Carly Fiorina to Donald Trump: Step down

The one who got pushed out of her own company and lost terribly in the primaries is trying to tell us what to do?
You screwed around with the quote and made it look like I said, "She's a woman. That makes her illegitimate to play any part in the political process. Just like Mrs. Clinton.".

I didn't say that. That was lame.

My apologies. That wasn't the intent. That was intended as my response to your quote. It's now fixed.
You screwed around with the quote and made it look like I said, "She's a woman. That makes her illegitimate to play any part in the political process. Just like Mrs. Clinton.".

I didn't say that. That was lame.

My apologies. That wasn't the intent. That was intended as my response to your quote. It's now fixed.

I saw and withdrew my comment. All is well..though I absolutely disagree with your comment. :)
I don't blindly support Clinton. There is no excuse to blind yourself from reality because nobody wants your candidate.

I can be honest, both candidates are unpopular. That doesn't change the fact that only 1 our of four is qualified.

If you think it's Clinton, you're not only blind, you're insane. She's corrupt and willing to say and do anything to be President. Even Obama pointed that out in '08.

Jill Stein deserves your vote.

What has Jill Stein done to deserve my vote?

She is on the side of the people — and voting for one of two big business candidates is not going to further our interests nor the issues Americans care about. Voting for one or the other under the illusion of “lesser evilism” has not stopped the evil. She stands for integrity and a truly honest reformation of our government to ensure it works FOR us.

I asked why Jill Stein deserves my vote, not a paragraph filled with bullshit just because she says so.

I'm going to vote for Clinton because she is the only candidate in the race who can take care of the biggest issue of 2016, ensuring Trump doesn't win. Me voting for Jill Stein goes directly against my number 1 priority in this election.

I also agree with Clinton on most of the issues. Not all, I'm absolutely to the left of Clinton but with Jill Stein who hasn't bothered to create any political relationship, doesn't appear to be particularly knowledgeable about anything unless it's directly in her wheel house I would get nothing, beginning with her zero chances of being elected and ending with her not having any allies in Washington to get her agenda passed.

AND she also, like any politician will pander for votes and she panders to a dangerous crowd who wants to spread conspiracies that could have dire consequences for our most vulnerable. I'm also not really worried about GMOs, because I believe in science.

Yes, I want a green renewable energy. But you can't make that happen if you lose an election. We know that Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuels, he thinks climate change is a conspiracy theory invented by the Chinese and under a President Trump I fear we will go back on any progress we've made in creating renewable energies and what our role should be in leading change. Voting for Jill Stein gets you the exact opposite.

But, go ahead, vote for Jill Stein and get absolutely nothing out of it. I'm glad you feel we can afford to lose this election to the most moronic person to ever run for POTUS. I don't have the luxury of pretending we can kick the environment down the road for another 4 or 8 years without facing dire consequences.

Clinton has "evolved" her views based on political expediency, so how can you really be sure you agree with her on issues? All you can say is that you agree with the lie she tells now. Anyone else would be 50 points ahead of Trump because he's a flawed joke of a candidate, but it's neck and neck...meaning she is liable to lose. You're a fool at best and a corporate shill hillarybot at worst. Either way, your viewpoint is weak..."don't vote for the good candidate because I don't think she can win. Vote for the liar because I think she can beat the pig." No thanks. I won't be voting AGAINST someone, I'm going to vote for a person who has integrity and stands for what I want. Jill Stein.

What has she 'evolved' on that you don't like? And what lie am I agreeing with?

You don't find it ironic in the least that a Stein supporter is criticizing the only candidate in the race that's running ahead of Trump because she's not up more? Fascinating. Are you really saying Clinton is liable to lose? First off, no, she's the clear favorite to win. Do you want to know who is certain to lose? Your candidate. Not a chance and the only thing Jill Stein is, is a boost for Trump. Not by much, Stein won't even hit 5 points, but in a binary election like this 5 points could help put Trump over the top. You are literally supporting a candidate that helps Trump, that is her only contribution to this election.

You still haven't given a coherent reason why anyone should vote for Stein.
If you think it's Clinton, you're not only blind, you're insane. She's corrupt and willing to say and do anything to be President. Even Obama pointed that out in '08.

Jill Stein deserves your vote.

What has Jill Stein done to deserve my vote?

