ayatollah assassinated. But he WAS weak. Don't forget the runaway inflation and Gas lines. Besides ,Carter was the ORIGINAL planner of the Sub-Prime LENDING that almost bankrupted the USA in 2008.

Right. So tell me. How did 241 Military people die in Beirut again? And what was Reagan’s response? Memory seems to say we fled as fast as we could. In six months you couldn’t find an American car in Lebanon. Look up Beirut Bombing.
Many people consider President Carter a weak President. Mainly over his handling of the Iran Hostage situation. But IMO that is unfair.

Almost immediately the Military began planning and training for the rescue operation. Charlie Beckworth who was one of the finest Soldiers in history led the planning and mission. He formed Delta. He made the Green Berets better than it was imagined they could be. The man was and is a legend.

So what happened? Well. Everything that could go wrong. Went wrong. Mr. Murphy stepped in and every sort of bad luck you could have joined the mission.

What did not happen? Carter did not limit the plan to a handful of Helicopters. The plan required six helicopters. The Army added one to the plan to make sure there was a spare. Carter added another one ordering two spares.

So what happened? A helicopter broke down on the way in. An emergency landing. And the crew transferred to another bird. This helicopter flew into a Haboob. A dust storm. The resulting dust created a situation where the instruments began to malfunction. So the pilots could not see and could not fly by instruments. They aborted and returned to the carrier.

Now we are at the minimum number. On the ground everything is going wrong. A nearly abandoned road is quite busy. Then the helicopters arrive. Only six. The bare minimum to pull the mission off.

One of the helicopters had a bad hydronic pump. If it was flown again it would have seized and the bird would crash. It is down. It can’t fly. The result will be certain death for the people.

Now we are below the minimum number. The mission is aborted.

Reasons for the failures? The technology didn’t exist for air crew night vision goggles. The ones they were using were the best available. But they were intended for keep drivers. Not pilots. Not training the entire force together as one unit. No familiarity with desert flying. Brownout is well known now. It wasn’t well known then.

In the end it was the best plan put forth by our Military. Including some of the most respected officers of the era. And Carter told them if it succeeded they would get the credit. If it failed he was out.

There was no other plan. No other realistic option. We could not invade Iran. We didn’t have the troops. And we would have lost tens of thousands in the attempt. Unleashing the bombers would have gotten the hostages killed for sure.

Now to the final point. In the decades since. None of the Monday Morning Quarterbacks have come up with another idea that would have worked.
Carter should have DEMANDED return of those hostages or Tehran gets bombed. No other option. Also he should have had the Ayatollah assassinated. But he WAS weak. Don't forget the runaway inflation and Gas lines. Besides ,Carter was the ORIGINAL planner of the Sub-Prime LENDING that almost bankrupted the USA in 2008.

Right. So tell me. How did 241 Military people die in Beirut again? And what was Reagan’s response? Memory seems to say we fled as fast as we could. In six months you couldn’t find an American car in Lebanon. Look up Beirut Bombing.
I believe he bombed Ghaddafi and killed one of his sons.
Many people consider President Carter a weak President. Mainly over his handling of the Iran Hostage situation. But IMO that is unfair.

Almost immediately the Military began planning and training for the rescue operation. Charlie Beckworth who was one of the finest Soldiers in history led the planning and mission. He formed Delta. He made the Green Berets better than it was imagined they could be. The man was and is a legend.

So what happened? Well. Everything that could go wrong. Went wrong. Mr. Murphy stepped in and every sort of bad luck you could have joined the mission.

What did not happen? Carter did not limit the plan to a handful of Helicopters. The plan required six helicopters. The Army added one to the plan to make sure there was a spare. Carter added another one ordering two spares.

So what happened? A helicopter broke down on the way in. An emergency landing. And the crew transferred to another bird. This helicopter flew into a Haboob. A dust storm. The resulting dust created a situation where the instruments began to malfunction. So the pilots could not see and could not fly by instruments. They aborted and returned to the carrier.

Now we are at the minimum number. On the ground everything is going wrong. A nearly abandoned road is quite busy. Then the helicopters arrive. Only six. The bare minimum to pull the mission off.

One of the helicopters had a bad hydronic pump. If it was flown again it would have seized and the bird would crash. It is down. It can’t fly. The result will be certain death for the people.

