Can't believe people believed Trump would build a wall ..

The wall was never a core issue for me. Border security, more border agents and better equipment is. Just having Trump as President instead of Open Door Obama has dropped the number of illegal crossings by 70%.
Open door Obama deported more than any president in modern history. But hey don't let facts get in your way!

Good suggestion: don't let facts get in your way:

High deportation figures are misleading

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years

Were More People Deported Under the Obama Administration Than Any Other?
I have actually went to the INS about my outrage over the HUGE influx of illegal aliens. During the Reagan admin, I get this weird couple of white guys that both blew me off and schooled me about politics. I learned that illegals get amnesty , corrupt society, rich whites enslave poor little Hispanics, rich Anglo's want to corrupt laws and morality and pretend it's about morality . No it isn't. it's about keeping all that money. I never saw Mexicans here 30 years ago but now? It's like they were always here. And Handcock and Hickenlooper knows THAT. Sanctuary cities should be something it's voter base constituency wants and asked for. Not the tail waging the proverbial dog.
The wall was never a core issue for me. Border security, more border agents and better equipment is. Just having Trump as President instead of Open Door Obama has dropped the number of illegal crossings by 70%.
Open door Obama deported more than any president in modern history. But hey don't let facts get in your way!

Good suggestion: don't let facts get in your way:

High deportation figures are misleading

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years

Were More People Deported Under the Obama Administration Than Any Other?
What I got from your last article was: during the Bush era, they began keeping more detailed records of boarder crossing. It benefited his numbers as well as those that came after him.

That damn Obama :beer:
LOL. Hilarious. The eminent domain issues alone would be staggering, let alone other expenses in time, resources, and political capital.

Face it, Trump folks; you got duped. My boy Trump played you for a pack of suckers. I always said he was a brilliant conman. He was never going to build a wall. He's in real-estate; he knew that shit wasn't realistic. And Mexico sure as hell wasn't gonna pay for it.

I'm sure a lot of Trump supporters realized this as well, so I'm not calling out all of you. Just the ones who are mad that he's flinching on the wall and working with Chuck and Nancy because, gasp, the motherfucker actually has a heart and some common sense and wants to deal with the dreamers in a fair and humane way. Which is a shocking, yet pleasant surprise to me.

Does this make you mad?

An Israeli company has been chosen to make a prototype for Trump's Mexico border wall

The Israeli manufacturer will be given between $300,000 to $500,000 in grant money to develop its prototype, The Jerusalem Post reported. The final project is estimated to cost as much as $25 billion.


So is this prototype going to be made in Israel or here in U.S using american workers? If they're using their own then even the wall defeats the purpose of more jobs for Americans.
Recently I was a juror that eventualy kicked out an illegal. He had a family worked hard and still he had to serve time and after a year was deported. Under Mayor Hancock and Governor Hiickenlooper. It was part of the law, despite the fact Denver is a sanctuary city (which NOBODY asked for or voted on). I would love to hear from immigration lawyers on this stuff. So far, it's like praying to the Great Pumpkin.
Most illegals haven't violated any law. They a visa violators, which is an administrative violation, not a crime. So calling them "illegal" is a misnomer. Which is why they're legally referred to as "undocumented aliens"

But it's good that you recognize most illegal aliens aren't actually illegal. Baby steps.

1/3 of ALL illegals commit tax fraud each year costing American taxpayers $5 billion dollars, with more illegals cashing in on this scam each year. So there's 4 million illegals we can boot out never to return and that's only scratching the surface of their crime wave against the American people.
The wall was never a core issue for me. Border security, more border agents and better equipment is. Just having Trump as President instead of Open Door Obama has dropped the number of illegal crossings by 70%.
Open door Obama deported more than any president in modern history. But hey don't let facts get in your way!

Good suggestion: don't let facts get in your way:

High deportation figures are misleading

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years

Were More People Deported Under the Obama Administration Than Any Other?
What I got from your last article was: during the Bush era, they began keeping more detailed records of boarder crossing. It benefited his numbers as well as those that came after him.

That damn Obama :beer:

What it basically said is that Bush changed the definition of deportation that the MSM and Obama suckers use to say he deported the most. With that change of definition, agents who see somebody crossing and tell them to turn around and go home is considered a deportation. That's why I posted the New York Times article that showed court deportations severely decreased under DumBama. However even left-wing admitted that using the same standards, Bush deported more people than Obama ever did.
I've never believed an actual wall would be built.
I have however expected with a Republican President, House and Senate, to see illegals deported at a higher rate, and border security to be increased mightily.
We all know what would happen if a Dim were in the White House along with Dim control of the House and Senate. You might as well figure at this point in time, the fucking traitors who call themselves members of the Dimocrat party, would completely dismantle our borders and there would be mass amnesty.
We don't need a wall. Sorry kids, all we have to do is enforce immigration laws across the board. I don't know why that threatens liberals or conservatives.Liberals need windmills to tilt at and conservatives LOVE to hire illegals and then blame illegal immigration for all our problems. It's a win- win thing. Well, not actually if you are poor and live with illegals.Who is going to pay for a wall that we don't need and wont solve anything?
We don't need a wall. Sorry kids, all we have to do is enforce immigration laws across the board. I don't know why that threatens liberals or conservatives.Liberals need windmills to tilt at and conservatives LOVE to hire illegals and then blame illegal immigration for all our problems. It's a win- win thing. Well, not actually if you are poor and live with illegals.Who is going to pay for a wall that we don't need and wont solve anything?

