Ghosts of Revolutions Past and Warnings of Futures to Come


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Ghosts of Revolutions Past and Warnings of Futures to Come

24 Mar 2024 ~~ By Vince

ave you ever been listening to someone talk and have déjà vu, even though you’ve never seen or heard of the person speaking, and the interview you’re watching happened just a few hours ago? I have. Once. A couple of weeks ago.
I was listening to Tucker interview Xi Van Fleet, a Chinese native who lived through the Cultural Revolution in China. She eventually immigrated to the United States and has lived here for 40 years. As I was listening to her talk about how the Cultural Revolution rolled out and how she was seeing many of the same things here, I couldn’t help but think that I’d heard something close to this before.
And then it hit me, I had. Exactly 40 years ago a defector from the Soviet Union, Yuri Bezmenov did an interview about how the KGB was using what they called Ideological Subversion to collapse the United States.
Now, these two interviews weren’t remotely the same. One was from a KGB operative, someone who was part of the suppression of the Russian people who became disillusioned and defected to the West while the other was from someone who experienced the suppression of the CCP and eventually immigrated to the US.
Nonetheless, given exactly 40 years apart, the two interviews taken together paint a very stark picture of America today and going forward. They reminded me of a technique often recommended for effective public speaking: “Tell them what you’re going to tell them. Tell them. Then tell them what you’ve just told them.”
Bezmenov lays out the KGB’s plan – Ideological subversion – for sowing the collapse of America – and Western Europe as well. It involved 4 elements. He lays each one out in detail, or at least three of them, while 3# is obvious.
  • Demoralization – 15–20 years. Time to re-educate one generation.
  • Destabilization – 2 – 5 years to destabilize a nation.
  • Crisis – as short as 6 weeks to bring a nation to crisis. (George Floyd anyone…)
  • Normalization – For this one I’ll let Bezmenov’s words speak for themselves:

Many Leftists unkowingly become Neo-Marxists because they support and follow Democrat ideology without doing their due dilligence and become brainwashed
They have merely succumbed to the steady drone of Neo-Marxist propaganda through the biased media and oppose the opposition because they’ve been indoctrinated to do so. They have become the useful idiots. Because they’ve absorbed the TDS lies that Trump and Republicans are evil, they gloat over the results of undeniably Neo-Marxist tactics used against political opponents whose popular policies cannot be suppressed.
As history has shown us and Neo-Marxist Leftists try to ignore, Neo- Marxist behavior ALWAYS turns on the useful idiots. They are called “useful idiots” for a reason. They are disposable.
As history has shown us and Neo-Marxist Leftists try to ignore, Neo- Marxist behavior ALWAYS turns on the useful idiots. They are called “useful idiots” for a reason. They are disposable.
Say hi to Riley Gaines for us...remember how “outraged” you were a few weeks ago about her plight?

Feel free to google her to remind yourself of why you were so upset.
Say hi to Riley Gaines for us...remember how “outraged” you were a few weeks ago about her plight?

Feel free to google her to remind yourself of why you were so upset.
Allowing mentally ill men to compete against and shower with college girls is part of the demoralization and destabilizing stages mentioned in the OP.
Say hi to Riley Gaines for us...remember how “outraged” you were a few weeks ago about her plight?

Feel free to google her to remind yourself of why you were so upset.

Ghosts of Revolutions Past and Warnings of Futures to Come

24 Mar 2024 ~~ By Vince

ave you ever been listening to someone talk and have déjà vu, even though you’ve never seen or heard of the person speaking, and the interview you’re watching happened just a few hours ago? I have. Once. A couple of weeks ago.
I was listening to Tucker interview Xi Van Fleet, a Chinese native who lived through the Cultural Revolution in China. She eventually immigrated to the United States and has lived here for 40 years. As I was listening to her talk about how the Cultural Revolution rolled out and how she was seeing many of the same things here, I couldn’t help but think that I’d heard something close to this before.
And then it hit me, I had. Exactly 40 years ago a defector from the Soviet Union, Yuri Bezmenov did an interview about how the KGB was using what they called Ideological Subversion to collapse the United States.
Now, these two interviews weren’t remotely the same. One was from a KGB operative, someone who was part of the suppression of the Russian people who became disillusioned and defected to the West while the other was from someone who experienced the suppression of the CCP and eventually immigrated to the US.
Nonetheless, given exactly 40 years apart, the two interviews taken together paint a very stark picture of America today and going forward. They reminded me of a technique often recommended for effective public speaking: “Tell them what you’re going to tell them. Tell them. Then tell them what you’ve just told them.”
Bezmenov lays out the KGB’s plan – Ideological subversion – for sowing the collapse of America – and Western Europe as well. It involved 4 elements. He lays each one out in detail, or at least three of them, while 3# is obvious.
  • Demoralization – 15–20 years. Time to re-educate one generation.
  • Destabilization – 2 – 5 years to destabilize a nation.
  • Crisis – as short as 6 weeks to bring a nation to crisis. (George Floyd anyone…)
  • Normalization – For this one I’ll let Bezmenov’s words speak for themselves:

Many Leftists unkowingly become Neo-Marxists because they support and follow Democrat ideology without doing their due dilligence and become brainwashed
They have merely succumbed to the steady drone of Neo-Marxist propaganda through the biased media and oppose the opposition because they’ve been indoctrinated to do so. They have become the useful idiots. Because they’ve absorbed the TDS lies that Trump and Republicans are evil, they gloat over the results of undeniably Neo-Marxist tactics used against political opponents whose popular policies cannot be suppressed.
As history has shown us and Neo-Marxist Leftists try to ignore, Neo- Marxist behavior ALWAYS turns on the useful idiots. They are called “useful idiots” for a reason. They are disposable.
The same can be said of the MAGATs.
Allowing mentally ill men to compete against and shower with college girls is part of the demoralization and destabilizing stages mentioned in the OP. guys were so outraged about it a few months; not a peep.