Now we are below the minimum number. The mission is aborted.

Reasons for the failures? The technology didn’t exist for air crew night vision goggles. The ones they were using were the best available. But they were intended for keep drivers. Not pilots. Not training the entire force together as one unit. No familiarity with desert flying. Brownout is well known now. It wasn’t well known then.

In the end it was the best plan put forth by our Military. Including some of the most respected officers of the era. And Carter told them if it succeeded they would get the credit. If it failed he was out.

There was no other plan. No other realistic option. We could not invade Iran. We didn’t have the troops. And we would have lost tens of thousands in the attempt. Unleashing the bombers would have gotten the hostages killed for sure.

Now to the final point. In the decades since. None of the Monday Morning Quarterbacks have come up with another idea that would have worked.
Carter should have DEMANDED return of those hostages or Tehran gets bombed. No other option. Also he should have had the Ayatollah assassinated. But he WAS weak. Don't forget the runaway inflation and Gas lines. Besides ,Carter was the ORIGINAL planner of the Sub-Prime LENDING that almost bankrupted the USA in 2008.

Right. So tell me. How did 241 Military people die in Beirut again? And what was Reagan’s response? Memory seems to say we fled as fast as we could. In six months you couldn’t find an American car in Lebanon. Look up Beirut Bombing.
I believe he bombed Ghaddafi and killed one of his sons.

Why? They were not implicated.

After two years of investigation U.S. intelligence organizations pinned the planning of the Beirut bombings on a Lebanese Shia named Imad Mughniyah — who became a notorious Hezbollah terrorist —while his cousin and brother-in-law, Mustafa Badreddine, actually built the bombs. “Badreddine developed a trademark technique,” explained Washington Post reporter Robin Wright, “of using gas [compressed butane] to enhance the power of already sophisticated explosives.” Investigators say the pair had organized the earlier attack on the U.S. Embassy and in 1984 began abducting Westerners, mostly Americans, off the streets of Beirut, killing some, while holding others hostage for years. Mughniyah, who was also implicated in the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, was said by experts to be the prototype of the modern terrorist. “Long before Osama bin Laden, there was Imad Mughniyah,” Bilal Saab, a Hezbollah expert at the Brookings Institution, told Wright. “He introduced catastrophic suicide terrorism and many other tactics now used widely by many groups throughout the region.”

Military equipment failure due to sand storms was not Carters fault- unless you believe he is a god and caused them

Inflation"control" is, ostensibly, the Federal Reserves MAIN job-

Gas shortages were inevitable because Nixon made a promise to Saudi Arabia who controls OPEC-

The Iran problem(s) are our very own, beloved CIA's doing from 1953-
Carter is a scape goat for the ignorant, Duopoly Party, loyalists- the acolytes in the congregation of the church of Big GODvernment who vote Party.
The 444 days ended when Reagan swore the oath.

Apparently that was a fluke. Carter had arranged for the hostages to be released already but a bank holiday somewhere---England I think it was--screwed up the transfer of money that was part of the deal.
It could be argued the the Military had nothing to do with the aborted Carter rescue mission and it was just another in a long series of failed CIA plans by college kids and clerks and wannabe heroes that timid democrat administrations tend to trust more than their Generals.
It could be argued the the Military had nothing to do with the aborted Carter rescue mission and it was just another in a long series of failed CIA plans by college kids and clerks and wannabe heroes that timid democrat administrations tend to trust more than their Generals.

Indeed. So we are rewriting the history now? It is fact that the Pentagon began planning immediately after the Embassy fell. It is fact that Colonel Charlie Beckworth was the commander of Delta at the time. And it is fact that pilots began training for low level flight to avoid detection.

But now all of that is wiped so we can blame the President.

The truth is the plan was risky. Even if everything went right it was dangerous. But even your objection. And rewriting of history. Even you can’t point to another plan with any chance of success.

Part of the problem was the CIA was in the Embassy. So our guys were reduced to watching news broadcasts for intelligence information. Thank You Peter Jennings.

The Generals were the ones who said this was the best plan.
Many people consider President Carter a weak President. Mainly over his handling of the Iran Hostage situation. But IMO that is unfair.

