Can Any Rightwinger Give Me A Solid Argument Why Private Industry Instead Of Government Should Run..

It looks like Boss is another iteration of Rabbi(t), able to make allegations without evidence and when confronted, both cut and run. Another likeness, both are either totally ignorant or liars - to deny bribery exists in our system today is beyond belief.
Rabbi(t), Boss, Where are you???

I'm here, pissant. I don't monitor these boards 24/7 in hopes you'll make a coherent point, I have a life. I honestly don't know what you want me to tell you. I can't prove a negative (that bribery isn't happening). You made the wild accusation and failed to back it up, now you want me to prove you wrong. That's what is beyond belief. If you know of any politician who has accepted money for their vote, you have a duty to report it to the authorities with your evidence. If you have no such evidence, you sound like a conspiratorial nut case.

It's becoming clear that you've simply lost faith in our form of government and this has prompted you to become a Marxist. You've lost faith in free market capitalism and have turned Commie. I don't know what you expect me to do about that, you're a lost cause. You'll stubbornly sit here and spew the same regurgitated rhetoric about the Koch brothers and Walmart until someone pulls the plug on your Internet.

The real reason he has turned commie is the fact that he's a tick on the ass of society. He produces nothing of value and know that consumers would not be willing to pay for his so-called "services" if they had a choice. Hence he hates the system that gives them such a choice.
You keep repeating the same bull shit. Post one phrase which you believe I posted which is "Marxist claptrap"; stating I do is probative evidence you are the one poorly educated.

I'm correct because I posit a Western Democracy cannot flourish when upword mobility is stiffled; when banks of all sorts, insurance companies, stock and bond brokerages and financial advisers are able to lobby the Congress to their advantage, and a Supreme Court - well the five conservatives - allow unlimited and anonymous 'donations' (read bribes) to influence puplic officals.

There is no bribery going on, if you know of any, report it to the FEC. The SCOTUS ruled in a case brought by Citizen's United that corporations have freedom of political speech. We've had lobbyists in Washington since the inception of the nation, that's nothing new or out of the ordinary. In fact, it is protected under the Constitution.

Upward mobility is being stifled by anti-capitalist socialist policies YOU are advocating more of. The more government mandates and regulations you heap on capitalists, the more you stifle upward mobility of individuals.

What "anti-capitalist socialist polices" do I advocate?

I'm of the firm opinion that government [which we the people can change every two years if we disaprove of the nations direction, and are smart enough to see through the propaganda of the power elite) is what protects capitalism from the capitalists.

Our current government doesn't protect capitalism. It only protects ticks on the ass of society like you from having to produce something of value to the consumers.
allow unlimited and anonymous 'donations' (read bribes) to influence puplic officals.

You were saying something about bribery?


History suggests as the disparity in wealth between the rich minority and the vast majority increases serious cultural and political changes occur, none of which benefit the many. Guess what happens then?

Yeah, but you don't want to do a goddamned fucking thing about deporting 20 million illegal infiltrators and actually improving the bargaining power of American laborers.

Look at what happened when we had an immigration moratorium. Income inequality dropped like a stone.


You're the cause of the problem.
Here's another one they don't want to acknowledge. They whine and moan about the declining "middle class" and "wealth disparity" but let's take an objective look....

Now for you "geniuses" out there, tell us what is happening to this declining "middle class" in America? They certainly aren't becoming part of the "poor" because the "poor" are declining as well.

Here's a clue... what group is rising?
allow unlimited and anonymous 'donations' (read bribes) to influence puplic officals.

You were saying something about bribery?


History suggests as the disparity in wealth between the rich minority and the vast majority increases serious cultural and political changes occur, none of which benefit the many. Guess what happens then?

Yeah, but you don't want to do a goddamned fucking thing about deporting 20 million illegal infiltrators and actually improving the bargaining power of American laborers.

Look at what happened when we had an immigration moratorium. Income inequality dropped like a stone.


You're the cause of the problem.
allow unlimited and anonymous 'donations' (read bribes) to influence puplic officals.

You were saying something about bribery?


History suggests as the disparity in wealth between the rich minority and the vast majority increases serious cultural and political changes occur, none of which benefit the many. Guess what happens then?

Yeah, but you don't want to do a goddamned fucking thing about deporting 20 million illegal infiltrators and actually improving the bargaining power of American laborers.

Look at what happened when we had an immigration moratorium. Income inequality dropped like a stone.


You're the cause of the problem.

You simply don't get it. First, put your biases aside, next, consider the panoptic persepective of political donations, not simply how major corporations lobby and spend.

