Can't believe people believed Trump would build a wall ..

I voted for Mr Trump. He isn't a great person, nor a model president, I know, man do I know. I voted for Trump because of ONE single incident, call it the straw that broke the camel's back. Over 25 years of dealing with illegals, and they don't get it. They disrespect our culture (they willingly came here illegally) and they are so disrespectful and presumptuous (our politicians give THEM sanctuary against our will) and they love to flaunt that like a saving grace. These jerks drag kids into this like human shields, they are so cynical. My governor calls DACA "humane", it would be far more HUMANE to have always followed immigration laws to begin with, not skirt the laws and then give sanctuary. We want our state government to enforce immigration laws.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hey Mary i agree with your entire post except that i think that Trump is the BEST American President with the BEST qualities that i have ever seen in the 50 year that i can remember thinking about American Presidents . i am 68 years of age . Just a comment Mary .
I know Trump and his hyperbole about the "wall". A better "wall" would be to just enforce emigration laws, not actually build a brick and mortar wall physically. And way cheaper. I voted for you, Don. Listen. We don't NEED a feeking wall. Just empower and fund law enforcement and just enforce present immigration laws. We DO NOT NEED OR WANT A WALL with Mexico, got it?
LOL. Hilarious. The eminent domain issues alone would be staggering, let alone other expenses in time, resources, and political capital.

Face it, Trump folks; you got duped. My boy Trump played you for a pack of suckers. I always said he was a brilliant conman. He was never going to build a wall. He's in real-estate; he knew that shit wasn't realistic. And Mexico sure as hell wasn't gonna pay for it.

I'm sure a lot of Trump supporters realized this as well, so I'm not calling out all of you. Just the ones who are mad that he's flinching on the wall and working with Chuck and Nancy because, gasp, the motherfucker actually has a heart and some common sense and wants to deal with the dreamers in a fair and humane way. Which is a shocking, yet pleasant surprise to me.
Land within a certain amount of feet from the river is owned by the state. I know this from owning land along a Texas river. Next lie please.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- AND --- , there is something called the 'roosevelt allowance' or something like that which sets aside a portion of border land aside for 'government ' use . I will try to find info.
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yeah , its the Roosevelt Reservation' which is 60 feet at the border that is totally under 'gov' jurisdiction . Any thing built on the 60 feet would have to go if Trump wants that land for a WALL . That 60 feet is not legally owned by private people , imo JShaw . --- Roosevelt Reservation - Wikipedia ---
Mr Trump, we need to forget about border walls. These people come here for jobs, it's about money. They work cheap and dispossess many native (?) Americans. Let's examine why employers get away with hiring illegals, let's examine why there is this black market underground culture using and abusing and glorifying Hispanic illegals all at the same time. We don't need a wall, we need to transcend and understand . Lets fix this, look deeper, that is all we want.
you are starting to sound like 'jebito bush' mother or his wife or family MaryL. Feck those 'mexicans.' , let them build a country of their own Mary !!
seems to me that the Roosevelt Reservation gets rid of any concerns about building on a ranchers land . If the rancher built on the gov controlled 'RR of 60 feet' he would be trespassing on government land JShaw .
Mr Trump, we need to forget about border walls. These people come here for jobs, it's about money. They work cheap and dispossess many native (?) Americans. Let's examine why employers get away with hiring illegals, let's examine why there is this black market underground culture using and abusing and glorifying Hispanic illegals all at the same time. We don't need a wall, we need to transcend and understand . Lets fix this, look deeper, that is all we want.
Mexico needs you.
My mantra is: If YOU LIKE ILLEGALS then you should live among them , if not, don't hire them .Observe that simple dictum and we don't really need a wall.I can tell you right now rich white elitists of any political stripe wouldn't put up with the SHIT illegals do. Not in a New York minute. They SAY they like diversity, but they pay big bucks to get as far away as possible from poor mexicans as they can, which is a wall in and of itself.
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the WALL is needed simply to send a message and because it is a physical barrier MaryL .
And legal and illegals are the SAME thing anyway . If TRUMP were to stop ALL illegals crossing the border into the USA and then allow in more so called legal immigrants into the USA why would that be good for Americans and why would Americans want that increase of third worlders into the USA MaryL ??
My mantra is: If YOU LIKE ILLEGALS then you should live among them , if not, don't hire them .Observe that simple dictum and we don't really need a wall.I can tell you right now rich white elitists of any political stripe wouldn't put up with the SHIT illegals do. Not in a New York minute. They SAY they like diversity, but they pay big bucks to get as far away as possible from poor mexicans as they can, which is a wall in and of itself.