Almost immediately the Military began planning and training for the rescue operation. Charlie Beckworth who was one of the finest Soldiers in history led the planning and mission. He formed Delta. He made the Green Berets better than it was imagined they could be. The man was and is a legend.

So what happened? Well. Everything that could go wrong. Went wrong. Mr. Murphy stepped in and every sort of bad luck you could have joined the mission.

What did not happen? Carter did not limit the plan to a handful of Helicopters. The plan required six helicopters. The Army added one to the plan to make sure there was a spare. Carter added another one ordering two spares.

So what happened? A helicopter broke down on the way in. An emergency landing. And the crew transferred to another bird. This helicopter flew into a Haboob. A dust storm. The resulting dust created a situation where the instruments began to malfunction. So the pilots could not see and could not fly by instruments. They aborted and returned to the carrier.

Now we are at the minimum number. On the ground everything is going wrong. A nearly abandoned road is quite busy. Then the helicopters arrive. Only six. The bare minimum to pull the mission off.

One of the helicopters had a bad hydronic pump. If it was flown again it would have seized and the bird would crash. It is down. It can’t fly. The result will be certain death for the people.

Now we are below the minimum number. The mission is aborted.

Reasons for the failures? The technology didn’t exist for air crew night vision goggles. The ones they were using were the best available. But they were intended for keep drivers. Not pilots. Not training the entire force together as one unit. No familiarity with desert flying. Brownout is well known now. It wasn’t well known then.

In the end it was the best plan put forth by our Military. Including some of the most respected officers of the era. And Carter told them if it succeeded they would get the credit. If it failed he was out.

There was no other plan. No other realistic option. We could not invade Iran. We didn’t have the troops. And we would have lost tens of thousands in the attempt. Unleashing the bombers would have gotten the hostages killed for sure.

Now to the final point. In the decades since. None of the Monday Morning Quarterbacks have come up with another idea that would have worked.
if carter wasnt such a peanut growing jack ass he would have simply told Tehran the hostages would be released immediately or we would bomb them back to biblical days
Many people consider President Carter a weak President. Mainly over his handling of the Iran Hostage situation. But IMO that is unfair.

Almost immediately the Military began planning and training for the rescue operation. Charlie Beckworth who was one of the finest Soldiers in history led the planning and mission. He formed Delta. He made the Green Berets better than it was imagined they could be. The man was and is a legend.

So what happened? Well. Everything that could go wrong. Went wrong. Mr. Murphy stepped in and every sort of bad luck you could have joined the mission.

What did not happen? Carter did not limit the plan to a handful of Helicopters. The plan required six helicopters. The Army added one to the plan to make sure there was a spare. Carter added another one ordering two spares.

So what happened? A helicopter broke down on the way in. An emergency landing. And the crew transferred to another bird. This helicopter flew into a Haboob. A dust storm. The resulting dust created a situation where the instruments began to malfunction. So the pilots could not see and could not fly by instruments. They aborted and returned to the carrier.

Now we are at the minimum number. On the ground everything is going wrong. A nearly abandoned road is quite busy. Then the helicopters arrive. Only six. The bare minimum to pull the mission off.

One of the helicopters had a bad hydronic pump. If it was flown again it would have seized and the bird would crash. It is down. It can’t fly. The result will be certain death for the people.

Now we are below the minimum number. The mission is aborted.

Reasons for the failures? The technology didn’t exist for air crew night vision goggles. The ones they were using were the best available. But they were intended for keep drivers. Not pilots. Not training the entire force together as one unit. No familiarity with desert flying. Brownout is well known now. It wasn’t well known then.

In the end it was the best plan put forth by our Military. Including some of the most respected officers of the era. And Carter told them if it succeeded they would get the credit. If it failed he was out.

There was no other plan. No other realistic option. We could not invade Iran. We didn’t have the troops. And we would have lost tens of thousands in the attempt. Unleashing the bombers would have gotten the hostages killed for sure.

Now to the final point. In the decades since. None of the Monday Morning Quarterbacks have come up with another idea that would have worked.
if carter wasnt such a peanut growing jack ass he would have simply told Tehran the hostages would be released immediately or we would bomb them back to biblical days

And that is what a Strong President does eh? Like Reagan who pulled us out of Beirut after 241 service members were killed?

