Carson confused on definition of debate??


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
“Debates are supposed to be established to help the people get to know the candidates and get to know what’s behind them,” Ben Carson said. “And what it’s turned into is a ‘gotcha.’ That’s silly.”

CNN host Brooke Baldwin questioned whether Carson and the others know what it means to debate, reading out the dictionary definition of it.

“The definition of a debate, and I quote, ‘a discussion between people in which they express different opinions about something,’ or, ‘contention by words or arguments,'” she said. “I gotta wonder — I mean this is a smart, smart man, a pediatric neurosurgeon we’re talking about. Does he know what the definition of a debate is?”


"Gotcha question" - any fact on record or quote with context that embarrasses the candidate and they would rather the public not know.
Rain Man Carson ain't playing with a full deck.

You know................Carson does have a good rags to riches story, and he did become a very accomplished surgeon.

However................many of the things he says he would do for this country, I don't think are right. I don't think women who are raped should be forced to bear the child. I don't think that any one religion should be barred from politics.

And that's just the tip of things I disagree on Carson with. His race has nothing to do with my decision to not support him, his policies do.

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