Can Trump take advantage of Bloombergs stop and frisk? Also, fingerprinting comments?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
So the audio of Mike Bloomberg making his comment about stop and frisk. He also suggested fingerprinting people living in government housing who didn't commit a crime, but to prove they live there. I provide the link below.

The question is, can Trump; someone who probably supported (supports?) stop and frisk at one time take advantage of this? Can he also take advantage of this fingerprinting video from 2013?

If I am Trump, I reach out to the Black community by pushing civil liberties and saying "I leave it to local police to set policies, I have to say, I've thought twice about this as I don't see evidence that it works and it definitely will not be something we would be forcing federally. Maybe Bloomberg would...". That would be a nice tackle.

He has to take advantage of this as Bloomberg is reaching out to the black community with promises of billions, he wants to try and cut into the gains Trump and the GOP have made, along with Bidens presumed support from this community. Go libertarian, gain more votes, gain independents. That's my take.

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So the audio of Mike Bloomberg making his comment about stop and frisk. He also suggested fingerprinting people living in government housing who didn't commit a crime, but to prove they live there. I provide the link below.

The question is, can Trump; someone who probably supported (supports?) stop and frisk at one time take advantage of this? Can he also take advantage of this fingerprinting video from 2013?

If I am Trump, I reach out to the Black community by pushing civil liberties and saying "I leave it to local police to set policies, I have to say, I've thought twice about this as I don't see evidence that it works and it definitely will not be something we would be forcing federally".

He has to take advantage of this as Bloomberg is reaching out with promises of billions, he wants to try and cut into the gains Trump and the GOP have made, along with Bidens presumed support from this community. Go libertarian, gain more votes, gain independents. That's my take.

No need, one of those other "fair-minded" democrat candidates will use it.
So the audio of Mike Bloomberg making his comment about stop and frisk. He also suggested fingerprinting people living in government housing who didn't commit a crime, but to prove they live there. I provide the link below.

The question is, can Trump; someone who probably supported (supports?) stop and frisk at one time take advantage of this? Can he also take advantage of this fingerprinting video from 2013?

If I am Trump, I reach out to the Black community by pushing civil liberties and saying "I leave it to local police to set policies, I have to say, I've thought twice about this as I don't see evidence that it works and it definitely will not be something we would be forcing federally".

He has to take advantage of this as Bloomberg is reaching out with promises of billions, he wants to try and cut into the gains Trump and the GOP have made, along with Bidens presumed support from this community. Go libertarian, gain more votes, gain independents. That's my take.

No need, one of those other "fair-minded" democrat candidates will use it.

Trump has to do it at the proper time. If Bloomberg continues to fail and duck debates, Trump should just be quiet.

If he rises, Trump should address it and go at him.
So the audio of Mike Bloomberg making his comment about stop and frisk. He also suggested fingerprinting people living in government housing who didn't commit a crime, but to prove they live there. I provide the link below.

The question is, can Trump; someone who probably supported (supports?) stop and frisk at one time take advantage of this? Can he also take advantage of this fingerprinting video from 2013?

If I am Trump, I reach out to the Black community by pushing civil liberties and saying "I leave it to local police to set policies, I have to say, I've thought twice about this as I don't see evidence that it works and it definitely will not be something we would be forcing federally. Maybe Bloomberg would...". That would be a nice tackle.

He has to take advantage of this as Bloomberg is reaching out to the black community with promises of billions, he wants to try and cut into the gains Trump and the GOP have made, along with Bidens presumed support from this community. Go libertarian, gain more votes, gain independents. That's my take.

Trump has made similar comments supporting stop and frisk. He can’t come down too hard on what Bloomberg said without sounding like a totally hypocrite... the attack will not be sincere.

he already tried to tweet about it and then he deleted it
So the audio of Mike Bloomberg making his comment about stop and frisk. He also suggested fingerprinting people living in government housing who didn't commit a crime, but to prove they live there. I provide the link below.