Its almost as if Ms. Gains did the OP put it...disposable. guys were so outraged about it a few months; not a peep.

Its almost as if Ms. Gains did the OP put it...disposable.

I wasn't even posting on this forum a few months ago.

I do know that Riley and several other young women are suing the NCAA over allowing men into not only their locker rooms, but into their sports conferences as well. She has also testified before Congress a few times over the issue, and did a fantastic job.

Young people like Ms Gaines give me hope for the future of this Country, and we definitely need more like her.

She is a sharp young lady.

I wasn't even posting on this forum a few months ago.

I do know that Riley and several other young women are suing the NCAA over allowing men into not only their locker rooms, but into their sports conferences as well. She has also testified before Congress a few times over the issue, and did a fantastic job.

Young people like Ms Gaines give me hope for the future of this Country, and we definitely need more like her.

She is a sharp young lady.
OF course none of this is the point.

The point is that the right wing loons treat their cause du jour like they treat everyone else...disposable.

As for her, I think she made too much of it. One of her surrogates claimed that she had been “kidnapped” once. She tied for fifth with a biological male. They mailed her a fifth place trophy. I mean...hardly the crime of the century.

As for the subject...I’m 100% behind the fact that if you have outdoor plumbing and there are real stakes on the line, you compete against fellas. If you have indoor plumbing and there are stakes on the line, you compete against the ladies. When there are no stakes on the line...who cares? Several girls fight boys (and often win) in wrestling. No great hue and cry about that.

As for liberals who think there isn’t an issue...every so often liberalism goes batshit crazy with the inclusion. I’m all for inclusion and if you want to identify as a male on odd numbered days and females on even number days and non-binary every fifth day..I support you. Society however is under no obligation to make unreasonable accommodations for your condition.
OF course none of this is the point.

The point is that the right wing loons treat their cause du jour like they treat everyone else...disposable.

As for her, I think she made too much of it. One of her surrogates claimed that she had been “kidnapped” once. She tied for fifth with a biological male. They mailed her a fifth place trophy. I mean...hardly the crime of the century.

As for the subject...I’m 100% behind the fact that if you have outdoor plumbing and there are real stakes on the line, you compete against fellas. If you have indoor plumbing and there are stakes on the line, you compete against the ladies. When there are no stakes on the line...who cares? Several girls fight boys (and often win) in wrestling. No great hue and cry about that.

As for liberals who think there isn’t an issue...every so often liberalism goes batshit crazy with the inclusion. I’m all for inclusion and if you want to identify as a male on odd numbered days and females on even number days and non-binary every fifth day..I support you. Society however is under no obligation to make unreasonable accommodations for your condition.
You are all over the place on this.

Are you saying that if someone doesn't mention or champion Riley Gaines every day then they consider her "disposable" somehow?

It sounds like you believe Ms Gaines is correct in making an issue out of it, but that you're upset because the story isn't staying front and center or something?

Are you're mad because the right isn't harping on it enough?

I'm not real sure what point you're even trying to make here.
You are all over the place on this.
Yeah, I know...its frustrating for folks like you to encounter someone who thinks independently.
Are you saying that if someone doesn't mention or champion Riley Gaines every day then they consider her "disposable" somehow?
I never said “everyday”.
t sounds like you believe Ms Gaines is correct in making an issue out of it,
I wouldn’t say that. I would say that I agree with her that she shouldn’t have to compete against biological males when there are stakes on the line.
but that you're upset because the story isn't staying front and center or something?
Ummm no. I’m pointing out that to the right wing, when you outlive your usefulness; out you go.

Are you're mad because the right isn't harping on it enough?
No. Not mad at all.
I'm not real sure what point you're even trying to make here.
Perhaps someone can explain it to you.
Yeah, I know...its frustrating for folks like you to encounter someone who thinks independently.

I never said “everyday”.

I wouldn’t say that. I would say that I agree with her that she shouldn’t have to compete against biological males when there are stakes on the line.

Ummm no. I’m pointing out that to the right wing, when you outlive your usefulness; out you go.

No. Not mad at all.

Perhaps someone can explain it to you.
So i was pretty close on all points...

You are trying to call out the "right wing loons" for not keeping the Riley Gaines story front and center... even though you think it was blown out of proportion in the first place... and that you actually believe that Gaines is right in protesting the fact that a biological male was allowed to compete against her in a women's collegiate competition in the first place

Did I miss anything?

Nah... that's not all over the place at all...
So i was pretty close on all points...
Not really.
You are trying to call out the "right wing loons" for not keeping the Riley Gaines story front and center... even though you think it was blown out of proportion in the first place...
Yeah...the right wing loons were the ones that blew it out of proportion when they though they could make an issue out of it. Now that the issue has died down with false claims and sensationalized stories, they no longer have a use for her.... That was that the OP laughably said the left wing does.

I would think you may be able to see the point of my posting about it by now...but I’m intrigued that something so clear can remain hidden.
Did I miss anything?
You’ve missed every thing.
and that you actually believe that Gaines is right in protesting the fact that a biological male was allowed to compete against her in a women's collegiate competition in the first place
I agree with her issue; not her behavior. That this confuses you doesn’t show you in a good light.

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