Conservative business owners may want to hire illegals, but mom and pop conservatives want them the fuck out of our country.
I've never believed an actual wall would be built.
I have however expected with a Republican President, House and Senate, to see illegals deported at a higher rate, and border security to be increased mightily.
We all know what would happen if a Dim were in the White House along with Dim control of the House and Senate. You might as well figure at this point in time, the fucking traitors who call themselves members of the Dimocrat party, would completely dismantle our borders and there would be mass amnesty.

Well, people crossing the border has decreased substantially because of Trump's threats, and he also created 25 new deportation courts and plans to add another 25 after he was informed that it's the court system that gums up the works.

Nothing happens overnight, but unlike DumBama, at least Trump is aiming in the proper direction. It may not be as strong or as fast as we'd like, but things are happening to address the problem
1/3 of ALL illegals commit tax fraud each year costing American taxpayers $5 billion dollars, with more illegals cashing in on this scam each year..

Maybe you didn't know, but employees don't remit taxes to the IRS, the employer is responsible for all withholding. So if taxes aren't being paid, they're being not paid by the employer, who would be the one committing tax fraud.
Recently I was a juror that eventualy kicked out an illegal. He had a family worked hard and still he had to serve time and after a year was deported. .

Served time? Jury trial? That means he committed a crime, either a serius misdemeanor or a felony. Since it was a year, it's either multiple misdemeanors, or he committed a felony.

Why didn't you lead with him being a criminal?
We don't need a wall. Sorry kids, all we have to do is enforce immigration laws across the board. I don't know why that threatens liberals or conservatives.Liberals need windmills to tilt at and conservatives LOVE to hire illegals and then blame illegal immigration for all our problems. It's a win- win thing. Well, not actually if you are poor and live with illegals.Who is going to pay for a wall that we don't need and wont solve anything?

Conservative business owners may want to hire illegals, but mom and pop conservatives want them the fuck out of our country.
Well, if you follow the money, it might explain sanctuary cities and who's really running the show .Voters and democracy...Nobody I know ( how about you?) voted on or was asked if WE, the PEOPLE want our cities turned into sanctuaries for illegal aliens. I mean, who decided THAT? I will ask my own governor/mayor that question. Denver mayor Hancock, governor Hikenlooper, what made think you spoke for all of US? How dare YOU?
Well, if you follow the money, it might explain sanctuary cities and who's really running the show .Voters and democracy...Nobody I know ( how about you?) voted on or was asked if WE, the PEOPLE want our cities turned into sanctuaries for illegal aliens. I mean, who decided THAT? I will ask my own governor that question. Denver Governor Hancock, what made think you spoke for all of US? How dare YOU?

Sanctuary cities actually protect illegals from criminal and civil abuse. Trump hired illegal polish workers to demolish the building so he could build trump tower, and paid them as little as $4 an hour. If it was a sanctuary city, those employees would be able to file wage and hour complaints with the department of labor.

So knowing this, employers hire illegals at illegal wages threatening to report them if they complain.
Well, if you follow the money, it might explain sanctuary cities and who's really running the show .Voters and democracy...Nobody I know ( how about you?) voted on or was asked if WE, the PEOPLE want our cities turned into sanctuaries for illegal aliens. I mean, who decided THAT? I will ask my own governor that question. Denver Governor Hancock, what made think you spoke for all of US? How dare YOU?

Sanctuary cities actually protect illegals from criminal and civil abuse. Trump hired illegal polish workers to demolish the building so he could build trump tower, and paid them as little as $4 an hour. If it was a sanctuary city, those employees would be able to file wage and hour complaints with the department of labor.

So knowing this, employers hire illegals at illegal wages threatening to report them if they complain.
I hear you, why is that politicians protect illegals from legal prosecution, when WE , the people their constituents don't want that and they didn't ask us for OUR permission, why are our politicians giving sanctuary to people and causes we never condoned, never voted for and that hurt us? This is why we got Trump, Liberals aren't listening to US. Liberals want to dictate instead of listening. That won't work.
LOL. Hilarious. The eminent domain issues alone would be staggering, let alone other expenses in time, resources, and political capital.

Face it, Trump folks; you got duped. My boy Trump played you for a pack of suckers. I always said he was a brilliant conman. He was never going to build a wall. He's in real-estate; he knew that shit wasn't realistic. And Mexico sure as hell wasn't gonna pay for it.

I'm sure a lot of Trump supporters realized this as well, so I'm not calling out all of you. Just the ones who are mad that he's flinching on the wall and working with Chuck and Nancy because, gasp, the motherfucker actually has a heart and some common sense and wants to deal with the dreamers in a fair and humane way. Which is a shocking, yet pleasant surprise to me.

Does this make you mad?

An Israeli company has been chosen to make a prototype for Trump's Mexico border wall

The Israeli manufacturer will be given between $300,000 to $500,000 in grant money to develop its prototype, The Jerusalem Post reported. The final project is estimated to cost as much as $25 billion.


Why would it make me mad? If he does end up building a wall, I'll be laughing at the ridiculousness of that as well. I don't really care what Trump does, as long as it doesn't affect me, and I don't live near the border. The most the wall will do to me is take a little $$ out of my pocket.
My mantra is: If YOU LIKE ILLEGALS then you should live among them , if not, don't hire them .Observe that simple dictum and we don't really need a wall.I can tell you right now rich white elitists of any political stripe wouldn't put up with the SHIT illegals do. Not in a New York minute. They SAY they like diversity, but they pay big bucks to get as far away as possible from poor mexicans as they can, which is a wall in and of itself.

Actually it would be as simple as to make a law anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum of five years in prison, and most of those illegals will go back where they came from, and no new ones trying to get in.

According to the laws of our nation, we do not incarcerate people for a civil violation. Any other ideas?

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