Can Newt make ANOTHER comeback?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
He crossed the line about the Ryan plan. His staff quit because they felt he wasn't serious. Then he came roaring back. Now Romneys PAC has decimated him in ads. Paul has seized the opportunity to pile on and further himself. Things look bleak for Newt but if anyone can articulate a response to all the attacks its Newt.

Recently Paul stormed off the stage when confronted with things he didn't like.
Romney looked completely flustered when Bret Bair interviewed him.
Perry, well Perry is Perry.
Bachmann in my opinion has replaced Santorum as the angry candidate.
And all the others are just a footnote.

If Newt stays close in Iowa I think he has a chance to come back. Slim but still a chance.

What do you guys think? And please try to be serious.
No. I do not think Newt will make a comeback in Iowa. Rick Santorum passed him up. If Santorum is ahead of you, IMO, your campaign might as well be dead.
Newt's 15 minutes are over.

Santorum is the latest flavor of the month.
He crossed the line about the Ryan plan. His staff quit because they felt he wasn't serious. Then he came roaring back. Now Romneys PAC has decimated him in ads. Paul has seized the opportunity to pile on and further himself. Things look bleak for Newt but if anyone can articulate a response to all the attacks its Newt.

Recently Paul stormed off the stage when confronted with things he didn't like.
Romney looked completely flustered when Bret Bair interviewed him.
Perry, well Perry is Perry.
Bachmann in my opinion has replaced Santorum as the angry candidate.
And all the others are just a footnote.

If Newt stays close in Iowa I think he has a chance to come back. Slim but still a chance.

What do you guys think? And please try to be serious.

Seems plausible. Not sure how it matters, but I suppose it could happen.
Newt's 15 minutes are over.

Santorum is the latest flavor of the month.
The words "Santorum" and "flavor" should never be used together in the same sentence. Ever.

I think from here on in it will be a race between Newt and Mitt. Perry will represent the middle of the pack, and Santorum and Bachmann will end up as also-rans. Huntsman will not even register as a blip from here on. Paul will be a wild card until we get deeper into the primaries, but he'll be eliminated eventually.
No. I do not think Newt will make a comeback in Iowa. Rick Santorum passed him up. If Santorum is ahead of you, IMO, your campaign might as well be dead.

I don't think so, either, regrettably. He just isn't the candidate liberal enough, to wipe out the little....o.

All the candidates must be exhausted and stressed, and it is showing. I am very proud of all of `em. It's easy to be emotional when one is stressed, fatiqued and being asked questions of a deceased Mother. Even Hilllary. Remember:

"The [crying ] moment was reminiscent of a 2008 campaign stop by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who teared up when asked about the trials of the campaign trail by a New Hampshire voter. "
I think Mitt is going to take it but Newt is going to give him a run for his money. Perry may be the deal maker depending on how far this goes and who his support goes to.

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