Can Hollywood Make War Movie Without the...

Having read your last post, I THINK you are now suggesting that Hollywood is afraid to make a movie that doesn't portray NAZIS as bad guys.

No, I think you have it slightly off...the op is wondering if they can have politically incorrect bad guys...does anyone remember the crap Jerry Bruckheimer had to deal with in his accurate portrayal of Black Hawk Down...when he was accused of racism because all the bad guys were black, and only one of the Rangers was know, the actual real life people....? Considering it took place in Somalia...a country made up of black people...and the still accused him of racism...
Having read your last post, I THINK you are now suggesting that Hollywood is afraid to make a movie that doesn't portray NAZIS as bad guys.

No, I think you have it slightly off...the op is wondering if they can have politically incorrect bad guys...does anyone remember the crap Jerry Bruckheimer had to deal with in his accurate portrayal of Black Hawk Down...when he was accused of racism because all the bad guys were black, and only one of the Rangers was know, the actual real life people....? Considering it took place in Somalia...a country made up of black people...and the still accused him of racism...

Oh! You see this thread as a call for movies with ******* as bad guys? Yeah.....they NEVER make those. Yeah....I had it slightly off. Silly me.
Oh! You see this thread as a call for movies with ******* as bad guys? Yeah.....they NEVER make those. Yeah....I had it slightly off. Silly me.

Oh, I thought you might want to discuss something in a rational mistake...
Another thought...why is it that in movies about the American civil war, the south is always showed to be sympathetic...considering they were fighting to preserve might be that since the republicans ended slavery, hollywood can't stand the notion of making a pro republican movie...
Candycorn...good find...but when they decided to blow up hitler...were they still actually members of the nazi party...? Or had they given up on that when they decided to act?

And let's face it...they only turned on hitler when they were losing the war...they still fought for years to advance the socialist agenda...
Another thought...why is it that in movies about the American civil war, the south is always showed to be sympathetic...considering they were fighting to preserve might be that since the republicans ended slavery, hollywood can't stand the notion of making a pro republican movie...

Yeah! That's a rational thought. I must apologize to you for thinking you were not being rational.
Another thought...why is it that in movies about the American civil war, the south is always showed to be sympathetic...considering they were fighting to preserve might be that since the republicans ended slavery, hollywood can't stand the notion of making a pro republican movie...

Which movie are you talking about that portrayed the South as sympathetic?
Candycorn...good find...but when they decided to blow up hitler...were they still actually members of the nazi party...? Or had they given up on that when they decided to act?

And let's face it...they only turned on hitler when they were losing the war...they still fought for years to advance the socialist agenda...

Not exactly the point in the OP, I think. Tom Cruise as a Nazi. I cannot think of a better anti-thesis to the OP than that outside of Tom Hanks playing a Nazi or Selena Gomez playing Eva Braun.

Please list possible "politically incorrect" bad guys for me. I will then provide the names of Hollywood films where they are portrayed as bad guys.

Candycorn...good find...but when they decided to blow up hitler...were they still actually members of the nazi party...? Or had they given up on that when they decided to act?

And let's face it...they only turned on hitler when they were losing the war...they still fought for years to advance the socialist agenda...

Not exactly the point in the OP, I think. Tom Cruise as a Nazi. I cannot think of a better anti-thesis to the OP than that outside of Tom Hanks playing a Nazi or Selena Gomez playing Eva Braun.

Do you understand the point of the OP? Can you articulate it for those of us who are still trying to figure it out? Thanks.
Candycorn...good find...but when they decided to blow up hitler...were they still actually members of the nazi party...? Or had they given up on that when they decided to act?

And let's face it...they only turned on hitler when they were losing the war...they still fought for years to advance the socialist agenda...

Not exactly the point in the OP, I think. Tom Cruise as a Nazi. I cannot think of a better anti-thesis to the OP than that outside of Tom Hanks playing a Nazi or Selena Gomez playing Eva Braun.

Do you understand the point of the OP? Can you articulate it for those of us who are still trying to figure it out? Thanks.

I think he's pissed that Hollywood doesn't tell the "other side of the story" as far as Nazi's go; that Nazi's are portrayed as stock characters who only show their worst qualities.

I cannot help but wonder, with the release of Brad Pitts new movie without the Nazis as the villain again"Could Hollywood make any of the following motion pictures in 2014 under the restrictions of a leftist PC culture?" "Zulu", about British soldiers of the era of Queen Victoria fighting Zulu tribes in South Africa. " Cross of Iron" about German soldiers fighting against communist on the Eastern Front in WWII. I don't think they would have the courage to do this in a Hollywood limo leftist world.

Should the word in bold have been "with"? I haven't seen the new I thought he was saying that the film showed the NAZI's as other than villainous.
You think Hollywood would make a movie where the brown people are the bad guys?

The Bourne Identity movies are a good example. Anyone that has read any of the Ludlum books would know the enemy is clearly the jackal. A muslim fundamentalist terrorist.

Of course HOLLYWOOD scraps that antagonist in the books, and instead makes the antagonist.....DRUM got it, white Americans fighting the terrorists. In fact, the notion of terrorist is not really addressed at all.

That is just one example.

Then there are the fairy tale movies like Avatar. Dances with Wolves in space. Here come the evil white war mongering Americans needing to get a "valuable commodity" that is under the BIG peaceful tree, that the blue creatures (that resemble natives but interestingly their skin is the exact opposite of red) made a home with.

<shaking my head at Hollywood>
It's true. Some USMB nutters actually believe that Hollywood won't make movies with brown people as bad guys.

I cannot fathom the disconnect.

From what I recall, Alonzo was pretty bad in Training Day....

One of the most popular cable TV series in America has Muslim bad guys. Really bad Muslim bad guys. That's made in Hollywood, I believe.
One of the most popular cable TV series in America has Muslim bad guys.
Which one...

Do you mean Homeland...where the lead character in the an American Marine...who converts to islam because of the American atrocities he sees, and he and his partner plan to attack the country...that cable show?

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