Consider for example how elected officials on all levels of government - cities, counties, parishes, states and special districts - can be manipulated by special interests with promises of money or threats of withholding money.

And ads not directly supporting a candidate can be funded by anonymous money (which even foreign nations can use to manipulate policy, initiatives and laws) to their advantage alone - and many times to the disadantage of the people.
Here's another one they don't want to acknowledge. They whine and moan about the declining "middle class" and "wealth disparity" but let's take an objective look....
View attachment 32093
Now for you "geniuses" out there, tell us what is happening to this declining "middle class" in America? They certainly aren't becoming part of the "poor" because the "poor" are declining as well.

Here's a clue... what group is rising?

Here's a clue, "there are lairs, damn liars and statistics"
BTW, what is a Marxist? You use the word, but seem to have no clue of its meaning, other than to use it as a pejorative.

Your pretend ignorance (no one could be so ill informed) that briberty is not inherent in campaign donations is noted. Thus, I'm sure you're dishonest and a hack.
No way an ultra rich person would commit millions and millions of dollars to a politician without expecting something good in return. To think otherwise is simply stupid thinking. Why the fuck else would it have been so important to get Citizens United ok'ed by the SCOTUS IF it wasn't to allow mega money into the political process for the benefit of the ultra rich? Call it bribes, donations or charity, the purpose is exactly the same. Buy political favor for the benefit of the rich donors.

Citizens United does me and mine absolutely no fucking good.
Here's another one they don't want to acknowledge. They whine and moan about the declining "middle class" and "wealth disparity" but let's take an objective look....
View attachment 32093
Now for you "geniuses" out there, tell us what is happening to this declining "middle class" in America? They certainly aren't becoming part of the "poor" because the "poor" are declining as well.

Here's a clue... what group is rising?

Here's a clue, "there are lairs, damn liars and statistics"
BTW, what is a Marxist? You use the word, but seem to have no clue of its meaning, other than to use it as a pejorative.

Your pretend ignorance (no one could be so ill informed) that briberty is not inherent in campaign donations is noted. Thus, I'm sure you're dishonest and a hack.

LMAO... so your response to the chart from the US Census which shows clearly how the middle class are becoming the new rich is "there are lairs, damn liars and statistics"? How predictable!

Marxism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Marxism is a worldview and method of societal analysis that focuses on class relations and societal conflict, that uses a materialist interpretation of historical development, and a dialectical view of social transformation. Marxist methodology uses economic and sociopolitical inquiry and applies that to the analysis and critique of the development of capitalism and the role of class struggle in systemic economic change.

(I think they have your mug shot posted next to the definition as well.)

The list of the Top 20 campaign donors was posted, the overwhelming majority of the donations are going to your beloved Democrat Party. Ooops... guess it's time for you to morph into a Libertarian!
No way an ultra rich person would commit millions and millions of dollars to a politician without expecting something good in return. To think otherwise is simply stupid thinking. Why the fuck else would it have been so important to get Citizens United ok'ed by the SCOTUS IF it wasn't to allow mega money into the political process for the benefit of the ultra rich? Call it bribes, donations or charity, the purpose is exactly the same. Buy political favor for the benefit of the rich donors.

Citizens United does me and mine absolutely no fucking good.

Well, Citizen's United wasn't attempting to fund a campaign. The rules are pretty specific about campaign financing. I think corporations and individuals are allowed to donate up to $2,000 each per candidate. Citizen's United is a private business who produced a video expose on Hilary Clinton. They were trying to sell their videos like any capitalist, when a bunch of democrats decided they had an obligation to obstruct their freedom of speech rights to do so. The SCOTUS disagreed.

You're damn straight... Citizen's United did you and yours absolutely no fucking good!
Here's another one they don't want to acknowledge. They whine and moan about the declining "middle class" and "wealth disparity" but let's take an objective look....
View attachment 32093
Now for you "geniuses" out there, tell us what is happening to this declining "middle class" in America? They certainly aren't becoming part of the "poor" because the "poor" are declining as well.

Here's a clue... what group is rising?

Here's a clue, "there are lairs, damn liars and statistics"
BTW, what is a Marxist? You use the word, but seem to have no clue of its meaning, other than to use it as a pejorative.

Your pretend ignorance (no one could be so ill informed) that briberty is not inherent in campaign donations is noted. Thus, I'm sure you're dishonest and a hack.

LMAO... so your response to the chart from the US Census which shows clearly how the middle class are becoming the new rich is "there are lairs, damn liars and statistics"? How predictable!

