Can Hollywood Make War Movie Without the...


May 23, 2014

I cannot help but wonder, with the release of Brad Pitts new movie without the Nazis as the villain again"Could Hollywood make any of the following motion pictures in 2014 under the restrictions of a leftist PC culture?" "Zulu", about British soldiers of the era of Queen Victoria fighting Zulu tribes in South Africa. " Cross of Iron" about German soldiers fighting against communist on the Eastern Front in WWII. I don't think they would have the courage to do this in a Hollywood limo leftist world.
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No. He's whining about his weird idea that Hollywood doesn't make movies where the bad guys are bad guys. He's retarded, of course.

Brad Pitt's last WWII movie was "Inglorious Basterds". NAZI's were most definitely the villains.

Scores of films refute his premise.
Cross of Iron sounds interesting. Who do you root for, the Nazis or the Commies? Reminds me of the ambivalence I felt when I saw this movie.


Soviet tank hounded by the mujahadeen during the invasion of Afghanistan.
Even though it's fiction, Inglorious Basterds is one of my all time favorite war movies.

I love this scene!

Guy probably sees star Wars as tragedy where a bunch of commie leftist anarchists bring down a glorious conservative empire.

Not a single one of you answered the question. So I will take that as a resounding "No they cannot." As for Cross of Iron, the choice pull for the Germans. O.K. I'll revise and make question easier for you, could Hollywood make a movie like this in 2014 where the Germans are not vilified, and a great American is glorified?

I cannot help but wonder, with the release of Brad Pitts new movie without the Nazis as the villain again"Could Hollywood make any of the following motion pictures in 2014 under the restrictions of a leftist PC culture?" "Zulu", about British soldiers of the era of Queen Victoria fighting Zulu tribes in South Africa. " Cross of Iron" about German soldiers fighting against communist on the Eastern Front in WWII. I don't think they would have the courage to do this in a Hollywood limo leftist world.
Excuse me a typo "Can Hollywood make a war movie without the Nazis being the villain again?"

I cannot help but wonder, with the release of Brad Pitts new movie without the Nazis as the villain again"Could Hollywood make any of the following motion pictures in 2014 under the restrictions of a leftist PC culture?" "Zulu", about British soldiers of the era of Queen Victoria fighting Zulu tribes in South Africa. " Cross of Iron" about German soldiers fighting against communist on the Eastern Front in WWII. I don't think they would have the courage to do this in a Hollywood limo leftist world.
No because they were the villains.

I cannot help but wonder, with the release of Brad Pitts new movie without the Nazis as the villain again"Could Hollywood make any of the following motion pictures in 2014 under the restrictions of a leftist PC culture?" "Zulu", about British soldiers of the era of Queen Victoria fighting Zulu tribes in South Africa. " Cross of Iron" about German soldiers fighting against communist on the Eastern Front in WWII. I don't think they would have the courage to do this in a Hollywood limo leftist world.
No because they were the villains.
Can they come up with another angle or premise...or will they continue to take the east way out?

Why not a movie about these heroes? Black soldiers in South African Army that fought against SWAPO in 1960's, 70's and 80's?
Who do you root for, the Nazis or the Commies?

You don't root for the you don't root for either one...

Guy probably sees star Wars as tragedy where a bunch of commie leftist anarchists bring down a glorious conservative empire.

No, Star Wars is a bunch of freedom loving conservatives fight against a leftist empire along the lines of the german socialists..."storm troopers", the uniforms...obviously based on german socialists....the rebels are fighting to restore freedom...not to over throw the left does...
Excuse me a typo "Can Hollywood make a war movie without the Nazis being the villain again?"

They can barely make movies where islamic terrorists aren't the unqualified villains in a movie...or a television show...14 years of war against islamic monsters and how many movies have been made where the United States is the good guys...and the islamic monsters are the bad guys...

The Navy Seal movie that used actual navy seals is one...Lone Survivor is another... but that one shows our guys getting their butts kicked so doesn't really count...probably why it was green lit...
Every once in a while you come upon a USMB nutter thread that makes absolutely no sense........and you take a moment to reflect upon how fortunate you are to have all of your faculties and the ability to communicate an idea.

I cannot help but wonder, with the release of Brad Pitts new movie without the Nazis as the villain again"Could Hollywood make any of the following motion pictures in 2014 under the restrictions of a leftist PC culture?" "Zulu", about British soldiers of the era of Queen Victoria fighting Zulu tribes in South Africa. " Cross of Iron" about German soldiers fighting against communist on the Eastern Front in WWII. I don't think they would have the courage to do this in a Hollywood limo leftist world.
Excuse me a typo "Can Hollywood make a war movie without the Nazis being the villain again?"

If you were in Nazi Germany during WWII and the rise of the Party....I think you may have the startling realization that the Nazis have gotten off pretty easy in Hollywood compared to the absolute inhuman treatment they released on others.

But to answer your question....

Check out this movie (old but not dated)

Also, to expand the point a bit, FX Network currently has a series called "The Americans" that portrays the lives of Soviet agents during the Reagan administration.
nazis are easy villains...their mass murder was on display for the whole world to opposed to the other mass murdering socialists in Russia and China...who actually killed more people than the nazis...but because their crimes were hidden from the world you still have morons who support communism as a good idea...look at all the morons who walk around with che t-shirts...of all the socialist mass murderers, the nazis stand out because they kept records and were open about what they planned to do...
Every once in a while you come upon a USMB nutter thread that makes absolutely no sense........and you take a moment to reflect upon how fortunate you are to have all of your faculties and the ability to communicate an idea.

Too bad the things you choose to say are bullshit and lies.
nazis are easy villains...their mass murder was on display for the whole world to opposed to the other mass murdering socialists in Russia and China...who actually killed more people than the nazis...but because their crimes were hidden from the world you still have morons who support communism as a good idea...look at all the morons who walk around with che t-shirts...of all the socialist mass murderers, the nazis stand out because they kept records and were open about what they planned to do...

Amen Brother!
OP.....would you like a second opportunity to start this thread?

Having read your last post, I THINK you are now suggesting that Hollywood is afraid to make a movie that doesn't portray NAZIS as bad guys. Is that it? If so, please clarify.

I'm interested to know when you think Hollywood underwent the transformation into being a bastion of leftist thought.

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