Is Anybody Else Afraid Of WWIII?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
And a lot of other things happening in The United States of America caused by the democrats and therefore are causing us to become divided instead of united? Anybody who isn't afraid right now I would tell them that they still have their blindfolds on and consider them to be a fool.

However, there's this situation reminds me of a quote from The Princess Diaries (and yes it's a Disney movie but it was from the non-woke era) that I love.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." -Mia's father (Prince Phillip I do believe that his name was.)

And right now what's more important is getting our country back from the democrats, standing up for our rights, and winning our freedom back.

Thank God Trump knows that as you can still be afraid without being a coward and if he wasn't as scared of what the left could do as the rest of us he probably would have dropped out of the race when all the indictments started as the people that did this to him are the same exact people that he's fighting against in our epic final battle to save our country and to make America great again.
And a lot of other things happening in The United States of America caused by the democrats and therefore are causing us to become divided instead of united? Anybody who isn't afraid right now I would tell them that they still have their blindfolds on and consider them to be a fool.

However, there's this situation reminds me of a quote from The Princess Diaries (and yes it's a Disney movie but it was from the non-woke era) that I love.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." -Mia's father (Prince Phillip I do believe that his name was.)

And right now what's more important is getting our country back from the democrats, standing up for our rights, and winning our freedom back.

Thank God Trump knows that as you can still be afraid without being a coward and if he wasn't as scared of what the left could do as the rest of us he probably would have dropped out of the race when all the indictments started as the people that did this to him are the same exact people that he's fighting against in our epic final battle to save our country and to make America great again.
i think anyone with a brain is very concerned about the lack of leadership and weakness the dems currently in power are showing on the international stage .. the world is exploding with wars violence and threats of major wars from major powers like China , Russia , and Iran [soon to get nukes] ect ..
And a lot of other things happening in The United States of America caused by the democrats and therefore are causing us to become divided instead of united? Anybody who isn't afraid right now I would tell them that they still have their blindfolds on and consider them to be a fool.

However, there's this situation reminds me of a quote from The Princess Diaries (and yes it's a Disney movie but it was from the non-woke era) that I love.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." -Mia's father (Prince Phillip I do believe that his name was.)

And right now what's more important is getting our country back from the democrats, standing up for our rights, and winning our freedom back.

Thank God Trump knows that as you can still be afraid without being a coward and if he wasn't as scared of what the left could do as the rest of us he probably would have dropped out of the race when all the indictments started as the people that did this to him are the same exact people that he's fighting against in our epic final battle to save our country and to make America great again.
More for our species than myself. I just need to have enough time to make the best bed possible with G-d to ensure my soul has a future.

If I had a time machine I would go back to 1989, bring multiple pieces of evidence to confirm I am from the future, and demand to meet with GHB and advise him of what will happen if he doesn't protect Americas place on earth. I would also of course steal the Back to the Future tactic and bet on every championship team with the bookies.

Since GHW the West has been in decline though Trump did an admirable job if people are being honest.
And a lot of other things happening in The United States of America caused by the democrats and therefore are causing us to become divided instead of united? Anybody who isn't afraid right now I would tell them that they still have their blindfolds on and consider them to be a fool.

However, there's this situation reminds me of a quote from The Princess Diaries (and yes it's a Disney movie but it was from the non-woke era) that I love.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." -Mia's father (Prince Phillip I do believe that his name was.)

And right now what's more important is getting our country back from the democrats, standing up for our rights, and winning our freedom back.

Thank God Trump knows that as you can still be afraid without being a coward and if he wasn't as scared of what the left could do as the rest of us he probably would have dropped out of the race when all the indictments started as the people that did this to him are the same exact people that he's fighting against in our epic final battle to save our country and to make America great again.

Afraid? No. Not even slightly concerned. Wanna start the war? Be my guest.
That's because you're a fool.

You're the one with the delusional worldview of the end of the world.

Especially the one where some ficticious battle of armaggeddon has to happen in some field in Israel so all of the jews will go to hell and all of the believers will beam up to the mother ship.

Between you fucking morons and ISIS, I'm surprised WW3 hasn't already happened.

I think every humanbeing on the planet that doesn't buy in to you freaks hallucinations should get together, and have one big final solution party with you, so we can actually get on with the real world.

