Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

And you're the poor idiot who never bought any stocks.
And you're the greedy schmuck looking for the next bigger fool.
Oh, and your source is a Hitlery Clinton supporter. Even looks the part of a libtard hipster dufus.
Know when ignorant crackers lose an argument?
When they resort to ad hominem claims.

Voter suppression helped decide presidential election - The Pitt News

"Milwaukee, the heart of Wisconsin’s Democratic Party, saw a drop in turnout of about 41,000 people, attributable almost wholly to increased voting obstacles introduced under the Republican legislature and administration, according to the city’s elections chief.

"Across the state, estimates show nearly 300,000 voters lacked the photo identification necessary to vote under the new voting regime.

"We may never know how much Trump’s message actually appealed to Wisconsinites, if only because so many of them were unable to speak through the ballot box. Among those silenced were many of the state’s minority voters who planned to vote for Clinton."
Hillary’s going to be pissed. Nancy and Chuckie told her it was the Russians!
Even brain-dead conservatives should be able to comprehend why Russians and Republicans backed the same corporate whore in 2016

Voter suppression helped decide presidential election - The Pitt News

"There’s no denying that large GOP wins within this demographic was central to Republican victories in crucial battleground states like Wisconsin, North Carolina and here in Pennsylvania.

"But far more crucial to the reality TV personality’s electoral success was his party’s ability to depress Democratic turnout — he won with fewer popular votes than John McCain in 2008, Mitt Romney in 2012 and even his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, in 2016."
um owners don’t determine what to produce or how much…demand does, demand by the people.
How many people demanded the outsourcing of millions of middle-class jobs to China? A very small very rich minority called the "owners of the means of production" made that call. By contrast, in Germany where many labor unions had blue-collar workers sitting on the board of directors of the corporations they worked for, far fewer "owners" made the decision to move production to slave-wage domains.
Even brain-dead conservatives should be able to comprehend why Russians and Republicans backed the same corporate whore in 2016

Voter suppression helped decide presidential election - The Pitt News

"There’s no denying that large GOP wins within this demographic was central to Republican victories in crucial battleground states like Wisconsin, North Carolina and here in Pennsylvania.

"But far more crucial to the reality TV personality’s electoral success was his party’s ability to depress Democratic turnout — he won with fewer popular votes than John McCain in 2008, Mitt Romney in 2012 and even his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, in 2016."
Since he lost the popular vote it is clear there was no votyer suppression and the Russian interference was miniscule
How many people demanded the outsourcing of millions of middle-class jobs to China? A very small very rich minority called the "owners of the means of production" made that call. By contrast, in Germany where many labor unions had blue-collar workers sitting on the board of directors of the corporations they worked for, far fewer "owners" made the decision to move production to slave-wage domains.
Germany is an inferior and backwards state. Not a good example. The reason for that outsourcing was too much interference from government.

More of the same does not work yet that is what you call for
Then he goes on down the road, simple. I've walked out of many interviews where the money didn't meet my expectations, no since wasting their time or mine.

Yeah, because the next corporation has no incentive to pay anymore than the previous.
We're a representative democracy not an oligarchy.
No--we were always supposed to be a republic. Democracies are mob rule and our founders hated the mob and thought most people were idiots. They tried to set up a system where only the intelligent and producers could run for government or vote in government. Welfare hos, druggies, town drunks, the town morons and bums were never intended a say in government.

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