The question is, can Trump; someone who probably supported (supports?) stop and frisk at one time take advantage of this? Can he also take advantage of this fingerprinting video from 2013?

If I am Trump, I reach out to the Black community by pushing civil liberties and saying "I leave it to local police to set policies, I have to say, I've thought twice about this as I don't see evidence that it works and it definitely will not be something we would be forcing federally".

He has to take advantage of this as Bloomberg is reaching out with promises of billions, he wants to try and cut into the gains Trump and the GOP have made, along with Bidens presumed support from this community. Go libertarian, gain more votes, gain independents. That's my take.

No need, one of those other "fair-minded" democrat candidates will use it.

Trump has to do it at the proper time. If Bloomberg continues to fail and duck debates, Trump should just be quiet.

If he rises, Trump should address it and go at him.

Not sure I understand Bloomberg's strategy at the moment. Unless it's the same as Hillary's possible strategy, avoid the debates, avoid the media and swoop in on the final days to "save" the DNC.
So the audio of Mike Bloomberg making his comment about stop and frisk. He also suggested fingerprinting people living in government housing who didn't commit a crime, but to prove they live there. I provide the link below.

The question is, can Trump; someone who probably supported (supports?) stop and frisk at one time take advantage of this? Can he also take advantage of this fingerprinting video from 2013?

If I am Trump, I reach out to the Black community by pushing civil liberties and saying "I leave it to local police to set policies, I have to say, I've thought twice about this as I don't see evidence that it works and it definitely will not be something we would be forcing federally. Maybe Bloomberg would...". That would be a nice tackle.

He has to take advantage of this as Bloomberg is reaching out to the black community with promises of billions, he wants to try and cut into the gains Trump and the GOP have made, along with Bidens presumed support from this community. Go libertarian, gain more votes, gain independents. That's my take.

Trump has made similar comments supporting stop and frisk. He can’t come down too hard on what Bloomberg said without sounding like a totally hypocrite... the attack will not be sincere.

he already tried to tweet about it and then he deleted it

That's what I assumed. I think Trump should hang out more with Rand Paul. I remember it said before he ran in 2016 that he had broader appeal, it's for a reason.

Trump has to come clean with such policy positions in a smart way. What Bloomberg seems to be (a controlling dictator) is what the Dems are trying to paint Trump as. He can't openly speak about support for stop and frisk, it would hurt his support within the black community. He can be reasonable about wanting to be tough on crime. It has to be in order to support these communities, not make them feel like they are all considered criminals until proven otherwise.

Of course, Boomberg went beyond just stop and frisk, so Trump can certainly distance himself by saying "I wouldn't say what he said about these communities. They are Americans, they have Constitutional rights". Go down that road, it's a winning approach IMO.

I personally dislike stop and frisk. I've experienced it myself as a youth. I was polite, let them do their job, but it was a waste of time. I didn't have a problem with it at the time, as I'm older now I think back to that and say "this isn't Germany and they shouldn't act like the Gestapo." Whatever. It's lazy policing in my opinion.

Regardless, all he has to do is disown it by saying "that's for local police to decide, it won't be something done at the local level or pushed nationally". He can't let people drag him to the far right, he will just be viewed as another Neo-Con. It's such a losing proposition for him gaining votes with minority communities. They could make the difference in 2020.
So the audio of Mike Bloomberg making his comment about stop and frisk. He also suggested fingerprinting people living in government housing who didn't commit a crime, but to prove they live there. I provide the link below.

The question is, can Trump; someone who probably supported (supports?) stop and frisk at one time take advantage of this? Can he also take advantage of this fingerprinting video from 2013?

If I am Trump, I reach out to the Black community by pushing civil liberties and saying "I leave it to local police to set policies, I have to say, I've thought twice about this as I don't see evidence that it works and it definitely will not be something we would be forcing federally".