Marxism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Marxism is a worldview and method of societal analysis that focuses on class relations and societal conflict, that uses a materialist interpretation of historical development, and a dialectical view of social transformation. Marxist methodology uses economic and sociopolitical inquiry and applies that to the analysis and critique of the development of capitalism and the role of class struggle in systemic economic change.

(I think they have your mug shot posted next to the definition as well.)

The list of the Top 20 campaign donors was posted, the overwhelming majority of the donations are going to your beloved Democrat Party. Ooops... guess it's time for you to morph into a Libertarian!

Its not good to confront liberals with facts. Facts make their little heads implode.
It looks like Boss is another iteration of Rabbi(t), able to make allegations without evidence and when confronted, both cut and run. Another likeness, both are either totally ignorant or liars - to deny bribery exists in our system today is beyond belief.
Rabbi(t), Boss, Where are you???

I'm here, pissant. I don't monitor these boards 24/7 in hopes you'll make a coherent point, I have a life. I honestly don't know what you want me to tell you. I can't prove a negative (that bribery isn't happening). You made the wild accusation and failed to back it up, now you want me to prove you wrong. That's what is beyond belief. If you know of any politician who has accepted money for their vote, you have a duty to report it to the authorities with your evidence. If you have no such evidence, you sound like a conspiratorial nut case.

It's becoming clear that you've simply lost faith in our form of government and this has prompted you to become a Marxist. You've lost faith in free market capitalism and have turned Commie. I don't know what you expect me to do about that, you're a lost cause. You'll stubbornly sit here and spew the same regurgitated rhetoric about the Koch brothers and Walmart until someone pulls the plug on your Internet.

You alleged I support, "anti-capitalist socialist polices" and I asked you to name them. You can't, thus you're a liar. You also claim I'm a Marxist, and I asked you prove that allegation by first defining the term, and providing evidence of the truth of your allegation. You can't and didn't; thus I compare you to Rabbi(t), who is a liar, stupid, a partisan hack and a bigot.

Calling me a "pissant" while hiding behind a keyboard also makes you a bully and a coward.
Here's another one they don't want to acknowledge. They whine and moan about the declining "middle class" and "wealth disparity" but let's take an objective look....
View attachment 32093
Now for you "geniuses" out there, tell us what is happening to this declining "middle class" in America? They certainly aren't becoming part of the "poor" because the "poor" are declining as well.

Here's a clue... what group is rising?

Here's a clue, "there are lairs, damn liars and statistics"
BTW, what is a Marxist? You use the word, but seem to have no clue of its meaning, other than to use it as a pejorative.

Your pretend ignorance (no one could be so ill informed) that briberty is not inherent in campaign donations is noted. Thus, I'm sure you're dishonest and a hack.

LMAO... so your response to the chart from the US Census which shows clearly how the middle class are becoming the new rich is "there are lairs, damn liars and statistics"? How predictable!

Marxism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Marxism is a worldview and method of societal analysis that focuses on class relations and societal conflict, that uses a materialist interpretation of historical development, and a dialectical view of social transformation. Marxist methodology uses economic and sociopolitical inquiry and applies that to the analysis and critique of the development of capitalism and the role of class struggle in systemic economic change.

(I think they have your mug shot posted next to the definition as well.)

The list of the Top 20 campaign donors was posted, the overwhelming majority of the donations are going to your beloved Democrat Party. Ooops... guess it's time for you to morph into a Libertarian!

LOL, there are liars, damn liars and the damn liars use logical fallacies (appeal to authority, straw man and ad hominem) to hide their bias framed by ignorance.

What I support is government regulation, what I oppose is laissez faire capitalsim. What I support is a workers right to organize and bargain collectively, what I oppose are those who wish to take away this right.

I understand Capital and Labor will always be at odds, but both require the other. The current war on working men and women is unhealthy and morally reprehensible.

What I fear is our nation drifting further and further into fundamental change, from a democratic republic to a republic controlled by the very rich - that is a Plutocracy. We are much closer to become a Plutocracy (and in fact we probably have become one in light of the horrific decisions by the Roberts Court).

Anyone who believes CU v. FEC and McCutheon v. FEC are about Free Speech is a fool.

A blog, but food for thought for the not willfully ignorant:

Chief Justice Roberts Bait and Switch Duncan Hosie
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You alleged I support, "anti-capitalist socialist polices" and I asked you to name them. You can't, thus you're a liar. You also claim I'm a Marxist, and I asked you prove that allegation by first defining the term, and providing evidence of the truth of your allegation. You can't and didn't; thus I compare you to Rabbi(t), who is a liar, stupid, a partisan hack and a bigot.