The problem with threatening force is if they call your bluff, you have to follow through. We didn’t follow through in Vietnam. While a Republican was in office I might add, and there was little chance Congress would authorize unrestricted bombing of Iran indefinitely.

So simplistic and I dare say idiotic ideas such as that are merely childish tantrums.
Many people consider President Carter a weak President. Mainly over his handling of the Iran Hostage situation. But IMO that is unfair.

Almost immediately the Military began planning and training for the rescue operation. Charlie Beckworth who was one of the finest Soldiers in history led the planning and mission. He formed Delta. He made the Green Berets better than it was imagined they could be. The man was and is a legend.

So what happened? Well. Everything that could go wrong. Went wrong. Mr. Murphy stepped in and every sort of bad luck you could have joined the mission.

What did not happen? Carter did not limit the plan to a handful of Helicopters. The plan required six helicopters. The Army added one to the plan to make sure there was a spare. Carter added another one ordering two spares.

So what happened? A helicopter broke down on the way in. An emergency landing. And the crew transferred to another bird. This helicopter flew into a Haboob. A dust storm. The resulting dust created a situation where the instruments began to malfunction. So the pilots could not see and could not fly by instruments. They aborted and returned to the carrier.

Now we are at the minimum number. On the ground everything is going wrong. A nearly abandoned road is quite busy. Then the helicopters arrive. Only six. The bare minimum to pull the mission off.

One of the helicopters had a bad hydronic pump. If it was flown again it would have seized and the bird would crash. It is down. It can’t fly. The result will be certain death for the people.

Now we are below the minimum number. The mission is aborted.

Reasons for the failures? The technology didn’t exist for air crew night vision goggles. The ones they were using were the best available. But they were intended for keep drivers. Not pilots. Not training the entire force together as one unit. No familiarity with desert flying. Brownout is well known now. It wasn’t well known then.

In the end it was the best plan put forth by our Military. Including some of the most respected officers of the era. And Carter told them if it succeeded they would get the credit. If it failed he was out.

There was no other plan. No other realistic option. We could not invade Iran. We didn’t have the troops. And we would have lost tens of thousands in the attempt. Unleashing the bombers would have gotten the hostages killed for sure.

Now to the final point. In the decades since. None of the Monday Morning Quarterbacks have come up with another idea that would have worked.
Carter should have DEMANDED return of those hostages or Tehran gets bombed. No other option. Also he should have had the Ayatollah assassinated. But he WAS weak. Don't forget the runaway inflation and Gas lines. Besides ,Carter was the ORIGINAL planner of the Sub-Prime LENDING that almost bankrupted the USA in 2008.

How'd the killing of the Iranian General work out?
Many people consider President Carter a weak President. Mainly over his handling of the Iran Hostage situation. But IMO that is unfair.

Almost immediately the Military began planning and training for the rescue operation. Charlie Beckworth who was one of the finest Soldiers in history led the planning and mission. He formed Delta. He made the Green Berets better than it was imagined they could be. The man was and is a legend.

So what happened? Well. Everything that could go wrong. Went wrong. Mr. Murphy stepped in and every sort of bad luck you could have joined the mission.

What did not happen? Carter did not limit the plan to a handful of Helicopters. The plan required six helicopters. The Army added one to the plan to make sure there was a spare. Carter added another one ordering two spares.

So what happened? A helicopter broke down on the way in. An emergency landing. And the crew transferred to another bird. This helicopter flew into a Haboob. A dust storm. The resulting dust created a situation where the instruments began to malfunction. So the pilots could not see and could not fly by instruments. They aborted and returned to the carrier.

Now we are at the minimum number. On the ground everything is going wrong. A nearly abandoned road is quite busy. Then the helicopters arrive. Only six. The bare minimum to pull the mission off.

One of the helicopters had a bad hydronic pump. If it was flown again it would have seized and the bird would crash. It is down. It can’t fly. The result will be certain death for the people.

Now we are below the minimum number. The mission is aborted.

Reasons for the failures? The technology didn’t exist for air crew night vision goggles. The ones they were using were the best available. But they were intended for keep drivers. Not pilots. Not training the entire force together as one unit. No familiarity with desert flying. Brownout is well known now. It wasn’t well known then.

In the end it was the best plan put forth by our Military. Including some of the most respected officers of the era. And Carter told them if it succeeded they would get the credit. If it failed he was out.