Actually it would be as simple as to make a law anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum of five years in prison, and most of those illegals will go back where they came from, and no new ones trying to get in.
LOL. Hilarious. The eminent domain issues alone would be staggering, let alone other expenses in time, resources, and political capital.

Face it, Trump folks; you got duped. My boy Trump played you for a pack of suckers. I always said he was a brilliant conman. He was never going to build a wall. He's in real-estate; he knew that shit wasn't realistic. And Mexico sure as hell wasn't gonna pay for it.

I'm sure a lot of Trump supporters realized this as well, so I'm not calling out all of you. Just the ones who are mad that he's flinching on the wall and working with Chuck and Nancy because, gasp, the motherfucker actually has a heart and some common sense and wants to deal with the dreamers in a fair and humane way. Which is a shocking, yet pleasant surprise to me.
Land within a certain amount of feet from the river is owned by the state. I know this from owning land along a Texas river. Next lie please.

The wall would actually go through some peoples' houses, and certainly through their back yards. Not sure why you think they'd be okay with that.

So what do you suppose happens when they need new highways, shopping centers or new schools?
It's funny how people work so hard to live in areas that have HOA's and standards that filter out poor illegal aliens, those people that own wetback slaves, err, I mean hire undocumented aliens tend to be rich snotty wealthy elitist and their standards. And those people that try so hard to legitimize illegals, don't live with the consequences tell me mexicans are hard working blokes that are being victimized. There is this weird vicious cycle going on here, lets end that. Mexicans don't get a free pass immigrating illegally and those that abuse them, rich whites don't either. Nope.
My mantra is: If YOU LIKE ILLEGALS then you should live among them , if not, don't hire them .Observe that simple dictum and we don't really need a wall.I can tell you right now rich white elitists of any political stripe wouldn't put up with the SHIT illegals do. Not in a New York minute. They SAY they like diversity, but they pay big bucks to get as far away as possible from poor mexicans as they can, which is a wall in and of itself.

Actually it would be as simple as to make a law anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum of five years in prison, and most of those illegals will go back where they came from, and no new ones trying to get in.
Totally. It would be far simpler and more direct if we just enforced present immigration laws. Stop hiring illegals, no muss, no fuss and no wall necessary. Why is that concept so offensive?
I know Trump and his hyperbole about the "wall". A better "wall" would be to just enforce emigration laws, not actually build a brick and mortar wall physically. And way cheaper. I voted for you, Don. Listen. We don't NEED a feeking wall. Just empower and fund law enforcement and just enforce present immigration laws. We DO NOT NEED OR WANT A WALL with Mexico, got it?

Well a common sense approach, not to common any more is it?
It's only been eight months with non-stop assaults from H'wood, the media and the crazies including the attempted assassination of a republican baseball team and the the angry incoherent left thinks it's hilarious that a wall hasn't been built yet? What are they smoking out there?
the WALL is needed simply to send a message and because it is a physical barrier MaryL .
I understand,I am so frustrated myself. I see rich elitists that build WALLS between poor whites and Hispanics and themselves and they exploit people and live in little island universes that have walls based on their income. They think that it isolates them or makes them immune. Oh how deluded they are.
My mantra is: If YOU LIKE ILLEGALS then you should live among them , if not, don't hire them .Observe that simple dictum and we don't really need a wall.I can tell you right now rich white elitists of any political stripe wouldn't put up with the SHIT illegals do. Not in a New York minute. They SAY they like diversity, but they pay big bucks to get as far away as possible from poor mexicans as they can, which is a wall in and of itself.

Actually it would be as simple as to make a law anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum of five years in prison, and most of those illegals will go back where they came from, and no new ones trying to get in.
Totally. It would be far simpler and more direct if we just enforced present immigration laws. Stop hiring illegals, no muss, no fuss and no wall necessary. Why is that concept so offensive?

Not offensive at all, but how much good it would do is another question.

In another immigration topic, one member on USMB said that landlords should also be held responsible for renting to illegals. Now I'm a landlord, and if such a law were passed, I wouldn't even know where to begin to verify legal status.

We don't have a hell of a lot of immigrants here, but the point I'm making is that some employers would not know how to proceed in checking for legal status no more than I would. Let's face it, fake ID's are out there, and there would be no way for me to know the difference between a fake ID and real one. Besides, it's not my business to do that anyway.

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