She is on the side of the people — and voting for one of two big business candidates is not going to further our interests nor the issues Americans care about. Voting for one or the other under the illusion of “lesser evilism” has not stopped the evil. She stands for integrity and a truly honest reformation of our government to ensure it works FOR us.

I asked why Jill Stein deserves my vote, not a paragraph filled with bullshit just because she says so.

I'm going to vote for Clinton because she is the only candidate in the race who can take care of the biggest issue of 2016, ensuring Trump doesn't win. Me voting for Jill Stein goes directly against my number 1 priority in this election.

I also agree with Clinton on most of the issues. Not all, I'm absolutely to the left of Clinton but with Jill Stein who hasn't bothered to create any political relationship, doesn't appear to be particularly knowledgeable about anything unless it's directly in her wheel house I would get nothing, beginning with her zero chances of being elected and ending with her not having any allies in Washington to get her agenda passed.

AND she also, like any politician will pander for votes and she panders to a dangerous crowd who wants to spread conspiracies that could have dire consequences for our most vulnerable. I'm also not really worried about GMOs, because I believe in science.

Yes, I want a green renewable energy. But you can't make that happen if you lose an election. We know that Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuels, he thinks climate change is a conspiracy theory invented by the Chinese and under a President Trump I fear we will go back on any progress we've made in creating renewable energies and what our role should be in leading change. Voting for Jill Stein gets you the exact opposite.

But, go ahead, vote for Jill Stein and get absolutely nothing out of it. I'm glad you feel we can afford to lose this election to the most moronic person to ever run for POTUS. I don't have the luxury of pretending we can kick the environment down the road for another 4 or 8 years without facing dire consequences.

Clinton has "evolved" her views based on political expediency, so how can you really be sure you agree with her on issues? All you can say is that you agree with the lie she tells now. Anyone else would be 50 points ahead of Trump because he's a flawed joke of a candidate, but it's neck and neck...meaning she is liable to lose. You're a fool at best and a corporate shill hillarybot at worst. Either way, your viewpoint is weak..."don't vote for the good candidate because I don't think she can win. Vote for the liar because I think she can beat the pig." No thanks. I won't be voting AGAINST someone, I'm going to vote for a person who has integrity and stands for what I want. Jill Stein.

What has she 'evolved' on that you don't like? And what lie am I agreeing with?

You don't find it ironic in the least that a Stein supporter is criticizing the only candidate in the race that's running ahead of Trump because she's not up more? Fascinating. Are you really saying Clinton is liable to lose? First off, no, she's the clear favorite to win. Do you want to know who is certain to lose? Your candidate. Not a chance and the only thing Jill Stein is, is a boost for Trump. Not by much, Stein won't even hit 5 points, but in a binary election like this 5 points could help put Trump over the top. You are literally supporting a candidate that helps Trump, that is her only contribution to this election.

You still haven't given a coherent reason why anyone should vote for Stein.

How has she evolved? How Bernie changed Hillary She didn't believe any of that until she had to move Left of Bernie

You truly believe that Clinton has a clear lead? You're blind.

Hillary SHOULDN'T be the candidate and if she hadn't colluded with the DNC to undercut Bernie, she probably wouldn't have been. It's NOT a binary election. There are 2 candidates who shouldn't be President, one who is clueless (Johnson) and Jill Stein. I will be voting FOR Jill Stein.
I saw and withdrew my comment. All is well..though I absolutely disagree with your comment. :)

You're a woman, so your opinion on anything other than cooking, cleaning, laundry and pleasing Men is irrelevant in any decent society.

Like everything else, you're wrong about me being a woman, wrong about my opinion being irrelevant and wrong about your world view. Obviously you're pretending to be a Conservative and you're not very good at it.

However, I hope you will take a moment to really reflect on what it would mean to support the pig or the corporate whore and consider voting for Jill Stein.
What has Jill Stein done to deserve my vote?

She is on the side of the people — and voting for one of two big business candidates is not going to further our interests nor the issues Americans care about. Voting for one or the other under the illusion of “lesser evilism” has not stopped the evil. She stands for integrity and a truly honest reformation of our government to ensure it works FOR us.

I asked why Jill Stein deserves my vote, not a paragraph filled with bullshit just because she says so.

