Lets Say,Biden Winds Up In 5th Place Next Primary.Whats He Gonna Say?,His Next Excuse?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
if Biden winds up in 5fth or 6th place in Nevada, whats he gonna tell the world?
we could make quite a list.
Lets see, uhh,,,,the russians broke into the precincts and changed 2 million votes?
Or, all black people in Nevada were told to Vote on February 30?

and then what? Will Biden predict a landslide in the next Primary?
:aargh: :iyfyus.jpg: :hyper: :laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301: :lmao:
if Biden winds up in 5fth or 6th place in Nevada, whats he gonna tell the world?
we could make quite a list.
Lets see, uhh,,,,the russians broke into the precincts and changed 2 million votes?
Or, all black people in Nevada were told to Vote on February 30?

and then what? Will Biden predict a landslide in the next Primary?
:aargh: :iyfyus.jpg: :hyper: :laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301: :lmao:
Unlike Trump I haven’t heard Biden blaming outcomes on fake votes or other people. He is hitting the road, Doing his campaigning and fighting to win. Like him or not it’s hard to make a case that he isnt running a respectable campaign. He is gonna push through Super Tuesday and then we will see where he’s at
If Joe doesn't win, place or show in Nevada and South Carolina - He's done. Out of money as it is, and his donor pool have turned to other candidates.
if Biden winds up in 5fth or 6th place in Nevada, whats he gonna tell the world?
we could make quite a list.
Lets see, uhh,,,,the russians broke into the precincts and changed 2 million votes?
Or, all black people in Nevada were told to Vote on February 30?

and then what? Will Biden predict a landslide in the next Primary?
:aargh: :iyfyus.jpg: :hyper: :laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301: :lmao:
Yep, he'll be GROPING and SNIFFING for excuses........
If Joe doesn't win, place or show in Nevada and South Carolina - He's done. Out of money as it is, and his donor pool have turned to other candidates.
He makes $400k a day from online donations
If Joe doesn't win, place or show in Nevada and South Carolina - He's done. Out of money as it is, and his donor pool have turned to other candidates.
He makes $400k a day from online donations
There are a LOT of dumb people out there..........
Biden: Ok, so I lost again here in the great state of Oregon, but thats OK, just wait till next week when we hold the Democrat Primary in Iowa, you see,,the polls there have me 15 points ahead, and thats not even include the votes form the brothers and black people....ect....etc
If Joe doesn't win, place or show in Nevada and South Carolina - He's done. Out of money as it is, and his donor pool have turned to other candidates.
He makes $400k a day from online donations
Hope springs eternal in lib la la land

six months ago biden was the knight in shinning armor that liberals believed would sweep across the nation and beat trump in november

all the lib polls said so

but now he’s just an old man gasping for air in nevada
if Biden winds up in 5fth or 6th place in Nevada, whats he gonna tell the world?
we could make quite a list.
Lets see, uhh,,,,the russians broke into the precincts and changed 2 million votes?
Or, all black people in Nevada were told to Vote on February 30?

and then what? Will Biden predict a landslide in the next Primary?
:aargh: :iyfyus.jpg: :hyper: :laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301: :lmao:
He's screwed. His former boss is stumping for the anti-Second Amendment douche, Bloomberg.
if Biden winds up in 5fth or 6th place in Nevada, whats he gonna tell the world?
we could make quite a list.
Lets see, uhh,,,,the russians broke into the precincts and changed 2 million votes?
Or, all black people in Nevada were told to Vote on February 30?

and then what? Will Biden predict a landslide in the next Primary?
:aargh: :iyfyus.jpg: :hyper: :laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301: :lmao:
You know, the whole basis for impeachment
was that Trump was attempting to influence the elections
by harming his main political rival, leading in the polls, Joe Biden
by withholding funds from Ukraine unless they investigated
the Shokin firing/Burisma story

This is why I think the defense did a poor job
of laying out the facts of the matter

Even in the footnotes of the whistleblower complaint,
not only is it obvious they have been keeping tabs on the situation
but, those footnotes contradict the allegations behind the complaint

Rudy was publicly referring to investigations since 2018
when it was reported he had been in contact with Shokin
this was mentioned in footnotes on page 5 and 6

