Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

So who ever can produce the best lies, one liners, and scream the loudest & keep us divided with party favorites who have less and less knowledge of the job their sent to do; that's who wins?
The dollar was worth twice as much in 1914 as it was in 1789 when the Constitution determined its value in terms of gold.

During that period the United States economy grew to be the largest and wealthiest on Earth.

What's "mixed" about it?

What's "mixed" about it?

Banks printed their own notes.
If you held a note from the Bank of Biden and it failed, what was your recourse?
What's "mixed" about it?

Banks printed their own notes.
If you held a note from the Bank of Biden and it failed, what was your recourse?
A banks reputation for sound banking practice was widely known. You had more recourse with private banks than you have with the federal reserve. In the former case, you could decline to use the notes of irresponsible banks. In the later case, you have no recourse.
There really is very little Communism in America, Just one of the newer buzz words to help divide America. What the hell it worked for a while starting in the 50s
There really is very little Communism in America, Just one of the newer buzz words to help divide America. What the hell it worked for a while starting in the 50s
ROFL. Our public universities are infest with communists in all the social sciences and humanities. They are busy cranking out dedicated Marxists by the truck load.
A banks reputation for sound banking practice was widely known.

Really? Everyone knew every bank? Hundreds of them? Thousands?
And yet, banks failed and noteholders lost it all.

You had more recourse with private banks than you have with the federal reserve.

Why do you feel that? Has a federal reserve note ever failed?

In the former case, you could decline to use the notes of irresponsible banks.

Too late, if you already held their note.

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