There was no other plan. No other realistic option. We could not invade Iran. We didn’t have the troops. And we would have lost tens of thousands in the attempt. Unleashing the bombers would have gotten the hostages killed for sure.

Now to the final point. In the decades since. None of the Monday Morning Quarterbacks have come up with another idea that would have worked.
Carter should have DEMANDED return of those hostages or Tehran gets bombed. No other option. Also he should have had the Ayatollah assassinated. But he WAS weak. Don't forget the runaway inflation and Gas lines. Besides ,Carter was the ORIGINAL planner of the Sub-Prime LENDING that almost bankrupted the USA in 2008.

How'd the killing of the Iranian General work out?
The more Iranians killed ,the better/ Time you traitors figured out Iran is an ENEMY.
Many people consider President Carter a weak President. Mainly over his handling of the Iran Hostage situation. But IMO that is unfair.

Almost immediately the Military began planning and training for the rescue operation. Charlie Beckworth who was one of the finest Soldiers in history led the planning and mission. He formed Delta. He made the Green Berets better than it was imagined they could be. The man was and is a legend.

So what happened? Well. Everything that could go wrong. Went wrong. Mr. Murphy stepped in and every sort of bad luck you could have joined the mission.

What did not happen? Carter did not limit the plan to a handful of Helicopters. The plan required six helicopters. The Army added one to the plan to make sure there was a spare. Carter added another one ordering two spares.

So what happened? A helicopter broke down on the way in. An emergency landing. And the crew transferred to another bird. This helicopter flew into a Haboob. A dust storm. The resulting dust created a situation where the instruments began to malfunction. So the pilots could not see and could not fly by instruments. They aborted and returned to the carrier.

Now we are at the minimum number. On the ground everything is going wrong. A nearly abandoned road is quite busy. Then the helicopters arrive. Only six. The bare minimum to pull the mission off.

One of the helicopters had a bad hydronic pump. If it was flown again it would have seized and the bird would crash. It is down. It can’t fly. The result will be certain death for the people.

Now we are below the minimum number. The mission is aborted.

Reasons for the failures? The technology didn’t exist for air crew night vision goggles. The ones they were using were the best available. But they were intended for keep drivers. Not pilots. Not training the entire force together as one unit. No familiarity with desert flying. Brownout is well known now. It wasn’t well known then.

In the end it was the best plan put forth by our Military. Including some of the most respected officers of the era. And Carter told them if it succeeded they would get the credit. If it failed he was out.

There was no other plan. No other realistic option. We could not invade Iran. We didn’t have the troops. And we would have lost tens of thousands in the attempt. Unleashing the bombers would have gotten the hostages killed for sure.

Now to the final point. In the decades since. None of the Monday Morning Quarterbacks have come up with another idea that would have worked.
Carter should have DEMANDED return of those hostages or Tehran gets bombed. No other option. Also he should have had the Ayatollah assassinated. But he WAS weak. Don't forget the runaway inflation and Gas lines. Besides ,Carter was the ORIGINAL planner of the Sub-Prime LENDING that almost bankrupted the USA in 2008.

How'd the killing of the Iranian General work out?
The more Iranians killed ,the better/ Time you traitors figured out Iran is an ENEMY.
You seem to operate under this mistaken belief that war is bloodless. To the men maimed and wounded. It certainly is not. To the families of the fallen. I can assure you that patriotic zeal does not assuage the grief of their loss. The men and women in Uniform are not thrilled to no end to die in a loud grotesque military manner.
Many people consider President Carter a weak President. Mainly over his handling of the Iran Hostage situation. But IMO that is unfair.

Almost immediately the Military began planning and training for the rescue operation. Charlie Beckworth who was one of the finest Soldiers in history led the planning and mission. He formed Delta. He made the Green Berets better than it was imagined they could be. The man was and is a legend.

So what happened? Well. Everything that could go wrong. Went wrong. Mr. Murphy stepped in and every sort of bad luck you could have joined the mission.

What did not happen? Carter did not limit the plan to a handful of Helicopters. The plan required six helicopters. The Army added one to the plan to make sure there was a spare. Carter added another one ordering two spares.