He has to take advantage of this as Bloomberg is reaching out with promises of billions, he wants to try and cut into the gains Trump and the GOP have made, along with Bidens presumed support from this community. Go libertarian, gain more votes, gain independents. That's my take.

No need, one of those other "fair-minded" democrat candidates will use it.

Trump has to do it at the proper time. If Bloomberg continues to fail and duck debates, Trump should just be quiet.

If he rises, Trump should address it and go at him.

Not sure I understand Bloomberg's strategy at the moment. Unless it's the same as Hillary's possible strategy, avoid the debates, avoid the media and swoop in on the final days to "save" the DNC.

I think he's just spending to divide the race, bring it to a convention. Many say they don't see a convention, but unless people drop out fast, the division may be real.
So the audio of Mike Bloomberg making his comment about stop and frisk. He also suggested fingerprinting people living in government housing who didn't commit a crime, but to prove they live there. I provide the link below.

The question is, can Trump; someone who probably supported (supports?) stop and frisk at one time take advantage of this? Can he also take advantage of this fingerprinting video from 2013?

If I am Trump, I reach out to the Black community by pushing civil liberties and saying "I leave it to local police to set policies, I have to say, I've thought twice about this as I don't see evidence that it works and it definitely will not be something we would be forcing federally. Maybe Bloomberg would...". That would be a nice tackle.

He has to take advantage of this as Bloomberg is reaching out to the black community with promises of billions, he wants to try and cut into the gains Trump and the GOP have made, along with Bidens presumed support from this community. Go libertarian, gain more votes, gain independents. That's my take.

Trump has made similar comments supporting stop and frisk. He can’t come down too hard on what Bloomberg said without sounding like a totally hypocrite... the attack will not be sincere.

he already tried to tweet about it and then he deleted it

That's what I assumed. I think Trump should hang out more with Rand Paul. I remember it said before he ran in 2016 that he had broader appeal, it's for a reason.

Trump has to come clean with such policy positions in a smart way. What Bloomberg seems to be (a controlling dictator) is what the Dems are trying to paint Trump as. He can't openly speak about support for stop and frisk, it would hurt his support within the black community. He can be reasonable about wanting to be tough on crime. It has to be in order to support these communities, not make them feel like they are all considered criminals until proven otherwise.

Of course, Boomberg went beyond just stop and frisk, so Trump can certainly distance himself by saying "I wouldn't say what he said about these communities. They are Americans, they have Constitutional rights". Go down that road, it's a winning approach IMO.

I personally dislike stop and frisk. I've experienced it myself as a youth. I was polite, let them do their job, but it was a waste of time. I didn't have a problem with it at the time, as I'm older now I think back to that and say "this isn't Germany and they shouldn't act like the Gestapo." Whatever. It's lazy policing in my opinion.

Regardless, all he has to do is disown it by saying "that's for local police to decide, it won't be something done at the local level or pushed nationally". He can't let people drag him to the far right, he will just be viewed as another Neo-Con. It's such a losing proposition for him gaining votes with minority communities. They could make the difference in 2020.

A few years ago Trump was advocating to use Stop and Frisk in Chicago and crediting Rudy Giuliani for cleaning up NY with it... it’s all on video. It wasn’t an off the cuff statement either it was part of a teleprompter speech. He struggles a bit with the reading part but check it out. He can’t go after Bloomberg on this point. No way. But I bet his puppets will do it for him.

So the audio of Mike Bloomberg making his comment about stop and frisk. He also suggested fingerprinting people living in government housing who didn't commit a crime, but to prove they live there. I provide the link below.

The question is, can Trump; someone who probably supported (supports?) stop and frisk at one time take advantage of this? Can he also take advantage of this fingerprinting video from 2013?

If I am Trump, I reach out to the Black community by pushing civil liberties and saying "I leave it to local police to set policies, I have to say, I've thought twice about this as I don't see evidence that it works and it definitely will not be something we would be forcing federally. Maybe Bloomberg would...". That would be a nice tackle.