In late March of 2019, the Hill published a series of articles
detailing allegations from Lutsenko and other Ukrainian officials
against Ukrainian officials and former and current U.S. officials

Rudy had spoke about this on Fox and Friends on April 6, 2019
and tweeted about bombshells on April 23

Poroshenko lost to Zelensky on April 21

Joe announced his candidacy on April 25th...
hmmm, after Poroshenko lost

Trump was impeached due to a whistleblower complaint
that claimed he was trying to influence the elections
by pressuring a foreign president, who was just elected
to cooperate in investigations that began back in 2018
and happened to involve a current presidential candidate
who wasn't a presidential candidate at the time, but the former VP
during the Obama administration, when Poroshenko was president
Biden is the choice of the Democratic National Committee, and that is what matters.

A simple rule change, much as is done by the Republican controlled Senate, and Biden id the Democrats' candidate after the convention.

The billionaires and Big Business know they can trust Status Quo Joe to do what his nickname
implies. So, any all of the idiocy trump has led this country into will be here to stay of SQJ becomes prez.

However, with Moscow Mitch and his rubber-stamp brigade led by John Roberts in the USSC, trump has the power to suspend the November elections for the "safety of the nation".

(Note: Sadly, the disdain for education by conservatives does not hinder the belief by the vast majority of righties that they are far more learned in science, economics, psychology, political science, foreign policy, history, and every other subject than true authorities in their fields.
These righties’ need only hear a patently inaccurate statement on a selected issue from FOX Noise, Limbaugh, or any of that ilk, and they immediately consider themselves fully knowledgeable to challenge any proven fact put forth.
So, post all empirical data available about any topic you wish, and there will be the FOX-taught conservative(s) quick to leap in and contradict you. Naturally, their argument will consist of the usual nonsense they are convinced is truth.)

if it wasnt for the Russians, I would of wound up in second place !!!!
if Biden winds up in 5fth or 6th place in Nevada, whats he gonna tell the world?
we could make quite a list.
Lets see, uhh,,,,the russians broke into the precincts and changed 2 million votes?
Or, all black people in Nevada were told to Vote on February 30?

and then what? Will Biden predict a landslide in the next Primary?
:aargh: :iyfyus.jpg: :hyper: :laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301: :lmao:
Yep, he'll be GROPING and SNIFFING for excuses........
cant blame global warming again
if Biden winds up in 5fth or 6th place in Nevada, whats he gonna tell the world?
we could make quite a list.
Lets see, uhh,,,,the russians broke into the precincts and changed 2 million votes?
Or, all black people in Nevada were told to Vote on February 30?

and then what? Will Biden predict a landslide in the next Primary?
:aargh: :iyfyus.jpg: :hyper: :laugh: :laugh2: :laughing0301: :lmao:
Unlike Trump I haven’t heard Biden blaming outcomes on fake votes or other people. He is hitting the road, Doing his campaigning and fighting to win. Like him or not it’s hard to make a case that he isnt running a respectable campaign. He is gonna push through Super Tuesday and then we will see where he’s at

Doubtful he even knows where super tuesday is.
If Joe doesn't win, place or show in Nevada and South Carolina - He's done. Out of money as it is, and his donor pool have turned to other candidates.
He makes $400k a day from online donations


Sinking in the polls, Joe Biden also has a donor problem
Biden seeks to fundraise off fact he's running out of money
Why Biden is getting crushed in the all-important money race
Pretty crazy that one can make 400k a day from online donations and it’s still not enough and considered funding problems. Something is seriously wrong with our campaign system.
If Joe doesn't win, place or show in Nevada and South Carolina - He's done. Out of money as it is, and his donor pool have turned to other candidates.
He makes $400k a day from online donations


Sinking in the polls, Joe Biden also has a donor problem
Biden seeks to fundraise off fact he's running out of money
Why Biden is getting crushed in the all-important money race
Pretty crazy that one can make 400k a day from online donations and it’s still not enough and considered funding problems. Something is seriously wrong with our campaign system.

That's why we not only need to Dump the Dotard, we also need to dump Moscow Mitch McTurtle. ALL dark money must be eliminated from our political process.

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