So what happened? A helicopter broke down on the way in. An emergency landing. And the crew transferred to another bird. This helicopter flew into a Haboob. A dust storm. The resulting dust created a situation where the instruments began to malfunction. So the pilots could not see and could not fly by instruments. They aborted and returned to the carrier.

Now we are at the minimum number. On the ground everything is going wrong. A nearly abandoned road is quite busy. Then the helicopters arrive. Only six. The bare minimum to pull the mission off.

One of the helicopters had a bad hydronic pump. If it was flown again it would have seized and the bird would crash. It is down. It can’t fly. The result will be certain death for the people.

Now we are below the minimum number. The mission is aborted.

Reasons for the failures? The technology didn’t exist for air crew night vision goggles. The ones they were using were the best available. But they were intended for keep drivers. Not pilots. Not training the entire force together as one unit. No familiarity with desert flying. Brownout is well known now. It wasn’t well known then.

In the end it was the best plan put forth by our Military. Including some of the most respected officers of the era. And Carter told them if it succeeded they would get the credit. If it failed he was out.

There was no other plan. No other realistic option. We could not invade Iran. We didn’t have the troops. And we would have lost tens of thousands in the attempt. Unleashing the bombers would have gotten the hostages killed for sure.

Now to the final point. In the decades since. None of the Monday Morning Quarterbacks have come up with another idea that would have worked.
Carter should have DEMANDED return of those hostages or Tehran gets bombed. No other option. Also he should have had the Ayatollah assassinated. But he WAS weak. Don't forget the runaway inflation and Gas lines. Besides ,Carter was the ORIGINAL planner of the Sub-Prime LENDING that almost bankrupted the USA in 2008.

How'd the killing of the Iranian General work out?
The more Iranians killed ,the better/ Time you traitors figured out Iran is an ENEMY.
You seem to operate under this mistaken belief that war is bloodless. To the men maimed and wounded. It certainly is not. To the families of the fallen. I can assure you that patriotic zeal does not assuage the grief of their loss. The men and women in Uniform are not thrilled to no end to die in a loud grotesque military manner.
Ever been in a War,Son?
Many people consider President Carter a weak President. Mainly over his handling of the Iran Hostage situation. But IMO that is unfair.

Almost immediately the Military began planning and training for the rescue operation. Charlie Beckworth who was one of the finest Soldiers in history led the planning and mission. He formed Delta. He made the Green Berets better than it was imagined they could be. The man was and is a legend.

So what happened? Well. Everything that could go wrong. Went wrong. Mr. Murphy stepped in and every sort of bad luck you could have joined the mission.

What did not happen? Carter did not limit the plan to a handful of Helicopters. The plan required six helicopters. The Army added one to the plan to make sure there was a spare. Carter added another one ordering two spares.

So what happened? A helicopter broke down on the way in. An emergency landing. And the crew transferred to another bird. This helicopter flew into a Haboob. A dust storm. The resulting dust created a situation where the instruments began to malfunction. So the pilots could not see and could not fly by instruments. They aborted and returned to the carrier.

Now we are at the minimum number. On the ground everything is going wrong. A nearly abandoned road is quite busy. Then the helicopters arrive. Only six. The bare minimum to pull the mission off.

One of the helicopters had a bad hydronic pump. If it was flown again it would have seized and the bird would crash. It is down. It can’t fly. The result will be certain death for the people.

Now we are below the minimum number. The mission is aborted.

Reasons for the failures? The technology didn’t exist for air crew night vision goggles. The ones they were using were the best available. But they were intended for keep drivers. Not pilots. Not training the entire force together as one unit. No familiarity with desert flying. Brownout is well known now. It wasn’t well known then.

In the end it was the best plan put forth by our Military. Including some of the most respected officers of the era. And Carter told them if it succeeded they would get the credit. If it failed he was out.

There was no other plan. No other realistic option. We could not invade Iran. We didn’t have the troops. And we would have lost tens of thousands in the attempt. Unleashing the bombers would have gotten the hostages killed for sure.

Now to the final point. In the decades since. None of the Monday Morning Quarterbacks have come up with another idea that would have worked.

Wow.. You know about Iran.. Very few do.. They just parrot BS about Carter being a "weak" president.
Many people consider President Carter a weak President. Mainly over his handling of the Iran Hostage situation. But IMO that is unfair.

