Can President Biden be impeached for things that may have happened before he became President - like when he was Vice President?

According to a legal expert I heard a short time ago on CNN, the Constitution does not allow for that. In other words, President Biden may only be impeached for things that happen during his presidency. All the Hunter Biden stuff the House is claiming happened when President Biden was Vice President. Does anyone have any more legal information about this? What do you think?

Technically, there is precedent for impeaching someone after they left office.

According to a legal expert I heard a short time ago on CNN, the Constitution does not allow for that. In other words, President Biden may only be impeached for things that happen during his presidency. All the Hunter Biden stuff the House is claiming happened when President Biden was Vice President. Does anyone have any more legal information about this? What do you think?

Don't be too concerned the GOP most likely kick over the wrong rock on Biden like they did with Clinton 25 years ago.
For things that may have happened before he became President?
Sadly the definition of “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” was not specified in the Constitution and it has no such limits on when House members think they happened. An honest person would think that it should only apply to actions taken while president, but none of the Neo-GOP politicians can ever be categorized as honest in any shape or form.
According to a legal expert I heard a short time ago on CNN, the Constitution does not allow for that. In other words, President Biden may only be impeached for things that happen during his presidency. All the Hunter Biden stuff the House is claiming happened when President Biden was Vice President. Does anyone have any more legal information about this? What do you think?

There is absolutely nothing Biden has done in office that is an impeachable offense.
According to a legal expert I heard a short time ago on CNN, the Constitution does not allow for that. In other words, President Biden may only be impeached for things that happen during his presidency. All the Hunter Biden stuff the House is claiming happened when President Biden was Vice President. Does anyone have any more legal information about this? What do you think?

A "legal expert" on CNN :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
According to a legal expert I heard a short time ago on CNN, the Constitution does not allow for that. In other words, President Biden may only be impeached for things that happen during his presidency. All the Hunter Biden stuff the House is claiming happened when President Biden was Vice President. Does anyone have any more legal information about this? What do you think?

This is why you shouldn't get your information from CNN.

Several officials have been impeached and removed from office for crimes committed before they were elected.

Nothing in the constitution requires crimes be committed on or after any date on the calendar. It says "for high crimes and misdemeanors." It says NOTHING about WHEN they were committed or limited impeachment in any way based on when they were committed. Only a majority in the house and 2/3 in the senate to convict. Period.
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What if we found out that Biden is a cannibal, but had not consumed human flesh since the Obama administration. I mean, I think he should be impeached and removed over that because it speaks volumes to his lack of a morality that comports with ours. If he would do THAT, then who knows what else he would do. Maybe he would start sniffing children. In other words, all the creepy, rotten shit that he did but that only now is clearly coming to light (after years of orchestrated coverup) should enable us to remove him when those things impugn his integrity and when they create instances where he (and America) may be subject to blackmail, endangering our nation's security.

This is George Santos all over again. People claim that the nimrods in his district would not have voted for him but-for the fraud. Well, may independents probably would not have voted for Joey if they knew the depths of his depravity and corruption. Logically, there is no difference between Santos and Joe Biden.
It's interesting that the left seems to assume that Hunter is guilty but let's not jump the gun and assume everything is about Hunter. Congress only just started the first step in gathering evidence. We'll see what the charges might be.

No, dumbass, that's what the NaziCons in the House are saying. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?
Holy shit. Is that an admission or what?
A congressional resolution has been introduced that sets forth an article of impeachment stating that, in his former role as Vice President, President Biden abused the power of that office through enabling bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors by allowing his son Hunter Biden to influence the domestic policy of a foreign nation and accept benefits from foreign nationals in exchange for favors. However, it is important to note that this is a resolution and not an actual impeachment.

In summary, while there have been inquiries and resolutions regarding Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, there is no evidence that President Biden can be impeached for actions when he was vice-president.
According to a legal expert I heard a short time ago on CNN, the Constitution does not allow for that. In other words, President Biden may only be impeached for things that happen during his presidency. All the Hunter Biden stuff the House is claiming happened when President Biden was Vice President. Does anyone have any more legal information about this? What do you think?

Let’s think about it from a slightly different perspective. Suppose Potato had robbed a bank at gun point in Delaware just before he left Office as VP. Let’s say it was on Jan. 19, 2017.

And let’s say that the criminal statute of limitations in Delaware for armed robbery was 5 years. Finally, let’s say that he never had been elected President and was indicted before January 19, 2022.

Could he be criminally prosecuted for shit he had done 5 years earlier? Yes.

So, just as a matter of logic, why couldn’t he be impeached for shit he did prior to becoming President?

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