Calling me a "pissant" while hiding behind a keyboard also makes you a bully and a coward.

I don't play your game. I don't have time to mull through every thread you've posted in and find all the things you've said to demonstrate my point, and even if I did, you'd come back swinging in defense of yourself like the lying liberal piece of shit you are. So I save myself the bother. You said, in your first post to this thread, Enron is the reason why we should never allow private corporations to run our health care. There is your supporting socialist policies. Enron was a scandal involving people who broke the law and were sent to prison for their actions. Private corporations have always run our health care system which leads the world in technology, innovation, groundbreaking procedures, miracle drugs and saving lives.

So... I call you a pissant and I'm a bully and coward, but you can call Rabbi and myself, liars, bigots, stupid, partisan hacks... and that's all cool, huh?

Let's add HYPOCRITE to the list of things you are.
Billy ran off without addressing my answer to his question. To summarize that answer, it's wrong to mandate conformity for the sake of convenience. I've yet to see a morally compelling reason why people shouldn't remain free to finance their health care on their own.
LOL, there are liars, damn liars and the damn liars use logical fallacies (appeal to authority, straw man and ad hominem) to hide their bias framed by ignorance.

What I support is government regulation, what I oppose is laissez faire capitalsim. What I support is a workers right to organize and bargain collectively, what I oppose are those who wish to take away this right.

I understand Capital and Labor will always be at odds, but both require the other. The current war on working men and women is unhealthy and morally reprehensible.

What I fear is our nation drifting further and further into fundamental change, from a democratic republic to a republic controlled by the very rich - that is a Plutocracy. We are much closer to become a Plutocracy (and in fact we probably have become one in light of the horrific decisions by the Roberts Court).

Nonsense. What you are is a Marxist who supports Marxist policies.

If you think we're becoming a Plutocracy, that's fine... you were shown the list of the top 20 political contributors, they mostly fund Democrats. Stop voting for Democrats, would be my suggestion. Personally, I don't think we're going to ever become a Plutocracy just as we won't ever become a Theocracy, the Constitution prevents that.

Let me explain why you are so upset over the Roberts court ruling in Citizen's... it's because corporations were given the same freedom of speech rights as unions and special interest groups who fund the Democrat Party.
It looks like Boss is another iteration of Rabbi(t), able to make allegations without evidence and when confronted, both cut and run. Another likeness, both are either totally ignorant or liars - to deny bribery exists in our system today is beyond belief.

Rabbi(t), Boss, Where are you???

Probably off earning a living so the libs on the board can collect their welfare.
The more you post, the dumber you appear.

How ironic!

WC is Ironic and Moronic - a twofer.
You alleged I support, "anti-capitalist socialist polices" and I asked you to name them. You can't, thus you're a liar. You also claim I'm a Marxist, and I asked you prove that allegation by first defining the term, and providing evidence of the truth of your allegation. You can't and didn't; thus I compare you to Rabbi(t), who is a liar, stupid, a partisan hack and a bigot.

Calling me a "pissant" while hiding behind a keyboard also makes you a bully and a coward.

I don't play your game. I don't have time to mull through every thread you've posted in and find all the things you've said to demonstrate my point, and even if I did, you'd come back swinging in defense of yourself like the lying liberal piece of shit you are. So I save myself the bother. You said, in your first post to this thread, Enron is the reason why we should never allow private corporations to run our health care. There is your supporting socialist policies. Enron was a scandal involving people who broke the law and were sent to prison for their actions. Private corporations have always run our health care system which leads the world in technology, innovation, groundbreaking procedures, miracle drugs and saving lives.

So... I call you a pissant and I'm a bully and coward, but you can call Rabbi and myself, liars, bigots, stupid, partisan hacks... and that's all cool, huh?

Let's add HYPOCRITE to the list of things you are.

I use those terms where they fit, not as ad hominem attacks, simply understood by the fact people like Rabbi and you have nothing to offer but logical fallacies, are intolerant of anyone who hold's opinions which challenge theirs' and stuck within the box of dogmatic, far right, anti-democratic ignorance.

Calling someone names while hiding behind a key board is a cowardly act of a bully - I call 'em as I see 'em. Rabbi(t) and you have earned such a dis- stink-tion.
LOL, there are liars, damn liars and the damn liars use logical fallacies (appeal to authority, straw man and ad hominem) to hide their bias framed by ignorance.

What I support is government regulation, what I oppose is laissez faire capitalsim. What I support is a workers right to organize and bargain collectively, what I oppose are those who wish to take away this right.

I understand Capital and Labor will always be at odds, but both require the other. The current war on working men and women is unhealthy and morally reprehensible.

