Can Trump Rule The World ?


VIP Member
Feb 26, 2014
Can anyone stop him?
There is supposedly a scandal on tape that Rubio and Cruz want released...
Could that get the job done???
No. Hopefully if he makes president he can get the right people in offices to help start straightening up the mess everyone helped create.
No. Hopefully if he makes president he can get the right people in offices to help start straightening up the mess everyone helped create.
Politicians in Washington didn't create a mess.

Americans getting fat, lazy, and entitled slowly and surely after WWII....and then the rest of the world catching up to us educationally into the 90' what caused the mess.

Americans love to blame others because they didn't study hard to prepare for high paying jobs. Instead they thought their Uncle would find them a fat Union job where they could be lazy.

Way too much blame shifting in the USA.

We need to exercise personal responsibility, and make yourself a valuable commodity in the global employment marketplace.

Democrats or Republicans in office can't prevent you from doing that
There is supposedly a scandal on tape that Rubio and Cruz want released...
Could that get the job done???

Carlos Slim, the mexican multi-billionaire majority owner of the NYT was hoping so, but ain't happening as Lil' Marco and Lyin' Ted can't do crap about it! (Read up on this non-scandal, before you post and call it a scandal. Otherwise, you make yourself look like a low-information voter...........ugghhhh!).
There is supposedly a scandal on tape that Rubio and Cruz want released...
Could that get the job done???

Trump met with Tony Solerno and Paul Castellano to buy a dive bar for twice it's worth, then tear it down to build Trump Towers. The Towers have no steel's made entirely of concrete bought from S&A, the two mobsters' company. And he used scab labor to build it thanks to the union stewards being in the mob's pocket. Trump is dirty as they come.
There is supposedly a scandal on tape that Rubio and Cruz want released...
Could that get the job done???

Trump met with Tony Solerno and Paul Castellano to buy a dive bar for twice it's worth, then tear it down to build Trump Towers. The Towers have no steel's made entirely of concrete bought from S&A, the two mobsters' company. And he used scab labor to build it thanks to the union stewards being in the mob's pocket. Trump is dirty as they come.

So was Tom Horn, 'Tom Horn'...........:bye1:.
No. Hopefully if he makes president he can get the right people in offices to help start straightening up the mess everyone helped create.
Politicians in Washington didn't create a mess.

Americans getting fat, lazy, and entitled slowly and surely after WWII....and then the rest of the world catching up to us educationally into the 90' what caused the mess.

Americans love to blame others because they didn't study hard to prepare for high paying jobs. Instead they thought their Uncle would find them a fat Union job where they could be lazy.

Way too much blame shifting in the USA.

We need to exercise personal responsibility, and make yourself a valuable commodity in the global employment marketplace.

Democrats or Republicans in office can't prevent you from doing that
Bullshit. I did not study hard and my dad was a member of a union you seem to despise. Fact is I left home before I was twelve years old (why is none of your business). I would have never made it in the union as women were not welcome or generally physically equipped to do that type of work my grandfather, dad and brother did. By the time I was twenty-five though I did own my own business and also did other work that required nothing more than pure talent. During a seventeen year period a lot of people received weekly or biweekly paychecks from my company. Those people went the full realm from homeless people, men and women with families, some had already went to college to get a degree others were working their way through college, a lot of different types and ages of people worked for us. A few were already retired but need to supplement their social security. I retired just a few years before turning forty. I was even asked several times to "please come back" and I declined because I was so sick of the politics that come along with doing business, the skyrocketing insurance (1.2 % to 28 % in less than ten years), my children were grown so the need was no longer there and the bullshit of it. Your worthless colleges and political bought and paid for corporatocracy sucks and you evidently want to fault just the working class for that? To many big dogs desiring to rule over little dogs, get their cut or else and too many stupid politicians taking payoffs also led this country to where it is today. They just preyed on the ignorance of the wannabe's and druggies along the way with well planned propaganda.
No. Hopefully if he makes president he can get the right people in offices to help start straightening up the mess everyone helped create.
Politicians in Washington didn't create a mess.

Americans getting fat, lazy, and entitled slowly and surely after WWII....and then the rest of the world catching up to us educationally into the 90' what caused the mess.

Americans love to blame others because they didn't study hard to prepare for high paying jobs. Instead they thought their Uncle would find them a fat Union job where they could be lazy.

Way too much blame shifting in the USA.

We need to exercise personal responsibility, and make yourself a valuable commodity in the global employment marketplace.

Democrats or Republicans in office can't prevent you from doing that
I appreciate your point and agree with some elements, however, our government is the end of the line when it comes to making and enforcing law and policy. Much like Executives are responsible for their employees in a company. For many of the reasons you stated above Americans and corporations have abused and have shown that they can not handle the freedom that they have been afforded. This has ended up damaging our communities and economic infrastructure. As a result many feel that the only option is for the Government to step up and try to do something about it. We are never going to get small government if we can't prove that we can handle it.

I am an entrepreneur who has always worked for myself and I appreciate personal freedom over micro-managment... I do blame the blowhole Americans out there for messing things up and agree that we all need to take more personal responsibility. I also understand why the government is getting more and more involved, as it IS our elected officials responsibility to manage the system. Maybe after we step up and prove ourselves we can back the government off and earn our freedom again.

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