We could call it. MEGA

Make Earth Great Again
And a lot of other things happening in The United States of America caused by the democrats and therefore are causing us to become divided instead of united? Anybody who isn't afraid right now I would tell them that they still have their blindfolds on and consider them to be a fool.

However, there's this situation reminds me of a quote from The Princess Diaries (and yes it's a Disney movie but it was from the non-woke era) that I love.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." -Mia's father (Prince Phillip I do believe that his name was.)

And right now what's more important is getting our country back from the democrats, standing up for our rights, and winning our freedom back.

Thank God Trump knows that as you can still be afraid without being a coward and if he wasn't as scared of what the left could do as the rest of us he probably would have dropped out of the race when all the indictments started as the people that did this to him are the same exact people that he's fighting against in our epic final battle to save our country and to make America great again.
Evil people always fail in the end, but they can do a lot of damage in the meantime.
You're the one with the delusional worldview of the end of the world.

Especially the one where some ficticious battle of armaggeddon has to happen in some field in Israel so all of the jews will go to hell and all of the believers will beam up to the mother ship.

Between you fucking morons and ISIS, I'm surprised WW3 hasn't already happened.

I think every humanbeing on the planet that doesn't buy in to you freaks hallucinations should get together, and have one big final solution party with you, so we can actually get on with the real world.

We could call it. MEGA

Make Earth Great Again
Your atheist utopia has already been tried. It was called the USSR. It was one of the worst places in the history of the world. It has been tried numerous other times. All colossal failures.
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You're the one with the delusional worldview of the end of the world.

Especially the one where some ficticious battle of armaggeddon has to happen in some field in Israel so all of the jews will go to hell and all of the believers will beam up to the mother ship.

Between you fucking morons and ISIS, I'm surprised WW3 hasn't already happened.

I think every humanbeing on the planet that doesn't buy in to you freaks hallucinations should get together, and have one big final solution party with you, so we can actually get on with the real world.

We could call it. MEGA

Make Earth Great Again
If we could get just a mere ten percent of leftists to think for themselves and apply reason and common sense we could MAGA.
You're the one with the delusional worldview of the end of the world.

Especially the one where some ficticious battle of armaggeddon has to happen in some field in Israel so all of the jews will go to hell and all of the believers will beam up to the mother ship.

Between you fucking morons and ISIS, I'm surprised WW3 hasn't already happened.

I think every humanbeing on the planet that doesn't buy in to you freaks hallucinations should get together, and have one big final solution party with you, so we can actually get on with the real world.

We could call it. MEGA

Make Earth Great Again
So when the brown turd Obammy bent over and allowed Putin to fuck him in the ass by taking Crimea, President Trump got into office, and Putin got so scared, he didnt do anything to Ukraine during the next 4 years. Once the 2020 election was stolen, Putin once again attacks Ukraine, then unifies with China and Iran, and now the US in a war with Iran. What is next Taiwan and the US fighting China? You are really a stupid son of a bitch, to not think WWII will not happen before the 2024 election. Shit fuck Democrats are cowards and will get US all killed or taken over by the Axis of Evil...
So when the brown turd Obammy bent over and allowed Putin to fuck him in the ass by taking Crimea, President Trump got into office, and Putin got so scared, he didnt do anything to Ukraine during the next 4 years. Once the 2020 election was stolen, Putin once again attacks Ukraine, then unifies with China and Iran, and now the US in a war with Iran. What is next Taiwan and the US fighting China? You are really a stupid son of a bitch, to not think WWII will not happen before the 2024 election. Shit fuck Democrats are cowards and will get US all killed or taken over by the Axis of Evil...

They're not bright bulbs
They're not bright bulbs
I am not afraid if the US is dragged into another world war, since the brown turd Obammy started the middle east on fire. I have been prepping for such a disaster, knowing full well, that the Marxists/Demofascists would love to kill off 6 billion people. They tried it with the Kung Flu, didnt work. They tried it with the Kung Flu jab, didnt work. Now in desperation, and knowing that unless Joe Bidumb gets 1 trillion votes in the 2024 election, the Marxists/Demofascists are toast and the US will be great again, and the world will return to the Abraham Accords and peace on Earth...

But as i said, i have plenty of rations, ammo, water, and back up energy, just incase Joe blunders into the Nuclear Button...

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