What I fear is our nation drifting further and further into fundamental change, from a democratic republic to a republic controlled by the very rich - that is a Plutocracy. We are much closer to become a Plutocracy (and in fact we probably have become one in light of the horrific decisions by the Roberts Court).

Nonsense. What you are is a Marxist who supports Marxist policies.

If you think we're becoming a Plutocracy, that's fine... you were shown the list of the top 20 political contributors, they mostly fund Democrats. Stop voting for Democrats, would be my suggestion. Personally, I don't think we're going to ever become a Plutocracy just as we won't ever become a Theocracy, the Constitution prevents that.

Let me explain why you are so upset over the Roberts court ruling in Citizen's... it's because corporations were given the same freedom of speech rights as unions and special interest groups who fund the Democrat Party.

Wrong. CU v. FEC didn't level any playing field, you are parroting Limbaugh or other talking heads and thus expose your ignorance.


Political action committee - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You alleged I support, "anti-capitalist socialist polices" and I asked you to name them. You can't, thus you're a liar. You also claim I'm a Marxist, and I asked you prove that allegation by first defining the term, and providing evidence of the truth of your allegation. You can't and didn't; thus I compare you to Rabbi(t), who is a liar, stupid, a partisan hack and a bigot.

Calling me a "pissant" while hiding behind a keyboard also makes you a bully and a coward.

I don't play your game. I don't have time to mull through every thread you've posted in and find all the things you've said to demonstrate my point, and even if I did, you'd come back swinging in defense of yourself like the lying liberal piece of shit you are. So I save myself the bother. You said, in your first post to this thread, Enron is the reason why we should never allow private corporations to run our health care. There is your supporting socialist policies. Enron was a scandal involving people who broke the law and were sent to prison for their actions. Private corporations have always run our health care system which leads the world in technology, innovation, groundbreaking procedures, miracle drugs and saving lives.

So... I call you a pissant and I'm a bully and coward, but you can call Rabbi and myself, liars, bigots, stupid, partisan hacks... and that's all cool, huh?

Let's add HYPOCRITE to the list of things you are.

I use those terms where they fit, not as ad hominem attacks, simply understood by the fact people like Rabbi and you have nothing to offer but logical fallacies, are intolerant of anyone who hold's opinions which challenge theirs' and stuck within the box of dogmatic, far right, anti-democratic ignorance.

Calling someone names while hiding behind a key board is a cowardly act of a bully - I call 'em as I see 'em. Rabbi(t) and you have earned such a dis- stink-tion.

I didn't call you a Marxist as an ad hominem attack. I've not presented any logical fallacy or been disrespectful of your opinion, I just disagree with you. I'm all for democracy, bring it on! You continue to call people names while hiding behind a keyboard, then criticize others for doing it. Apparently, you believe you get some kind of a pass on this? I call them as I see them too. Deal with it and stop being a pussy.
LOL, there are liars, damn liars and the damn liars use logical fallacies (appeal to authority, straw man and ad hominem) to hide their bias framed by ignorance.

What I support is government regulation, what I oppose is laissez faire capitalsim. What I support is a workers right to organize and bargain collectively, what I oppose are those who wish to take away this right.

I understand Capital and Labor will always be at odds, but both require the other. The current war on working men and women is unhealthy and morally reprehensible.

What I fear is our nation drifting further and further into fundamental change, from a democratic republic to a republic controlled by the very rich - that is a Plutocracy. We are much closer to become a Plutocracy (and in fact we probably have become one in light of the horrific decisions by the Roberts Court).

Nonsense. What you are is a Marxist who supports Marxist policies.

If you think we're becoming a Plutocracy, that's fine... you were shown the list of the top 20 political contributors, they mostly fund Democrats. Stop voting for Democrats, would be my suggestion. Personally, I don't think we're going to ever become a Plutocracy just as we won't ever become a Theocracy, the Constitution prevents that.

Let me explain why you are so upset over the Roberts court ruling in Citizen's... it's because corporations were given the same freedom of speech rights as unions and special interest groups who fund the Democrat Party.

Wrong. CU v. FEC didn't level any playing field, you are parroting Limbaugh or other talking heads and thus expose your ignorance.


Political action committee - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I'm not parroting anyone. What does a wiki link to PACs have to do with Citizen's United? I never said Citizen's leveled any playing field, the field was already leveled by the 1st Amendment, the SCOTUS simply reaffirmed that it would remain level. Freedom of political speech is an inalienable right endowed to the people and can't be stripped away because they belong to a group, which is what a corporation represents.

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