Almost immediately the Military began planning and training for the rescue operation. Charlie Beckworth who was one of the finest Soldiers in history led the planning and mission. He formed Delta. He made the Green Berets better than it was imagined they could be. The man was and is a legend.

So what happened? Well. Everything that could go wrong. Went wrong. Mr. Murphy stepped in and every sort of bad luck you could have joined the mission.

What did not happen? Carter did not limit the plan to a handful of Helicopters. The plan required six helicopters. The Army added one to the plan to make sure there was a spare. Carter added another one ordering two spares.

So what happened? A helicopter broke down on the way in. An emergency landing. And the crew transferred to another bird. This helicopter flew into a Haboob. A dust storm. The resulting dust created a situation where the instruments began to malfunction. So the pilots could not see and could not fly by instruments. They aborted and returned to the carrier.

Now we are at the minimum number. On the ground everything is going wrong. A nearly abandoned road is quite busy. Then the helicopters arrive. Only six. The bare minimum to pull the mission off.

One of the helicopters had a bad hydronic pump. If it was flown again it would have seized and the bird would crash. It is down. It can’t fly. The result will be certain death for the people.

Now we are below the minimum number. The mission is aborted.

Reasons for the failures? The technology didn’t exist for air crew night vision goggles. The ones they were using were the best available. But they were intended for keep drivers. Not pilots. Not training the entire force together as one unit. No familiarity with desert flying. Brownout is well known now. It wasn’t well known then.

In the end it was the best plan put forth by our Military. Including some of the most respected officers of the era. And Carter told them if it succeeded they would get the credit. If it failed he was out.

There was no other plan. No other realistic option. We could not invade Iran. We didn’t have the troops. And we would have lost tens of thousands in the attempt. Unleashing the bombers would have gotten the hostages killed for sure.

Now to the final point. In the decades since. None of the Monday Morning Quarterbacks have come up with another idea that would have worked.
Carter should have DEMANDED return of those hostages or Tehran gets bombed. No other option. Also he should have had the Ayatollah assassinated. But he WAS weak. Don't forget the runaway inflation and Gas lines. Besides ,Carter was the ORIGINAL planner of the Sub-Prime LENDING that almost bankrupted the USA in 2008.

How'd the killing of the Iranian General work out?
The more Iranians killed ,the better/ Time you traitors figured out Iran is an ENEMY.
You seem to operate under this mistaken belief that war is bloodless. To the men maimed and wounded. It certainly is not. To the families of the fallen. I can assure you that patriotic zeal does not assuage the grief of their loss. The men and women in Uniform are not thrilled to no end to die in a loud grotesque military manner.
Ever been in a War,Son?

You ever been to Iran, son?
Many people consider President Carter a weak President. Mainly over his handling of the Iran Hostage situation. But IMO that is unfair.

Almost immediately the Military began planning and training for the rescue operation. Charlie Beckworth who was one of the finest Soldiers in history led the planning and mission. He formed Delta. He made the Green Berets better than it was imagined they could be. The man was and is a legend.

So what happened? Well. Everything that could go wrong. Went wrong. Mr. Murphy stepped in and every sort of bad luck you could have joined the mission.

What did not happen? Carter did not limit the plan to a handful of Helicopters. The plan required six helicopters. The Army added one to the plan to make sure there was a spare. Carter added another one ordering two spares.

So what happened? A helicopter broke down on the way in. An emergency landing. And the crew transferred to another bird. This helicopter flew into a Haboob. A dust storm. The resulting dust created a situation where the instruments began to malfunction. So the pilots could not see and could not fly by instruments. They aborted and returned to the carrier.

Now we are at the minimum number. On the ground everything is going wrong. A nearly abandoned road is quite busy. Then the helicopters arrive. Only six. The bare minimum to pull the mission off.

One of the helicopters had a bad hydronic pump. If it was flown again it would have seized and the bird would crash. It is down. It can’t fly. The result will be certain death for the people.

Now we are below the minimum number. The mission is aborted.

Reasons for the failures? The technology didn’t exist for air crew night vision goggles. The ones they were using were the best available. But they were intended for keep drivers. Not pilots. Not training the entire force together as one unit. No familiarity with desert flying. Brownout is well known now. It wasn’t well known then.

In the end it was the best plan put forth by our Military. Including some of the most respected officers of the era. And Carter told them if it succeeded they would get the credit. If it failed he was out.