He has to take advantage of this as Bloomberg is reaching out to the black community with promises of billions, he wants to try and cut into the gains Trump and the GOP have made, along with Bidens presumed support from this community. Go libertarian, gain more votes, gain independents. That's my take.

Trump has made similar comments supporting stop and frisk. He can’t come down too hard on what Bloomberg said without sounding like a totally hypocrite... the attack will not be sincere.

he already tried to tweet about it and then he deleted it

Will that matter?

Trump makes Clinton look sticky - no matter how hypocritical his statements it never seems to matter.
So the audio of Mike Bloomberg making his comment about stop and frisk. He also suggested fingerprinting people living in government housing who didn't commit a crime, but to prove they live there. I provide the link below.

The question is, can Trump; someone who probably supported (supports?) stop and frisk at one time take advantage of this? Can he also take advantage of this fingerprinting video from 2013?

If I am Trump, I reach out to the Black community by pushing civil liberties and saying "I leave it to local police to set policies, I have to say, I've thought twice about this as I don't see evidence that it works and it definitely will not be something we would be forcing federally. Maybe Bloomberg would...". That would be a nice tackle.

He has to take advantage of this as Bloomberg is reaching out to the black community with promises of billions, he wants to try and cut into the gains Trump and the GOP have made, along with Bidens presumed support from this community. Go libertarian, gain more votes, gain independents. That's my take.

Trump has made similar comments supporting stop and frisk. He can’t come down too hard on what Bloomberg said without sounding like a totally hypocrite... the attack will not be sincere.

he already tried to tweet about it and then he deleted it

Will that matter?

Trump makes Clinton look sticky - no matter how hypocritical his statements it never seems to matter.

It doesn’t matter to the trolls and his die hards. They’ve shown that they are all in. But it also won’t influence anybody outside of that group, so it’s a pretty much useless argument for him to go after
So the audio of Mike Bloomberg making his comment about stop and frisk. He also suggested fingerprinting people living in government housing who didn't commit a crime, but to prove they live there. I provide the link below.

The question is, can Trump; someone who probably supported (supports?) stop and frisk at one time take advantage of this? Can he also take advantage of this fingerprinting video from 2013?

If I am Trump, I reach out to the Black community by pushing civil liberties and saying "I leave it to local police to set policies, I have to say, I've thought twice about this as I don't see evidence that it works and it definitely will not be something we would be forcing federally. Maybe Bloomberg would...". That would be a nice tackle.

He has to take advantage of this as Bloomberg is reaching out to the black community with promises of billions, he wants to try and cut into the gains Trump and the GOP have made, along with Bidens presumed support from this community. Go libertarian, gain more votes, gain independents. That's my take.

Matters not what Bloomberg said. Impeached Trump lowered the bar so low, an ant couldn't crawl under it.
So the audio of Mike Bloomberg making his comment about stop and frisk. He also suggested fingerprinting people living in government housing who didn't commit a crime, but to prove they live there. I provide the link below.

The question is, can Trump; someone who probably supported (supports?) stop and frisk at one time take advantage of this? Can he also take advantage of this fingerprinting video from 2013?

If I am Trump, I reach out to the Black community by pushing civil liberties and saying "I leave it to local police to set policies, I have to say, I've thought twice about this as I don't see evidence that it works and it definitely will not be something we would be forcing federally. Maybe Bloomberg would...". That would be a nice tackle.

He has to take advantage of this as Bloomberg is reaching out to the black community with promises of billions, he wants to try and cut into the gains Trump and the GOP have made, along with Bidens presumed support from this community. Go libertarian, gain more votes, gain independents. That's my take.

Mikey is now asking the kids for memes.....hes paying

Big mistake

Giuliani and Bloomberg did more for young minorities than all living Democrats combined. In New York City alone, at least 20,000 more black men are alive today than would be under the genius crime-fighting ideas of prior administrations

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