Carly Fiorina Gave it Away


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
She has done the Juan McQuisling...She has refused to do what it takes to win.

Play excerpts from these two encounters in your ads, over and over and over and over again, and Boxer couldn't beat Charles Manson.


She has done the Juan McQuisling...She has refused to do what it takes to win.

Play excerpts from these two encounters in your ads, over and over and over and over again, and Boxer couldn't beat Charles Manson.

I wouldn't call this race this soon. Today's Gallop polling data is showing an HISTORIC 15 point independent move to the conservative candidates nationally--along with Conservatives whom are jumping through fire hoops to vote this year--while democrats are sitting this one out. In fact--estimates are that 59% of republicans are voting compared to only 39% of democrats.

It wouldn't suprise me to see conservative wins in California--and Carley Fiorina winning this race just because of the above numbers that are coming out. Meg Witman may even win the governors race--with this 180 degree independent turn to conservative politicians.

Republicans Hold Wide Lead in Key Voter Turnout Measure

In other words--WHAT EVER YOU DO--do not believe any polling data on California this year.

GET OUT THERE AND VOTE--AND VOTE FOR CONSERVATIVES. If there were ever a year for miracles in California-this is that year.
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What did she give away?

Her record shows her ruining every company she touches..and happily firing people left and right.

And she wants to create jobs?

She has done the Juan McQuisling...She has refused to do what it takes to win.

Play excerpts from these two encounters in your ads, over and over and over and over again, and Boxer couldn't beat Charles Manson.

I wouldn't call this race this soon. Today's Gallop polling data is showing an HISTORIC 15 point independent move to the conservative candidates nationally--along with Conservatives whom are jumping through fire hoops to vote this year--while democrats are sitting this one out. In fact--estimates are that 59% of republicans are voting compared to only 39% of democrats.

It wouldn't suprise me to see conservative wins in California--and Carley Fiorina winning this race just because of the above numbers that are coming out. Meg Witman may even win the governors race--with this 180 degree independent turn to conservative politicians.

Republicans Hold Wide Lead in Key Voter Turnout Measure

In other words--WHAT EVER YOU DO--do not believe any polling data on California this year.

GET OUT THERE AND VOTE--AND VOTE FOR CONSERVATIVES. If there were ever a year for miracles in California-this is that year.
That doesn't change the fact that Carly wouldn't get down and do the things that it takes to win.

Barbara Boxer is a plain old shrew, who has exactly zero legislative accomplishments to show for her decades as a Senator.

Should Boxer win, it will be by default of the incompetence of her opponent.
What did she give away?

Her record shows her ruining every company she touches..and happily firing people left and right.

And she wants to create jobs?

She saved HP by getting it the hell out of Fornicalia.

That's an object lesson of what businesses do when oppressive gubmint nannies drive them out of town.

Leave it to the Fabian socialist/progressive to blame the victim.
What did she give away?

Her record shows her ruining every company she touches..and happily firing people left and right.

And she wants to create jobs?

She saved HP by getting it the hell out of Fornicalia.

That's an object lesson of what businesses do when oppressive gubmint nannies drive them out of town.

Leave it to the Fabian socialist/progressive to blame the victim.

The executives at HP don't seem to agree.

Capitol Alert: HP contributions go to Barbara Boxer, not Carly Fiorina
What did she give away?

Her record shows her ruining every company she touches..and happily firing people left and right.

And she wants to create jobs?

She saved HP by getting it the hell out of Fornicalia.

That's an object lesson of what businesses do when oppressive gubmint nannies drive them out of town.

Leave it to the Fabian socialist/progressive to blame the victim.

The executives at HP don't seem to agree.

Capitol Alert: HP contributions go to Barbara Boxer, not Carly Fiorina
Little surprise.

I don't imagine any of them tried to run a business under the boot of the CFTB.
Maybe we should wait until tomorrow is over before we start concluding who has lost or thrown it away.
Chuck DeVore should have been the (R) nominee on the ballot, not Fiorina.

At least he had the principles and I don't think he would have been spineless or incompetent.

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