There was no other plan. No other realistic option. We could not invade Iran. We didn’t have the troops. And we would have lost tens of thousands in the attempt. Unleashing the bombers would have gotten the hostages killed for sure.

Now to the final point. In the decades since. None of the Monday Morning Quarterbacks have come up with another idea that would have worked.
Carter should have DEMANDED return of those hostages or Tehran gets bombed. No other option. Also he should have had the Ayatollah assassinated. But he WAS weak. Don't forget the runaway inflation and Gas lines. Besides ,Carter was the ORIGINAL planner of the Sub-Prime LENDING that almost bankrupted the USA in 2008.

How'd the killing of the Iranian General work out?
The more Iranians killed ,the better/ Time you traitors figured out Iran is an ENEMY.
You seem to operate under this mistaken belief that war is bloodless. To the men maimed and wounded. It certainly is not. To the families of the fallen. I can assure you that patriotic zeal does not assuage the grief of their loss. The men and women in Uniform are not thrilled to no end to die in a loud grotesque military manner.
Ever been in a War,Son?

You ever been to Iran, son?
Vietnam. Also went to see relatives right after Yom Kippur War. Was NOT pretty. Iran is the enemy. Need to be exterminated.
Many people consider President Carter a weak President. Mainly over
age situation. But IMO that is unfair.

Almost immediately the Military began planning and training for the rescue operation. Charlie Beckworth who was one of the finest Soldiers in history led the planning and mission. He formed Delta. He made the Green Berets better than it was imagined they could be. The man was and is a legend.

So what happened? Well. Everything that could go wrong. Went wrong. Mr. Murphy stepped in and every sort of bad luck you could have joined the mission.

What did not happen? Carter did not limit the plan to a handful of Helicopters. The plan required six helicopters. The Army added one to the plan to make sure there was a spare. Carter added another one ordering two spares.

So what happened? A helicopter broke down on the way in. An emergency landing. And the crew transferred to another bird. This helicopter flew into a Haboob. A dust storm. The resulting dust created a situation where the instruments began to malfunction. So the pilots could not see and could not fly by instruments. They aborted and returned to the carrier.

Now we are at the minimum number. On the ground everything is going wrong. A nearly abandoned road is quite busy. Then the helicopters arrive. Only six. The bare minimum to pull the mission off.

One of the helicopters had a bad hydronic pump. If it was flown again it would have seized and the bird would crash. It is down. It can’t fly. The result will be certain death for the people.

Now we are below the minimum number. The mission is aborted.

Reasons for the failures? The technology didn’t exist for air crew night vision goggles. The ones they were using were the best available. But they were intended for keep drivers. Not pilots. Not training the entire force together as one unit. No familiarity with desert flying. Brownout is well known now. It wasn’t well known then.

In the end it was the best plan put forth by our Military. Including some of the most respected officers of the era. And Carter told them if it succeeded they would get the credit. If it failed he was out.

There was no other plan. No other realistic option. We could not invade Iran. We didn’t have the troops. And we would have lost tens of thousands in the attempt. Unleashing the bombers would have gotten the hostages killed for sure.

Now to the final point. In the decades since. None of the Monday Morning Quarterbacks have come up with another idea that would have worked.
Carter should have DEMANDED return of those hostages or Tehran gets bombed. No other option. Also he should have had the Ayatollah assassinated. But he WAS weak. Don't forget the runaway inflation and Gas lines. Besides ,Carter was the ORIGINAL planner of the Sub-Prime LENDING that almost bankrupted the USA in 2008.

How'd the killing of the Iranian General work out?
The more Iranians killed ,the better/ Time you traitors figured out Iran is an ENEMY.
You seem to operate under this mistaken belief that war is bloodless. To the men maimed and wounded. It certainly is not. To the families of the fallen. I can assure you that patriotic zeal does not assuage the grief of their loss. The men and women in Uniform are not thrilled to no end to die in a loud grotesque military manner.
Ever been in a War,Son?

You ever been to Iran, son?
Vietnam. Also went to see relatives right after Yom Kippur War. Was NOT pretty. Iran is the enemy. Need to be exterminated.

I have been to Iran many times.. The US has screwed them over and made ever sort of stupid blunder since 1953..

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