I'm going to vote for Clinton because she is the only candidate in the race who can take care of the biggest issue of 2016, ensuring Trump doesn't win. Me voting for Jill Stein goes directly against my number 1 priority in this election.

I also agree with Clinton on most of the issues. Not all, I'm absolutely to the left of Clinton but with Jill Stein who hasn't bothered to create any political relationship, doesn't appear to be particularly knowledgeable about anything unless it's directly in her wheel house I would get nothing, beginning with her zero chances of being elected and ending with her not having any allies in Washington to get her agenda passed.

AND she also, like any politician will pander for votes and she panders to a dangerous crowd who wants to spread conspiracies that could have dire consequences for our most vulnerable. I'm also not really worried about GMOs, because I believe in science.

Yes, I want a green renewable energy. But you can't make that happen if you lose an election. We know that Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuels, he thinks climate change is a conspiracy theory invented by the Chinese and under a President Trump I fear we will go back on any progress we've made in creating renewable energies and what our role should be in leading change. Voting for Jill Stein gets you the exact opposite.

But, go ahead, vote for Jill Stein and get absolutely nothing out of it. I'm glad you feel we can afford to lose this election to the most moronic person to ever run for POTUS. I don't have the luxury of pretending we can kick the environment down the road for another 4 or 8 years without facing dire consequences.

Clinton has "evolved" her views based on political expediency, so how can you really be sure you agree with her on issues? All you can say is that you agree with the lie she tells now. Anyone else would be 50 points ahead of Trump because he's a flawed joke of a candidate, but it's neck and neck...meaning she is liable to lose. You're a fool at best and a corporate shill hillarybot at worst. Either way, your viewpoint is weak..."don't vote for the good candidate because I don't think she can win. Vote for the liar because I think she can beat the pig." No thanks. I won't be voting AGAINST someone, I'm going to vote for a person who has integrity and stands for what I want. Jill Stein.

What has she 'evolved' on that you don't like? And what lie am I agreeing with?

You don't find it ironic in the least that a Stein supporter is criticizing the only candidate in the race that's running ahead of Trump because she's not up more? Fascinating. Are you really saying Clinton is liable to lose? First off, no, she's the clear favorite to win. Do you want to know who is certain to lose? Your candidate. Not a chance and the only thing Jill Stein is, is a boost for Trump. Not by much, Stein won't even hit 5 points, but in a binary election like this 5 points could help put Trump over the top. You are literally supporting a candidate that helps Trump, that is her only contribution to this election.

You still haven't given a coherent reason why anyone should vote for Stein.

How has she evolved? How Bernie changed Hillary She didn't believe any of that until she had to move Left of Bernie

You truly believe that Clinton has a clear lead? You're blind.

Hillary SHOULDN'T be the candidate and if she hadn't colluded with the DNC to undercut Bernie, she probably wouldn't have been. It's NOT a binary election. There are 2 candidates who shouldn't be President, one who is clueless (Johnson) and Jill Stein. I will be voting FOR Jill Stein.

You have this way of not answering a question.

As far as Sanders goes and what influence or coming to Jesus moment Clinton might have had. I think the most substantial is TPP and TPP I'm not worried about as it's a political hot potato, nobody is going to touch that one.

Minimum wage, I was fine with the $12 and still am. Free college is a pipe dream. Is Clinton lying about it? Yes and no. She had her own plan which I think works, Sanders was too expensive and not paid for. So, we'll get something in between and that works for me.

Trump thinks Americans are paid too much and doesn't believe in raising the minimum wage. He doesn't seem to believe in doing anything for education at all. Voting for Jill Stein gets you closer to Trump's policies. But really, I don't mind, I and millions of others will vote for Clinton so that you can vote without a conscience for Stein and not pay a price for it.
Like everything else, you're wrong about me being a woman, wrong about my opinion being irrelevant and wrong about your world view. Obviously you're pretending to be a Conservative and you're not very good at it.

I don't have an imagination. I'm a True Conservative..... a Misogynist, Racist, Nationalist who is more than willing to KILL for what I believe in.

However, I hope you will take a moment to really reflect on what it would mean to support the pig or the corporate whore and consider voting for Jill Stein.

I wouldn't vote for Jill Stein, Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin for anything. I will do the same thing I did receive years ago.... write in my own name, since there is no Conservative candidate available.

BTW - my wife will not be voting. It's i.proper for a woman to do so.

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