"Capitol riots" used as cover for....................


Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2020
South Carolina
I will tell you the REAL False Flag reason for the Capital riots so listen carefully.......

They KNEW DAMN WELL THAT NO ONE (maybe less than 1000) would attend the inauguration of Biden/Harris
They would have had to pay people to go and bus in thousands upon thousands.
This would provide proof of the stolen election. Only in the Media is there widespread support for Biden/harris.
The vast majority of Americans are aware of the fraud and frightened by the boldness and tyranny of the Radical Left.

How could you have a President elect with voter numbers HIGHER than for barack Obama......and no one show up for the inauguration??

This move was so that they could shut down the Capital and have the perfect excuse for an unattended inauguration
Watch for the Capital to be closed to the public for the inauguration ceremony.

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Sorry if I missed a thread on this, looked through the first two pages and didn't see any.

Now we know why the police allowed the protesters in the capitol. They had to create a story large enough to cover up this.

Foreign Interference! IT Expert From Global Defense ...

Supreme Court of Italy Reveals Who Stole the U.S. Election

Lawyer for Leonardo Contractor Who Witnessed U.S. Election ...
Follow the money, see the agenda- it ain't rocket science-

I gave the reason above.

It's for Face Saving and cover up.........that simple

They claim Biden got more votes than Obama........but they KNOW it was a lie and no one will be at the inauguration.....

How do you cover for that discrepancy? Find a reason to close the capital during the ceremony
Sorry if I missed a thread on this, looked through the first two pages and didn't see any. Now we know why the police allowed the protesters in the capitol. They had to create a story large enough to cover up this.
So this was all a trap and the protesters fell for it? Hardly a convincing argument that they would have anything worthwhile to tell us about who should be running the country. You claim they were fooled, but why hasn't it dawned you that they may have also been fooled by Trump?
Adolf hitler used message boards?

Actually, yes, he did in fact.

You aren't educated enough to know this but.......

Forums existed back to the 4th century BC. But they described something different....but had a similar purpose

Anytime you are feeling empty or at a loss due to lack of knowledge, I'm here for you :itsok:
Sorry if I missed a thread on this, looked through the first two pages and didn't see any. Now we know why the police allowed the protesters in the capitol. They had to create a story large enough to cover up this.
So this was all a trap and the protesters fell for it? Hardly a convincing argument that they would have anything worthwhile to tell us about who should be running the country. You claim they were fooled, but why hasn't it dawned you that they may have also been fooled by Trump?

While most are convinced he was their savior....I say he was one of the absolute best "good cop / bad cop" actors that DC has ever seen.
The Establishment does not allow outsiders. But they give them room to make the appearance that they are.

As I've said many times, most Americans have no idea how badly oppressed we already are.
The Establishment is ready to move on the 2nd like never before.
They will use the media and false flags to turn Americans against gun ownership like never before. The NRA has already fallen.

Watch for at least one mass school shooting in the next 6 months. Perhaps multiple events.
As hard as it may be to conceive, yes, there are people who will merrily sacrifice children to achieve their agendas.
After all, they're merely"peasant" children. not valuable children of Elites.

This will give the Radical Left controlled government the "justification" to confiscate guns. First Rifles, but then handguns as well.
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Sorry if I missed a thread on this, looked through the first two pages and didn't see any. Now we know why the police allowed the protesters in the capitol. They had to create a story large enough to cover up this.
So this was all a trap and the protesters fell for it? Hardly a convincing argument that they would have anything worthwhile to tell us about who should be running the country. You claim they were fooled, but why hasn't it dawned you that they may have also been fooled by Trump?
Trump. While most are convinced he was their savior....I say he was one of the absolute best "good cop / bad cop" actors that DC has ever seen.
Good cop?!?! Cite?
Survivethenews is not a credible source

You won't accept it...but I gave the true reason above.
That could very well be a reason for the Capitol story, but that doesn't mean this isn't also a reason. There could be multiple reasons. This is a big story though or at least it should be.

While Antifa was rampaging through the Capitol during Biden’s ratification, pretending to be Trump supporters, across the ocean in Rome, Italy, Arturo D’elio, an employee at Leonardo SpA, was busy providing sworn testimony in court. Where D’elio works is important. Leonardo is the world’s eighth largest defense contractor, and Italy is a member of NATO.

In his deposition, D’elio revealed the scheme that proved to be successful in using Leonardo computer systems as well as military satellites located in Pescara, Italy. D’elio’s hi-tech equipment altered the election results in the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States. D’elio swore under oath that he altered results in seventeen states—that’s right, seventeen, not just the six swing states.

Those who participated in this scheme were not minor players. Italy’s Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, was involved. So were officials at the U.S. Embassy in Rome. MI-6 and the CIA were involved. Others were involved too, household names in the USA, but revealing those scoundrels will have to wait.

What we have here is not just the smoking gun. It’s the confession of the person who used the gun. His sworn testimony is evidence, the very thing we have long awaited. We have always known that votes were altered. Now, we know not only how it was done but also who the people were who were responsible for changing the election’s outcome. We have proof about who stole votes from Trump and gave them to Biden.

The scandal this has produced in Italy is so large that Conte’s government will probably fall. It should. That this has happened is being repressed by the U.S. media. No surprise about this but, because this is the biggest story since Pearl Harbor, I don’t believe it can be swept under the rug. The bad guys, those like Chuck Schumer and even some Republicans, know it’s coming. This is why they want to get rid of President Trump once and for all.

This discovery may have come too late, but maybe not. Perhaps there is still time to save our republic. Share this far and wide. I’ve provided links to the evidence and to the analysis. While writing this, Numbers 32:23 came to mind. “Be sure, your sin will find you out.”
—Jack Watts
Other Sources:
Conte, Leonardo SpA and the U.S. Embassy behind the Election Data Switch fraud to take out Trump
Conte, Leonardo SpA and the U.S. Embassy behind the Election Data Switch fraud to take out Trump


All roads lead to Rome.
So this was all a trap and the protesters fell for it? Hardly a convincing argument that they would have anything worthwhile to tell us about who should be running the country. You claim they were fooled, but why hasn't it dawned you that they may have also been fooled by Trump?
Capitol police should be ready at all times to protect the Capitol. There is no excuse for what was ALLOWED to happen.
The effort is appreciated. But, the fools here refuse to acknowledge anything their betters don't produce-
There have been many sources (and evidence) posted in this forum and for the most part ignored by the defenders and apologist of stupid rhetoric- the money it takes to make something like this happen didn't come from congress critter pay checks- follow the money, see the agenda- with the CIA involved that is an unlawful act as it isn't supposed to act on US soil- yes stupids, they did act on US soil when they involved themselves- follow the money, see the agenda- all roads lead to Israel for the sources of money- Italy is just a pawn-

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